Consequently, Steam doesn't get updated. Here are some resolutions for users who need to fix Steam update getting stuck. Steam stuck on. If it doesn't, don't get weary, there are a few more fixes for you to try. Fix 2: Change your Download Region. It's also possible to solve the Steam. PSA: If you can't download on PC, sign out of the store and then back in. games never had a crash like red dead redemption 2, mk11, tomb raider etc. But killer.
Cant download mk11 on pc - something
So I’m downloading MK11(bought physical) and I am currently installing the 16.1 gig file and it’s taking for-f***ing-ever. Kinda sad that this kind of Crap is the norm nowadays. Anyone know a way to speed DL time up? Are you gamer enough to click here? https://youtu.be/gz9lLRHlh8I |
If you find a way let me know too. Decided to but this digitally tonight and with good dl speeds my download is still dragging ass. Jamarcus Russell is a great QB. -- RAGEDBULL_666 |
Curious when you can finally play. Picked mine up but havent made it home yet. Curious if this is gonna be a several hour download Xbox Live Gamertag & PSN:Xander StrangeNintendo User ID:Xander: Friend code - SW-0717-7855-0979 |
Currently at 27% with 1 hour and 34 minutes left. Jamarcus Russell is a great QB. -- RAGEDBULL_666 |
Locked and loaded for me on the Switch, it's booting up right now. |
It took me 2 hours to download the 16.1 gig file. Literally just started the story. Are you gamer enough to click here? https://youtu.be/gz9lLRHlh8I |
I preloaded mine and took 1 hr and 30 min to download the entire game.
For some reason, an update came out for the game a day before release. While the file was downloading, my game read 29gb then after it finished it went back to 22.6. not sure if that's a patch or something. |
10% and 37 hours 37 minutes...
Hope it doesn't suffer an error if not burn down the house before I get to play it. |
with a 50 mb download line, how long does it take to download the game? (Physical edition) |
Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]