Theme: Birth of the federation download torrent for windows 10
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Birth of the federation download torrent for windows 10 |
Birth of the Federation
BOTF All in One installer 2.0.0 (Released 7-10-2020)
Postby thunderchero »
Hi Everyone,
Here is the "All in One" Birth of the Federation installer version 2.0.0
(Released 7-10-2020)
Changes in version 2.0.0
1. Mirror Universe mod added
2. 1920 x 1080 resolution added to all mods
3. tools removed from installer
4. installer now checks if Dxwnd is installed and will warn if not found
5. many installer info pages edited for clarity
6. all widescreen versions map size was adjusted so they have same amount of sectors as 5:4 versions
7. extended view option was removed with more balance for small map view
8. Error Correction mod updated to version 4.1
9, Patches added to Uncivil Wars, No Building upgrade, Flagship mod, Thunderchero Multi player mod
10. Ultimate Dominion mod had minor adjustments and patches
11. Fluid Multi player mod ship stat error corrected.
12. Balance of Power crash error corrected.
13. fix for cardassian production screen error when using MPR++
14. UDM, fix for MPR++ allowing to see phasers and torpedoes for minors in combat.
15. Fluid mod, fix for MPR++ allowing to see phasers and torpedoes for minors in combat
16. klingon button text patch added to base files.
each installed component/mod averages about 425mb
total installed size if all 27 mods and DxWnd are installed with highest resolution 13.3GB
MD5 check sum value of "BOTF_All_in_One_2.0.0.exe"
here is link to download page on AFC
All in One 2.0.0 zip
Changes in version 1.0.1
1. fix install path error
2. update all links to https://
3. add option to "continue anyway" when components are already installed.
4. add links in tools for "How to" pages for Ultimate Editor Basics, Large Map Generation Chart and tutorial for UE, How to lower the number of Palettes and Adding new models Using UE
5. change text in installer "Full installation" to "Select Components to install" on component page
6. change text in installer on final install page, "Finishing installation...." to "NOTICE: Compressing Files to stbof.res, this may take 1-3 minutes per mod selected."
7. update to latest version of DxWnd (v2.04.32)
8. add QD's EdificePatcher for UnCivil War editing
9. update all the patches for QD's patcher, add missing descriptions, change links to https://, add new patches for more mods.
10. added new patch folders for UM5 and Balance of Power
11. Added batch file to enable Directplay on Windows 8/8.1/10
Please read complete post before installing!
Before game will run you must have Directplay installed.
Note: installer should enable Directplay for you when using version 1.0.1.
You can install directplay though control panel.
Select "Programs and Features" on left select "Turn windows Features on or off"
expand "legacy components" and select "Directplay"

Versions/components within this installer

Install-able tools
DxWnd (fullscreen and windows) preloaded
Ultimate Editor (version 0.7.2dev5c)
QD's Patcher (with option to select different patch folder) included folders; QD's patch folder, BOP_patches, um5_patches, ecm4.0_patches, ucw_patches and udm_patches.
EdificePatcher.exe to allow editing of UCW
What to expect when running new installer.
When you first execute BOTF_All_in_One_1.0.1.exe you will be prompted to select the language to install.

You have 2 options English or German
Note; since most mods were released in English only, When German is selected, the installer will install as much German as possible. Some mods this is very limited. example; with Ultimate Dominion mod, when Dominion or Federation is played it would be still mostly English, while Cardassins, Klingons and Romulans would be only 30% English.
Vanilla, Error correction mod, Balance of power and Planet mod have full German versions.
next is the new license agreement

you must accept before continuing.
Next, you will need to select the "Base folder location used by installer"

Default location is the same as the original game used (C:\BOTF)
If you want to change this location you will need to change location each time installer is executed.
Note; each component folder is added automatically by installer. This is only base folder location
Next, you need to select what you want to install on this execution of the installer from the list.

If you plan on using DxWnd you need to install the tools on first execution so each mod can adjust install path used by DxWnd.
since tools are first on list, it will install before any mod (as long as it is selected)
When a mod is already installed it should be uninstalled before re-installing or you will get this message.
If you "continue anyway" all old files will be overwritten with new files.

