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Use4All2 Mod for PS Vita
Use4All2 Mod is an Amiga emulator for PS Vita. This is my mod of this great Amiga emulator that was originally ported to the Vita by Cpasjuste. Depending on when you read this, this mod might be ahead or behind his version.
Install .vpk Obtain and copy BIOS files kick13.rom (Amiga 500), and kick31.rom (Amiga 1200) to ux0:/data/uae4all/kickstarts. Optional: copy over additional BIOS files kick12.rom, kick20.rom, kickcustom.rom (for e.g. version 3.1.4 or any other user-supplied BIOS) to the same folder. by rsn8887.PSVitaDock
A Streaming app which let's you plug and play your PSVita to your PC without hassle.
Actual knowing issues: Theres a big change you gonna have audio latency and theres a small change you won't but most of the time theres an audio latency about 0.2 ms to 0.5ms, For now instead of using the in app sound you can mute the app and enabled from your windows audio panel the ability to hear your audio input through the speakers.
The plugin i used to stream the PSVita has a watermark as seen in the previous post video basicaly the green purple line. The fix for that is either finding a new plugin to embed in the app or either buying the plugin which is about 180 Euros :(. And last if you connect an external audio card like usb headphones for example while playing the app may freeze and crash.
The app takes advantage of xerpi's UDCD USB Video Class plugin, so make sure you have it installed on your PSVita. Link for xerpi's plugin https://github.com/xerpi/vita_udcd_uvc.
Download The PSVitaDock Connect your PSVita to mic-in or audio-in input on your computer. For the app to recognize which audio input is from your PSVita go to your Sound Settings then recording find which is your Vita for example "Microphone Line-In Front" or "Audio Line-In Rear" double click and rename it by adding the suffix or prefix "PSVita" so it should be like "Audio Line-In Rear PSVita". Theres a big change your computer has Realtek audio interface so it doesn't matter if you connect it to mic input (Pink) or line-in input (Blue) just in case you connect it to the mic input make sure you pick the mic input to work as line in input from the Realtek panel beacuse mic input is to sensitive and the sound would be loud. Start the PSVitaDock and Enjoy! Shortcuts: Enter(Return key): Shows up "Options menu". ESC (Escape): Goes fullscreen or windowed. TAB: Changes quality from HQ To smooth or vice-versa. SPACE: Takes a screenshot. In case you have any problem i added a PDF file with all the errors and solutions.TropHAXSE
A homebrew app that can unlock trophys for any game.
Unlike the original TropHAX.SUPRX however, this is compadible with 100% of games!
You simply need the game installed and the trophy files inside ur0:/trophy and you can unlock stuffs!
SilicaAndPina - Lead developer, - working out how trophys work and stuff. TheFlow (vitashell) - For trop_dat0: mounting code Princess Of Sleeping - For helping me with trop_dat0: mounting AnalogMan - for doing UI Stuffs Zecoaxco - ksceRtcSetCurrentTick();Daedalus X64 for PS Vita
DaedalusX64 is a Nintendo 64 emulator for Windows, Mac and PSP. The PSP port is noteworthy for being the fastest N64 emulator ever on the platform, achieving close to or reaching full speed in many popular titles.
Accurate but fast emulation High compatibility Support for PSP TV Mode - up to 720x480 output! Active support and updates Lots of experimental optimizations And more! Usage
To install Daedalus to your PSP, download the latest EBOOT.PBP release from here.
Next, plug your PSP into your computer and navigate to /PSP/GAME/. Create a folder called "daedalus" there, and place the EBOOT.PBP file inside. Place your ROM files in daedalus/Roms/ and they will automatically appear in Daedalus.PNGShot
pngshot is a plugin to make screenshots great again.
Takes screenshots in png format No watermark Take screenshots in any app Installation
Copy pngshot.suprx to ur0:tai and add ur0:tai/pngshot.suprx below *main in ur0:tai/config.txt.
Note that this was only tested with retail SceShell. If, for some reason, you have some weird modifications done to your SceShell, this plugin will probably crash your Vita.
