Go download file
File download recipe for Echo. | Echo is a high performance, extensible, minimalist web framework for Go (Golang). Let's write one such program to download files via http in Go. I am going to Args[2] err:= DownloadFile(url, filename) if err!= nil { panic(err) }. Gofile is a free and anonymous file-sharing platform. You can There is no limit, you download at the maximum speed of your connection and everything is free.
package main import ( "fmt" "io" "net/http" "os" "strings" "github.com/dustin/go-humanize" ) // WriteCounter counts the number of bytes written to it. By implementing the Write method, // it is of the io.Writer interface and we can pass this into io.TeeReader() // Every write to this writer, will print the progress of the file write. typeWriteCounterstruct { Totaluint64 } func (wc*WriteCounter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) { n:=len(p) wc.Total+=uint64(n) wc.PrintProgress() returnn, nil } // PrintProgress prints the progress of a file write func (wcWriteCounter) PrintProgress() { // Clear the line by using a character return to go back to the start and remove // the remaining characters by filling it with spaces fmt.Printf("\r%s", strings.Repeat(" ", 50)) // Return again and print current status of download // We use the humanize package to print the bytes in a meaningful way (e.g. 10 MB) fmt.Printf("\rDownloading... %s complete", humanize.Bytes(wc.Total)) } funcmain() { iflen(os.Args) !=3 { fmt.Println("usage: download url filename") os.Exit(1) } fmt.Println("Download Started") url:=os.Args[1] filename:=os.Args[2] err:=DownloadFile(url, filename) iferr!=nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println("Download Finished") } // DownloadFile will download a url and store it in local filepath. // It writes to the destination file as it downloads it, without // loading the entire file into memory. // We pass an io.TeeReader into Copy() to report progress on the download. funcDownloadFile(urlstring, filepathstring) error { // Create the file with .tmp extension, so that we won't overwrite a // file until it's downloaded fully out, err:=os.Create(filepath+".tmp") iferr!=nil { returnerr } deferout.Close() // Get the data resp, err:=http.Get(url) iferr!=nil { returnerr } deferresp.Body.Close() // Create our bytes counter and pass it to be used alongside our writer counter:=&WriteCounter{} _, err=io.Copy(out, io.TeeReader(resp.Body, counter)) iferr!=nil { returnerr } // The progress use the same line so print a new line once it's finished downloading fmt.Println() // Rename the tmp file back to the original file err=os.Rename(filepath+".tmp", filepath) iferr!=nil { returnerr } returnnil } Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
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