Setting Command line arguments for shortcuts.
Note; This setting section effects the paths all shortcut use.
(Default setting)
set this way, DxWnd installed with shortcuts set to use fullscreen DxWnd Command line arguments for start menu and desktop (if selected)

set this way, DxWnd installed with shortcuts set to use windowed DxWnd Command line arguments for start menu and desktop (if selected)

set this way, DxWnd installed standard shortcut paths

set this way, DxWnd not installed standard shortcut paths

Next, you can select options for the selected mod being installed.

you can select the resolution to install (original 800 x 600, 1024 x 768 or 1366 x 768)
if mods have larger galaxies you can select to install zoomed in view.
option to add desktop icon.
some mods will also have option to add hob fix for combat evade and retreat CTD.
vanilla also has same special options as latest version.
Start menu
each installation has a folder added to the start menu for "Documentations" this will have various file such as original readme files and links to support pages.

You will be able to uninstall though start menu, add/remove programs and by directly executing the unins000.exe in each normal map install path. (large install path will not have uninstaller, but uninstall when normal unins000.exe is executed)
Details on installer file locations
installed game files
(User defined) default location C:\botf
start menu shortcuts
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microprose
desktop shortcuts
regisrty entries
64 bit systems
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microprose (Written by installer)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Applications (Written by installer)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall (written by windows but uses app id from installer)
32 bit systems
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microprose (Written by installer)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Applications (Written by installer)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall (written by windows, but uses app id from installer)
Usage of 1920 x 1080 universal patch
This patch has had limited testing, but I have had no issues when applied to 800 x 600 versions. This patch has been updated.
1920 x 1080 patch download page
Known issues
1. If you get trek.exe error when starting game DxWnd.exe may needs to be ran as administrator.
2. when starting new games on edited maps (Galaxies mod, Ultimate mod 5, large map versions and all 1366 x 768) still has random CTD due to galaxy generation. so video should be allowed to run at least 1/2 way.
3. some desktop icon may display white (no proper icon image) this is a windows issue with icon cache. After Reboot icon should display properly.
4. due to the size of installer, after first executing it may take 10 -20 sec before select language dialog opens. this is normal due to file size and your security that is running.
5. after installer completes and you select finish button, The trek icon in task bar will remain until all temp files are deleted. example if you install everything and at 1366 it may take 2-3 min to delete all the temp files.
I hope everyone enjoys,
Here is the "All in One" Birth of the Federation installer version 2.0.0
(Released 7-10-2020)
Changes in version 2.0.0
1. Mirror Universe mod added
2. 1920 x 1080 resolution added to all mods
3. tools removed from installer
4. installer now checks if Dxwnd is installed and will warn if not found
5. many installer info pages edited for clarity
6. all widescreen versions map size was adjusted so they have same amount of sectors as 5:4 versions
7. extended view option was removed with more balance for small map view
8. Error Correction mod updated to version 4.1
9, Patches added to Uncivil Wars, No Building upgrade, Flagship mod, Thunderchero Multi player mod
10. Ultimate Dominion mod had minor adjustments and patches
11. Fluid Multi player mod ship stat error corrected.
12. Balance of Power crash error corrected.
13. fix for cardassian production screen error when using MPR++
14. UDM, fix for MPR++ allowing to see phasers and torpedoes for minors in combat.
15. Fluid mod, fix for MPR++ allowing to see phasers and torpedoes for minors in combat
16. klingon button text patch added to base files.
each installed component/mod averages about 425mb
total installed size if all 27 mods and DxWnd are installed with highest resolution 13.3GB
MD5 check sum value of "BOTF_All_in_One_2.0.0.exe"
here is link to download page on AFC
All in One 2.0.0 zip
Changes in version 1.0.1
1. fix install path error
2. update all links to https://
3. add option to "continue anyway" when components are already installed.
4. add links in tools for "How to" pages for Ultimate Editor Basics, Large Map Generation Chart and tutorial for UE, How to lower the number of Palettes and Adding new models Using UE
5. change text in installer "Full installation" to "Select Components to install" on component page
6. change text in installer on final install page, "Finishing installation...." to "NOTICE: Compressing Files to stbof.res, this may take 1-3 minutes per mod selected."
7. update to latest version of DxWnd (v2.04.32)
8. add QD's EdificePatcher for UnCivil War editing
9. update all the patches for QD's patcher, add missing descriptions, change links to https://, add new patches for more mods.
10. added new patch folders for UM5 and Balance of Power
11. Added batch file to enable Directplay on Windows 8/8.1/10
Please read complete post before installing!
Before game will run you must have Directplay installed.
Note: installer should enable Directplay for you when using version 1.0.1.
You can install directplay though control panel.
Select "Programs and Features" on left select "Turn windows Features on or off"
expand "legacy components" and select "Directplay"

