Unrevealed secrets of hacking and cracking pdf download

Unrevealed secrets of hacking and cracking pdf download

unrevealed secrets of hacking and cracking pdf download

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The book "The Unrevealed Secrets of Hacking and Cracking; Hack Before You Get Cracked" was 'written' by Prateek Shukla (prateek2654@gmail.com) and Navneet Mehra (hackers_beware@yahoo.in). According to one article, Mehra has written four other books, which have not been reviewed by attrition.org, and contributed to this one. Via an email conversation, Shukla told us that he wrote most of this book, and Navneet only wrote three chapters (Introduction, Securing Wireless Network, Security for an Organization). Before going into the review, we wanted to point out a few things that bring more clarity to the author's intentions and understanding of writing.

Specifically note that all those people "believed in their writing capabilities" when you read the email thread between Prateek Shukla and Jericho, where he attempts to explain the plagiarism.

The following table details the portions of the book that were taken from other sources. A full review was not performed due to the amount of plagiarism found by the halway point. Note that we also reviewed the two technical chapters written by Mehra to determine if the plagiarism was limited to one author, and it was not. Information is included to distinguish not only plagiarized material, but also what was done in an attempt to obscure the original source (e.g., removing text or credit). This shows willful infringement of copyright and inexcusable plagiarism.

The percentage calculated is based on the material reviewed, and then projected for the other half of the book. While the second half was largely left alone, there is no reason to suspect that the frequency of plagiarism changed.

Pages / totalDescriptionOriginal Source1 - 13Introduction, not counted in reviewn/a14 - 15Footprinting, one and a half page verbatim:hackersthirst.com
Wikipedia15Domain Query, 2 sentences verbatim:CSSLP Exam16 - 17Port Scanning, some text & images from:hackersknight.blogspot.com22Types of Fingerprinting, almost verbatim:symantec.com23 - 26Malware Research, three pages from:expect-us.net29 - 30Trojans, 1 full page verbatim:hack2wwworld.blogspot.com30 - 34Keylogger, Rats, Malware from:expect-us.net35RATs, 1 paragraph from:Wikipedia41Botnets, 1 paragraph:wiki.answers.com44 - 47Keyloggers, 7 paragraphs & 3 screenshots from:makeuseof.com47Cookies & Protective Software, 3 paragraphs verbatim:ehacking.net48Keyloggers, 1 paragraph:hacker9.com49 - 50Antivirus, most verbatim from two sources:101hacker.com
epictuts.blogspot.com50FUD Crypters & Parts of a Crypter, from multiple sources:hacker9.com
hackforums.net51Different Types of Cryptershackingloops.com51 - 52What is a Binder, 2 paragraphs:hackpconline.com52Disadvantages of Binders, 2 paragraphs:about-spyware01.blogspot.com54Icon Changing, mostly from:msantoshkumar.blogspot.com57Entire page, from multiple sources:chegg.com
CISSP Book57 - 58Purpose of Crypto & Key Types, verbatim from:garykessler.net58 - 59Secret Key Cryptography, entire section almost verbatim:ihackers.in59 - 60Public-key Cryptography, half page & image verbatim:hackersonlineclub.com60 - 62One paragraph & Bullets, changed examples names (e.g. s/Dan/Raj etc.)cccure.org62Hash Functions, verbatim:garykessler.net62Types of Cryptographic Attacks, verbatim from:cccure.org65Social Engineering, large parts from:securityxploded.com66Art of Manipulation & Reverse Social Engineering, mostly from:CEH Book66Phishing Attacks, partially from:securityxploded.com67Human-based Social Engineering, 4 bullets verbatim:CEH Book
securityxploded.com67 - 68Computer Based Social Engineering, verbatim from:www.cmu.edu68 - 69Cycle of Social Engineering, from:securityxploded.com69Weapons of Social Engineer, largely from:securityxploded.com70Doxing, verbatim from:rafayhackingarticles.net71 - 72Social Engineering Countermeasures, verbatim:securityxploded.com73Email, 1 paragraph verbatim:Wikipedia75 - 78Email Forging, 3 paragraphs & example & countermeasures verbatim from:feedreader.com80Phishing, almost verbatim:gohacking.com82Countermeasures, almost verbatim:hiponhunter.blogspot.com88-89Tabnapping, 5 paragraphs verbatim:techchai.com90Prevent Yourself from Being Tabnapped & Browser Security, 5 paragraphs verbatim:techchai.com90 - 96Desktop Phishing, most verbatim from:explorehacking.com97What is Proxy Server, mostly fromwhatismyip.com98Types of Proxy Servers, taken from multiple sourcessquid-cache.org
Wikipedia99Sockschain Proxy, 3 paragraphs verbatimufasoft.com99 - 103Tor Onion text & walkthrough, most verbatime from:legallyuncensor.blogspot.com103 - 106Sectino on Ultrasurf, largely from:shoutmeloud.com174 - 176Securing Wireless Networks, almost verbatim:dummies.com
onguardonline.gov #1
onguardonline.gov #2176VPN section, verbatimpcworld.com180Basic Tips for Network Administrator, verbatim:jobiantony.com181Securing Organization's Network, some verbatim, but entirely from:antivirus.coolstudy.org
Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]

Unrevealed secrets of hacking and cracking pdf download

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