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UNIT | Statements with Present of Be Tell Me About Yourself 1 Grammar in the Real World ) A How do you introduce yourself to your instructors? What information do you give? Read the conversation between an adviser and a student. What are two interesting facts about Jun-Ho? it Meeting with an Adviser Jun-Ho Hello, Mr. Garcia. I’m Jun-Ho. Sorry I’m late for our meeting. That's OK. Nice to meet you, Jun-Ho. Please have a seat. 3 Jun-Ho Thanks. Mr. Garcia First, I'm glad that you're here. As your adviser, I’m here to help you. I can help you choose your classes, and Ican help you with any problems. 10 Jun-Ho Thanks, I need your help. [have lots of questions about courses, instructors, and my program. Mr. Garcia Good! But first I'd like to know more about you. Tell me about yourself. Jun-Ho Sure. I'm 19, and I'ma graduate of Central High School. I'm from 6 South Korea originally. Mr. Garcia 1 see. What are some of your interests? Jun-Ho Well, I'm interested in cars and music. And | really like computers. My major is computer science. Great. You know, the college has lots of clubs. It’s a good way to 20 meet people and practice English. Jun-Ho Well, I'm pretty busy most of the time. My brother and I are salesclerks in my uncle’s store. We're really interested in his business. I don’t have much free time. Mr. Garcia OK. understand. Now, let’s talk about your academic plans .. .Statements with Pr B Comprehension Check Circle the correct words. 1, Mr. Garcia is a student / an adviser. 2. Jun-Ho is from South Korea / the United States. 3, Jun-Ho is a salesclerk in his uncle's store /restaurant, C Notice Complete the sentences. Use the conversation to help you. Jun-Ho, Sorry 1 late. 2. My major__ computer science. 3. My brother and I salesclerks. We really interested in his business. 2 Present of Be: Affirmative Statements > Grammar Presentation Be links ideas. (Em) [a student Full Forms (with Subject Pronouns) SINGULAR PLURAL Subject Be Subject Be | am We we es You are from Seoul, late. They He She is Ie difficult Capitalization and Punctuation Rules: See page Al, Tell Me About Yourself 34 Contractions (with Nouns and Subject Pronouns) SINGULAR lam > I'm Youare > You're Heis > He's Jun-Hois > Jun-Ho’s Sheis > She's His mother is > His mother’s Itis > It's Mynameis > Myname’s Using Present of Be PLURAL Weare > We're Youare > You're Theyare > They're a. The verb be “links” ideas. You can use be to link nouns or pronouns with words that give information about them. b. Use the full forms of be in academic writing. ¢. Use contractions of be in conversation and informal writing. d. You can use be + noun + to talk about occupations. + toidentify things. e. You can use be + number to talk about ages. f. You can use be + adjective + to talk about nationalities. + to describe people and things. Unit 1 Statements with Present of Be Jun-Ho is astudent. ee They are from California. 1am a computer science major. Jam in your grammar class I'm Mr. Garcia. They're sick today. He's a teacher. They‘re students. Itsan English class. ‘My hobbies are baseball and music. My major is math. My sisteris His parents are 49 years old. I'm Canadian. His parents are South Korean. Jun-Ho is tall, My sister s sick. Our reading class is interesting.Statements with Present of Be Using Present of Be (continued) g. You can use be + preposition + to talk about hometowns and places. ‘My parents are from Seoul. I'm from California. + to talk about where people and things are. She is at home. We are in Los Angeles. + to talk about the groups, such as teams or My friends and are in a band. clubs, that people are in. Heis on the basketballl team. > Grammar Application Exercise Present of Be: Full Forms A Complete the sentences about a student, using am, és, and are. 1, My nameis Ling. 1_am_a student at the University of Florida. 2, My friend Ana and I in Science 3, Mr. Johnson a good instructor. 4, The clas interesting 5, My classmates crazy about science. 6. Ana smart. 7. Anaand1 seniors this year. B Look at the underlined word(s). Circle the subject pronoun that replaces the underlined words. 1. Mycolleg 2. Jorge and Lisa are in Grammar They / We are in a fun class. 3, Mrs. Chapple is a great teacher: It / She is also very nice. is in Detroit, Michigan. It / She is a good school. 4, Marcos is crazy about grammar. He / They is never late for class. 5, My brother is smart. He / It is an excellent student. 6. My mother is a nurse. She / Itis always very busy. 7. My sister and I are sick. She / We are at home today. Tell Me About Yourself 5C Complete the student's online profile. Use the full forms of be (am, is, are). Myname a Cindy Wang. a from Jackson, Illinois. My parents from China originally.|___20 years old.t = a student at the University of Texas. My major Public health. My favorite subjects _— biology. |_____ interested in sports and drawing. My friend Bev and! servers ina restaurant on @ weekends. My sister still a high school student in Illinois. i} now D Over to You Complete the sentences with the correct full form of be and the information about you. Then read your sentences to your partner. How many of your sentences are the same? 1. My name be Tame) 21 from = oe Teountey $$ bo ee) 4. My major SS c (eabjecd 5. My favorite class =e oy ame of) 61 intersted flere eal AS os Brenly co) Tame ofthings) 71 = (Tallone more thing about yoursell Remember to use Wel y Exercise Present of Be: Contractions A Complete the sentences with m, 8, or re. Hi, I_v_ Ani nice to meet you, too. in Ms. Cook’s class. 1, Ana 1a. a Ron Hi, Ana. My name, Ana It. w Ron 1 w Ana She. my class. Ron Great. I think we. 6 Unit 4 Statements with Present of Be my teacher, too. You. Ron. Nice to meet you. a in o in Room 9.Statements with Present of Be Mr. Martinez. friends from 7 2. Sara Excuse me. I'm lost. My teacher. Ron Mr. Martinez? He ~ in Room Ana Room Sve there:On. the right. Sara Oh, thanks. pe Ana You. an welcome. 3. Ana_Ron, this is my friend Cathy. We__ high school. “ Ron Hi, Cathy. Cathy Hi, Ron! Ana Cathy. on the basketball team. She. great player Ron Reall abig basketball fan. Ana Well, come to our next game. It To) on Friday. B Pair Work introduce yourself to your partner. Use contractions. Then introduce your partner to a classmate. Hi, I'm Alex. This is Hong-yin. He's from Texas. He's on the soccer team. 3 Present of Be: Negative Statements > Grammar Presentation Full Forms SINGULAR PLURAL Subject Be +Not Subject 1 amnot We You You arenot in class. ney He She isnot It Be+Not arenot students. Tell Me About Yourself 7 Negative Contractions SINGULAR PLURAL lamnot > I'mnot Wearenot > We'renot/Wearen’t Youarenot > You'renot/Youaren’t — Youarenot > You'renot/You aren't Heisnot > He'snot/He isn’t They arenot > They’renot/They aren't Sheisnot -> She’snot/Sheisn’t Itisnot > It’snot/Itisn’t Dee Puma M ULL} In conversation, people usually use 'snot and ‘re not after pronouns. They usually use isn’t and aren't after names and nouns. He's not She's notin class. They're not here. Carlos isn’t Louise isn’t in class. The boys aren't here. He/Sheisn’t/ He's/She’s not! ‘They aren't They'renot > Grammar Application Exercise Present of Be: Negative Statements with Full Forms A Complete the sentences. Use am not, is not, or are not. 1. My roommate and1_are not math majors. 