Versions/components within this installer

Install-able tools
DxWnd (fullscreen and windows) preloaded
Ultimate Editor (version 0.7.2dev5c)
QD's Patcher (with option to select different patch folder) included folders; QD's patch folder, BOP_patches, um5_patches, ecm4.0_patches, ucw_patches and udm_patches.
EdificePatcher.exe to allow editing of UCW
What to expect when running new installer.
When you first execute BOTF_All_in_One_1.0.1.exe you will be prompted to select the language to install.

You have 2 options English or German
Note; since most mods were released in English only, When German is selected, the installer will install as much German as possible. Some mods this is very limited. example; with Ultimate Dominion mod, when Dominion or Federation is played it would be still mostly English, while Cardassins, Klingons and Romulans would be only 30% English.
Vanilla, Error correction mod, Balance of power and Planet mod have full German versions.
next is the new license agreement

you must accept before continuing.
Next, you will need to select the "Base folder location used by installer"

Default location is the same as the original game used (C:\BOTF)
If you want to change this location you will need to change location each time installer is executed.
Note; each component folder is added automatically by installer. This is only base folder location
Next, you need to select what you want to install on this execution of the installer from the list.

If you plan on using DxWnd you need to install the tools on first execution so each mod can adjust install path used by DxWnd.
since tools are first on list, it will install before any mod (as long as it is selected)
When a mod is already installed it should be uninstalled before re-installing or you will get this message.
If you "continue anyway" all old files will be overwritten with new files.

Setting Command line arguments for shortcuts.
Note; This setting section effects the paths all shortcut use.
(Default setting)
set this way, DxWnd installed with shortcuts set to use fullscreen DxWnd Command line arguments for start menu and desktop (if selected)

set this way, DxWnd installed with shortcuts set to use windowed DxWnd Command line arguments for start menu and desktop (if selected)

set this way, DxWnd installed standard shortcut paths

set this way, DxWnd not installed standard shortcut paths

Next, you can select options for the selected mod being installed.

you can select the resolution to install (original 800 x 600, 1024 x 768 or 1366 x 768)
if mods have larger galaxies you can select to install zoomed in view.
option to add desktop icon.
some mods will also have option to add hob fix for combat evade and retreat CTD.
vanilla also has same special options as latest version.

Start menu
each installation has a folder added to the start menu for "Documentations" this will have various file such as original readme files and links to support pages.

You will be able to uninstall though start menu, add/remove programs and by directly executing the unins000.exe in each normal map install path. (large install path will not have uninstaller, but uninstall when normal unins000.exe is executed)
Details on installer file locations
installed game files
(User defined) default location C:\botf
start menu shortcuts
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microprose
desktop shortcuts
regisrty entries
64 bit systems
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microprose (Written by installer)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Applications (Written by installer)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall (written by windows but uses app id from installer)
32 bit systems
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microprose (Written by installer)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Applications (Written by installer)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall (written by windows, but uses app id from installer)
Usage of 1920 x 1080 universal patch
This patch has had limited testing, but I have had no issues when applied to 800 x 600 versions. This patch has been updated.
1920 x 1080 patch download page
Known issues
1. If you get trek.exe error when starting game DxWnd.exe may needs to be ran as administrator.
2. when starting new games on edited maps (Galaxies mod, Ultimate mod 5, large map versions and all 1366 x 768) still has random CTD due to galaxy generation. so video should be allowed to run at least 1/2 way.
3. some desktop icon may display white (no proper icon image) this is a windows issue with icon cache. After Reboot icon should display properly.
4. due to the size of installer, after first executing it may take 10 -20 sec before select language dialog opens. this is normal due to file size and your security that is running.
5. after installer completes and you select finish button, The trek icon in task bar will remain until all temp files are deleted. example if you install everything and at 1366 it may take 2-3 min to delete all the temp files.
I hope everyone enjoys,