Installation guideS
This Mod List will be updated with new mods over time. This tab exists so you can easily see if there have been any additional mods added and where in the install order they should be installed.
If you have solutions for bug fixes or suggestions for improvements, don’t hesitate to contact us.
(ENB) Ultimate Immersion PRC ENB
My personal adjustments of PRC ENB that were used in most of my videos. This ENB is also highly optimized thanks to the author.
Download: PRC Camera Preset – Ultimate Immersion (download main files first, then replace with my preset, installation video above)
(CORE) 000. Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch
A comprehensive bugfixing mod.
Download: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch
(CORE) 001. Optimized Vanilla Textures
Fixes and tweaks textures for performance improvements. Minimal to nonexistent quality loss.
Download: Optimized Vanilla Textures
(CORE) 002. FlaconOil’s HD ReTexture Project
Comprehensive really high quality and lore friendly 4K and 2K textures.
ESP BA2 Fomod – 4K – Part 1
ESP BA2 Fomod – 4K – Part 2
ESP BA2 Fomod – 4K – Part 3
(CORE) 003. High Resolution Texture Pack
4K high resolution textures to replace misc items in game.
Download: Textures 4K Version
(CORE) 004. Enhanced Blood Textures
High-resolution blood decals that complement the violence level of the Fallout series.
Download: EBT Basic
(CORE) 005. Vivid Fallout – Rocks
Replaces rocks with high quality textures.
Download: Vivid Fallout – Rocks – HD
(CORE) 006. Vivid Fallout – Landscapes
Replaces landscapes with high quality 4K textures.
Download: xVivid Fallout – Landscapes – 4k
(CORE) 007. Fallout Texture Overhaul – Stars
Overhauls big and small stars to 4K.
Download: FTO Stars 4k
(CORE) 008. Vivid Fallout – Roads and Bridges
Performance friendly high quality roads, concrete and bridges.
Download: xVivid Fallout – Roads and Bridges – 2k
(CORE) 009. WET – Water Enhancement Textures
WET enhances all the bodies of water in the game, as well as adding new water and rain effects.
Download: WET – Water Enhancement Textures
(CORE) 010. Jester’s Better Destroyed Vehicles
Makes the vehicles more crispy.
Download: Jesters Better Destroyed Vehicles
(CORE) 011. Extreme Particles Overhaul
Adds better particle effects to explosions and weapons. (this mod may cause over-glowing particles when used with Ultimate Immersion PRC ENB, so installation is optional)
Download: Extreme Particles Overhaul
(CORE) 012. Commonwealth Conifers Redux
Adds and changes all the tree’s in the Commonwealth. (don’t install if you want your game to remain a wasteland)
Tree Placement Patch
This retextures the sun to give a radiant effect.
Download: FO4 SUNv1 fixed
(CORE) 014. Fr4nsson’s Light Tweaks
Tweaks the Fallout 4 indoor lighting.
Download: Fr4nsson’s Light Tweaks
(CORE) 015. Tookie’s Textures-Grass and Plants
Adds vines on the buildings and grass and plant textures.
Download: Tookie’sTextures GrassAndPlants
(CORE) 016. Grasslands – A Fallout 4 Grass Overhaul
Covers the ground with fields of green grass. (don’t install if you want your game to remain a wasteland)
Download: Grasslands 2.0 Pre-Release
(CORE) 017. Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul
Improves and balances ambiance and reverb to be more realistic and lively with no performance loss.
Download: Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul
(CORE) 018. Gravel Redone
Completely new high quality textures for the gravel in the game.
Download: Gravel Redone 4K
(CORE) 019. Shack Floors Re-Done
Very high quality wood and wooden floor textures.
Download: Dull 4K
(CORE) 020. Radio Re-Done
Many types of radio textures in 4K.
Download: Radio All-In-One
(CORE) 021. Pre-War Retextures
Retextures pre-war objects and buildings in 4K.
Download: PreWarTextures
(CORE) 022. We Are The Minutemen
Changes behavior and building of minutemen in more realistic way.
Download: W.A.T.M – The basic
(CORE) 023. True Storms – Wasteland Edition
Complete overhaul to the storm systems in Fallout 4. Heavy rains, dust storms, radiation rains. (This mod is optional to install, you might as well skip it if you don’t want to use any particular feature)
Download: True Storms – Wasteland Edition
(CORE) 024. Radiant Clouds and Fogs
Radiant Clouds and Fogs replaces almost all Fallout 4 Clouds as well as the distant fogs in the mountains.
Download: Radiant Clouds and Fogs
(CORE) 025. NAC – Natural and Atmospheric Commonwealth
The most advanced and complete weather, lighting and visual overhaul available for Fallout 4. (disable the NAC DLC patches in the load order if you don’t have them to avoid crashing)
Download: NAC
(CORE) 026. Caliente’s Beautiful Bodies Enhancer – CBBE
Best body enhancer for Fallout 4.
Download: Caliente’s Beautiful Bodies Enhancer
(CORE) 027. The Eyes Of Beauty Fallout Edition
Change eyes textures for new high resolution ones.
