Suse linux enterprise server 10 sp2 download iso

Suse linux enterprise server 10 sp2 download iso

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Iso sles 10 sp3 iso solaris 10 iso x86 sles 10 sp2 sdk; Iso suse sles 10 sp2 solaris 10 x64 iso free; Sp1 sles 10 sp3 64 bit sles. Let's first download the Step. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP2 is the only Xen-based virtualization solution with full A 60-day free trail can be found on the company's download page. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) is a Linux-based operating system developed by SUSE. SLES 10 shared a common codebase with SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10—Novell's desktop In February 2012, SLES 11 SP2 was released, based on kernel version 3.0.10. SLES Download as PDF · Printable version.

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Installing SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

This chapter provides information about installing:

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP2 (or subsequent release) for x86 (64-bit)
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (or subsequent release) for x86 (64-bit)

Note - Alternatively, you can choose to use the Sun Installation Assistant (SIA) to install the SUSE Linux operating system on your server. SIA provides and installs the device driver(s), if required, for you. For more information about using SIA to install an operating system, follow the instructions provided in the Sun Installation Assistant for Windows and Linux User’s Guide (820-3357).

This chapter includes the following topics:

Task Map for the SLES Installation

Use TABLE 2-1 to preview the installation process defined as a series of tasks. The table defines the required tasks, describes them, and provides pointers to the instructions for performing the task.




Relevant Topic(s)


Review installation prerequisites

Verify that all applicable requirements are met for installing an operating system to your server.


Choose an installation method

Evaluate and select an installation method that meets the needs of your infrastructure.


Ensure that the BIOS factory defaults are set

Verify that the factory default settings in the BIOS are set prior to performing the operating system installation.


Gather the SLES installation media

SLES OS CD/DVD media and documentation can be purchased from Sun or Novell for both SPARC and x86 platforms.

For a Sun Blade X6270 Server Module, use the media for x86 platforms.

You can download or order the media for SLES at the following site:


Perform the SLES OS installation

The install instructions in this chapter walk you through the initial steps for booting the install media and partitioning the drive.

For further information about installing SLES, you should refer to the SUSE documentation collection at SUSE Linux Enterprise Server documentation collection from Novell at:


Register SLES and configure automatic updates (recommended)

If the SLES installation media does not contain the most up-to-date version of the SLES OS, follow the instructions in this chapter to update the SLES operating system.


Install driver(s) post installation, if necessary

If the SLES operating system does not include the necessary device drivers to support the hardware on your system, you may need to install additional device drivers.

Installing SLES10 or SLES11 Using Local or Remote Media

The following procedure describes how to boot the SLES 10 (SLES10) or SLES 11 (SLES11) operating system from local or remote media. It assumes that you are booting the SLES installation media from one of the following sources:

  • SLES10-SP2 or SLES11 CD or DVD set (internal or external CD/DVD)
  • SLES10-SP2 or SLES11 ISO DVD image (network repository)

Refer to the following procedures to install the SLES OS from local or remote media:

Before You Begin

Prior to performing the installation, the following requirements must be met:

  • All applicable installation prerequisites for installing this operating system should have been met. For further information about these prerequisites, see TABLE 1-2OS Installation Prerequisites.
  • An installation method (for example: console, boot media, and installation target) should have been chosen and established prior to performing the installation. For more information about these setup requirements, see Installation Methods.

Note that the following procedure explains the initial steps for booting the installation media and launching the SLES installation program. For further details about installing SLES, see the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server documentation collection from Novell at: .

After completing this procedure, you should review and perform the required post installation tasks described later in this chapter. For more details, see Post SLES Installation Tasks.

  Install SLES10 Using Local or Remote Media

1. Ensure that the installation media is available to boot.

  • For Distribution CD/DVD. Insert the SLES10 boot disc (CD labeled number 1 or DVD) into the local or remote CD/DVD-ROM drive.
  • For ISO images. Ensure that the ISO images are available and that the boot disc image (CD labeled number 1 or DVD) has been selected in the ILOM Remote Console application ( menu --> ).

For additional information about how to set up the installation media, see TABLE 1-4Boot Media Options for Performing the OS Installation.