2. My friends in my business class. 3. My cousin. married. 4. You late. 5. My friend in the library, 61 interested in chemistry. 7. Ourinstructor from the United States. 8. ‘The students interested in history. 8 Unit 4 Statements with Present of BeStatements with Present of Be B Over to You Write six negative sentences about yourself. Use the full form of be. 1. I_am not ateacher. at a/an major. 21 from afan 31 interested in. 61 in C Pair Work Read your sentences to a partner. Are any of your sentences the same? Exercise Affirmative or Negative? A Read the online profiles. Complete the sentences with the correct affirmative or negative form of be. Use contractions when possible. Age Hometown Occupation or job; location Yoko Akeda 2 Los Angeles, California student at Glen College coe i Luiz da Costa 35 New York, New York instructor at Glen College Interested in music, art museums music, biking Not interested in cooking, computer games _ movies, cooking Favorite TV show The Race American Idol 1. Yoko _is_She_'s not _ 6. They from Chicago. 2. Yoko and Luiz thesameage. 7. They interested in music. 3. Luiz an instructor, He ‘They interested in cooking. a student. 8 Luiz interested in movies. 4. Yoko from New York. She 9. American Idol. ‘Yokos favorite from Los Angeles. TVshow. S tae, from New York. He The Race Yoko's favorite TV show. It Luizs favorite show. from Los Angeles. Tell Me About Yourself 9B =) Listen. Where are these people? Complete the sentences with the correct pronouns and forms of be. Use contractions when possible. at the movies at the doctor's office at the stadium 1. Carlos is sick._He's not _at the doctor's office._He's_at work. 2. Ana and her boss inclass. in the office 3, Juan and his children at the doctor's office. athome. 4, Karen is with her classmates and her teacher. in class. at the stadium, 5, David is a big baseball fan. at the stadium, at home. 6. Ling and John are interested in movies. at Drew’ apartment. at the movies. C Pair Work Tell a partner about four people you know. Where are they today? ‘My brother is at work. He's a salesclerk in a store Exercise Negative of Be Complete the conversations. Use 's not and ‘re not after pronouns and isn't and aren't after names and nouns. 1, Sara Hello, Accounting Department. Ben Louise? Sara No, it's Sara. Louise isn't here. @ She at work today. o 10 Unit 4 Statements with Present of BeStatements with Present of Be 2. Sam Oh, no! My wallet in my bag! a It's on the bus! Man No, it on the bus. @ Look, here itis. 3, Lara Where are your brothers? ‘The game's on TY, and they here. o Joe ‘they interested in baseball. o ‘They interested in sports. 4 Avoid Common Mistakes 4 1. Use be to link ideas. is He an engineering student. 2. Use be + not to form negative statements with be. Do not use be +no. not Anaisne a science teacher. 3. Astatement has a subject. Do not begin a statement with be. She is Is my sister's best friend. Editing Task Correct nine more mistakes about Amy. Rewrite the sentences. 1, This my friend. _This is my friend. Her mame Amy. Amy and I roommates. She She is no a student. ao Is ascience teacher. Is very nice and very smart. Amy is no in school today. 9, She sick Isathome,— Tell Me About Yourself 115 Grammar for writing 7 Wri Abouta Person Writers often use the verb be when they describe people. Remember: + Be +noun can tell an occupation or identify people. Marisolis my friend, She is a graduate student. + Be+number can tell a person's age. Marisol is not old. She is only 28 years old. + Be + adjective tells a person’s nationality or describes a person. ‘Marisol is Peruvian. She is very friendly. + Be + preposition can give a location or tell a group that a person belongs to. Marisolis from California. She s in Paris right now. She is on a soccer team. Pre-writing Task 1 Read the paragraph below. Who is the important person? An Important Person in My Life My sister(is)an important person in my life. Her name is Lila. She is 23 years old. She s a nurse at Cottage Hospital. Her interests are dancing and music. She is not interested in sports. She is tall. Her hair is long, and she is very beautiful. She is also very funny. She is still single. She and I are good friends. We are together often. 2 Read the paragraph again. Circle every form of the verb be. How many times does the verb be appear in the paragraph? Writing Task 1 Write Use the paragraph in the Pre-writing Task to help you write about an important person in your life, Write at least four things about this person. For example, tell about the person's age, occupation, nationality, appearance, personality, or interests. 12 Unit 4 Statements with Present of BeStatements 2 Self-Edit Use the editing tips below to improve your sentences. Make any necessary changes. 1. Did you use the verb be to tell many things about the important person in your life? 2, Did you use the correct form of be in your sentences? 3, Did your sentences all have a subject? 4, Did you avoid the mistakes in the Avoid Common Mistakes chart on page 11? Tell Me About Yourself 13UNIT 4 Yes/No Questions and Information Questions with Be | Schedules and School 1 Grammar in the Real World G A) Whatis your class schedule? Read and listen to the conversations below. Are Yukos and Juan’ classes the same? Conversation A (Monday) Yuko Juan Yuko Juan Yuko wo Juan Yuko Juan Yuko Juan 13 Yuko duan Yuko Juan So, is your next class wri No, it’s reading. Really? My next class is reading, too. Are you in my class? It’s at Maybe. Is your class in Building H? Yes, it’s in Building H, Room Then I’m in your class, too! Hmm. Where's Building H? It’s on the hill, over there. Oh, OK. What time is it? It's Uh-oh. We're late! No, we aren't. Are you sure? Yes. Class is at Oh, you're right. That's good Let's go. Conversation B (Thursday) Yuko Juan Yuko Juan Yuko Juan Yuko Juan Yuko Juan Yuko Juan Yuko Hey, Juan. How are you? 2 I'm OK. How are you? I'm fine, thanks. How are your classes? They're fine, but they’re all really big. 2 Really? How many students are in your classes? About 25 to Is that unusual? No, it isn’t. Who's your 2 grammar teacher? Mr. Walters. He’s funny, but his class is difficult So, when's your next class? Let me see. Today’s Thursday. 5 Computer lab is at When is it over? At Let’s meet after that.Yes / No Questions and Information Questions with Be B Comprehension Check Read the sentences. Circle True or False. Conversation A 1. Yuko and Juan are in Building H now. True False 2, They are late for class. Tue False Conversation B 3, Mr. Walters is Yuko's grammar teacher. True ‘False 4, Computer lab is over at , True ‘False C Notice Find the questions in the conversations. Complete the questions. 1 you in my class? 2 your class in Building H? 3. that unusual? 4. you sure? Which words are at the beginning of the questions? 2 Yes/No Questions and Short Answers with Be > Grammar P Presentation A Yes/No question is a question you can “ls Yuko’s class in Building H?