Download clips from nintendo switch to pc - thank for
how to upload videos from the switch to my computer?
It only lets me tweet them, but then I can't get the video off of twitter. Is there a way to just e mail it to myself or something?
You could take the card out of the switch and put it in the computer. You can then copy the file with the video onto the computer.
Edit: this works with mobile devices too. I've done it before.
Edit: this works with mobile devices too. I've done it before.
"If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe." Carl Sagan
FC: 3196-5520-3185, IGN: Kokichi TSV: 2259, 2704, 3761
FC: 3196-5520-3185, IGN: Kokichi TSV: 2259, 2704, 3761
What I do is:
1.) Upload to Twitter.
2.) Search for “Twitter Video Downloader” any that works is fine.
3.) There you just have to put the link of the tweet, and now you should have your video downloaded to your computer :)
Sorry if it’s not the most efficient way, but it works.
1.) Upload to Twitter.
2.) Search for “Twitter Video Downloader” any that works is fine.
3.) There you just have to put the link of the tweet, and now you should have your video downloaded to your computer :)
Sorry if it’s not the most efficient way, but it works.
Hekeder posted...
So you cant just plug in your switch to the computer I thought you can do that to stream games
What I do is:
1.) Upload to Twitter.
2.) Search for “Twitter Video Downloader” any that works is fine.
3.) There you just have to put the link of the tweet, and now you should have your video downloaded to your computer :)
Sorry if it’s not the most efficient way, but it works.
So you cant just plug in your switch to the computer I thought you can do that to stream games
Hekeder posted...
I use the same method but with Facebook. Facebook is my video dumping ground. I can't bother to put the SD in my PC and look for the vid.
What I do is:
1.) Upload to Twitter.
2.) Search for “Twitter Video Downloader” any that works is fine.
3.) There you just have to put the link of the tweet, and now you should have your video downloaded to your computer :)
Sorry if it’s not the most efficient way, but it works.
I use the same method but with Facebook. Facebook is my video dumping ground. I can't bother to put the SD in my PC and look for the vid.
larryp78 posted...
You can if you have a separate capture card or similar device. This is how most YT and Twitch streamers run their feeds, but it's an added expense most people won't be interested in unless they're streaming all the time (usually $60+ for a decent capture card, assuming your pc itself doesn't need upgrades so that it can handle the load).
This is not a problem that is exclusive to the Switch. While PS4 and Xbox have better embedded streaming support, the video quality is straight up GARBAGE (just like the Switch's Twitter uploads, due to compression). Try watching a live PSN stream of anyone's games. Enjoy the eye bleeds. If you're interested at all in recording your gameplay, do yourself a favor and just get a capture card (ANYTHING will be better than the embedded upload tools on consoles right now).
There are also external capture boxes you can use without a computer, but those are usually more expensive and usually don't perform as well as a dedicated PC unless you're willing to spend much more ($150+ for entry level boxes last time I looked, but may be cheaper now that 4K capture devices have made 1080p ones old'd).
Hekeder posted...What I do is:
1.) Upload to Twitter.
2.) Search for “Twitter Video Downloader” any that works is fine.
3.) There you just have to put the link of the tweet, and now you should have your video downloaded to your computer :)
Sorry if it’s not the most efficient way, but it works.
So you cant just plug in your switch to the computer I thought you can do that to stream games
You can if you have a separate capture card or similar device. This is how most YT and Twitch streamers run their feeds, but it's an added expense most people won't be interested in unless they're streaming all the time (usually $60+ for a decent capture card, assuming your pc itself doesn't need upgrades so that it can handle the load).
This is not a problem that is exclusive to the Switch. While PS4 and Xbox have better embedded streaming support, the video quality is straight up GARBAGE (just like the Switch's Twitter uploads, due to compression). Try watching a live PSN stream of anyone's games. Enjoy the eye bleeds. If you're interested at all in recording your gameplay, do yourself a favor and just get a capture card (ANYTHING will be better than the embedded upload tools on consoles right now).
There are also external capture boxes you can use without a computer, but those are usually more expensive and usually don't perform as well as a dedicated PC unless you're willing to spend much more ($150+ for entry level boxes last time I looked, but may be cheaper now that 4K capture devices have made 1080p ones old'd).
SW-5936-6602-7886 | PSN: SquarePenix | | Discord: Wage#2509 | Twitter @___________Wage
