Consider: Does brave browser download entire block chain
Does brave browser download entire block chain | |
Does brave browser download entire block chain | |
Does brave browser download entire block chain |
Does brave browser download entire block chain - can

What is Blockchain?
Blockchain is a means of transmitting funds and/or logging information through a decentralised ledger without the need of a financial intermediary, such as a bank.
How can I make money from it?
With the gift of the internet comes the ability to find companies who want to give you cryptocurrency in exchange for your time. Once you receive your crypto-coins you can exchange them for either a bitcoin or a fiat currency.
Below are some of the companies that offer you a chance to earn crypto-coins without investing your own money.
PI Network
The first is the PI Network. This organisation set out to find a way that would allow ordinary people to mine Bitcoins. Their solution means you can make money by mining crypto-coins from your phone. Simply download the app, and once a day open it and automatically mine Bitcoins.
PI Network also has a members’ platform. If you sign up you could even add me to your network. My username is @01018, just message me on the platform and start earning crypto-coins today.
Steemit is a social media and blogging platform that pays users for posting content. You earn crypto-coins for posting your photos and publishing your posts.
You can then use this cryptocurrency to purchase goods or services on the platform or transfer it to various exchanges such as Bittrex and Binance, convert it to Bitcoin, or transfer it to your bank as fiat currency. You can download the app, called eSteem, on android or IOS.
Brave is a website browser that lets you earn tokens by viewing adverts. Due to the new General Data Protection Regulations, websites can only collect user data with consent. The Brave browser allows you to earn rewards by opting to see adverts. It is that simple. What it does is give publishers back their fair share of internet revenue and you get a small amount for using the browser. They claim to be faster and have a higher level of privacy than Chrome. Go and test their browser for yourself.
SMS Chain
SMS Chain is for those with unused SMS text bundles or an unlimited SMS plan. According to their website, anyone who buys a SMSCHAIN Token and installs the app can earn money automatically by selling their unused SMS messages. App users can set up the number of messages sent, as well as the type of content to deliver (for example, transactional messages from Google, Facebook, Whatsapp etc.). Watch this YouTube video for more information.
There are many other ways you can earn cryptocurrencies. Go out there and do your research! Remember, 10 years ago one bitcoin was worth a few dollars. As of March 2020, it’s worth almost USD 9,000. These currencies are a long term investment, but the above companies do not take time away from your day nor take money from your pocket. The perfect solution.
It’s official, we can now make money from nothing!
Further Reading:
The importance of Blockchain in the Swiss Financial Sector by Esosa Ede-Obarogie
Blockchain, the Future of Work? by Eduardo Galve
Unleashing Blockchain: An Insight into its Present and Future by Leonidas Epiphaniou
20 Real-World Uses for Blockchain Technology
What is Blockchain Technology? A Step-by-Step Guide For Beginners
Pi Network (PI) Cryptocurrency Review
Steemit Review – An Honest Take After Six Months of Travel Blogging
Crypto Mining for Dummies: How Does it Work?
Photos credits:
Blockchain image – Wikimedia commons
Cryptocurrency Image – Flickr
Formez vous aux protocoles Blockchain grâce aux formations blockchain à Genève du Swiss Blockchain Institute.

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