Military Forms
Official military forms enable veterans and active duty personnel to access benefits, request records, make changes and update information. Here is an index of military forms from the DoD, VA, Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Space Force and Other Government Agencies (OGAs).
Department of Veterans Affairs Forms
Military Forms
Military Service Records
Forms to request recent military service and medical records are not available to download. To request a Veterans’ Service Record go to and start the form online. DD 214/ Separation Documents, NARA SF 180, Official Military Personnel File (OMPF), Replacement Medals and Medical Health and Health Records forms can be completed online and then mailed or faxed.
Department of Defense Forms
- DoD Forms Management Program: Serves as the “Official” edition of Department of Defense (DD) and Secretary of Defense (SD) forms. It is the single source of information for DD forms and military service or DoD components include A & S, Air Force, Army, ASD(HA), ASD(LA), ASD(M&RA), ASD(PA), CAPE, CIO, COMP, DA&M, DCMA, DFAS, DHA, DIA, DLA, DoD(IG), DSS, DTIC, DTRA, GC(DoD), Marine Corps, Navy, NSA, PFPA, USD(AT&L), USD(C), USD(I), USD(P), USD(P&R), WHS.
- DoD Educational Activity (DoDEA) Forms
DoD/DHS Branch of Service Forms
- Army Publishing Directorate Forms: Army Publishing offers multiple document formats to be downloaded plus search by pub/form number, pub/form title, IDN, PIN, proponents, Unit of Issue, status and date.
- Air Force e-Publishing Forms: Provides tracking and delivery of new or revised wing/base and above (excluding ANG wings) publications and forms. Forms are available for Air Force, Guard, Commands, DRUs, FOAs, Numbered Air Forces, Special Series, Bases and Units.
- Naval Forms Online: BUPERS, NAVPERSCOM, NPPSC, SECNAV, OPNAV and NAVSO official forms can be accessed from this site.
- Marine Corps Electronic Forms: Find Marine Corps forms.
- Coast Guard Forms Management: All forms used Coast Guard-wide, plus access to Other Government Agency (OGA) forms such as DOD, GSA, and DHS.
- National Guard Bureau Publications & Forms Library: National Guard Bureau publications and blank forms available in electronic format.
Military Retirement, Compensation & Savings Forms
- Thrift Saving Plan (TSP) Forms: Top TSP forms include election, catch-up, transfers, change of address and loan payments.
- Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) Forms: Forms include change of address, retirement application, application for correction of military record, banking and checking, tax, beneficiary, annuities, casualty assistance, former spouse/garnishment forms and much more.