* answer with Yes or No. “Yes, itis."1 "No, it isn't.” Singular Yes/No Questions Be Subject Am | Are you in class? Is he/she/it Singular Short Answers AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Subject Be Subject Be + Not 1 am. ! am not. Yes, you are. No, you are not. he/she/it is. he/she/it isnot. Schedules and School 153 Plural Yes/No Questions Be Subject we Are you late? they Plural Short Answers ‘AFFIRMATIVE "NEGATIVE Subject Be Subject Be +Not we we Yes, you are. No, you arenot. they they Negative Short Answers: Contractions SINGULAR PLURAL No,lamnot. > No,I'mnot. No, we are not. No,youarenot. -> No,you'renot. No, youare not. No, you aren't. No,heisnot. > No, he’snot. No, they are not. No, he isn’t. No,sheisnot. > No, she's not. No, she isn’t. No,itisnot. > No,it'snot. No, itisn’t. 16 Unit 2 Yes/No Questions and Information Questions with Be No, we're not. No, we aren't. No, you're not. No, you aren't. No, they're not. No, they aren't.Yes / No Questions and Information Questions with Be Using Yes/No Questions and Short Answers with Be a. Use a question mark at the end of questions. b. Put the verb be before the subject in Yes/No questions. ¢. Use pronouns in short answers. d. Do not use contractions in short answers with yes. 2. Use contractions in short answers with no. f. Say don’t know, I think so, or I don't think so when you don't know or are not sure of the answer. Say don’t know when you don't know the answer. I thinkso means “maybe yes.” | don’t think so means “maybe no.” > Grammar Application 's reading class hard? subect ens ‘STATEMENT Reading class is at YES/NO QUESTION caine by class at ? ‘1s reading class hard?" “Yes, itis.” “Is class at ?” “Yes, itis.” nor “Yes, t's.” “Is Yuko late?” “No, she’s not.” on "No, she isn’t” “Is the library closed?” “I don’t know.” on “Ithink so.” on "don’t think so." Exercise Singular Yes/No Questions and Answers A Circle the correct verbs to make questions. ‘Then complete the answers with the correct pronoun and form of be. Use contractions when possible. Are your writing class in the morning? 2. Am/ Are you free on Fridays after lunch? 3, Are/TIs you always on time? 4, Is/Are your teacher busy today? 5. Is/ Are you interested in sports? 6. Are /Is your roommate in your class? 7. Is/Am this an English class? 8, Is/Are your next class in this building? Yes,__it is No, Yes, Yes, No, No, Yes, No, Schedules and School 17B Write two questions and two answers about each picture. Use the words in parentheses. 1. a. (late) _Is she late? Yes, she is ‘b. (at home) 2. a. (hungry) ». (at the store) a. (open) b. (awhite building) - Exercise Plural Yes/No Questions and Answers Complete the conversation between two students, John and Erie. Then practice their conversation with a partner. John (your teachers /friendly) Are your teachers friendly? Eric (yes) _Yes they are. John (you and your classmates / happy) Eric (yes) John (the homework assignments / easy) Eric (no) John (your classmates /on time) Eric (no) John (you and your friends / busy) Eric (yes) John (the exams / difficult) Eric (yes) 18 Unit 2 Yes/No Questions and Information Questions with BeYes / No Questions and Information Questions Exercise Singular and Plural Yes / No Questions and Answers Read the paragraph from Julio’ essay. Then write questions and answers about it. Use full forms of be. Julio and Paulo My roommate and [ are in the English program at our college. Paulo is from Brazil, and I am from Venezuela. Paulo is a very good student, and he is very smart. Iam a good student, but I am a little lazy. My classes are on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Paulo's classes are every day from Monday to ad Friday. We are always busy, but on the weekend we relax. 1, Paulo and Julio / college students Ave Paulo and Julio college students? Yes, they are. 2. they//from the same country 3, they / good students 4, Paulo / smart 5. Paulo /lazy 6. Julios classes / every day from Monday to Friday 3 Information Questions with Be > Grammar Presentation What's your name? Who is the teacher? Where are the classrooms? Use the question words who, what, when, where, and how to ask for information. Schedules and School 19Wh-Word Be Subject Wh-Word Be Subject Who your teacher? Who your teachers? What your major? What your plans? When is — ourexam? When are — your exams? Where the building? Where your books? How your class? How your classes? 5 What is > What's Whenis > When's Whereis > Where's Howis > How's Using Information Questions with Be a. Put a question mark (?) at the end of information questions. Who are those students? b. Put the question word first in an information question. What is your name? . Answer information questions with information. Don't “When is grammar class?” answer with Yes or No. “at " d. In conversations, most answers are not complete “Who's your teacher?” sentences. They are short answers. “Mr. Jones.” e. Note that with singular subjects its common to use the What's yourname? contracted form of is with the question word. Where's your class? Using Wh- Words with Be a. Use who to ask about people. Who's our teacher? Ms, Williams. Who are your friends? ‘Marie and Elsa. b, Use what to ask about things. Whatare your favorite classes? Grammar and writing. What's your phone number? _It's ¢. Use where to ask about places. Where's your class? {sin Building H. Where are you from? Brazil. Where are your friends? They're in the computer lab. 20 Unit 2 Yes/No Questions and Information Questions with BeYes / No Questions and Information Questions with Be Using Wh- Words with Be (continued) . Use when to ask about days or times. ‘e. Use how to ask about health or opinions. f. Use how much to ask about cost and amount. Use how many to ask about numbers. Use how old to ask about age. When's your exam? When is lunch? When are our exams? How's your mother? How's school? How much is the movie? How many students are here? How old are your brothers? > Grammar Application Exercise Information Questions with Be A Complete the conversation between Joe and his mother. Use the correct Wh- word. Use contractions of be. Mother _What's your roommate's name? a Joe Mike. Mother ; he from? Joe Chicago. 2 Mother his major? Joe? Taichi Rien Gu Mich tay ARDY cles i RSET Mother your instructor? Joe Idon't pa his name. It's the first class. Mother z your class over? Joe At Plesse dont call before that. It’s February 14 Atnoon. Next week. She's well. Great! Eight dollars. Twelve. They're 17 and B Complete the questions with How, How much, How many, or How old. Use the correct form of be. 1,__How are _ you? 2 you? 3. the textbook? 4 students in your Engh the sandwiches? I'm fine, thanks. 1m It's $ ‘Thirty. ‘They're $ Schedules and School 21Exercise Information Questions and Answers Write questions about the tuition bill. Then write answers in complete sentences. Plains Community College Spring Semester Name: Jason Armenio Major: History February 1-May 28 Student ID Number: Total class credits: 15 Tuition: $ ($ per credit) Parking permit: $ Health Services Fee: §$ Total: $ IMPORTANT DATES First day of clas Spring Break: March April 3 a: February 1 Tuition payment due: January 31 Final Exams: May 1. (What /the colleges name) _What is the college's name? _It's Plains Community College 2. (What /the student’s name) 3. (When /the spring semester) 4. (What /his major) 5. (How much / the tuition) 6. (How much / the parking permit) 7. (What /the total) 8, (When /final exams) Exercise More Information Questions and Answers Pair Work With a partner, write five questions to ask your classmates. Ask questions about their classes, schedules, and school. hen interview your classmates. Write their answers in the chart. Interview Questions 1. When are your classes? ainlalwiy Your Classmates’ Answers My classes are on Monday and Wednesday. 