Think, that: Microsoft picture it digital image pro 7.0 free download
Microsoft picture it digital image pro 7.0 free download - apologise, but
Microsoft picture it digital image pro 7.0 free download - apologise
Microsoft digital Image pro 10
Can I use microsoft digital image pro 9 with a macbook pro laptop
See title
Platform: Windows NT / 98 / 2000 / Me / XP / 95
Media: CD-ROM
Y at - it an update for Microsoft Digital Image Pro 10 vs 10.0.612.0
Is there an update for Microsoft Digital Image Pro 10 vs 10.0.612.0? I just bought a new desktop computer that is running Windows 7. My previous office was Windows XP. I can open my photos in 10 Pro, but I can't do a SAVE AS. In the upper left corner it States (read-only) behind the name of the file. I think that it is telling me that my editing software is not compatible with Windows 7. Is this true and an update of the software will fix this problem?
support Microsoft digital image pro 9
How can I load an image pdf into image digital pro 9 microsoft
How can I load an image pdf into image digital pro 9 microsoft
Microsoft Digital Image Pro 9 is not compatible with Windows 7.
Ref:Compatibility Center
Microsoft Digital Image Pro 9 is still copyrighted?
The reason I ask, I have an unauthorized copy program that someone gave me a few years ago. I've used for a while, then gave up and uninstalled from my computer because I judged unethical because I had not purchased a license. But given that the program was interrupted for a while now, I was wondering about the copyright. Is it legal to use a copy of Microsoft Digital Image Pro 9, or is it still protected by copyright?
If you want to buy a legitimate program you must search for online retailers. Its still under copyright.
Perhaps the program has been installed in virtual WinXP or compatibility mode
Is there a version of Microsoft Digital Image Pro for Windows 8
On Windows 8, I want to edit and retouch my photos. Is there a new software or application that replaces Microsoft Digital Image Pro?
Hi Tecox45,
Thanks for posting your question in the Microsoft Community.
I would like to inform you that Microsoft has stopped the production of Digital Image Pro, and there isn't an app store for the same thing, too.
However, on the good side is several new software developed by Microsoft that thwart the features of Digital Image Pro.
Take a look at this:
Microsoft Digital Image Pro 10 and Coolpix S9300
Since I purched Coolpix S9300, I cannot save pictures after I have change in Microsoft Digital Image Pro 10. I have a new computer with Windows 8 and still the same problem (the old computer is Windows XP and could not save the edited either images).
When I try to save it, I get a window appears which says 'cannot save the image for (then the path of the file name).
It's just ordinary .jpeg, not in read-only files and I have no other problems with previous cameras, just this one.
I can, however, edit them on Photo Shop and then save them... but I don't like this show as I do Microsoft Digital Image Pro 10! I would rather work with this program.
Any help would be grateful.
Since I purched Coolpix S9300, I cannot save pictures after I have change in Microsoft Digital Image Pro 10. I have a new computer with Windows 8 and still the same problem (the old computer is Windows XP and could not save the edited either images).
When I try to save it, I get a window appears which says 'cannot save the image for (then the path of the file name).
It's just ordinary .jpeg, not in read-only files and I have no other problems with previous cameras, just this one.
I can, however, edit them on Photo Shop and then save them... but I don't like this show as I do Microsoft Digital Image Pro 10! I would rather work with this program.
Any help would be grateful.
A question... all .jpg photos have this issue or simply the
those created by the Nikon S9300?
If you import a photo you changed and re-recorded
In PhotoShop in DIP 10... does the problem always
Have you tried running DIP 10 in Compatibility Mode?
Windows 8 - operate your applications and devices in Windows 8
I wonder if you might have better results with the
latest version of the Digital Image (version 11).
There is always a 60 day trial version which can be downloaded
from the following site if you want to experiment.
(FWIW... it's always a good idea to create a system)
Restore point before installing software or updates)
Microsoft Digital Image Starter Edition 2006
used Microsoft digital image pro 9 save more! Help!