Press PS button + Start to take a screenshot. You can access screenshots with the Photos app, or from ux0:picture/SCREENSHOT.
by xyzz.reRescaler
This plugin replaces the original rescaler for PSVITA with a new one allowing games running at non-native resolution to get graphics improvements thanks to filtering with shaders.
by Rinnegatamante.PSVIMGTools
This is a MultiPlatform GUI Interface For Team Molecule / Yifanlu's PSVIMGTools Which is a tool that can be used to decrypt & extract PSVita Backup Files (.psvimg) Providing you know the AID (AccountID) of the account that created said backup
A PC 32 or 64 Bit PC Running Windows, Mac or Linux. A PSVita on ANY Firmware (even 3.70) QCMA by Codestation (Normal SONY CMA will work, but not recommended.) If your on linux you require libcurl4-gnutls-dev libboost-all-dev zlib1g-dev and libgcrypt-devQcma
QCMA is a cross-platform application to provide a Open Source implementation of the original Content Manager Assistant that comes with the PS Vita. QCMA is meant to be compatible with Linux, Windows and MAC OS X.
The aim of this project is to provide an implementation that is on par with the official CMA and also offer some features missing in the original one.
Implemented features:
Metadata for PSP savedatas. Basic metadata for single songs (album, artist, title, cover art). Basic metadata for videos (duration, dimensions, thumbnail). Basic metadata for photos (dimensions, thumbnails). Simple backup browser: view and delete the backups on your PC without a Vita. Easy wireless pairing (show PIN to the user when a Vita is detected). Ability to restart the connection if the Vita is reconnected.Psvimgtools Easy FrontEnd
This is a graphical interface for the PSVIMGTools Team Molecule / Yifanlu Which is a tool that can be used to decrypt and extract backup files PSVita (.psvimg) You just need to know the AID (QCMA Key) of the account that created the backup,
This works on all firmwares to date, including 3.65 / 3.67 / 3.68.
Create a user or multiple users for each psn account you have. After creating a user, select an account. The tool saves the last logged in account, and can load the last used account the next time you open the tool! Every account created the tool saves in a sqllite database, being able to be accessed in the root folder "EXTRA" \ Config.db
Auto H-encore
FrontEnd for h-encore automating all steps with just one click All steps of TheFlow's work have been automated in this frontend, the steps can be found here: TheFlow h-encore steps To use the automatic mode below:
0 - The tool checks if the game has been downloaded, if it was not, the tool asks you if it can download automatically, if you choose yes, you can skip to step 3 Step 1 and 2 are optional
1 - Download the vulnerable DRM-free demo of Bitter Smile
2 - After downloading, place the pkg in the path below inside the program (C:\Program Files (x86)\PsvimgToolsEasy\Psvimgtools Easy FrontEnd\PKG-h-encore)
3 - select the account IDQCMA and click on the option "Extraction of pkg to h-encore" All the work was done automatically and now it's just connect the psvita with QCMA and pass the app to vita.