22 Unit 2 Yes/No Questions and Information Questions with BeYes / No Questions and Information Questions with Be 4 Avoid Common Mistakes & 1. Begin a question with a capital letter. End with a question mark. Ww ? where is Karlar 2, Remember that a question has subject and a verb. Where Room ? 3. Don’t use contractions with short Yes answers to Yes /No questions. “Are you tired?” "ves, i.” 4, Make sure the subject and verb agree. Ave 4s John and Pedro here? 5. Put the verb after the question word in information questions. When is the writing class? Editing Task Find and correct the mistakes in these questions and answers about your school. Ww 1, where is your school? . What is the school’s name. . How much the tuition is? A eP . "your school expensive” “Yes, it's! . What your major? . Is you a good student? When summer break is? 8. Is all your classes difficult? Schedules and School 235) Grammar for writing i Using Questions to Get Information About a Topic Writers use questions to get information about topics they want to write about. First, they think of the information that they want to know. Then they ask the questions that will give them that information. Remember: Question word order and statement word order are different. SUBJECT vere Statement Paulo is at the library. ves suBIECT Yes/No Question Is Paulo atthe library? Wir WoRD VERB SUBJECT Information Question Where is Paulo? Pre-writing Task 1 Read the paragraph below. My Classmate Javier Javier is a college student. His school is in Orlando, Florida. His major is business. His business classes are all interesting. His first language is Spanish. His birthday is on June 11 His interests are computers and soccer. He is married, and his wife's name is Violeta. She is not astudent. 2 Write the questions the writer asked Javier to get information before writing the paragraph Writer's Questions Javier's Answers 1. Are__you a student _? Yes, 1am. 2. Where 2 It's in Orlando, Florida 3. What 2 It’s business. 4 ‘They're all interesting. 5. It’s Spanish. 6 It’son June Computers and soccer. 24 Unit 2 Yes/No Questions and Information Questions with BeYes / No Questions and Information Questions with Be & married? Yes, Lam. 9, What Violeta. astudent? No, she isn't. Writing Task 1 Write Use the paragraph in the Pre-writing Task to help you write about a classmate ora friend. Decide on the information you want to know. ‘Then write at least six questions to find out the answers. Interview the person, and then write your paragraph. 2 Self-Edit Use the editing tips below to improve your sentences. Make any necessary changes. 1, Did you use questions to find out information about your classmate? 2, Did you use the correct word order for Yes/ No questions? 3, Did you use the correct word order for information questions? 4, Did you avoid the mistakes in the Avoid Common Mistakes chart on page 23? Schedules and School 25UNIT 26 Gadgets Count Nouns; A/An; Have and Be 1 ‘Grammar in the Real World @ A Do you have a cell phone? Ifo, is your cell phone like these phones? Read the web y ye Pl page. Which phone is best for you? Great Prices on Used Cell Phones! MAX 3 It’s an old f model, but it's a great \t phone! thas all the basic features.' $ 5 It'sacell phone, a radio, an organizer, an alarm clock, and more. Talk! Send text messages. + Makea schedule with 10 the calendar. Listen to the radio. Reviews Jen: I'm a busy person, and this is a great phone for me at college. It’s 15 perfect for students, *** Niki: like the keyboard, but the keys are too small. I's not a good phone for text messages. *** Meature: an important characteristic SmartX It's a new model and has lots of great new features. $ It’s a cell phone, a web browser, a camera, and an MP3 player. It’s also a camcorder, a radio, an organizer,an 25 alarm clock, and more. Send e-mails, text messages, photos, and video files anytime, anyplace, + Read news and weather updates. + Listen to the radio. » Shop online. + Talk for hours! Reviews Mei: m an artist, and Ineed a good camera. This phone has an excellent. 35 camera and video, **** Pedro The battery life is 10 hours (talk time), so that's not great. But it’s a good phone. ***Count Nouns; 4/An; Have and Be B Comprehension Check Answer the questions. Circle Yes or No. Use the web page to help you. 1. Are the two phones new models? Yes 2, Is the MAX 31 $29, Yes 3, Is the SmartX 's camera good? Yes No No No C Notice Circle the correct words. Use the web page to help you. 1. The MAX 3i is a/an old model. 2, Jen is a/an busy person. 3, ‘The battery life is 10 hour /hours. 4, ‘This is a great phone / phones for me 2 Nouns; A/An > Grammar Presentation Nouns are words for people, places, and things. I'm an artist. It’s an electronics store. Itisa great phone. They are great phones. Singular and Plural Nouns Singular Nouns Plural Nouns Itsacamera. They are cameras. Itsagood product. They are good products. Singular Nouns a. Count nouns have singular and plural forms. b. Use a before singular count nouns that begin with a consonant sound (6, c,d, fg, etc). ¢. Use an before singular count nouns that begin with a vowel sound (a, e, i, 0, u). Note: Some nouns that begin with the letter u have a consonant sound ("you"). Indefinite and Definite Articles: See page A abook- three books _ onephone-twophones aweb browser acamera acell phone ascreen an address book an MP3 player an advertisement an update aunit university Gadgets 27 Plural Nouns a. Add -s to most singular nouns to form plural amodel-twomodels acamera - two cameras nouns. akey—keys astudent - students b. Add -es to nouns that end in -ch,-sh,-ss,-z, watch - watches class ~ classes and ~x. dish - dishes tax- taxes . With nouns that end in consonant + y, battery—batteries accessory — accessories change the y to/and add -es. d. With nouns that end in -ife, change the life — lives knife - knives ending to-ives. Irregular Plural Nouns a. Some plural nouns have irregular forms. ‘man-men woman - women These are the mostcommon irregular child ~ children person - people plural nouns in academic writing. foot- feet tooth - teeth b. Some nouns have the same form for singular onefish-twofish one sheep -two sheep and plural. ¢. Some nouns are only plural. They do not clothes Jeans scissors havea singular form. headphones pants sunglasses Spelling Rules for Noun Plurals See page A2. Proper Nouns Proper nouns are the names of specific Jenny Ms. Thorson people, places, and things. They begin with Canada _ Dallas Chester College capital letters. San Francisco Herald Capitalization and Punctuation Rules: See page Al > Grammar Application Exercise A or An A Write @ or an next to each noun. 1, _@_ pencil 6. ___ marker 2. ___ eraser 7. ____ address book 3. ____ camera 8. ___ calculator 4, ___ grammar book 9, ___ wallet 5. ____ laptop ___ notebook 28 Unit 3 Count Nouns; A/An; Have