I search a graphic designer to create a logo for a software application projet and as well as the visual identity and the style guide. Colors, type of fonts and so on. The software application name is SEIGOS. It is an Intelligne Evaluation System to Manage Public Projects. It manages the publics institutions purchases, which are all public, either to buy a good, a service or a building constructi...
I have a ppt (quite text intensive) for a project plan and details including qotation. I would need an expert for make it look professional and very attractive, including any icons or graphic design required to achieve the goal. As it is now, there are 14 slides (including front slide), however, you may need to split some of the slides in 2 or more to make it look nicer. I need this to be deliverd...
I have an excel spreadsheet with a list of document names, with columns containing information for each one in separete columns. In the worksheet there is code and a macro for selecting / highlighting the specific rows (documents) and for selecting /deselcting all rows via checkboxes. I would like: 1) Design a userform (Add Document) that pops with a button that will prompt the user to add infor...
Hi ! :) I have regularly a design task to do and I would like to give it you to be faster ;) I need to transform some english graphics into my color brands and translate in french. My goal afterwards is to publish in my blog with the good colors and font. I attached you an exemple of this transformation (the red and english one has been converted into blue one in french, with good fonts). I wil...