TUTORIAL in English GamersRebirthDL - Youtube
TUTORIAL in English REDUCE H-ENCORE SIZE FROM 240mb to 13mb GamersRebirthDL - Youtube
TUTORIAL in Portuguese RobertGhidini - Youtube
Extracting of pkg to NoNpDrm
Just download pkg, if you want suggestions there is a list in the file Download.txt, after download put your file.pkg in the PKG folder, if there is a zRIF add to the file ListKey.txt: ex: Title_ID;zRIF
List the Title_ID of pkg that are in the PKG folder List the Title_ID of work.bin that are in the zRIF folder. Extract the zRIF from work.bin Extract pkg with zRIF, zRIF needs to be added in ListKey.txt together with Title_ID Extract pkg without zRIF In the PKG folder, you have a list of suggestions for downloading from the Zeus list, with the zRIF already added to the ListKey.txt file. You need the NoNpDrm plugin in your vita. PFS Decrypt
For decrypt Games, DLC, SAVEDATA and TROPHY including 3.61+
First you have to extract a pkg using the option "Extraction of PKG to NoNpDRM" Put the extracted pkg in the PFS folder, and use the "PFS Decrypt" option to extract PFS from your file. In the PFS folder, you have two .txt files, one is GAME.txt and the other is DLC.txt, they contain the necessary ZRIF. You can add more ZRIF, just by adding the separate GAMEID + ZRIF separated by semicolons. Automatic Clone PSP games
Added ability to clone PSP games, doing all the work, automatic
Copy the PSP game and sequence the renamed folder Change param.sfo with new numbering Extract the changed game. Change the VITA_PATH.txt with the new numbering. Recreate cloned games. Automatic themes
List of themes that are included in themas folder, but you can add more
Theme Flatcons Theme GraceUX Theme HACKINFORMER Theme Mario Theme Nighttime To add more, just copy your custom internet theme to the THEME folder Automatic SQL commands
List of SQL commands included in the SQL folder, but you can add more
Package-Installer RemoveFeatured-PSTV Whitelist-PSTV To add more, just create a .txt file with the SQL command and copy it to the SQL folder Added ability to add custom themes
Automatic mode exploits:
When pressing the Exploits Automatic button, the program searches all PSP games in the PGAME\ID folder in a listbox, after selecting the game, should select which exploit will use VHBL or ARK, confirming the program will extract and recreate the game with the informed exploit Automatically, and add the folder of the chosen exploit, within the SAVEDATA automatically
Manual option for PSP/PS1
Extract PSP/PS1 The program will look for the PSP games in PGAME / ID and extract the game in a folder Psvita / EXTRAIR
Recreate PSP / PS1 The program will look PSP games extracted in Ps vita / EXTRAIR, and recreate in PGAME / ID
Backup Options
Extract Backup The program will look for your backups in Psvita / SYSTEM / ID and extract in PSvita EXTRAIRBackup
Recreat Backup The program will look your backups in EXTRAIRBackup and recreate in PSvita Ps vita / SYSTEM / ID
Manual option for APP / Games - PSVITA
Extract APP / Games The program will look for the APP / Games in APP / ID and extract the game in a folder Psvita / EXTRAIRAppGame
Recreat APP / Games The program will look for the APP / Games in EXTRAIRAppGame and recreate in PSvita Ps vita / APP / ID
Option for App´s
In this option, it searches all APP in the root of the APPGAMES folder list program in a listbox, and after selecting loads within Ps vita / APP Here are some APP options that you can install directly on psvita.
VITASHELL-VitaShell MLCL00001-MolecularShell HACKINFOR WOLOLO HIDENAPPS PCSA00044-SKYPE URICALL00 If you want to add more app, add it directly to the root folder of the tool in Program Files (x86) \ PsvimgToolsEasy \ Psvimgtools Easy FrontEnd \ APPGAMES
Special thanks
Team Molecule / Yifanlu Motoharu for psvpfstools Codestation for QCMA DaveeFTW for cracking CMA keys. (cma.henkaku.xyz) St4rk, weaknespase and everyone involved in PkgDecrypt. For zRIF string decode/inflate code. TheFlow for H-encore Hackinformer for pkg list and all its publications GamersRebirthDL thanks for all your publications Nukasnel / Bergot / Danilo / Codebreaker / chronoss09 for testPS Vita - Virtual Game Card
User application and kernel plugin that allow to produce game card dumps and run them.
This application is designed for two main tasks:
Produce 1 to 1 dumps of game cards. Introduce functionality that allows to run these dumps. Aplication consists of user application that manages the driver settings and kernel plugin that is used to emulate game card.
henkaku taihen by motoharu-gosuto.VGi
A simple taihen plugin that prints useful information about PS Vita games
This can be particularly useful for figuring out back-buffer resolutions, memory usage, etc...
