Epson stylus 440 driver download

Epson stylus 440 driver download

epson stylus 440 driver download

Epson Stylus Color 440 Driver Download - Free Epson Stylus Color 440 Driver, Software & Manual Support for Windows, Mac OS & Linux. Download Epson Stylus Color 440 Status Monitor 2 v.2.5bE driver. Category:​Printers. Device:Epson Stylus Color 440. Name:Printer Driver Updater. Version:​1.16. EPSON Stylus COLOR 440 Driver Download for Windows XP - (​83376). Stylus Colour 400440.

Epson stylus 440 driver download - apologise, but

OpenPrintingPrintersEpson Stylus Color 440

Color inkjet printer, max. 720x720 dpi, works Perfectly
Recommended Driver: gutenprint (Home page, Driver packages: x86 32 bit:5.2.7 (RPM for LSB 3.2) (Signed), 5.2.7 (DEB for LSB 3.2) (Signed), 5.0.1 (RPM for LSB 3.1) (Signed), 5.0.1 (DEB for LSB 3.1) (Signed), x86 64 bit:5.2.7 (RPM for LSB 3.2) (Signed), 5.2.7 (DEB for LSB 3.2) (Signed), 5.0.1 (RPM for LSB 3.1) (Signed), 5.0.1 (DEB for LSB 3.1) (Signed) (How to install))
Generic Instructions: CUPS, LPD, LPRng, PPR, PDQ, no spooler

Discussion forum

Look for help in our forum for printers from Epson.


Printer supports direct text printing with the 'us-ascii' charset.


21 jets per color. stcolor drives a different number of jets; you can use the uniprint driver stc.upp instead if you change upOutputPins to 21.
Ed: This printer works best with the new Ghostscript driver stp.

Consumables/Refills: One CMY and one Black cartridge ~20$

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The following driver(s) are known to drive this printer:

Recommended driver:

Top Quality Printer Drivers for inkjets, dye sublimation printers, and PCL lasers
Supplier: Gutenprint project
License: GPL (free software)
User support:Gutenprint mailing list at SourceForge (voluntary)
Color output   Type: CUPS Raster
Text:||||||||||  90Graphics:||||||||||  100System Load:Unknown
Line Art:||||||||||  90Photo:||||||||||  100Speed:||||||||||  60
Download:Driver packages: x86 32 bit:5.2.7 (RPM for LSB 3.2) (Signed), 5.2.7 (DEB for LSB 3.2) (Signed), 5.0.1 (RPM for LSB 3.1) (Signed), 5.0.1 (DEB for LSB 3.1) (Signed), x86 64 bit:5.2.7 (RPM for LSB 3.2) (Signed), 5.2.7 (DEB for LSB 3.2) (Signed), 5.0.1 (RPM for LSB 3.1) (Signed), 5.0.1 (DEB for LSB 3.1) (Signed) (How to install)

Other drivers:

This driver is free software.
Type: Ghostscript built-in
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epson stylus 440 driver download

Epson stylus 440 driver download

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