When I click on save, I get an error message saying its impossible to record. I uninstalled it, reinstalled, and yet nothing works.
-What version of the Windows operating system is installed on your computer?
I suggest you restore the system to the previous point, while he was working fine before.
Support for Microsoft Digital Image was arrested. Support has been provided up to three years from the date of purchase or through January 13, 2009, whatever the date is reached first.
I suggest you to visit the following links to learn more about Microsoft Digital Image.
Microsoft Digital Image Suite
I am successfully using Microsoft Digital Image Pro 10 with Vista. I used this for many years and do not want to give it up, but maybe need to buy the new computer. Is there a there editing program that compares in quality and ease of use that works with windows 7? I tried a PSE and very hard to do all the things that are a snap with picture Pro. Help!
Some users of Windows 7 seem to have success installing and
running Microsoft Photo Suite Edition and other are not. Best bet would be
be to give it a try.
The latest version of 'Digital Image Suite 2006 Anniversary Edition'
would probably be the best chance.
In my opinion... There is no digital image editing software equal
for Microsoft Picture It! / Digital Image line of products.
If you want to experiment with other programs... What follows
review site can offer some possibilities... (I think that they all offer
trial versions):
Compare the best 2012 Photo editing software
Microsoft digital image pro9 has stopped working
I have a HP with Vista computer. For the past 3 years, I used microsoft digital image pro 9 and the other day I got a message that PictureIt 9 has stopped working the second I try to open a file or browser. I NEED this program... How can I get it back... I don't want to uninstall and reinstall the original disk is at my sisters in Florida and I'm in Pennsylvania!
I have a HP with Vista computer. For the past 3 years, I used microsoft digital image pro 9 and the other day I got a message that PictureIt 9 has stopped working the second I try to open a file or browser. I NEED this program... How can I get it back... I don't want to uninstall and reinstall the original disk is at my sisters in Florida and I'm in Pennsylvania!
It may be interesting to try to do a system restore to one hour before the beginning of the question.
This happens with the library or Publisher?
Have you installed or updated everything that may be in conflict?
Volunteer - MS - MVP - Digital Media Experience J - Notice_This is not tech support_I'm volunteer - Solutions that work for me may not work for you - * proceed at your own risk *.
What to use for the PNG - 24 format because we have no Microsoft Digital Image!
Adobe has its own version of the open source transparency PNG called PSD. Haughty! For sure, this is why Adobe is so special. But what most of us who use and share the PNG Alpha standard? Microsoft has been more favourable standards when it marketed Microsoft Digital Image® with remarkable support for the standard PNG-24 or PNG Alpha format. But now Microsoft has left our market go to * in a handbag, dropping support for Microsoft Digital Image.
Refusing even to advertise a new program to manipulate and develop better, more professional in our world image format!
Really too bad. Really terribly sad. We remember all that weird menu 20-40 clicks in blind abominations of Adobe, took just a few clicks, accompanied by beautiful visuals colored across Microsoft Digital Image Pro.
We are crying and sobbing and screaming in anguish, Microsoft! Please come home! Where are you, genius?
Hi Mark,
A couple of options...
I suggest you do a Bing search engine for third-party software program to fit your needs. (remember to watch where/what you download from third party sites)
Can also may want to check with the forums dedicated to this type of software, and not here in answers.
Windows expert community
My last suggestion is to speak with the real Microsoft Tech support to ask these questions. Remember that the only employees of MS here are those with a Big Blue Microsoft tag under their name. The majority of the members of the community here is not used from Ms.
Support options for MS;en-us; Select & Target = support
I hope that these help options,
B Eddie
I'm not able toimport photos on my Digital Image Pro 10 the Import Wizard program theough.
