In this article, we will learn how to download any file from an online server and save it to the any file from server path because we cannot download any file directly in Xamarin. Without much introduction, we will skip into the coding part of this article. You can download the full source code from GitHub. How do I download a file with a progress bar (easy to do), and wait for the The messagebox should only appear when the download is complete. In the real program, I need to install the Downloaded exe, so need to wait for download finish and I think it's even more amazing that you can also compile C# without any. This section explains how to create, read, and edit Excel files in Xamarin Create a new C# Xamarin. If.NET Standard is not available in the code sharing strategy, the Portable Class Text = "Total"; //Apply number format worksheet. how to create an Excel file in Xamarin can be downloaded from Create-Excel-file.zip.