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Warcraft RPG - Monster Guide
Authors: Blizzard
Jackie Cassada, Brandon Crowley, Richard Farrese, Bob Entertainment
Fitch, Bruce Graw, Luke Johnson, Adam Loyd, Andrew
Rowe, and Amber E. Scott. Creative Development Manager:
Additional Design and Material: Shawn Carnes
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Editor: Art Directors:
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Managing Editor: Blizzard Special Thanks:
Stewart Wieck Chris Metzen, Gloria Soto, Joanna Cleland,
Lisa Pearce, Brian Hsieh
Art Direction and Design:
Mike Chaney
Cover Artist:
Jason Chan and Glenn Rane
Interior Artist:
Glenn Rane
Special Thanks
To cows and chickens, because I eat them.
– Luke Johnson
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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original
material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game Copyright 2003, Blizzard Entertainment
Warcraft Roleplaying Game: Manual of Monsters Copyright 2003, Blizzard Entertainment
Warcraft Roleplaying Game: Alliance & Horde Compendium Copyright 2004, Blizzard Entertainment
Warcraft Roleplaying Game: Magic & Mayhem Copyright 2004, Blizzard Entertainment
Warcraft Roleplaying Game: Lands of Conflict Copyright 2004, Blizzard Entertainment
Warcraft Roleplaying Game: Shadows & Light Copyright 2004, Blizzard Entertainment
World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game Copyright 2005, Blizzard Entertainment
World of Warcraft: More Magic & Mayhem Copyright 2005, Blizzard Entertainment
World of Warcraft: Lands of Mystery Copyright 2005, Blizzard Entertainment
World of Warcraft: Monster Guide Copyright 2006, Blizzard Entertainment
World of Warcraft: Alliance Player’s Guide Copyright 2006, Blizzard Entertainment
World of Warcraft: Horde Player’s Guide Copyright 2006, Blizzard Entertainment
World of Warcraft: Dark Factions Copyright 2006, Blizzard Entertainment
Credits 1 Felsteed 71
Flamewaker 73
Introduction 5 Ghost 74
Chapter 1: The Dangers of Being a Hero 10 Example: Ghostly warrior 76
Ghoul 78
Arcane nullifier X-21 10 Giant, frost 79
Basilisk 11 Giant, molten 80
Black ooze 12 Giant, sea
Bloodpetal 13 Gnoll 82
Carrion grub 14 83
Cloud serpent 16 Gnome, leper 85
Core hound 17 Golem 85
Corrupted creature 19 Harvest golem 86
20 Grell 87
Example: Fel orc 20 Harpy 88
Crowd pummeler 9-60 22 Helboar 89
Crypt fiend 24 Hydra 91
24 Imp 92
Example: Nerubian worker crypt fiend 25 Infernal 94
Darkhound 25 Kobold 95
Dinosaur 27 Lich 97
28 98
Devilsaur 29 Example: Human lich 101
Diemetradon 30 Makrura 103
Pterrordax 31 Mana surge 104
Stegodon 31 Mechanized animal 105
Threshadon 32 108
Dire animals 32 Example: Mechanostrider 109
Dire ape 33 Naga 110
Dire bat 34 Obsidian destroyer 111
Dire bear 34 Obsidian statue 114
Dire boar 35 Primal ooze 115
Dire condor 36 Quilboar 116
Dire hyena 37 Risen 117
Dire lion 39 119
Dire Gargoyle 40 Example: Risen warrior 120
Doomguard 42 Rock borer 121
Dragons 44 Satyr 122
Black dragon 46 Scorpid 123
Bronze dragon 48 Shade 124
Green dragon 50 Silithid 125
Red dragon 51 Reaver 126
Dragonspawn 53 Swarmer 127
Dreadlord 54 129
Dwarf, Dark Iron 56 Wasp 129
Elementals 58 Skeletal creature 130
Air elementals 60 131
Earth elementals 61 Example: Skeletal warrior 132
Fire elementals 64 Succubus 133
Lava elementals 66 Swarm 135
Water elementals 66 137
Elf, blood 67 Bat swarm 138
Elite creature 68 Rat swarm 140
Example: Dark Iron rifleman 70 Tar beast
Entropic beast Thistleshrub
Felguard Timberling
Felhound Trogg
Troll, ice
Wildkin 141 Kel’Thuzad, Lich Lord of the Plaguelands 161
Withered creature 143 Lady Onyxia, Mistress of the Black Dragonflight 164
144 Lord Kazzak 166
Example: Rot Hide gnoll 145 Mekgineer Sicco Thermaplugg 168
