Mod organizer downloads folder empty - agree, remarkable
Hi All,
Is your hard drive crushed under the weight of gigs of downloads? Do you despair of sorting it all becuase you have 20 7ef7392_84kd.package files? Ever wanted an easy way to categorise and sort all of your downloads? Does your Llama's arsenal lack a certain... something?
If so, and you are a moderate to hardcore Sims 2 downloader, or just want to keep things organised, then you need Delphy's Download Organiser!
My name is Delphy, you may remember me from such tools as Q-Xpress, the MeshTool and the Multi-Pack Installer. I'd like to introduce you to the DDO, the second in a suite of tools for downloading and organising content.
It's a download scanner which supports the following:
Main screen:

Filtering in action:

Scan wizard:

Orphan scan in progress:

Menu options:

Known issues:
- This isn't really an issue, but if you're orphan scanningand you find that you have a large amount of orphaned files, please take note that not all those files maybe truly orphans.
- If you get an error "Applicated has terminated unexpectedly" when trying to run it, please make sure that you extract the rarfile complete with subfolders.
Click on the "Download" tab at the top of this post text, and download the "DownloadOrganiser.rar" file.
You need .NET Framework 1.1 (same as S2PCIand SimPEolder versions), as it's written entirely in C#. If you can run S2PCIthen this should work fine.
IMPORTANT:This version requires a full re-scan of all folders.
IMPORTANT:Once you have downloaded the .rar file, extract the entire contents in its own folder. Do not separate the files.Then double-click on the DownloadOrganizer.exe from this folder. Again, all files need to stay together in its own folder. If you want to put a shortcut on your desktop, right-click on DownloadOrganizer.exe and select "Send to Desktop (Create Shortcut)". You will get an error if you copy the .exe to your desktop.
New to this version is a *complete* translatable interface. All strings, interface elements, and package names are now translatable. I've included an English and a Russian language. Big thanks to SummerGlauwho helped with the bugs and did the translation!
I have started a Wiki page on the Sims2Wikiabout it, currently under construction. View it here: http://www.sims2wiki.info/DDO
Update: 15 Dec 2008 - v1.2 released.
* Disclaimer: Does not make lunch.
** Ion Cannon sold seperately.
Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]Is your hard drive crushed under the weight of gigs of downloads? Do you despair of sorting it all becuase you have 20 7ef7392_84kd.package files? Ever wanted an easy way to categorise and sort all of your downloads? Does your Llama's arsenal lack a certain... something?
If so, and you are a moderate to hardcore Sims 2 downloader, or just want to keep things organised, then you need Delphy's Download Organiser!
My name is Delphy, you may remember me from such tools as Q-Xpress, the MeshTool and the Multi-Pack Installer. I'd like to introduce you to the DDO, the second in a suite of tools for downloading and organising content.
It's a download scanner which supports the following:
- Builds a database of files so you don't have to scan every time
- Gets the description and titles from the packages directly
- Identifies the package type
- Allows filtering on: Filename, Title, Description, Subfolder, Download Type and Install Date, Broken BodyShop files and Orphans
- Allows sorting on all of the above fields
- Has right-click context functionality to move files (either to an existing download folder from a drop down, or to a new folder entirely)
- Right-click context to delete a file or selection of files.
- Right-click Open with SimPE
- Incremental Scanning, so it remembers when you last scanned and only adds new packages installed after that date
- Orphan scanning! Yes, it can now tell whether your recolours have meshes, or meshes have recolours.
- Identifies "broken body shop" packages
- Detects over 50 different package types.
- Little balloon popups for notifying you when things are done
- Automatically scans for packages that have been removed from the downloads folder outside of the program.
- Makes your lunch for you*
- Deletion of files is accomplished via 58kW light amplication through ionised emmition of large boom sounds.**
Main screen:
Filtering in action:
Scan wizard:
Orphan scan in progress:
Menu options:

- This isn't really an issue, but if you're orphan scanningand you find that you have a large amount of orphaned files, please take note that not all those files maybe truly orphans.
- If you get an error "Applicated has terminated unexpectedly" when trying to run it, please make sure that you extract the rarfile complete with subfolders.
Click on the "Download" tab at the top of this post text, and download the "DownloadOrganiser.rar" file.
You need .NET Framework 1.1 (same as S2PCIand SimPEolder versions), as it's written entirely in C#. If you can run S2PCIthen this should work fine.