How to use
Add VGi.suprx to taihen config.txt (either *ALL or title id of your game), reload Open your game Press SELECT + LT to open VGi menu Controls
SELECT + LT - Open/Close VGi LT/RT - Move between sections D-PAD UP/DOWN - Scroll by Electry.IMCUnlockLite
This mod allows you to permanently add a internal ux0 storage (imc) to the PSVita 1000 by modifying boot data regions.
Download and install the provided VPK file. If you are using ENSO NSKBL hack, make sure that the correct enso installer is installed (You can grab a universal one from here). DO NOT SKIP THAT STEP!. Disable all unnecessary plugins and reboot. Now, we will install the mod. Open IMCUnlock, read the agreement and press X to flash IMCUnlock. DO NOT TOUCH THE DEVICE UNTIL IT FINISHES (1-3 secs) If you are a user of ENSO NSKBL hack - launch the enso installer and install enso (DO NOT SKIP THAT STEP!), otherwise - reboot. If your vita reboots fine - thats it, you can format the new memory via system settings! FAQ:
Q: What do you mean by "permanent"? Does it stay after fw update/reinstall?
A: Yes.
Q: Can I update when a new firmware comes out?
A: Yes.
Q: Everything flashed fine, but i dont have the additional partition.
A: Reset tai config, and try again.
Q: Why the vita does a soft reboot when i remove/insert the mc?
A: Patches are applied.
Q: Whats the difference between this and full IMCUnlock?
A: This version is safer, and recommended for not-advanced users.
Useful notes:
If you want to disable the internal partition for some reason, just redo the process. Instead of removing, the internal ux0 partition is disabled (to prevent syscon from blocking the original memory cards after a user uninstalls it without having a sony mc inserted). You can remove it fully using IMCUnlock's 0mb option.
by skgleba.Enso EX
enso installer for PSP2 on fw 3.60 or 3.65.
This is a mod of Enso, all credits go to team molecule for this awesome tool.
pre-nskernel recovery from a GC-SD device. easy low-level code exec for custom kernel patches. support for firmwares 3.60 and 3.65. Building
Just run "create_vpk.sh", it will build everything and copy the package to the root directory.
Install enso Install the VPK, run the "enso_ex" app and agree to the """ToS""". If you get an error, reboot the device holding LTRIGGER and try again. Select "Install/reinstall the hack", press CROSS, the installer will install enso_ex. All non-critical errors can be skipped by pressing CROSS, it is safe to do so. Patches
The "os0:patches.e2xd" file is a set of code blobs that are executed at low-level module load. Custom patches can be skipped by holding VOLDOWN at boot. Adding patches
Patches are position independent code blobs that are run each in their own memblocks. Patches are located in the "ux0:eex/patches/" directory. Data files for patches are located in the "ux0:eex/data/" directory. You can "sync"/"compile" patches with the enso_ex app. Default patches
clogo.e2xp: Use a raw RGBA 960x544 image as the bootlogo, it is located @"os0:bootlogo.raw". In safe/update mode the PS logo is used. You can change it by replacing the file in "ux0:eex/data" and syncing. If the file is not found there will be no logo, useful for boot animations. rconfig.e2xp: If VOLUP is held at boot, "ux0:eex/boot_config.txt" is used instead of the ur0: one. It also works in safe/update mode. BootMgr
The "os0:bootmgr.e2xp" file is a code blob that is executed just before psp2bootconfig load. BootMgr can be skipped by holding VOLDOWN at boot. To add/change it you need to add/change "ux0:eex/data/bootmgr.e2xp" and sync.