Download: The Eyes of Beauty Fallout Kaleidoscope Edition – All-in-One
(CORE) 028. Bodyslide and Outfit Studio
An easy to use tool for customizing bodies and outfits, creating new bodies and outfits, and converting outfits between body types.
Download: BodySlide and Outfit Studio
(CORE) 029. Fallout 4 HD Reworked Project
This modification changes a lot of objects, items and other stuff and improves the quality to very high quality with very good performance.
Download: Fallout 4 HD Reworked Project – Quality
(CORE) 030. HD DLC Creature Textures Rework
Reworks and optimizes the creature textures from the official HD DLC, as well as introducing some missing textures and material changes.
Download: HD Creatures Rework
(CORE) 031. Glowing Animals Emit Light
Simply makes glowing animal variants emit light, scaled to their size.
Download: Glowing Animals Emit Light – NO DLC (use ALL DLC only if you have all DLCs installed)
(CORE) 032. FAR – Faraway Area Reform
FAR optimizes and improves over 6000+ distant land textures, which means more perfomance and a more stutter
free experience.
Download: FAR – Default Resolution
(CORE) 033. Immersive Mouth and Teeth
Makes mouth and teeth more realistic.
Download: Immersive Mouth and Teeth
(CORE) 034. Immersive Vendors
Makes vendors more realistic.
Download: ImmersiveVendors EN
(CORE) 035. Satellite World Map
A high resolution world map made using in-game distant land assets.
Download: Monochrome Version – 8k Resolution
(CORE) 036. Diamond City Expansion
Mod that expands Diamond City and Fenway Park, adding several new areas to explore both in the city and inside the stadium building.
Download: Diamond City Expansion
(CORE) 037. Improved Shack Bridges
Makes shack bridges more diverse.
Download: Better Shack Bridges
(CORE) 038. Sim Settlements
Settlers can build their own houses and settlements, more construction options.
Download: Sim Settlements Three-in-One
(CORE) 039. Wearable Backpacks and Pouches
Adds craftable & upgradable backpacks & pouches.
Download: Wearable Backpacks and Pouches
(CORE) 040. Boston FPS Fix
Improves performance (FPS) in Boston and surrounding area. (if you don’t have DLCs select a no DLC version during the installation)
Download: Boston FPS Fix – FOMOD installer
Makes distant terrain have a green colour. (don’t install if you want your game to remain a wasteland)
Download: GrassyLOD
(CORE) 042. Swinging Animated Meat Bags
This mod adds a new swinging animation to all the hanging meat bags in the game, with swinging sound, dripping blood and swarming flies effect.
Download: Swinging Meat Bags
(CORE) 043. Crows And Creatures
Changes the crows and other creatures in the game into more realistic and not that glossy versions.
Download: Crows and Creatures Collection
(CORE) 044. Diamond City Enhanced
Adds much needed detail to the missing parts of Diamond City. (don’t install if you don’t want trees in Diamond City)
Download: Diamond City Enhanced
(CORE) 045. Louder Rainy Sound
Makes rain realistically louder.
Download: Even Louder Rainy Sound
(CORE) 046. Better Ammo Boxes
Retextures all conventional weapon ammo boxes with hand textured maps.
Download: Better Ammo Boxes Overhaul
Retextures the moon and stars in the night sky.
Download: FO4 MOON x4096
(CORE) 048. Appealing Moles
Changes the nasty facial moles to ones that are more commonly seen and nicer looking.
Download: Appealing Moles- EXTRA Moles
(CORE) 049. Better Companions
Improves companions and their game-play.
Download: Better Companions
(CORE) 050. Better Locational Damage
Scripted headshots, scripted dismemberment, bleedings, stagger, stab your enemies from behind, shotgun knockback and more!
Download: Better Locational Damage
(CORE) 051. Campsite – Simple Wasteland Camping
Campsite is a simple, lightweight camping mod that adds craftable/carryable tents, sleeping bags (new HD textures!), dog beds, fires, lanterns, and cooking pot.
Download: Campsite
(CORE) 052. Commonwealth Cuts
Collection of conversions from Skyrim’s KS Hairdos and ApachiiSkyHair.
Download: Commonwealth Cuts
(CORE) 053. deLuxe Makeup
Adds pretty female makeup masks to the characters. (don’t install if you want more realistic wasteland look)
Eye Liner Masks
Lip Liner Mask
(CORE) 054. Durable Vertibirds
Increases the health of Vertibirds and their Pilots. They should get shot down less, now.
Download: Durable Vertibirds
(CORE) 055. Everyone’s Best Friend
This mod allows you to have Dogmeat and a standard companion at the same time using in game functionality.
Download: Everyone’s Best Friend
(CORE) 056. Extended Weapond Mods
A pack of completely new weapon mods.
Download: Extended weapon mods
This mod adds 338 new NPCs.
Download: FO4 NPCs Travel – No DLC (install All DLC only if you have all DLCs)
(CORE) 058. Just Another Piper Outfit
Adds high quality outfit to Piper.
Download: Friffy Piper Outfit Standalone