Aws api gateway download file

Aws api gateway download file

aws api gateway download file

API Gateway integrates with many other AWS services like AWS Lambda, that you want attached to your Serverless function right in the serverless.yml file. The following OpenAPI file shows a sample API that illustrates downloading an image file from Amazon S3 and uploading an image file to. Image Upload and Retrieval from S3 Using AWS API Gateway and Lambda Key is the location in the bucket with the file name you want to. aws api gateway download file

AWS lambdais a service thatlets the user to run code without provisioning or managing servers and the user needs to pay for how much they use. The user can also scale it up and down according to their needs. Terraform is a tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently. It uses Infrastructure as Code to provision and manage any cloud, infrastructure, or service.

AWS API gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor and secure APIs. API acts as a front door for the application to access data, business logic or functionality from the backend services. It handles all the task involved in accepting and processing up of hundreds or thousands of concurrent API calls, including traffic management, authorization, access control, monitoring and API management.

Terraform is a tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently. It uses Infrastructure as Code to provision and manage any cloud, infrastructure, or service. Infrastructure as code is the process of managing and provisioning computer data centers through machine-readable definition files, rather than physical hardware configuration or interactive configuration tools.

Procedure to download terraform

  1. Go to Terraform’s website and click on the download link for your operating system.
  2. A zip file will get downloaded. After unzipping it, you will get a file named terraform.exe for windows. Copy this file.
  3. Create a folder named bin in C:\Users\John\ and inside C:\Users\John\bin paste terraform.exe.
  4. Go to control panel and open system properties. Then click on Environment variables and under User variable for John section, click on path and add a new path as C:\Users\John\bin.
  5. To confirm terraform is working or not, open Powershell and run , it should display the version of terraform installed.

Note — I like using Linux commands. So, I downloaded Git, with which, Git bash (CLI) was also installed. I have done this entire project with Git bash. Git bash enables you to run Linux commands on windows machine.

Creating an IAM user

  1. Go to Create IAM User (console) and create an IAM user with Administrator access permission. Ensure that this IAM user has console as well as programmatic access.
  2. Download the CSV file.
  3. Open Git bash CLI and navigate to C:\Users\John\ and create a folder named .aws. Then navigate to C:\Users\John\.aws\ and create a file named credentials using command . Open this file in Vim editor using command . Enter the following from the CSV file that you have downloaded and save it.

Now, everything is set and we are ready to begin working in our main project directory. But before beginning, it is recommended to try creating the lambda function and API gateway using the AWS console. To do that, please visit the following blog where all the procedures are mentioned.

Step 1: For this project, let’s create a directory named proj. In this directory, create file hello.js which will contain the following code —

'use strict'exports.handler = function (event, context, callback) {
var response = {
statusCode: 200,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=utf-8',
body: '<h2>Hello world...Welcome to AWS...</h2>',
callback(null, response)

We will zip this file into using any zipping software or using CLI and will keep this zip file into the same directory only.

Step 2: Now, we’ll create an S3 bucket from the git bash CLI using the command -

aws s3api create-bucket --bucket=mybucket98745 --region=us-east-1

We should make sure that the bucket name should be unique globally.

Now, it’s time to upload into the S3 bucket we just created. We’ll achieve this using the command —

aws s3 cp s3://mybucket98745/

Step 3: Now, we’ll create a file named in the proj directory, which will contain the following code —

It should be noted that the region in which S3 bucket is created, same region should be entered above.

In of line 13, is the filename file name within the zip file and is the name of the property under which the handler function was exported in that file.

In line 21, dictates what other AWS services the Lambda function may access.

In line 42, the root REST API has been configured. The REST API is the container for all of the other API Gateway objects we will create.

All incoming requests to API Gateway must match with a configured resource and method in order to be handled. So, in line 48 and 54, we have defined a single proxy resource.

The block has a special value “" that activates proxy behavior, which means that this resource will match any request path. Similarly, the block uses a of "ANY", which allows any request method to be used. Taken together, this means that all incoming requests will match this resource.

Each method on an API gateway resource has an integration which specifies where incoming requests are routed. So, in line 61, configuration is defined to specify that requests to this method should be sent to the Lambda function defined earlier. Here, the integration type causes API gateway to call into the API of another AWS service. In this case, it will call the AWS Lambda API to create an "invocation" of the Lambda function.

Since, the proxy resource cannot match an empty path at the root of the API. To handle that, a similar configuration has been applied to the root resource that is built in to the REST API object in line 74 and 81.

Then, we need to create an API Gateway “deployment” in order to activate the configuration and expose the API at a URL that can be used for testing. So, it is created in line 92.

Since, by default any two AWS services have no access to one another, until access is explicitly granted. For Lambda functions, access is granted using the in line 103.

In order to test the created API we need to access its test URL. So, for that, line 115 has been added.

Step 4: Now open git bash and run . It will download all the required plugins. Then run . It will deploy all the resources into AWS cloud, which we can confirm by opening the AWS console in the browser.

Step 5: After running command, there will be a URL present in the CLI which will look like the following —

We’ll copy this URL and paste it in the browser. We’ll get a message in the webpage which will look like the following —

Hello world…Welcome to AWS…


In this article, we’ve discussed various topics like AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, Terraform, Infrastructure as code, and finally we’ve deployed a Lambda function and API Gateway using Terraform.

For this project, I took help from HashiCorp Learn. Particularly, Serverless Applications with AWS Lambda and API Gateway.


Serverless Applications with AWS Lambda and API Gateway

Documentation on AWS Lambda

Amazon API Gateway documentation

Introduction to terraform

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Aws api gateway download file

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