The "recovery" is a code blob loaded from a GC-SD device in GC slot. Recovery can be loaded by holding SELECT at boot, the device must be connected to a power source. Supported recovery types
RAW recovery (recommended) Use the tool in /sdrecovery/ to flash your recovery blob to the SD card. If the SD card contains the EMMC image you can set a flag to use its os0 for low-level modules. You can force it to use the FILE recovery found in GC-SD's os0. FILE recovery Format your SD card to FAT16 and put your recovery blob in "SD:recovery.e2xp". By default the device will NOT continue the boot process after this recovery method is used. TODO: add a cleanup sample to continue boot. Recovery errors
If the recovery returned 0, the console will continue the boot process. If an error happened the user will need to confirm that he is aware of it by pressing the correct key: "No recovery found" - press TRIANGLE. "Error running GC-SD RAW recovery" - press CIRCLE. "Error running GC-SD os0 recovery" - press SQUARE. "Recovery did NOT return 0" - press CROSS. "dual nand"
You can use the SD's os0 partition instead of EMMC's os0 partition by holding START at boot. If an error happened the user will need to confirm that he is aware of it by pressing the correct key: "Error reading GC-SD" - press TRIANGLE. "Incorrect SD magic (not SCE magic)" - press CIRCLE. Credits
Team molecule for henkaku, taihen, enso, and HenKaku wiki entries. xerpi for his work on baremetal stuff. CelesteBlue and PrincessOfSleeping for help with NSKBL RE. Testers from the HenKaku discord server.Final h-encore
A tool to push h-encore exploit for PS VITA/PS TV automatically.
Common usage
Download a pre-built executable binary below. If you want to update PS Vita to firmware 3.60, 3.65 or 3.68 through USB connection, download related Update Packages here and extract the PSP2UPDAT.PUP to the same folder as this tool If you want to install VitaShell or enso by transferring in Content Manager, download prebuilt zip from releases tab and put in the same folder of this tool Connect your PS Vita to your computer via USB Run the executable and follow the on-screen directions by Soarqin.modoru
modoru means "to go back" in Japanese and is a downgrader for the PS Vita™.
Your device must already run HENkaku/h-encore on firmwares 3.60-3.73 in order to use this software. Your device's battery has be at least at 50%. All your plugins must be disabled, therefore you will not be able to launch the downgrader from a SD2VITA and hence, you must have a Memory Card (or Internal Storage). If you have installed IMCUnlock by SKGleba, it is recommended to uninstall it first before attempting to downgrade. Installation
Download and install modoru.vpk using VitaShell. Obtain the PSP2UPDAT.PUP file of your desired firmware (make sure that this firmware is officially hackable) and place it at ux0:app/MODORU000/PSP2UPDAT.PUP (don't install modoru.vpk afterwards, otherwise the update file will be removed). Disable all your plugins. Easiest way is renaming ux0:tai and ur0:tai to some other name. Reboot your device and relaunch HENkaku/h-encore. Launch the modoru application and follow the instructions on screen. Enjoy the installation and welcome to your favourite firmware.
Q: Where can I find and download firmwares? A: Here is a nice collection by darthsternie: PS Vita Firmwares. Make sure you download the firmware from the Complete Official Firmwares section. Q: There are 3 different PUP files in the archive, which one do I need? A: There are packages with (pre), (systemdata) and (full). You should choose the full one. Q: Can I downgrade my 3.69/3.70 device using this tool? A: Yes, but not yet. You'll need to wait until the next exploit chain is released. Q: My factory firmware is higher than 3.65 and modoru doesn't allow me to downgrade to 3.60/3.65. A: Unfortunately, there are some devices with factory firmware above 3.65. These cannot be downgraded (yet). This means no bootloader hack for you. Q: Can I downgrade my device to 3.60/3.65 and then install ensō? A: Yes, that's the main goal of this tool. Q: Can I downgrade my testkit/devkit? A: It has not been tested yet, but you can very likely do it. You should even be able to go lower than firmware 1.692, which is officially inhibited. Q: How low can I downgrade? A: You can go down to your factory firmware (this is highlighted in yellow within modoru). Q: Can I use this tool to update or reinstall my firmware? A: Yes, you can downgrade, update or reinstall any firmware using this tool. Q: Is there a chance of bricking? A: Not likely, since this application is using the official updater and only makes a few harmless patches to bypass some checks. by TheFlow.vitaSnake
A snake game with smooth rotation made for the PS Vita with LibVita2D.