Worg 146 Nefarian (or Lord Victor Nefarius),
Worgen 148 Lord of Blackrock Spire 170
Wraith 148
Zombie 150 Chapter 3: Improving Monsters 173
Example: Human zombie Chapter 4: Monsters as Characters 178
Chapter 2: Villains 151 Chapter 5: Types, Subtypes, and Abilities 185
Archaedas, Stone Guardian of the Vault 151
Balnazzar 152 Chapter 6: Awarding Experience Points 201
Baron Geddon 154 Appendix 1: Monsters and Magic 203
Baron Rivendare, Death Knight of Stratholme 156
Drakkisath, General of Nefarian’s Armies 158 Appendix 2: Monster Charts 209
Garr 159
This book has a huge number of monsters for use in Drakkisath, Kel’Thuzad, Lady Onyxia, Lord Kazzak,
your World of Warcraft RPG game. Within these pages, Mekgineer Thermaplugg, and Nefarian. If your heroes
you can find creatures to challenge heroes of every stripe are particularly unlucky, they may cross paths with one
and level of expertise, from massive, raging core hounds or more of these individuals.
to skulking kobolds, from a raven that a mage might use
as a familiar to the mighty demon Lord Kazzak. They’re I know what you’re going to say: “My favorite guy isn’t
all here in this book. on that list!” Well, I’m sorry. We didn’t have room in the
book to include all the villains we wanted to, so I had to
The Monster Guide is organized into the following make some hard choices.
Chapter Three: Improving Monsters
Chapter One:
Many monsters in the World of Warcraft computer
The Dangers of Being a Hero games are simply tougher versions of weaker monsters
— they look similar, but are hardier and might possess
This chapter is enormous, making up the bulk of the additional abilities. You can perform the same sort of
book. It includes those “standard” monsters heroes might advancement in the World of Warcraft RPG using the
encounter throughout the world — and beyond. Each guidelines presented in this chapter.
description contains specific information. The chapter is
organized alphabetically, beginning at arachnathid and Chapter Four: Monsters as Characters
ending with zombie.
Some players enjoy playing monster heroes. This
For details on reading the entries, see “Knowing Your chapter provides the information to create unique
Monsters,” below. monster characters, whether heroic or villainous.
This chapter also contains several new feats that are
Chapter Two: Villains particularly appropriate for monster characters; that
involve monsters, such as Craft Construct; or that apply
This chapter includes 15 of the most infamous and to one or more of the villains in Chapter 2. (This chapter
deadly villains on Azeroth: Archaedas, Balnazzar, also includes the magic items that those villains wield.)
Baron Geddon, Baron Rivendare, Garr, General
Chapter Five:
Other Sources for Monsters
Monster Types, Subtypes, and Abilities
Several other books in the World of Warcraft
RPG line also include monsters. If you can’t find a Monsters possess a wide array of strange and frightening
monster here, you might try checking one of these abilities, and this chapter details them all, as well as the traits
books: and features of the various monster types. (For instance, what
does it mean to be a fey?) You might think of this section as a
Lands of Mystery: Blue dragon and dragonspawn, glossary; when a monster’s description includes an ability that
magnataur, murloc, and nerubian. isn’t detailed in its description, you should turn to Chapter 5
to find out what that ability does.
Alliance Player’s Guide: Ancients, avatar
of vengeance, battle ram, chimaera, dire cobra, Chapter Six:
dragonhawk, dryad, faerie dragon, gryphon, heavy
warhorse, hippogryph, keeper of the grove, nightsaber Awarding Experience Points
and frostsaber panthers, stone giant, treant, and wisp.
