Very: Ff7 7th heaven where are downloaded files located?
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OatBran / 7HSteamGuide
A Detailed 7th Heaven 2.0+ Guide With Manual FFNx Update
Be Absolutely Sure you have done the following before following this guide
- Purchase a LEGAL copy of Final Fantasy 7 on Steam
- 7th Heaven is ONLY compatible with the English, French, German, and Spanish versions of FF7
- Or you can try the bundled GameConverter.exe that comes with 7th Heaven located in its resources folder.
- 7th Heaven is ONLY compatible with the English, French, German, and Spanish versions of FF7
- There is Absolutely NO SUPPORT for manually updating or modifying your 7th Heaven client installation! assess the possible benefits and risks before you decide to try unsupported things!
- There is Absolutely NO SUPPORT for Pirated copies of the game
- This can include certain unofficial "Language Packs" - Be Cautious
- Change your Folder View Settings to properly display files, to avoid renaming mistakes
- Be aware of the version of Windows you are using. FFNx is only compatible with windows 7 or higher as of version 1.6.1
7th Heaven now uses FFNx natively with a default installation!, you dont have to manually alter the 7H installation anymore to solve common issues caused by the use of the legacy Aali driver. However, 7H gets updated fairly rarely, and is actually in beta right now. FFNx actually gets updated daily pretty much, so if you want to use a canary version of FFNx, or possibly a stable version upgrade that is released ahead of its incorporation into 7H itself you may want to still follow the contents of this section, but depending on factors at the time it may provide relatively little value to go through the effort. FFNx is only rapidly updated currently in the pursuit of major features and bug fixes at this stage in development. this will slow down at some point and become less and less relevant to even consider the already-questionable decision to try and mess with the default driver included with 7H
If you would rather just play with the stable version chosen for the release of 7H but you want to either: learn how to acquire and use IRO mods in the first place, skip here. or just convert/use all DDS texture mods for enhanced performance: skip here.
You can also manually change all the config options that are not included in the UI of 7H. as well as change the UI of 7H itself but i havent written that yet - if people even want to know how to do that or want me to just make a custom xml to be distributed here then let me know!
If you are Starting from scratch:
Install FF7 via Steam Client and/or Verify Integrity of Game Cache
Download 7th Heaven 2.2 BETA
Open the 7H Installer and install 7th Heaven to default location
Open 7th Heaven and verify it found your installation of FF7 on Steam
- If auto-detect fails, configure each field on the dialogue pop up to the correct location.
Click the button in the top left.
- Launching via 7th Heaven Client completes the following tasks Automatically:
- Copy needed files from your Steam installation, Create needed directory structure
- Patch Downgrading it to
- Note that your Steam installation is not modified in any way. It will still function as normal.
- A Completed 7H Modded Install is created at
- Quit the game once you reach the title screen
- Be aware; Launching the game via 7th Heaven disables ALL Steam features and integration
- Launching via 7th Heaven Client completes the following tasks Automatically:
Manual 7H Upgrading
Open the newly created 7H Modded Install directory
- Locate the file and RENAME this file to
- As you proceed from here on, Keep the following in mind.
Manually Changing/Upgrading 7th Heaven is NOT SUPPORTED officially by the 7th Heaven Team.
Please DO NOT approach 7th Heaven Team if something is not working properly.
Download FFNx. Acquire Only the archive for 7H Installs! NOT The FFNx-Steam Release!! EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!
- The Stable Release has the most testing and is the most reliable on average.
- The Canary Release Is the bleeding edge build and changes constantly. Stability varies.
Note that Canary builds are further ahead in development, but using those comes with risks, be aware of those risks and expect more problems to occur! SAVE OFTEN
Note that Canary is also a rolling-beta branch, there is only ever 1 build available at any one time. Previous versions are not hosted.
If you plan to update Canary builds frequently KEEP BACKUPS of previous builds in case of instability or other unforeseen issues!
Extract the downloaded archive to BOTH of these locations:
- your 7H Modded Install directory
- the 7H resources folder overwriting all the files. might want to backup the whole game driver folder first.
- Ignore the included file, do not execute it.
Open 7th Heaven and click in the top left.
- Verify that the game launches, and reaches the title screen. Game will be in a very small window. This is normal.
- If you do not reach the title screen, immediate crash, or only black screen. Double check you did step 6-8 correctly.