Turn left and right to collect as many apples as you can, but avoid biting your tail, or you will lose the game.
Use the left stick, DPAD or touch to control the snake Hold X to boost your speed Press START to pause the gamePSVitaRebootShutdown
This is an app that reboots or powers off your PS Vita depending on what trigger you hold. You can now also press X and □ to update the database (keep icons) or left and up on the d-pad to delete the database and restore it (lose icons).
To compile, run the following from inside the folder with "CMakeLists.txt": cmake . && make
By Mc_Callum_99
Thank you SilicaAndPina (@SilicaDevs) for the help troubleshooting - I'm new to this okay?EasyPlugin
Easy Plugin is a plugin installer that downloads and installs plugins from VitaDB.
It installs most plugins without problems and has support for plugins with data folders or config files.
It also has an easy to use menu to choose what app to install the plugin for.
by THEN00P.Auto Backup License
Sencilla aplicación que nos permite guardar las licencias de nuestra PS Vita.
by TheheroGAC.ElevenMPV - Eleven Music Player VITA
A homebrew music player for Playstation VITA that aims to support many different audio formats compared to the offical PS VITA music application.
Currently supported formats: (16 bit signed samples)
FLAC IT MOD MP3 OGG S3M WAV (A-law and u-law, Microsoft ADPCM, IMA ADPCM) XM Features:
Browse ux0:/ to play the above audio formats. Pause/Play audio. Shuffle/Repeat audio. Next/Previous track in current working directory. Display ID3v1 and ID3v2 metadata for MP3 files. Credits:
MPG123 contributors. dr_libs by mackron. stb_vorbis by nothings and contributors. libxmp-lite contributors. Preetisketch for startup.png (banner). Eleven Music Player contributors for design elements.AdrBubbleBooter
Directly boot any PSP file (ISO\CSO\PBP\PSOne) from LiveArea's Bubbles.
Install Adrenaline v6.X and 661.PBP file if it is not already installed, then run it from the bubble and make sure it's working fine before doing anything. *** THIS IS JUST ONE TIME UNLESS THERE IS A NEW UPDATED VERSION *** Copy 'AdrBubbleBooterInstaller.vpk' to your PSVita 'ux0:' then install and run it to install\update the required files for AdrBubbleBooter, after that remove it if you want. Reboot the PSVita for changes to take effect if it is not rebooted by the installer. *** THIS IS FOR MAKING BUBBLE FOR EACH FILE *** Start AdrBubbleBooterCreator.exe and fill the required fields then press 'Create' button to create a VPK file for each file you want to direct boot it, after that copy the generated VPK file to your PSVita and install it. *** THIS IS FOR CHANGING BOOT CONFIGS FOR THE BOOTED BUBBLE *** Start the PSVita and boot the created VPK bubble, open adrenaline menu and go to Booter tab then change the settings and exit the menu to save the configs. Credits and special thanks to TheFloW.
Enjoy :)
by LMAN <LeecherMan>.Trinity Jailbreak
Trinity is the third public jailbreak for the PS Vita, which supports the latest firmwares 3.69 and 3.70. The exploit chain consists of three stages: the MIPS Kernel Exploit, the PSP Emulator Escape and the ARM Kernel Exploit.
Your device must be on firmware 3.69 or 3.70. If you're on a lower firmware, please use h-encore instead. If your device is a phat OLED model, you need a Memory Card in order to install. There's no need for a Memory Card on Slim/PS TV models, since they already provide an Internal Storage. Your device must be able to access the PlayStation Store. If your device region is mainland China (model PCH-2009) then this exploit may not available for you, since this model is region locked to only accept mainland China PSN accounts to login and can only access mainland China PS Store, which doesn't contain any PSP games at all. Preparation
If you have already done the preparation, you can skip this part and go to the Installation section.
If you're on firmware 3.69, you have two options:
Either update to firmware 3.70 (go to Settings → System Update). Or set DNS to (go to Settings → Network → Wi-Fi Settings → Your access point → Advanced Settings and set DNS Settings to Manual and Primary DNS to Register a PSN account if you don't have one yet (note that only 3 devices can be activated using the same account).