2. Reset the power on the server.

For example:

  • From the ILOM web interface, select Remote Control --> Remote Power Control, then select the option from the Host action drop-down list box.
  • From the local server, press the Power button (approximately 1 second) on the front panel of the server to power off the server, then press the Power button again to power on the server.
  • From the ILOM CLI on the server SP, type:
  • From the ILOM CLI on CMM, type: n

where n is the slot number of server module in chassis

The BIOS screen appears.

Note - The next events occur very quickly; therefore, focused attention is needed for the following steps. Watch carefully for the messages as they appear on the screen for a brief time.

3. In the BIOS power-on self-test screen, press F8 to specify a temporary boot device for the SLES installation.

The Please Select Boot Device menu appears.

4. In the Boot Device menu, select either the external or virtual CD/DVD device as the first boot device, then press Enter.

The device strings listed on the Boot Device menu are in the format of: device type, slot indicator, and product ID string.

After a few seconds the SUSE initial boot screen appears.

5. In the initial SUSE boot installation screen, use the tab key to select the second option , then press Enter.

This option continues the normal user interactive installation process.

The Language screen appears.

Note - The Language screen might take several minutes to appear.

6. In the Language screen, select the appropriate language option, then click .

The License Agreement screen appears.

7. In the SUSE Linux Novell License Agreement screen, click .

The SUSE YaST installation program initializes. The YaST graphical installation screen appears.

Depending on the AutoYaST file configuration, the YaST Language Selection screen might appear.

8. If the YaST Language Selection screen appears, specify which language to use.

Depending on the AutoYaST file configuration, the YaST Installation Mode screen might appear.

9. If the YaST Installation Mode screen appears, select , then click to continue.

The system’s hardware is detected. The YaST Installation Settings screen appears.

10. In the YaST Installation Settings screen, do the following:

a. Click the option.

b. Select , then click .

c. Partition the disk as appropriate.

Refer to the YaST Partitioning instructions for more information.

Note - If the OpenSolaris or the Solaris OS is preinstalled on the disk, you can choose to partition the disk to remove the preinstalled OS; or, you can choose to keep the preinstalled OS and partition the disk to support dual-boot operating systems.

11. Continue the basic installation setup until all the SLES OS files are installed and the system reboots.

12. After completing the basic installation setup, refer to the YaST documentation to perform the following tasks:

a. Create a password for your account.

b. Configure and test the Internet access and network settings.

c. Register the OS, then download available updates to the operating system.

Alternatively, see Update the SLES Operating System to manually update your SLES OS.

13. Review and, if necessary, perform the post installation tasks described later in this chapter.

Refer to Post SLES Installation Tasks.

  Install SLES11 Using Local or Remote Media

1. Ensure that the installation media is available to boot.

  • For Distribution CD/DVD. Insert the SLES11 boot disc (CD labeled number 1 or DVD) into the local or remote CD/DVD-ROM drive.
  • For ISO images. Ensure that the ISO images are available and that the boot disc image (CD labeled number 1 or DVD) has been selected in the ILOM Remote Console application ( menu --> ).

For additional information about how to set up the installation media, see TABLE 1-4Boot Media Options for Performing the OS Installation.

2. Reset the power on the server.

For example:

  • From the ILOM web interface, select Remote Control --> Remote Power Control, then select the option from the Host action drop-down list box.
  • From the local server, press the Power button (approximately 1 second) on the front panel of the server to power off the server, then press the Power button again to power on the server.
  • From the ILOM CLI on the server SP, type:
  • From the ILOM CLI on CMM, type: nwhere n is the slot number of server module in chassis

The BIOS screen appears.

Note - The next events occur very quickly; therefore, focused attention is needed for the following steps. Watch carefully for the messages as they appear on the screen for a brief time.

3. In the BIOS power-on self-test screen, press F8 to specify a temporary boot device for the SLES installation.

The Please Select Boot Device menu appears.

4. In the Boot Device menu, select either the external or virtual CD/DVD device as the first boot device, then press Enter.

The device strings listed on the Boot Device menu are in the format of: device type, slot indicator, and product ID string.

After a few seconds the SUSE initial boot screen appears.

