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Q: How much does XTrkCad cost?
A: XTrkCad is going Open Source. In the meantime, free registration is available. Please see Free Registration.
Q: What scales and types of tracks does XTrkCad support?
A: Please see the Parameter Files page for a list of supported scales and track Components.
Q: How do I upgrade to the latest version?
A: You can download the latest version from the XTrkCadhome page. See the Installation Notes page for details on downloading and installation.
Q: What's new in Version 3?
A: The main new feature in Version 3 is Train Simulation and Car Inventory commands.
Q: How much does it cost to upgrade from Version 2 to Version 3?
A: There is no additional charge. Just download the latest version.
Q: What's new in Version 2?
A: Briefly, version 2 adds
- Elevation and Profile commands to define and view track elevations.
- Custom Turnout and Structure Designs can be Updated, Edited and Deleted.
- A Hot Bar of Turnouts and Structure is added to make selection easier.
- The Connect command adjusts tracks to fill in small gaps that arise when working with Sectional track.
- Layer have more features.
- Helix Track command.
- And many other things.
Q: I'm loading an old .xtc layout file and I get a dialog telling me I have to update the titles. How come?
A: Version 2 separates the title of turnouts and structures into 3 parts: Manufacturer, Description and Part-number. Any combination (see the Preference dialog) of these three can be used in various lists and on the layout as labels for the turnouts or structures. Existing layout files do not have 3 part titles and when they are read, XTrkCad offers to upgrade the titles.
If you are just looking at a layout you can Cancel the dialog without updating the titles. If you then save the layout file, the existing titles will be treated as Descriptions with no Manufacturer or Part-number.
Q: Is there a Mac version?
A: Not at this time. However, there are reports that XTrkCad runs under SoftWindows 3.0.
Q: Does XTrkCad run under Windows-NT3.51 or Windows-95 or Windows...?
A:XTrkCad is a 32-bit Windows application and should run under any MS-Windows 32-bit operating system. We've had no reports to the contrary. It is supported on MS-Windows 95/98/ME/2K.
Q: How about other Unix systems (Solaris, FreeBSD ... )?
A: There are no plans for other Unix ports at this time. We've heard of a Linux-ELF emulator for Free-BSD but don't know it's status (anyone?)
Q: I'm having trouble downloading...
A: See the installation page.
Q: I'm using the unregistered version, adding tracks and suddenly the command buttons are disabled. What happened?
A: The unregistered version has a limit of 50 tracks or object on the layout. Once you hit that limit most command buttons are disabled. You can select and delete some tracks at this point. You can also view and print layouts with any number of tracks.
Q: What are the differences with the registered version? Are there more turnout libraries?
A: The files in the registered version are the same as the unregistered version you can download from the net. There are no additional libraries or examples. The registered version does remove the restrictions:
- Circle, Parallel, Tunnel and Table-edge commands are enabled.
- Layouts can be larger than 48" by 96".
- You can print full scale (1:1).
- More than 50 tracks.
- The splash screen goes away automatically.
These restrictions are removed when you enter your Name and Key on the Registration dialog (File|Register menu).
Q: Can I give XTrkCad to my friend, cousin, club etc?
A:XTrkCad as supplied on the net or disk is freely distributable if you include all files that came with it. You may not give your Registration Key to anyone else, it is for your personal use only.
Q: I've got an idea for an improvement. Do you want to hear it?
A: Certainly. Take a look at xtrkcad.enh in your XTrkCad installation directory. It has a list of enhancements submitted by other users. See if your idea is mentioned there. In any case let me know. I can't promise to implement every idea but I'm looking for suggestions.
Q: Do you have a turnout library for XXXX?
A: Check the updates page for the latest additions. You can create you own turnout and structures definitions and if you do please consider submitting them for others to use.
Q: What background materials are available for layout design?
A: See the Layout Design area of the links page. Also, the following books are useful:
- Track Planning for Realistic Operation, John Armstrong, Kalmbach.
- Creative Model Railroad Design, John Armstrong, Kalmbach.
- 18 Tailor-Made Model Railroad Track Plans, John Armstrong, Kalmbach.
- Track Planning Ideas, Bob Hayden, Kalmbach.
- 48 Top Notch Track Plans, from Model Railroader, Kalmbach.
Q: How do I join tracks, place turnouts, build a yard etc?
A: First take a look at the help file. Then try the demos (Help|Demos menu). This should answer a lot of questions on how to use XTrkCad. Please contact us if you need help, especially if you find the documentation unclear or think some area needs a demo.
Q: I've designed a layout and I want others to take a look at and comment. Can you host this?
A: I'll be glad to put your layout and description up on the examples page. Please include in your description something about the era, locale and what's important to you in your design (the 'givens and druthers') so people can make informed comments.
Q: I've got a design and I'm ready to lay track. How do go from the computer screen to the roadbed?
A: The best way I found is to print out the layout (or portions) full scale (you'll need to register for this). You can adjust the orientation of the print grid so the printout will line up with the tracks.
If you have cut-sheet printer (like a laser or inkjet) set the Ignore Page Margins toggle on the print dialog. Normally there is an unprintable margin around the edge of the page and XTrkCad only prints on the printable area, which means you would have to trim or overlay the pages. Setting the Ignore Page Magrins toggle makes XTrkCad ignore this margin so you can just abut the paper. Also, turn on Print Roadbed Outline and set your roadbed width.
If you have a continous form printer (like a dot matrix) you can print a series of pages to form a continuous strip as long as you need. I use an old wide carriage printer that was being thrown out and can print 8' by 13.2" strips. Accuracy is not critical, 9-pin will do fine. You may need to experiment with setting the Landscape/Portrait modes on the Printer Setup and the Print dialogs and rotating the Print Grid to get the pages in the correct orientation. In particular I've found it best to set the Printer Setup dialog to Portrait mode and select Landscape Page Format on the XTrkCad Printer dialog.
Once you have a full scale print-out of your layout (or portion, if you have a larger layout you don't want to do it all at once) you need to transfer this to the roadbed. I use two methods:
- Use a spray adhesive (such as 3M Super 77) to glue the print-out to the roadbed. This is very messy, takes more glue than expected and is very unforgiving of mistakes. I'd use this only for small sections of very complicated trackwork.
- Tape the print-out to the roadbed and use a tracing wheel (available at Sewing shops) and trace the center-line of the track and roadbed outline. At this point consider places when you'll want to widen the roadbed to support signals, switch machines, joints etc.
Q: So, do you actually use this?
A: My layout is the Cascade division (in the examples directory or on the examples page. The bench work is in place except for the yard area at the bottom of the layout. Roadbed is laid on the pennisula and most of the track is there. I'm now doing wiring and thinking about control systems (DCC), track detection and switch machines (Tortoise).
