Better, perhaps: Download dell audio for windows 10
Download dell audio for windows 10 | |
Download dell audio for windows 10 | |
Download dell audio for windows 10 | |
Download dell audio for windows 10 | |
Download dell audio for windows 10 |
This is a new peculiar issue with the OS. The speaker works fine from a cellphone but in windows it doesn't work. I
I have uninstalled drivers/deleted drivers. I went back to dell to download and reinstall the driver. Still is not working.
I don't see any conflicts in Device Manager.
Updated the driver through the properties window. didn't work
Used windows audio troubleshooting - didn't work
Changed settings in properties to different options.
Is anyone else seeing this issue?

Yep, new audio card is probably the best option.
Only other thing to try is remove all audio devices from the hardware manager, reboot the machine and let the generic drivers load. If nothing still, reload the Dell drivers. If still nothing then a PO for a sound card is the fix!
Hello mclaughlink, thank you for bringing your issue to our attention and thanks also to @2300peterw for his comments and tag. Since there has been considerable communication regarding the Conexant ISST audio driver, I regret that HP Support was unhelpful. Since you indicate that the sound is now working due to a system restore, nevertheless, at your convenience, could you please provide me with your case number or serial number so that I can review the case notes. If the problem recurs, the issue needs to be escalated!
You indicate that your system is updated. In case you already have applied the following versions, let me list the information below for others who may visit this post and have the same issue:
SoftPaq Bundle Version(s) SoftPaq# Fixed Vendor Version
11.39.2168.57, Q,53SP80320Windows
Windows 7:
You are correct when you state that "HP actually had something on their site about it getting flagged as malware, so I'm pretty positive that part is true." See in the excerpt below from the HP Advisory. You will also notice that other actions may be required:
I don't know what AV you use but if it is flagged and deleted by AV it should show up in some logs or other forms. Maybe whitelisting the driver could work maybe older versions of the driver could work? Also, you could restore it to the point where it is working and watch if maybe windows updates or something else is installing the wrong drivers. If this is the case you can block it via policies or in the registry.
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16 Replies

Are you choosing the correct playback device in the Windows Settings

Yes. I have tried both options in the dropdown.

Can you share some screenshots of what is going on?

Go to the Dell deployment driver package website. Confirm whether the driver in this package is the same one you are using. If it is not, download the cab driver package and try installing that sound driver within it. The drivers in these packages are the most tested/reliable drivers. That is why they are in the deployment packages.

What site is that? I was using dells detection tool and that gives you the driver for the model it matches up to. In this PC's case, it is a Realtek driver.

I would also run diagnostics just in case you have a hardware issue.

Dvcdank wrote:
Yes. I have tried both options in the dropdown.
Have you gone into Control Panel, Sounds and set the default device? There is no dropdown on that screen.
I suspect Intel HD Audio is selected which directs sounds to the HDMI port. If using the analog audio jack, you need to select whatever audio device drives that - Realtek or whatever.

lahimakonem wrote:
Download the Dell Command update app and run it. https://www.dell.com/support/article/us/en/04/sln311129/dell-command-update?lang=en
The dell command software did not work. It said that it was not compatible with my device and there was a conflict.

Da_Schmoo wrote:
Dvcdank wrote:
Yes. I have tried both options in the dropdown.
Have you gone into Control Panel, Sounds and set the default device? There is no dropdown on that screen.
I suspect Intel HD Audio is selected which directs sounds to the HDMI port. If using the analog audio jack, you need to select whatever audio device drives that - Realtek or whatever.
Yes, I have done this.

I am beginning to think that this is an issue with the hardware for that audio jack. May just buy a new audio card. The one that is there is just for speakers so it is pretty basic.

Yep, new audio card is probably the best option.
Only other thing to try is remove all audio devices from the hardware manager, reboot the machine and let the generic drivers load. If nothing still, reload the Dell drivers. If still nothing then a PO for a sound card is the fix!

On some of my Win10Pro PCs the Windows Audio Service will just stop. Is yours running?

In my experience, the microsoft generic HD Audio drivers have worked less than 10% of the time. Get the drivers direct from REALTEK for your audio -> https://www.realtek.com/en/component/zoo/category/pc-audio-codecs-high-definition-audio-codecs-softw...
Make sure the Intel graphics driver software is fully installed first to also get the correct Intel HD Audio driver in place for the HDMI, then install the current realtek HD audio driver. this will remove any previous driver versions in place.

I had an issue about 8 months ago with sound not working on a bunch of Dell computers and it was related to a new version of Kaspersky Endpoint Security I installed. Kaspersky had a patch and it resolved the issue. Try uninstalling the AV and see what happens for a test.
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