Heroes advance in levels by gaining experience points
Horde Player’s Guide: Abomination, banshee, (XP). This chapter provides guidelines and rules for
centaur, forest troll, bat, giant bat, and vampire handing out XP based on the power of the monsters the
bat, kodo beast, ogre, ogre mage, quilbeast, raptor, heroes defeat.
salamander, spirit beast, thunder lizard, wolf, giant
wolf, and dire wolf, and wyvern. Appendix One: Monsters and Magic
Dark Factions: Arachnathid, clockwerk goblin, Several spells deal with monsters, notably summon
couatl, chromatic dragon, dragon turtle, hobgoblin, monster, summon nature’s ally, and summon undead, as well
makrura prawn, mur’gul, nerubian spiderlord, as a few others such as create undead. In the WoW RPG
pandaren, snap dragon, spiderling swarm, tube book, those spells assumed that players could consult
the original Manual of Monsters… which was printed
wyrm, and tuskarr. before this book existed.
Manual of Monsters Knowing Your Monsters
This book revises the material in the Manual of A number of statistics describe the monsters in this
Monsters to conform to the new rules set forth in the book (and other books). Each monster description
World of Warcraft RPG book. It also includes many contains the following information.
new monsters that appear in the World of Warcraft
computer game and did not exist when we designed Name
the Manual of Monsters.
The monster’s name appears at the top of the
Any information in this book replaces that in the description. Some monsters are known by other names
Manual of Monsters where the two sources differ as well.
(i.e., when a monster or villain appears in both places,
the information in this book trumps that in the old). Size, Type, and Subtype
This caveat holds true across the Warcraft RPG
board — the most recently published information is The line beneath the monster’s name tells you the
monster’s size as well as its type and subtype. For example,
always the correct version. the imp description reads “Tiny Outsider (Demon, Evil,
Extraplanar).” This means that imps are Tiny creatures,
This appendix provides the information you need that they are of the outsider type, and that they possess
to use the spells listed above, including new tables the demon, evil, and extraplanar subtypes. The creature’s
for the summon spells. It also includes updated size affects several statistics, notably attack bonus, AC,
rules for the warlock’s fel companion arcana and and its grapple modifier, as described in WoW RPG,
the mage’s call elemental arcana, so that they Chapter 12: Combat, “Combat Statistics.”
function properly with the monsters presented in
this book. Every creature has a type, and many have one or more
subtypes. See Chapter 5: Monster Types, Subtypes, and
Appendix Two: Monster Charts Abilities for details about these things. See the Monster
Charts in Appendix 2 for a list of monsters by type and
This second appendix includes a list of all the monsters subtype (including monsters in this book and from Lands
in this book (and those from other sources, such as of Mystery, Alliance Player’s Guide, Horde Player’s
the Alliance Player’s Guide), organized by Challenge Guide, and Dark Factions).
Rating, so you know the right creatures to challenge
your players. This appendix also includes monsters listed Hit Dice and Hit Points
by type and subtype.
All monsters in this book have average hit points for
Web Extras their Hit Dice; of course, individual monsters may have
more or fewer hit points, but generally their hit points
This book has a lot of monsters. So many, in fact, that are average.
they didn’t all fit in the book. Log on to www.warcraftrpg.
com for dozens more pages of monsters — animals and A monster’s type (and/or class, in some cases)
vermin. determines its Hit Die size.