5. In the initial SUSE boot installation screen, use the tab key to select the second option , then press Enter.

This option continues the normal user interactive installation process.

The Welcome screen appears.

Note - The Welcome screen might take several minutes to appear.

6. In the Welcome screen, use the tab key to navigate to the Language drop-down menu.

a. Select the appropriate language option, then tab to the Keyboard Layout.

b. Select the appropriate keyboard layout, then tab to the License Agreement.

c. Click , then tab to and click .

The Media Check screen appears.

7. In the Media Check screen, click to verify your installation media, or alternatively, click to continue with the installation.

The Installation Mode screen appears.

8. In the Installation Mode screen, select , then click to continue.

The Clock and Time Zone screen appears.

9. In the Clock and Time Zone screen, select the appropriate Region and Time Zone, then click to continue.

The Server Base Scenario screen appears.

10. In the Server Base Scenario screen, select (this is usually the correct option), , or , then click to continue.

The Installation Settings screen appears.

11. In the Installation Settings screen, do the following:

a. Click the option.

b. Select , then click .

c. Partition the disk as appropriate.

Refer to the YaST Partitioning instructions for more information.

Note - If the OpenSolaris or the Solaris OS is preinstalled on the disk, you can choose to partition the disk to remove the preinstalled OS; or, you can choose to keep the preinstalled OS and partition the disk to support dual-boot operating systems.

12. Continue the basic installation setup until all the SLES OS files are installed and the system reboots.

13. After completing the basic installation setup, refer to the YaST documentation to perform the following tasks:

a. Create a password for your account.

b. Configure and test the Internet access and network settings.

c. Register the OS, then download available updates to the operating system.

Alternatively, see Update the SLES Operating System to manually update your SLES OS.

14. Review and, if necessary, perform the post installation tasks described later in this chapter.

Refer to Post SLES Installation Tasks.

Installing SLES10 or SLES 11 Using a PXE Network Environment

This section describes how to boot SLES10 or SLES11 from a PXE network environment. It assumes that you are booting the installation media from one of the following sources:

  • SLES10-SP2 or SLES11 CD or DVD set (internal or external CD/DVD)
  • SLES10-SP2 or SLES11 ISO DVD image or AutoYaST image (network repository)

AutoYaST enables you to install the SLES operating system on multiple systems. For information about how to prepare an automated installation using AutoYaST, refer to the Novell SUSE documentation collection at:

Before You Begin

The following requirements must be met prior to performing the SLES installation from a PXE network book environment:

  • If you are using AutoYaST to perform the installation, you must:
    • Create the AutoYast profile.

Follow the AutoYaST installation instructions in the SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 or SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 documentation.

  • To use PXE to boot the installation media over the network, you must:
    • Configure the network (NFS, FTP, HTTP) server to export the installation tree.
    • Configure the files on the TFTP server necessary for PXE booting.
    • Configure the Sun Blade X6270 Server Module MAC network port address to boot from the PXE configuration.
    • Configure Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).

Follow the setup instructions for booting SUSE media over the network in the SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 or SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 documentation.

After completing this procedure, you may need to perform the tasks for Post SLES Installation Tasks.

  Install SLES10 or SLES11 Using Network PXE Boot

1. Ensure that the PXE network environment is properly set up and the SLES installation media is available for PXE boot.

2. Reset the power on the server.

For example:

  • From the ILOM web interface, select Remote Control --> Remote Power Control, then select the option from the Host action drop-down menu.
  • From the local server, press the Power button (approximately 1 second) on the front panel of the server to power off the server, then press the Power button again to power on the server.
  • From the ILOM CLI on the server SP, type:
  • From the ILOM CLI on CMM, type: nwhere n is the slot number of server module in chassis

The BIOS screen appears.

Note - The next events occur very quickly; therefore, focused attention is needed for these steps. Watch carefully for the messages as they appear on the screen for a brief time.

3. Press F8 to specify a temporary boot device.

The Please Select Boot Device menu appears listing the available boot device.

4. In the Boot Device menu, select the PXE installation boot device (physical port) that is configured to communicate with your network installation server.