and BeCount Nouns; A/An; Have and Be B Over to You Ask and answer questions about things in the classroom. Use aor an. Make a list of the new words you learn. A What's the word for this in English? B It'sadesk./Idon't know. Let’s ask the teacher. Exercise Plural Nouns A Look at this store advertisement. Write the plural form of the nouns. For nouns that have only one form, leave the space blank This week’s sale prices Electronics School Supply/cs _ Clothes and Accessory battery _$3-$5 dictionary __$$ dress_—«$$89 caleulator___$8-$75 scissors_$$10 bet $$39 headphones__$5~$65 notebook __75¢~$ sunglasses__$$20 cellphone____$$ puse__$$ computer____$$ jeans__$$80 video camera__ $~$1, B Pair Work Practice asking and answering questions about the items in A with a partner. A How much are the belts? B They're $13 to $ Exercise =) Pronunciation Focus: Plural Nouns For nouns that end in the sounds /s/, /{/, faz M§/, /d3/, /ks/, and /2/, say /az/ in the plural. Is/ class - classes These nouns have an extra syllable in the MN dish - dishes plural form. if) watch - watches 10k) message ~ messages /ks/_ box boxes rl quiz - quizzes For most other nouns, say /S/ or /z/in the /s/ ot /2/ plural. book - books phone - phones accessory - accessories Gadgets 29A *) Listen. Check (7) the nouns with an extra syllable in the plural form. 1. purse ~ purses door - doors (7. page - pages (2. bag - bags 1s. size - sizes Cs. closet - closets 3. map - maps computer ~ computers (9. phone ~ phones B Write the plural form of these nouns. Do they have an extra syllable? Check (7) Yes or No. Extra Syllable? Extra Syllable? Yes No Yes No 1. desk _desks Qo 2 8. brush Oo Qo 2. tax o a 9. dictionary. o ao 3. CD player Oo Oo match Oo a 4, case O CO Wi chair 1 a 5, orange Oo O quiz oO Qo 6. penny. a o pen a Qa 7. student o O garage Oo Qo Exercise Proper Nouns ‘Write answers to the questions. Use proper nouns. . What's the capital of the United States? _/t's Washington, D.C. . What's your last name? . What’s the name of the street where you live? . What's the name of your hometown? What's the name of your favorite movie? . What's your favorite store? ~. What's the name of your school or college? PN ANA WE . What's your teachersname?_— 30 Unit 3 Count Nouns; A/An; Have and BeCount Nouns; A/An; Have and Be 3 Be with A/An + Noun > Grammar Presentation Using Be with A/An+Noun a. You can use be with a/an + noun to tell: + what something is. It’s a cell phone. It's an MP3 player, too. + what something is like. It's a great phone. + who someone is. Jon is a friend from college. + what someone is lke. He'sanice guy. b. You can use be + a/an + noun to saya person’s — Jenny is a businesswoman. occupation. Pedro is an architect. ¢. Don't use a/an with plural nouns. They're cell phones. Nor Fheyareaceltphones: Pronunciation note: A and an are not usually stressed. a = /a/ and an=/an/ /a/ CELL phone Jan/ ARchitect > Grammar Application Exercise A/An + Noun Complete the conversation with @ or an. A Isthat _a_new cell phone? Is it MP3 player, too? ivcaneny haw toy. 1% sane A Cool. Oh, look! Is that : : e-mail? B No,its_____ text: message froma Jf. A Jeff? Is he 2 friend? 8 Yes, rom high school. He's now __— engineering student at university in Florida. He’ in town with his biotiee Dad Dan's artist. o A Wow. So, where are they? B They're at coffee shop near here. Let's go see them. a) A That sounds like fun. Let's get taxi a Gadgets 31Exercise A/An + Noun: Occupations A Match the occupations and the pictures. Write the correct letter next to the names. ‘Then complete the sentences below. Make some occupations plural. a. chef b. electrician ¢. engineer d. mechanic e. pharmacist f. receptionist 4, Jody and Bryan a . Sarah 6. Anaand Peter 1. Mike_is an engineer. 2. Carl 3. Julia 4, Jody and Bryan 5. Sarah 6. Ana and Peter Unit 3 Count Nouns; A/An; Have and Be/An; Have and Be B Over to You Write sentences about people you know. 1, Tam_a student, |'m also a part-time salesclerk, 2. My friend is 3, My neighbor is 4, My friends are and ‘They 5, My classmate’s name is -He/She 6. My is (CGamily member 4 Have > Grammar Presentation He has anice apartment. (possession) My friends and | have a good time together. (experience) Have can show possession. It can also mean “to experience.” Have Subject Have 1 We You have ‘They acamera. He She has It Using Have a. Use have + noun to show: + possession or ownership. thave a car. + relationships. She has a friend from Chile. + parts of awhole. The website has helpful inks, b. It can also mean “to experience” or "to take We have fun in class. partinan activity.” They have lunch at Gadgets 33> Grammar Application Exercise Have Complete the sentences. Use have or has. . Big Electric is an electronics store. It usually _/iais_ good prices. . The store is very large. It four floors. . The first floor. computers and phones. . The second floor video game consoles and video games. . The third and fourth floors TVs, sound systems, and entertainment systems. . Big Electric also awebsite. . The website sometimes special sale prices. PA AA ewe Customers alot of fun shopping here. xercise Have and Be Complete the sentences from a student essay. Use have, has, am, is, or are. My Favorite Gadget Let me tell you about my laptop. It an old laptop, but it__a good computer. It only weighs four pounds, so it not very heavy. It great speakers, anditalso__abright, colorfl screen. So it S great for movies and for music. It___"”_ also good for e-mail. snlencee ay laptop very important forme. [use it to do almost al my homework. This laptop aso. webcam. I use it to talk to my friends in Mexico. I alot of friends there, and we ____very happy to see each other and talk over e the Internet. Sometimes problems with my computer. For example, the battery not very sttong. Also, the computer ____ slow. Twant anew 34 Unit 3 Count Nouns; A/An; Have and BeCount Nouns; A/An; Have and Be 5 Avoid Common Mistakes A\ 1. Use a or an to say a person's job. Jodyisartst 2. Use a or an to say what kind of a person someone is. She's nice person. 3. Use are after plural nouns. Remember: people, men, women, and children are plural. Te DeOpIeIninig. tek nice His children is smart 4, Use are with two nouns joined with and. ‘My clock and my radio's on my desk. 5. Use has with a singular subject. Tom have a great laptop. Editing Task Find and correct nine more mistakes about the Lim family are 1. ‘The people in my neighborhood is nice. 2. My neighbors is very friendly. 3, Tom and Nancy Lim is my neighbors 4, Nancy is computer programmer. 5, Tom is cell phone designer. 6, Their children is Joe and Cathy 7. Joe and Cathy is students at Hatfield College. 8, Joe is student in the computer department. 9. He have a lot of classes this year. Cathy is busy architecture student, Gadgets 356 Grammar for Writing 7 Writing About a Favorite Place Writers often use be and have to give information about people, places, and things. These verbs can help you clearly explain your ideas. Remember: + Be +noun and have + noun give different information. + Be + noun can identify and describe people and things. Heis my brother. Oaxaca is acity. + Have + noun can show: possession or relationship have acat. Ihave a cousin. experience My friend and | have a good time together. parts of a whole That website has many interesting links. Pre-writing Task 1 Read the paragraph below. What places can you visit in this city? My Favorite City Thave a favorite city. The city { Giza) Egypt. Ithas a lot of beautiful monuments. It also has alot of museums and beautiful parks. My favorite park is Orman Park. Giza has a fast and clean subway system. 