On ebay I just Digital Image Pro 10. I use a nikon camera and when I initially shot to the top of the wizard, the nikon and my scanner is recognized. I then right clicked on nikon one any icon images on my computer automatically. For some unknown reason, when I now click on this icon, the wizard is eliminated, and I do not get the transfer. Currently, I have to access my computer, then click the icon for nikon to download my images. When everything was fine with my Import Wizard, I remember that a box came up that said "Always do the selected action." That is, click the OK box. I don't remember doing that. Is this the reason of my not be able to download through my Import Wizard? How can I get this dialog box? Hopefully I can get an answer for this. Thank you.
Peace. Maret
Adjust the automatic run settings.
MS Digital Image Pro.
I've been a user of MS Digital Image Pro. I changed my equipment and now have problems. It seems that this product is no longer supported. Is this true? Is there any tip road downloads to keep it compatible? What is the recommended replacement product. Thank you very much for the help.
I've been a user of MS Digital Image Pro. I changed my equipment and now have problems. It seems that this product is no longer supported. Is this true? Is there any tip road downloads to keep it compatible? What is the recommended replacement product. Thank you very much for the help.
No update... All the Member States of Picture It!... MS digital image
programs have been abandoned and abandoned. The
latest version has been Digital Image Suite 2006 anniversary
Edition. And all the support was removed on 13/01/2009.
See the following link:
Product support lifecycle information
Digital Image Suite 2006
MS Windows Live Photo Gallery has announced as having
similar editing characteristics but in my humble OPINION it is not even close.
The site lists some alternatives which may be useful to
at a glance... I think that all offer a trial version.
MS, Digital Image Suite 2006 was and is still my all time
favorite and so far I have not seen everything I thought was
also easy to use.
I've seen a few reports execution of digital images with success
on Windows 7 using the compatibility mode and run as
Administrator but there is certainly no guarantee.
Also... If you happen be running Windows 7 Professional.
Ultimate or business... you could try Windows XP Mode:
Install and use Windows XP Mode in Windows 7
Digital Image pro 7.0 and Vista
I just got a new computer which uses Vista. I tried to install Digital Image Pro 7.0 and it seems to work fine until I tried to access the gallery. It crashed the program. I tried everything I can think of to fix. I really need this program and the need to find a soultion.
Hello brittersj,
Sorry, you have a problem with that! Have you checked that Digital Image Pro is compatible with Windows Vista? Has it worked for you correctly when you use Vista? I've added a link below for compatibility. Thank you!
Windows Vista Compatibility Center engineer in Support of James Microsoft answers visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.
HP Photosmart and Microsoft Digital Image Suite 2006 will not start/run correctly
I meet what I think, it's a security problem or software problem and I need help.
I have Microsoft Digital Image Suite 2006 on my computer and a week ago, when I clicked on the icon to start the program, a message popped up box:
Run as
Current user (nameofcomputer\nameofowner)
box with a check mark next to this statement: protect my computer and data from unauthorized program activity
This option can prevent computer viruses from harming your computer or personal data, but selecting it might
cause the program to function properly.
My first thought was that the program had been corrupted by a virus or something, so I ran SpyZooka both Windows OneCare but they found nothing, and after that, I uninstalled Digital Image because I have the software and could re - install. I did all this and the program does not open and displays the above message. Then, he suddenly decided to let me do an edition on a picture but when I click on "save under" the entire program window has disappeared. That's what it is. I can get the program to open, but if I click on options such as you upload a photo or save an image, or if I click on 'Help' and try to look at the user manual, etc., the program immediately shuts down / disappears.
Today, I decided to use HP Photosmart for the first time (since I installed the printer last week), edit a few photos. The first time I clicked on the icon, the program window appeared and I would like to look at the features and watch the video tour. I got to download the updates I needed and when I tried to open HP Photosmart subsequently, the above message appears and the program would not open/run.
Help! What I did wrong to cause, it's a setting on my laptop? I don't know and all setting that I have authorized which would cause the message to appear with a check mark next to "protect my computer and data from unauthorized program activity.
Your PC has XP?
Here are some links I found by searching Help for you:
It will be useful.
