Download tgz file linux

Download tgz file linux

download tgz file linux › home › how-to-install-targz-or-tgz-packages-i. How to Uncompress and Install Linux Downloads A tar file compressed using gzip would be in "filename.tar.gz" format. A similar archive would be.tgz format. How to install downloaded tar.gz in Ubuntu. Command to install tar.gz file in linux – how to extract and install tar.gz files in Ubuntu. In computing.

Download tgz file linux - was registered

Create a .tar filetar -cvf filename.tar filenameUnbundle a .tar filetar -xvf filename.tarList contents of a .tar filetar -tf filename.tarList Contents of a .tar.gz filetar -ztf filename.tar.gzCreate a .tar.gz filetar -zcvf filename.tar.gz filenameOpen a .tar.gz or .tgz filetar -zxvf filename.tgz or filename.tar.gzCreate a .gz filegzip filename.gz filenameUncompress a .gz or .tar.gz filegunzip filename.gzZip (works w/ PKZip or WinZip) a filezip filenameUncompress a .zip fileunzip filename.zipCompress a file to .bz2 formatbzip2 filename.bz2 filenameUncompress a .bz2 filebunzip2filename.bz2Split a file to fit on 1.44 MB Floppiessplit -b 1400000 filenameRejoin Split filescat x* > OriginalFileName

Most Linux distributions also have a "zip" utility capable of "unzipping" files compressed using Windows' WinZip or PKZip programs. The command is simple unzip To compress a file using this program, the command is zip filename where filename is the name of the uncompressed fileand is the compressed file.

More commonly, Linux files are compressed using the gzip command and uncompressed using the gunzip commands. This pair of commands is found on most, if not all, Linux distros.

Another common download file type is the .rpm or Red Hat Package Manager format. These files will either be in x86.rpm format or in .src.rpm format. To install a x86.rpm file, it is only necessary to type rpm -Uvh filename.rpm at the command line from the directory the file is located in to upgrade an existing package. To install a new package, the command is rpm -ivh filename.rpm. From there, the Red Hat Package Manager takes over.

If the file is a filename.src.rpm file, it can be installed by using the command rpm --rebuild filename.src.rpm

A RPM file can be said to have 3 parts, the package name, the version, and a file extension. A typical .rpm file name might be: somename-1-05-3.i386.rpm. In this example, I would refer to "somename" as the package and "1-05-3.i386" as the version. Using this convention, the following table lists a few of the options available with rpm:

rpm -ivh package-version.rpminstall new .rpm package
rpm -Uvh package-version.rpmupgrade existing package
rpm -qalist all installed .rpm packages
rpm -qi packageget more information on this package
rpm -ql packagelist all files that package installed on system
rpm -e packageremove installed package
rpm --rebuild package-version.src.rpmInstall a source rpm
rpm --rebuilddbrebuild the RPM database

Apt-get for RPM is a really nice utility for Red Hat users. It allows a Debian-style package update or install. Combined with Synaptic, a GUI front end for apt-get, you have a really slick way of getting updates. The following links will get you everything you need to install and use these programs.

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download tgz file linux

Download tgz file linux

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