2 Read the paragraph again. Circle be + noun. Underline have + noun. 36 Unit 3 Count Nouns; A/An; Have and BeCount Nouns; A/An; Have and Be Writing Task 1 Write Use the paragraph in the Pre-writing Task to help you write about a favorite city or place. Write about the places and things that make this place special. 2 Self-Edit Use the editing tips below to improve your sentences. Make any necessary changes. 1, Did you use sentences with be and have to tell about your favorite place? 2. Did you use be to describe people and things? 3. Did you use have to show possession and experience? 4, Did you avoid the mistakes in the Avoid Common Mistakes chart on page 35? Gadgets 37UNIT | Demonstratives and Possessives | The Workplace 1 Grammar in the Real World @ A Can you name five things that you use in an office? Read the conversation. How many different office things do the speakers mention in the conversation? Robert Claudia Robert 5 Claudia Robert 38 First Day at the Office Hello, Claudia. I’m Robert. Welcome to our company! Hello, Robert. It’s nice to meet you. ‘This is your desk. ‘That's the closet for your coat. Let me show you around. Thanks. Office supplies, like paper, folders, and CDs, are in those cabinets over there. The printers are here, and this is the only copy machine. The paper is in these drawers below the printers.Claudia 1 Robert Keung Claudia 1s Keung Claudia Keung Claudia 20 Keung Robert Claudia 25 Keung Robert Demonstratives and Possessives Thanks. That's good to know. Now, let me introduce you to Keung. He's on your team. Keung, this is Claudia. She's our new sales manager. Nice to meet you, Claudia. Nice to meet you, Keung. Those photographs are beautiful. Are you a photographer? Well, photography is my hobby. Those pictures are from my trip to Thailand. That photograph on the left is great. What is it? It’s the Royal Palace in Bangkok, my favorite place. That's a great picture, too. ‘Those little girls are my sister's children. She lives in Bangkok. Sorry to interrupt, but we have a management meeting in 10 minutes. It’s in the conference room. It's this way, down the hall. Let’s get some coffee before the meeting. OK. See you later, Keung. Wait. Robert, are these your reports? Yes, they are. Thanks. I need them for the meeting. B Comprehension Check Match the two parts of the sentences about the conversation. 1. Claudia___ a. arein the cabinets. 2. Keung __ b. are his sister's children. 3, The little girls in the photograph____c. isa new employee. 4, Office supplies__ d. isin the conference room. 5, The meeting ___ e. ison her team, C Notice Find the sentences in the conversation and circle the correct words. 1. The paper is in these / this drawers below the printers. 2. Those / That photograph on the left is great. 3, That / Those little girls are my sister’s children, 4, It’s this/ these way, down the hall. Now look at the nouns in italics. What words come before the singular nouns? What words come before the plural nouns? The Workplace 392 Demonstratives (This, That, These, Those) > Grammar Presentation The demonstratives are this, that, these, and those. We use demonstratives to “point to” things and people. This is my desk. Those desks are for new employees. _Demonstratives with Singular and Plural Nouns ‘SINGULAR PLURAL This/That Noun Verb These/Those Noun Verb This empty. These for supplies. malo |e for paper. Tabada ssa lilockadl Demonstratives Used Without Nouns SINGULAR PLURAL This/That Verb These/Those Verb This for you. These from your co-workers. That" ——mydesk Those forus. Using Demonstratives with Singular and Plural Nouns 1a. Use this for a person or thing near you (a person or thing that is here). b. Use that for a person or thing not near you (a person or thing that is there). ¢. Use these for people or things near you (people or things that are here). d. Use those for people or things not near you (people or things that are there). e. Use this, that, these, and those before nouns to identify and describe people and things. Unit 4 Demonstratives and Possessives This desk is Amanda's. This paper is for the printer. That desk is Janet’ That printer is a color printer. These reports are for the meeting. These students are in your English class. Those folders are the sales reports. Those soccer players are great. This photo is my favorite. That little girl in the photo is my sister's daughter. These charts are helpful Those papers are important. Using Demonstratives with Be a. You can use this, that, these, and those as pronouns to identify things. b. You can only use this and these as pronouns to introduce people. «. In informal speaking, use the contraction that’s instead of that is. Questions with Demonstratives a. To identify people, ask questions with Whois. the noun. b, To identify things, ask questions with Whatis .. Ifits clear what you are talking about, you can omit the noun. ¢. To ask about a price, use How much is/are? Ifit’'s clear what you are talking about, you can omit the noun. d. After questions with this and that, answer with it for things and he or she for people. After questions with these and those, answer with they. This is the only copy machine. = This copy machine is the only copy machine. That is the color printer. = That printer is the color printer, These are the reports for the meeting, = These reports are the reports for the meeting. Those are my keys. = Those keys are my keys. A This is Claudia, B Hi, Claudia! Nice to meet you. A These are my co-workers, Mena and Liz. B Hello. Nice to meet you. That's a nice picture. ? Whois that new teacher? Ifit’s clear who you are talking about, you can omit Whois that? What is that noise? Whats that? How much is this printer? How much is this? How much are these printers? How much are these? “How much is this copier?” “Its $” “Who is that lady?” “She's my boss.” “Are these your reports?” “Ves, they are.” “Who are those people?” “They're my co-workers.” The Workplace 41> Grammar Application Exercise Demonstratives with Singular and Plural Nouns Help Margo describe her office. Write this or these for things that are near her, and that or those for things that are not near her. 1, __This _ phone is new. closet is for her coat. books are about business. computer is old. 2, 3 4. 