Modern combat 5 blackout stuck on download file - speaking
I realize the inconvenience you are experiencing with windows 10, I will certainly help you.
Please share these details.
Were you able to install the app successfully?
Is this issue confined to this specific app or with all the apps?
What type of Internet Connection are you using? Wired or Wireless?
Method 1:
Run the apps troubleshooter and check if it helps with the issue.
The Modern app troubleshooter can automatically identify and fix some problems with apps and the Store
Refer to the following article and run the Apps troubleshooter:
Method 2:
This issue might occur due to corruption of application while downloading or installing. I suggest you to try uninstalling/reinstalling the app and check if it helps.
Refer following article as reference.
Let us know if you need further assistance with Windows related issues.
We’ll be glad to assist you.
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