New to this version is a *complete* translatable interface. All strings, interface elements, and package names are now translatable. I've included an English and a Russian language. Big thanks to SummerGlauwho helped with the bugs and did the translation!
- 1.2.6365.28343 (6th June 2017) changelog:
- Fixed lots of package detection issues- Interface is now fully translatable- Fixed bug with subfolders with [ ] and ' in the name not working properly- Fixed filtering when translating- Added Russian translation (thanks to SummerGlau)- All interface elements now translatable- Should be faster to scan now- Probably some other stuff I forgot - 1.2.3281.30344 (25th Dec 2008) changelog:
- Fixed bug with various object and Build mode package types being identified as "ObjectRecolour" instead of "ObjectDecorative" etc. Thanks Jaedle for the heads up. - 1.2.3271.30230 (15th Dec 2008) changelog:
- Fixed bug with reading strings from some package files, resulting in index out of bounds, that worked out to an Unknown package type, and a blank MD5 string - 1.2.3271.19473 (15th Dec 2008) changelog:
- Fixed bug with polygon count column header- Fixed bug with Hacks, Careers and Duplicates not appearing in different colours- Adjusted MD5 hash to also include filesize of the package file - This will require a rescan. - 1.2.3262.34379 (15th Dec 2008) changelog:
- Added Texture preview screens- Massively improved scanning speed (at least 4 times faster than 1.1)- Added Program Locations screen to specify where your EP/SP locations are- Slightly re-ordered menus- Removed all translations except for English (translations needed!)- A whole bunch of other changes that I can't remember.- Included orphan scan file (Thanks Canoodle)- This version works with Compressorized files- Added Polygon Count column
- 1.1.2698.27324 changelog:
- Added Italian language file (thanks Marylou)- Added French language file (thanks Patul)- Added Brazilian Portugese language file (thanks juan)- Added Dutch language file (thanks wargarurumon)- Added extra check for Lipstick being classed as Facial Hair (fixes corvi's everlasting summer lipsticks) - 1.1.2682.18059 changelog:
- Fixed up and added missing sections from the language file that weren't translated - Changed wording for the language files to more closely match the game categories- Fixed particular types of Hair mesh being classed as "Special" by mistake. Should reduce the orphans a little- Fixed size column sort not working (will require re-scan)- Re-worked the subfolder dropdown on the main screen so it more accurately reflects the folders after a re-scan. This WILL require a change to language files, specifically in the DDOGui section. Please examine the English.xml for the changes- Fixed bug with negative orphan numbers being reported - now if it's less than zero it caps it at zero- Added Catalog Placement for Hair recolours, so they show up as the binning- Added Catalog Placement for BuildMode objects - 1.1.2674.29884 changelog:
- Small additions to the default English language file to cover missing translations- Some small tweaks to the GUI to accomodate longer language strings - 1.1.2673.26995 changelog:
- Added Catalog Sort field, to display the catalog areas that the objects and BodyShop items will show up in- Added customisable language xml files so that the DDO can be translated into different languages- Reversed order of Duplicate scan, so that it should mark files higher in the directory as duplicates and not lower (ie ones in root downloads get marked, ones in subfolders dont)- Moved clearing of the database when doing a full Re-Scan to after you click the Start button - this allows people to cancel out and not lose thier database - 1.1.2663.39141 changelog: Thanks to Glaciar1701, Marvine and Numenor.
- Added new global type 5, which indicates a "full package" - a master repository object will appear in here, as will objects that are fully self contained. This fixes the bug with objects like Jasana's Ferry Wheel being marked as Orphan when they aren't.- Added "Skintone" to the list of types that are marked as Recolours - this fixes Skintones not being matched to thier meshes- Fixed bug where an ObjectRecolour did not have it's title set to "Recolour of..." and then the cres link, in some cases- Added XMTO (Material Object), HOUS (House Descripter), RTEX (Road Texture), SDNA (Sim DNA), SCOR (Sim Scores), TSSG (TSSG) and LTTX (Lot Texture) files to the DBPF class, to enable me to check for Lots and CAS screens- Added type "LotOrCasScreen" to identify these type of files (Why would they be in Downloads anyway?) - Added check for Accessory packages to be a type 5 full package - fixes issues with Peggy's accessory meshes being orphan- Added "Enable Full Debug Mode" to options screen - this writes out full information to the log.txt file but will be slow. It also enables some hidden columns in the main datagrid view.- Added "Disable Browser Style grid" to options screen - this allows selection of text to copy to the clipboard, but disables the one-click-to-select row functionality.- Removed functionality of Duplicate scanner to delete files straight away. Now all duplicates must be checked manually to ensure the user deletes the correct one.- Added clothing meshes to the full package checker, to hopefully remove some false positive orphans.- Removed duplicate maxis XML files from the rar file- (Hopefully) fixed bug with not importing all packages from your downloads folder if the unique package ID gets corrupted in the cache tables. (Fixes glacier1701s problem) - 1.1.2660.18504 changelog:
- Redid Delete Packages system (Again!) as it was doing strange things before like not deleting files when it should- Changed Duplicate package highlighting to constantly be Yellow - the alternate row colour before was too similar to the Career colour- Added the GUID list to the MD5 hash generation so hopefully shouldn't tag false positives as much (This will require a Full Re-Scan to activate properly)- Removed ability for users to press the Delete key to remove items from the database, that aren't actually removed - 1.1.2659.38851 - 13th April 2007
- Added error code to SHPE chunk reader to catch older files without the version dword - fixes TS2BodyShopGamespotPack.package, TS2BodyShopIGNPack.package and other very old package files- Added more detections for Hacks/Skill Tokens so that more no longer show as Unknown- Added check for NPC type packages, will show up under Special now- Totally rewrote the way my DBPF class handled compressed resources, as in some cases the DIR resource incorrectly marks something as compressed when it actually isn't- Added support for compressed SHPE chunks- Fixed crash on various filetypes as well as picking up types incorrectly (thanks to beosboxboy, CatherineTCJD and Sophie-David) - 1.1.2659.35586 - 13th April 2007
- Changed Duplicate scan (again) to work on an MD5 of the package file contents so hopefully shouldn't mark incorrect duplicates anymore- Added Size column to the display- Fixed Neighbourhood Objects being classed as ClothingMesh in some cases- Fixed "Cannot move file" bug with Delete Files trying to delete something that doesn't exist anymore (for whatever reason)- Fixed issue when selecting the "ZMobies!" option, causes filtering from then on to break until you clear then by pressing Go. ZMobies! and subsequent filters now work as expected.- Added check for BodyShop category 4991 subType of 7 (Eyeshadow) to be classified as Makeup and not FacialHair (which is 4991/0)- Disabled right click context menus while performing an Orphan scan, since moving or deleting packages while this is happening will cause issues- Fixed Incremental Scan not working properly- Added balloon popup when the Orphan Scan completes- Speeded up significantly the Orphan Scan of BodShop items- Removed GUID column from the list- DDO and DBPFInfo now support multiple GUIDs per package- Fixed some objects being classed as ObjectRecolours- Fixed cars being displayed incorrectly - now they have the correct type of "Automobile"- Rewrote large parts of the Orphan scanning routines to pick up more recolours and objects, and not be as "aggressive" - from now on, a package has to have 100% missing links for the DDO to mark it as an Orphan- Changed sizing of columns slightly (Filename is smaller, Title and Description a bit bigger) - 1.0.2658.31206 - 12th April 2007.
- Fixed Duplicate scan returning zero files even if duplicates existed- Changed deletion of Duplicate packages to go to Recycle Bin- Added check for the existence of subfolders, so if the program was not extracted properly it should still work- Added an option to the Options screen to not check the Maxis namespace for orphans - unchecking this will effectively then only scan custom objects and meshes, and no BodyShop packages- Fixed Scan for Orphans not resetting the Orphan status if a recolour/mesh has since been found - 1.0.2658.20336 - 12th April 2007.
- Fixed bug with Move Files not working properly if no subdirectories are present- Added messagebox to tell you how to select duplicates once scanned- Changed DeleteFiles so that it now moves them to the recycle bin instead- Changed Duplicate scan to work on a filename+CRC basis rather than just filename- Added ObjectGUID to the output of DBPFInfo- Added XML files for Glamour Stuff, Family Stuff, Holiday 05 Stuff and Holiday 06 Stuff (Thanks Tiggerypum) - 1.0.2657.37676 - 11th April 2007.
- Fixed Search box not repositioning properly when maximising or resizing form- Added extra check for blank package titles crashing the scan- Fixed bug with Move Files changing the wrong entry in the database- Added "Open with DBPFInfo" right click menu option- Changed DBPFInfo program to allow arguments - 1.0.2657.31819 - 11th April 2007.
- Fixed bug with blank package titles and trying to extract cres links- Fixed bug with Delete Files removing incorrect entries from the display- Removed 3d render test menu - 1.0.2657.28064 - Initial Release, 11th April 2007
- TigDadx4, for the huge download folder and slow machine :D
- HystericalParoxysm, daysies, Lethe_s and the Ranchies for the testing and reports
- Numenor and IgnorantBliss, for answering questions about the way Objects are setup
- MaryLou for the translation, excel files and general help
- Quaxi, for the SimPE source code that helped with some package resources
- vbAccelerator, for the systray code
- Mark Harmon, for the progress bar in a status bar control
- Riess, for the awesome llama pic
- Canoodle, for the MaxisInfo
I have started a Wiki page on the Sims2Wikiabout it, currently under construction. View it here: http://www.sims2wiki.info/DDO
Update: 15 Dec 2008 - v1.2 released.
* Disclaimer: Does not make lunch.
** Ion Cannon sold seperately.