Download and install any PSP/minis game (PS Vita or PS one Classics do not work). There are demos in most regions (if you know a title that is not listed here, please let me know):
EU/UK: Ape Quest NA/SG: LocoRoco Midnight Carnival JP: YS seven Unfortunately, if you can't find a demo in your region, you must either buy any PSP/minis game, or register a new PSN account in one of the regions listed above.
Please make sure that your demo is a PSP/minis game. To verify, please launch the game and hold the PS button for a while. Then a quick menu should come up with the Settings option, where you can set bilinear filter, etc. If this option is not there, you've likely downloaded the wrong game. For help, please consider watching some youtube tutorials and see how a PSP game should look like.
Download and install qcma and psvimgtools.
Start qcma and within the qcma settings set the option Use this version for updates to FW 0.00 (Always up-to-date) to spoof the System Software check.
Launch Content Manager on your PS Vita and connect it to your computer, where you then need to select PS Vita System -> PC, and after that you select Applications. Finally select PSP™/Other and click on the game that you want to turn into the Trinity exploit. If you see an error message about System Software, you should simply reboot your device to solve it (if this doesn't solve, then put your device into airplane mode and reboot). If this does still not work, then alternatively set DNS to to block updates.
Transfer the game over to your computer by clicking on Copy on your PS Vita. After copying, you go to the folder /Documents/PS Vita/PGAME/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/YYYYZZZZZ on your computer, where xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is some string corresponding to your account ID and YYYYZZZZZ is the title id of the game that you've just copied over. You can look at the image at YYYYZZZZZ/sce_sys/icon0.png to verify that it is indeed your chosen game. Furthermore, the YYYYZZZZZ folder should contain these folders: game, license and sce_sys.
Before you attempt to modify the backup, you should make a copy of it. Just copy YYYYZZZZZ somewhere else, such that if you fail to follow the instructions, you can copy it back and retry.
Insert the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx string here. If the AID is valid, it will yield a key that you can now use to decrypt/re-encrypt your game.
Decrypt the game backup by executing the following command in your command line/terminal (make sure you're in the right working directory. On Windows you can open the terminal in the current working directory by typing in cmdin the path bar of the file explorer. Also, if you haven't installed psvimgtools yet, then just place them in the YYYYZZZZZ folder):
psvimg-extract -K YOUR_KEY game/game.psvimg game_dec If done correctly, you should see an output like this:
creating file ux0:pspemu/temp/game/PSP/GAME/YYYYZZZZZ/EBOOT.PBP (x bytes)... creating file ux0:pspemu/temp/game/PSP/GAME/YYYYZZZZZ/__sce_ebootpbp (x bytes)... all done. Download Trinity and copy the PBOOT.PBP file to game_dec/ux0_pspemu_temp_game_PSP_GAME_YYYYZZZZZ/PBOOT.PBP (the files EBOOT.PBP, __sce_ebootpbp and VITA_PATH.txt should exist in this folder). If PBOOT.PBP does already exist there, just overwrite it.
Now re-encrypt the backup similar to above by typing this in your command line/terminal:
psvimg-create -n game -K YOUR_KEY game_dec game If done correctly, you should see an output like this:
adding files for ux0:pspemu/temp/game/PSP/GAME/YYYYZZZZZ packing file ux0:pspemu/temp/game/PSP/GAME/YYYYZZZZZ/EBOOT.PBP (x bytes)... packing file ux0:pspemu/temp/game/PSP/GAME/YYYYZZZZZ/PBOOT.PBP (x bytes)... packing file ux0:pspemu/temp/game/PSP/GAME/YYYYZZZZZ/__sce_ebootpbp (x bytes)... created game/game.psvimg (size: x, content size: x) created game/game.psvmd Remove the game_dec folder (and PSVimg tools if copied here) and select Refresh database in qcma settings.
