Tool [1.3] Omnitool, world creation, mapping, backups and more.
Current version : 18.5.1, for Terraria and older on Windows and Linux.
(Probably Mac too, but nobody I know can test it.)
-makes world backups on launch
-maps worlds on launch
-render worlds with 16x16 textures for each block, in a live window or as a website.
-contains world generators: Planetoids & Terra, Worldify, Flatworld and PVP Dungeon Arena
-update notification
-launching of other tools (tedit, terrafirma)
-works with GameLauncher GUI
-plugin system for extensions

Just to make sure: It's a tool, not a mod.
-Download a recent release from here: Github Releases
-Install & Run
-[optional] drag & drop a teditexe file onto omnitool.exe, to access tedit from within omnitool
-[optional] drag & drop a terrafirmaexe file onto omnitool.exe, to access terrafirma from within omnitool
- report issues
Available Languages:
-Portuguese (BR)
More detailed info in the Language thread: Link
Want to help? Infos in the Translation Readme.
More plugins to add features to Omnitool can be found here.
You can also check out the documentationto make your own.
or Steam Wishlist
Also on Patreon
The making of Omnitool
Source code and non-adf.ly links on Omnitool's Github page.
Credits for Omnitool:
-7UR7L3: testing and ideas
-Ijwu: translation overseer, testing, ideas & skins (Oasis, Underworld, Overworld)
-Berserker66(me): programming, testing, bundling, setup, ....
-translation credits in translation thread: Link
Language used is Python 3.4
Makes use of these modules:
-Phil's Game Utilities
(Probably Mac too, but nobody I know can test it.)
-makes world backups on launch
-maps worlds on launch
-render worlds with 16x16 textures for each block, in a live window or as a website.
-contains world generators: Planetoids & Terra, Worldify, Flatworld and PVP Dungeon Arena
-update notification
-launching of other tools (tedit, terrafirma)
-works with GameLauncher GUI
-plugin system for extensions

Just to make sure: It's a tool, not a mod.
-Download a recent release from here: Github Releases
-Install & Run
-[optional] drag & drop a teditexe file onto omnitool.exe, to access tedit from within omnitool
-[optional] drag & drop a terrafirmaexe file onto omnitool.exe, to access terrafirma from within omnitool
- report issues
Available Languages:
-Portuguese (BR)
More detailed info in the Language thread: Link
Want to help? Infos in the Translation Readme.
More plugins to add features to Omnitool can be found here.
You can also check out the documentationto make your own.

Also on Patreon
The making of Omnitool
Source code and non-adf.ly links on Omnitool's Github page.
Credits for Omnitool:
-7UR7L3: testing and ideas
-Ijwu: translation overseer, testing, ideas & skins (Oasis, Underworld, Overworld)
-Berserker66(me): programming, testing, bundling, setup, ....
-translation credits in translation thread: Link
Language used is Python 3.4
Makes use of these modules:
-Phil's Game Utilities
Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]