5. pens are very good. 6. window is open. 7. papers are for the meeting, 8 cabinet is for paper clips, folders, and general office things. a. picture is a photograph of her family, folders are for the sales reports. Exercise More Demonstratives with Singular and Plural Nouns Pair Work What's in your pocket? What's in your bag? Tell your partner using this and these. Then your partner repeats everything using that and those. A This is a cell phone. These are keys. This is a pen. These are pencils. This isa paper clip. B OK. That's a cell phone. Those are keys. That's a pen. Those are pencils. That's a paper clip. 42 Unit 4 Demonstratives and PossessivesDemonstratives and Possessives Exercise Demonstratives Without Nouns A Which noun isn't necessary? Cross out the noun. Check (/) the sentences where you cannot cross out the noun, Jane How much are these (1) memory-stieks? Salesclerk $30, Jane ‘Thank you. That's a nice (2) computer. / Lisa Yes, it has a big screen, What's that (3) thing on the front? Salesclerk It's the webcam, And here’ the headphone jack. Jane Yeah. Is this (4) model a new model? Salesclerk No. This (5) model is an old model. That's why it’s on sale. That's (6) the new model over there. Jane Oh, 1 see. Hey, these (7) headphones are great headphones. Lisa Yeah? Buy them! Jane Him They're $, No, thank you! B =) Listen to the conversation and check your answers. Exercise Questions and Answers with Demonstratives Circle the correct words. 1, A How much is these, {thab) )printer, please? B (its)they're $ 2. A Excuse me, how much are these /this scanners? 8 It’s/ They're $ 3. A How much is those/this electronic dictionary? 8 It’s /"They’re $ 4. A Excuse me, how much are that / those pens? B It's/ They're $4. 5. A How much are these / that laptops? 8 It's/They’re on sale. It's / They're $ 6. A How much is those / that digital photo frame? 8 It’s/ They're $ The Workplace 43Exercise More Questions and Answers with Demonstratives Pair Work Look around your classroom. In each box, write the names of three more things you see. Near Me Not Near Me Singular =a desk, amap,.. Plural books, windows, . .. ‘Ask your partner Yes/No questions about the things above. Answer with it (singular) or they (plural). A Isthat.a map of lowa? A Arethese books new? B No, it’s not. It’sa map ofillinois. —B Yes, they are. Exercise Vocabulary Focus: Responses with That’s You can use short responses with A |have a new job. A My printer is broken. That's + adjective in conversations. B That's great! / That's good! B That's too bad. Here are common adjectives touse excellent good —great_— interesting nice with that's. ok terrible toobad wonderful Write a response with That's + adjective. Use the adjectives above. It's a holiday tomorrow. That's nice. Were on the same team! Business isn't very good this year. eee Patricia's not here today. She's sick. Thave a new laptop! 6. ‘This cell phone has a dictionary. 44° Unit 4 Demonstratives and PossessivesDemonstratives and Possessives 3 Possessives and Whose > Grammar Presentation Possessives show that someone possesses (owns or has) something. My, Your, His, Her, Its, Our, Their A Is this Diane’s desk? B No, it’s my desk. Her desk is in the other office. Her boss’s desk is in that office, too. Subject Possessive 1 omy I'm not ready for class. My deskis very messy. you your You are very organized. Your desk is so neat. he his He is a new employee. His old job was in Hong Kong. she her She isn't in the office now. Her computer is off. it its Itis a new company. Its president is Mr. Janesh. we our We have the reports. Our boss wants to read them now. you your You are co-workers. Your office is on the second floor. they their They are at the office. Their boss is on vacation. 1 Subject and Object Pronouns: See page A Possessive Nouns a. Add’ to singular nouns to show possession. b. Add an apostrophe (’) to plural nouns ending in -s to show possession. . For irregular plural nouns, add ’s to show possession. d. My, your, his, her, our, and their can come before a possessive noun. >» Capitalization and Punctuation Rules: See page Al. The manager's name (one manager) The boss's ideas (one boss) The managers’ names (more than one manager) The bosses’ ideas (more than one boss) The men’s books (more than one man) The children’s room (more than one child) my friend's job our parents’ names The Workplace 45 Whose? a. We can use whose to ask who owns something, We can use it with singular and plural nouns. b. We often use whose with this, that, these, and those. Using Possessives a. Use the same possessive form before a singular noun or a plural noun. b. Use a possessive to show that someone ‘owns something. ¢. Use a possessive to show that someone has something. d. Use a possessive to show relationships between people. Use a possessive noun to talk about places and countries. 46 Unit 4 Demonstratives and Possessives Whose jacket is this? I think that's Kana’s jacket. Whose papers are those? Oh! They‘re my papers. Thank you. SINGULAR PLURAL my friend my friends her report her reports the boss’s report the boss's reports herpen theirfolders Rachel's car yourname mybirthday Jared's job mysister hisboss _ Claudia’s co-worker The city’s population Japan's prime ministerDemonstratives and Possessives > Grammar Application Exercise Possessives Ben sends an e-mail to Dora and attaches some pictures, He describes them. Complete the e-mail. Use the possessive form of the pronoun in parentheses ~ my, his, her, its, our, their ~ or '. Here are the photos of our (we) end-of-semester @ party for (we) English class. The first photo @, is Juliana and Keiko. Is Juliana in (you) math o 5 class? She's sometimes () partner in pair @ work. Keiko is (she) best friend, o Then, in the second photo, the woman in the pink shirt is Sally. She's (Juliana) sister. @ (They) family is in Chicago, but Sally is ww here, too. The tall man is Mr. Donovan. He's (we) new teacher. (He) first name is Howard, and he’s very friendly. In this photo we're in the hall near (Mr. Donovan) office. Send me some pictures of your class 1s Ben Exercise Possessive ’s or s’? A Circle the correct form of the possessive (or s} in the sentences. 1, My@o-worker'9/ co-workers’ name is Krista. 2. Krista’s / Kristas’ last name is Logan. 3. She has two managers. Her manager's / managers’ names are Tom and Sara. 4, Sara’s/Saras’ family is from Colombia. 5, She has two brothers. Her brother's / brothers’ names are José and Carlos. The Workplace 476, Tom’s/ Toms’ wife is from New Jersey. Her name is Jessica. 7. Jessica and Tom have a daughter. Their daughter's / daughters’ name is Danielle 8, ‘They have two cats. The cat's / cats’ names are Sam and Max. B Pair Work ‘Tell a partner about someone you know at work or about a friend at school, Use the sentences in A as a model. Exercise Questions with Whose and Who's A Complete the questions about the people in the photos with Whose and Who's. Then answer the questions. Name: Ling Yang Name: Ki-woon Do Name: Missolle Beauge Nationality: Chinese Nationality: South Korean Nationality: Haitian Birthday: October 2 Birthday: June § Birthday: April 7 Best friend: Leila Best friend: Nora Best friend: Lona Major: Nursing Major: Business Major: Computers and Technology Interests: yoga, art Interests: soccer, movies Interests: music, cooking 1 Whose best friend is Leila? Leila is Ling’s best friend. 2 birthday is in June? 3 Chinese? 4. major is Business? 5 Haitian? 6 from South Korea? CR major is Nursing? 8 birthday is in October? aa Se 9. interested in soccer? interests are music and cooking? B Pair Work Ask and answer other questions about the people in A. A Whose best friend is Nora? B Nora is Ki-woon's best friend. 48 Unit 4 Demonstratives and Possessives,Demonstratives and Possessives 1. Use this and that for singular things and people. This ‘These printers $ That ‘Those man is my manager. 