Lantern is listed in Proxy category and made available by getlantern.org for Windows. Unfortunately, we have not yet reviewed Lantern. If you would like to submit a review of this software, we encourage you to submit us something!
Lantern review by publisher getlantern.org:
What is Lantern software from getlantern.org, what is it used for and how to use it?
Get access to restricted or unavailable websites from wherever you may find yourself in the world with this simple and efficient tool
Lantern is an Internet proxy tool. It’s goal is access: creating fast, reliable connections to the open Internet.
Lantern uses secure servers and peer access points to provide Internet access to blocked sites. Lantern is unique because it uses peer connections as a source of Internet connectivity when servers are unavailable.
Download and install Lantern safely and without concerns.
Lantern is a software product developed by getlantern.org and it is listed in Security category under Proxy. Lantern is licensed as Shareware which means that software product is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities. You can run Lantern on all modern Windows OS operating systems. Lantern was last time updated on 28.07.2018 and it has 101,157 downloads on Download.hr portal. Download and install Lantern safely and without concerns.
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