The network bootloader loads and a boot prompt appears. Wait for the five second time-out and the installation kernel will begin to load.

The SUSE Linux Novell License Agreement screen appears.

5. In the SUSE Linux Novell License Agreement screen, click .

The SUSE YaST installation program initializes. The YaST graphical installation screen appears.

Depending on the AutoYaST file configuration, the YaST Language Selection screen might appear.

6. If the YaST Language Selection screen appears, specify which language to use.

Depending on the AutoYaST file configuration, the YaST Installation Mode screen might appear.

7. If the YaST Installation Mode screen appears, select , then click to continue.

The system’s hardware is detected. The YaST Installation Settings screen appears.

8. In the YaST Installation Settings screen, do the following:

a. Click the option.

b. Select , then click .

c. Partition the disk as appropriate.

Refer to the YaST Partitioning instructions for more information.

Note - If the OpenSolaris or the Solaris OS is preinstalled on the disk, you can choose to partition the disk to remove the preinstalled OS; or, you can choose to keep the preinstalled OS and partition the disk to support dual-boot operating systems.

9. Continue the basic installation setup until all the SLES OS files are installed and the system reboots.

10. After completing the basic installation setup, refer to the YaST documentation to perform the following tasks:

a. Create a password for your account.

b. Configure and test the Internet access and network settings.

c. Register the OS, then download available updates to the operating system.

Alternatively, see Update the SLES Operating System to manually update your SLES OS.

11. Review and, if necessary, perform the post installation tasks described later in this chapter.

Refer to Post SLES Installation Tasks.

Post SLES Installation Tasks

After completing the SLES installation, you should review the following post installation tasks and, if necessary, perform the tasks that are applicable to your system.

Update the SLES Operating System

The SLES OS installation media might not contain the most up-to-date versions of the SLES OS. The following procedure describes how to update the SLES OS on your server.

  Update the SLES Operating System

1. Log in as superuser.

2. Type the following command to run the YaST Online Update:


Note that YaST can operate in both text and graphical modes. These directions apply to both.

3. If you are behind a network firewall and need to use a proxy server in order to access the internet, you must first configure YaST with the correct proxy information.

a. Select the Network Services tab on the left, then the Proxy screen on the right. Type the correct proxy URLs in both the HTTP and HTTPS fields.

Note - In order for the on-line service to function correctly through a network HTTP proxy, the following additional configuration step must be performed.

b. Exit the YaST utility and run the following command:

Proxy URL

where Proxy URL is the fully qualified URL of your proxy server (for example: proxy.yourdomain).

c. After successfully running the command, launch YaST again.

4. Register with the Novell Customer Center.

Note - You will need your Novell Customer Center user name and password, as well as an SLES 10 product activation code.

a. Select the Software tab on the left.

b. Select Novell Customer Center Configuration and follow the directions.

5. Once registered, select the Online Update tab to perform the software update.

Install System Device Drivers To Support Additional Hardware

The following table identifies the system device drivers that are available for you to install on your system. You should review this table to determine which driver, if any, are currently required for installation on your system.

Hardware Device

Device Driver


AST2100 VGA driver

Before You Begin

The following requirements must be met prior to installing the driver(s) on your system.

  • Obtain the required device driver(s) from the Tools and Drivers DVD or image.

  • Established installation environment (console, boot media, install target). For more information, see Installation Methods.

  Install System Device Drivers From Local or Remote Media

If your server has an onboard DVD drive or attached DVD drive, you can install the drivers directly, using your server Tools and Drivers DVD.

1. Ensure that the system device driver media is available to boot.

For example:

    • For distribution CD/DVD. Insert the Tools and Driver DVD into the local or remote DVD-ROM drive.
    • For customer-provided ISO image. In the menu of the Sun ILOM Remote Console, select image to specify the location of the customer provided CD image.

For additional information about how to set up the install media, see TABLE 1-4Boot Media Options for Performing the OS Installation.

2. Change to the mounted USB CD/DVD directory by typing the following command:

3. Run the install script by typing the following command:


The system device drivers are now installed. The script prompts you to reboot the system for changes to take effect.

4. Reboot the server.

Copyright © 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Suse linux enterprise server 10 sp2 download iso

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