- If you instead get Null Reference Exception, read this
- Quit the game.
- Verify that the game launches, and reaches the title screen. Game will be in a very small window. This is normal.
Manual Configuration of FFNx
After verifying FFNx is installed correctly, you may want to change its behavior.
- Navigate to the 7H Modded Install ( Or another FFNx.dll Installation )
Locate the file and OPEN this file with a text editor.
READ though this file, and locate settings you want to change. REMOVE leading # Symbols to set values to be read at runtime.
- Copy any of these to your clipboard and search in-file with if you cant locate them
DOUBLE CHECK for typos and removal of comment # symbols for each change you make.
- is commonly reported to perform well.
- Change to to allow fullscreen
( are a collection of the following 2 values )
- Experiencing high RAM usage and graphical errors using many PNG texture IRO's ?
- Change value to 2 for better performance, or use DDS textures.
- Set to if you want the black sidebars removed and render stretched to window size.
READ through the rest of the file and decide if you want to make other uncommon changes.
- Valid configuration options are listed in the .cfg file itself.
- Lines containing values to modify are preceeded by a line of
Debugging Options
- Set to to show debug related stats on the title bar if windowed / top-left corner if fullscreen
- Set to to show extended debug info to the screen. Dont use unless you know what to do with the info.
- Set to to write many engine related things to a log file, use only if you are troubleshooting crashes
SAVE the file and exit the editor.
Be aware that there is no configuration option for preferred display adapter. Your primary display will be used for fullscreen runtimes.
- It has been reported (but not confirmed!) by @Barachiel that very high DPI settings in combination with >1440p HD resolution settings can cause graphical glitches with models displayed in the game. Try lowering your DPI to <200 if possible in the event of glitchy models being displayed.
- If you want to play on your secondary / tertiary display, you need to use windowed mode. There is a fullscreen borderless window mod on the 7H catalog that you can use in this case.
If you are planning on using the maximum amount of HD models/textures and/or in combination with the Cetra/ECHOS/CAMS mod, you may want to do the following
Acquiring and Installing IROs
Finally you are ready to start installing your mods
- Open 7th Heaven and browse/download catalog IRO's, or manually download IRO mod packs prioritize DDS converted packs.
- For manual IRO Downloads, Click on Button in right sidebar to open IRO import tool.
- Select batch/single tab and select folder/file to import from.
- Activate any selected catalog mods, or manually imported mods with Toggle
- Configure one-by-one, clicking the settings with mod selected and active. Assign category if necessary.
- Click on Button, 4th from the top on right side bar.
In 7th Heaven Window click top left and identify / select your needed controller configuration and other personalized launch settings. Click save.
- for XInput North American Button Layout Control Configuration
- Help! My Playstation DS4 controller isnt working!
- Use DS4Windows Select DS4W driver as preferred gamepad in devices and controllers windows control panel (Xbox360 wireless controller)
- Help! My Playstation DS4 controller isnt working!
- for XInput North American Button Layout Control Configuration
Click Play in top right and enjoy your modded FF7 Experience with 7th Heaven & Updated FFNx!
Common Game Launch Problems
A series of issues after installing / upgrading 7th Heaven with FFNx
- Covers FAQ:Help! I'm getting the Error on launch
- This error means you have a corrupt/incorrect or a somehow faulty 7th Heaven Installation. use a compatible graphics driver, or Restart the entire process from scratch and try again. Make absolutely sure you did step 6 correctly if you manually updated FFnX. if you are upgrading from a 7H 2.0 install and you used a super old version of ffnx previously, then thats the problem you need to remove the ffnx.dll from the modded game install directory. and 7H will copy a newer one in there for you when you hit play, fixing the error.
- Before you attempt to repair a broken installation, ensure a backup of your user data. ( if any relevant data exists )
Backup your mods by copying to a new location; Ex.
Backup your save files by copying to a new location; Ex.
Backup your 7th Heaven profile by copying to a new location; Ex.
- After restoring your backup IRO files from this sections step 1, close 7th Heaven and copy this file back to its original location and overwrite it.
- ( Step 3 is completely optional, and possibly not needed! Depending on changes to your IRO file set your old profile could be useless. Reconfiguration of individual IRO settings may be required regardless. )
DELETE both and
Uninstall FF7 through the steam client.
- Delete Folder from your directory.
Restart install process from beginning;
If you instead get the following