Now you need to copy back the modified backup to your PS Vita: Launch Content Manager on your PS Vita and connect it to your computer (if it's already open, just go back to the first menu), where you then need to select PC -> PS Vita System, and after that you select Applications. Finally select PSP™/Other and click on the modified game. Perform the copy operation and exit Content Manager.
In the livearea, the game should now have a different icon and should now be called Trinity (eventually you have to rebuild the database in recovery mode to make the bubble change its look). If not, please re-read the instructions more carefully and begin from fresh.
Turn on Wi-Fi, then reboot your device and straightly launch Trinity. Do not do anything else, otherwise the exploit will be less reliable. It is very important that you do not have any running downloads in background.
Enjoy the exploitation process and wait until it launches the Construct. If the exploit fails, simply rerun Trinity.
Within the Construct, select Download VitaShell, then Install HENkaku and finally Exit.
Congratulations, your device is now able to run homebrews. It is highly suggested that you downgrade your device to either firmware 3.60 or 3.65/3.67/3.68 using modoru. On 3.60, you can use HENkaku and on 3.65/3.67/3.68 you can use h-encore. If you don't downgrade your device now, you may lose the ability to launch Trinity later and therefore not be able to hack your device anymore.
"I get the error [TURN ON WI-FI TO USE THIS EXPLOIT]." - Just hold the PS button and turn on Wi-Fi in the quickmenu. "I get the error [EXPLOIT FAILED: 0x800200CB]." - This can sometimes happen. Just rerun the exploit. "My device freezes/panics." - Be sure you do not have any downloads running in background. Also make sure that you do not launch anything else before Trinity. A fresh reboot is always recommended. "Trinity crashes in the second run." - It is not recommended that you launch Trinity multiple times. Always reboot your device before launching Trinity. "Trinity bubble disappeared after downgrading." - Sony prevents you from playing games that have been downloaded from a higher firmware. Therefore, after downgrading, it is hidden. You can redownload the game on your lower firmware and reapply the Trinity patch to make it compatible with your current firmware and higher. HENkaku Settings
"I don't see all folders in VitaShell." - Launch the Settings application and select HENkaku Settings, then select Enable unsafe homebrews. This will grant you full permission in VitaShell. "I can't find the HENkaku Settings." - Launch the exploit and reset taiHEN config.txt and reinstall HENkaku. enso/permanent hack
"Can I install enso on 3.69 or 3.70?" - Not on these firmwares, but you can downgrade to firmware 3.60/3.65 using modoru and then install enso. Credits
Thanks to qwikrazor87 for the PSP kernel exploit. Thanks to Freakler for the Trinity icon. Thanks to molecule for their initial work on the PS Vita. Thanks to Davee and Proxima for http://cma.henkaku.xyz/. Thanks to yifanlu for psvimgtools. Thanks to codestation for qcma. Thanks to the PS Vita hacking community. Thanks to Sony for this awesome device. by TheOfficialFloW.RetroArch for PS Vita
RetroArch is a frontend for emulators, game engines and media players.
It enables you to run classic games on a wide range of computers and consoles through its slick graphical interface. Settings are also unified so configuration is done once and for all.
RetroArch has advanced features like shaders, netplay, rewinding, next-frame response times, and more!FinTrinity
This is a GUI that allows you to use the Trinity Playstation Vita hack by TheOfficialFloW without much effort.
This is still very much a work in progress
If you do use this, PLEASE make a backup of your game folder first. It will automatically create a backup for you on your Desktop, but just in case, it never hurts to make a manual backup.
This is currently only for Windows. I have tested it with Windows 10 and the latest version of QCMA (v0.4.1)
To use it, you will need to have python 3.7.3 installed. It has been confirmed to not work on Python 3.5. Download the zip. Double click on either FinTrinity.py (command line) or GUI.py (user interface) and confirm the game is correct. If you're still having trouble, see this:
by bamhm182.ZXVita
Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator for PS Vita.
To load games:
Insert games in sna or z80 format in the format ux0: data / zxvita / games by Ammon Meir.