2. Use these and those for plural things and people. These This folders are for the meeting. Those ‘That women are on my team. 3. Its is possessive. It’s is a contraction for it is. lis Its He works for a smalll company. It's name is Z-Tech. its on Main Street. 4, Use ’s (singular) or s’ (plural) with possessive nouns. mother’s co-workers’ Tomorrow is her mother birthday. I don’t know my co-workers birthdays. 5. Use the same possessive form before a singular noun or a plural noun. her Justine enjoys spending time with hers co-workers. Editing Task Find and correct eight more mistakes in this conversation. a a A Hi. I'm sorry to interrupt you, but where's the manager,office? B Its next to Claudia office. A Where is those? I don't know Claudi B Oh, it's down these hallway right here. Turn left after you pass that two elevators. A Oh, OK. You mean its near the two assistants office. B ‘That's right, Do you know them? A Yes, Ido. B ‘Then please give them a message. Theirs folders are on my desk. The Workplace 495 Grammar for Writing Writing About Things and People’s Possessions Writers use demonstratives and possessives to explain who people are and what they own. They also use them to describe the location of people and things ina place. Writers often use demonstratives and possessives to describe people and things in pictures. Remember: + Use this and these for things and people near you. This is my boss, Serena. These are my co-workers, Jon and Marquesa. + Use that and those for things and people not near you. That office over there is Jon’s office. Those offices over there are empty. + Use possessives before a noun or nouns to show the relationships between people and things. Serena's bossis there. HernameisMaxie. — Quroffice is here. Pre-writing Task 1 Read the e-mail below. What does the writer describe? Hi Jun, How are you? How i 1? This is a picture of the people at the office. It is our new team. That is your friend Jung Won in the front. She’s married now. Those two men in the back are new. Their names are Francisco and Jack. They are Casey's friends. Paula's new roommate, Sandy, is on our team, too. Pietro and Diego are not in this office anymore. Their office is downtown. Let's talk soon. Alexia 2 Read the e-mail again. Circle the possessives and draw an arrow to the things or people the possessives go with. Then underline the demonstratives. Notice the writer's use of our. Who does the writer mean by our? 50 Unit 4 Demonstratives and PossessivesDemonstratives and Possessives Writing Task 1 Write Find a picture of people in your life. Write an e-mail about them. Use the e-mail in the Pre-writing Task to help you. Use sentences with demonstratives and possessives. Use sentences such as: + This is a picture of __. + This/That is___. + These / Those (people, things) are__. + This /That (person, thing) is_. 2 Self-Edit Use the editing tips below to improve your sentences. Make any necessary changes. 1. Did you use demonstratives and possessives to write about people and their relationships in your pictures? 2. Did you use this and these for things and people near you? 3, Did you use that and those for things and people not near you? 4, Did you use possessives before a noun or nouns to show the relationships between people and things? 5. Did you avoid the mistakes in the Avoid Common Mistakes chart on page 49? ‘The Workplace 51UNIT | Descriptive Adjectives Skills and Qualities for Success 1 Grammar in the Real World © A Do you use a social networking website? Which one? Read the web article about a social networking site for jobs. Are these websites useful for employers? Social Networking for Jobs Sometimes, social networking’ websites are for sending news, messages, and photos to friends. They're like big bulletin boards on the Internet. Now social networking websites are for work, too. Unemployed? people can find jobs there, and companies can find new workers. Some sites also have a lot of 5 very useful information about jobs and careers. Here is the story of two people who use JobsLink, a social networking website. Julia is a hardworking student at a large community college. She's very busy with her courses, but she is also ambitious. Her career goal is to be an 10 accountant. She has a profile on a social networking website for business professionals. Her profile has a link’ to her résumé. Ricardo is an employer. He has a small business. His accounting office needs anew accountant. Hes interested in Julia’s profile on JobsLink. She's young, but she’s an excellent student. Ricardo contacts Julia by e-mail. She has an 1s interview with Ricardo. He thinks that Julia is friendly and smart. Soon, Julia has a new job. Julia and Ricardo are happy with the social networking website. “social networking: meeting and talking to people on the Internet| unemployed: not having job chat eams money ambitious wanting succes |ink:9 word or image ona website that can take you to anather document or website B Comprehension Check Answer the questions. Use the article to help you. 1, What is JobsLink? 2. Is Julia a student or an instructor? Is Ricardo an employee or an employer? 4, Who has an interview with Ricardo? 52Descriptive Adjectives C Notice ‘the nouns in each sentence are underlined. Circle the word that describes each noun. These words are adjectives. 1. It like a big bulletin board. 2. He has a small business, 3, Julia is a hardworking student at a large community college. 4, Julia has a new job. Do the adjectives come before or after the nouns? 2 Adjectives > Grammar Presentation Adjectives describe or give information about nouns - people, places, things, and ideas. Adjectives a. Adjectives can come before nouns. b. Adjectives can come after the verb be. They describe the subject. . Adjectives have the same form when they describe singular or plural nouns. Heownsa ‘She hasa suBlect Julia They Heneedsa He needs two ADJECTIVE small new ee is are ADJECTIVE good ADJECTIVE good found agood job. (Good describes job.) This website is helpful. (Helpful describes this website.) NOUN business. job. ADJECTIVE smart. young. NOUN (SINGULAR) accountant. NOUN (PLURAL) accountants, Skills and Qualities for Success 53 Using Adjectives a. When using an adjective before a singular noun: + use a before adjectives that begin witha They work for a big company. consonant’ sound. She has along résumé. Anew student is in my class. + use an before adjectives that begin witha He has an interesting blog. vowel? sound. She's an ambitious businessperson. That's an excellent idea! b. You can use adjectives to describe: + color ablue suit an orange skirt + age anewwebsite an old résumé + size atall building asmall phone + shape awide street around window + opinions agreat job an excellent student + length of time ashort meeting along vacation ¢. You can use very to make the adjective stronger. The meeting was very long. Reminder: "Consonants: the letters, d.f.a. hu jkr, p46 5, Nowels: the letters 0,€,,u Eo RUA elas] These adjectives are used after the verb be. afraid, alone, asleep, awake Do not use them before a noun. Ahmed is asleep. not Ahmed is theasteep-men. >
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