Animals Initiative
This section contains the animals one might find A monster’s bonus to initiative is usually equal to its
wandering around Azeroth. Some are dangerous, such Agility modifier; some monsters improve this bonus with
as bears and giant snakes; others, like sheep and lizards, the Improved Initiative feat.
are (usually) not. This section of the web extras contains
the statistics for the creatures that arcanists can take as Speed
familiars and for the creatures that druids and hunters
can take as companions. This entry provides the monster’s base land speed,
both in feet and in number of squares on a combat grid
Note that Chapter 1 includes some creatures that (assuming one square equals 5 feet). Some monsters
are actually animals — notably dinosaurs and dire have other movement modes, such as burrow, climb, fly,
animals — placed among the monsters because they are or swim; these speeds also appear here.
particularly large and dangerous, at least as much like
monsters as they are animals. Armor Class
Vermin This entry includes the monster’s AC, including
its touch and flat-footed AC values, as well as the
The second part of the web extras contains the calculations that determine those numbers.
statistics for various dangerous arthropods, generally
giant insects and arachnids, including monstrous Base Attack/Grapple
scorpions, monstrous spiders, and giant scarabs.
A monster’s type (and/or class, in some cases)
determines its base attack bonus, provided here. You’ll
rarely need to know the monster’s base attack bonus, but
it can be useful for feats such as Power Attack.
A monster’s grapple bonus equals its base attack bonus
+ Strength modifier + special size modifier.
Attack Environment
When a monster makes a single attack, either because This entry provides the environment(s) in which the
it has only a standard action or because it’s making monster is often found. Heroes might encounter the
an attack of opportunity, it uses this line. Attacks are monster outside this environment, but such occurrences
presented in the following format: are rare.
Type +# melee/ranged (damage/critical hit information) Area
Type: What the monster uses to make the attack (a
claw, a weapon, or whatever). This entry provides the area in which the monster is
+#: The monster’s total attack bonus with the attack often encountered, such as the Arathi Highlands, the
type. Molten Core, or Teldrassil. Heroes might encounter
Melee/ranged: Whether the attack is melee or the monster outside these areas, but such occurrences
ranged. are uncommon at best; the area(s) noted here are the
Damage: How much damage the attack deals. monster’s natural grounds.
Critical Hit Information: If the attack has a larger-
than-normal threat range or critical multiplier, this Organization
information appears after the slash.
Different monsters travel in groups of varying sizes, as
Full Attack shown here. If you would like your heroes to encounter
a random group of monsters, use this entry as a guideline
When a monster takes a full attack action, it uses to determine the group’s size and composition.
this line. Some monsters have two or more options,
separated by the word or, such as “longsword +3 melee Challenge Rating
(1d8/19–20) or longbow +4 ranged (1d8/x3).” The
monster chooses which attack form to use based on the A monster’s Challenge Rating (CR) tells you how
circumstances. difficult it is to fight. If a party of 4 heroes encounters a
monster with a CR equal to its average level, the heroes
Space/Reach should triumph over it, but the encounter should drain
the party of 20–30% of its resources (spells, hit points,
This entry provides the monster’s fighting space (i.e., magic items, and so forth). A monster’s Challenge Rating
how many squares of space it takes up on the battlefield) is the best yardstick to determine whether or not it is an
and its reach. A monster threatens all squares within its appropriate encounter for your heroes; remember that
reach. Some monsters have a longer reach with certain heroes who have already faced several encounters are
weapons; if so, this information also appears here — for weaker than those at full power, so an ordinarily average
example, “5 ft./5 ft. (10 ft. with longspear).” monster might prove deadly in such circumstances.
Special Attacks Also, some monsters are more challenging if they
are encountered in certain environments. Undead, for
This entry is a list of the monster’s special attacks. example, do not need to breathe, so an undead creature
in a room full of poison gas or under water is more
Special Qualities challenging than one in a 10-foot-by-10-foot room. A
monster’s Challenge Rating does not take into account
This entry is a list of the monster’s special qualities. the fact that it might have an advantage in certain
Vision types appear first so that they don’t get in the way circumstances; it is up to you to determine whether the
of the juicy combat information. environment (or some other situation) makes a monster
more challenging than its CR implies.
Some monsters — particularly the villains in Chapter
A monster’s type (and/or class, in some cases) 2 — have magic items they can use against heroes.
determines its base saving throw bonuses. The power of these items is already taken into account
in setting these beings’ Challenge Ratings. Also, some
Abilities villains have slightly different Challenge Ratings than
what you might expect based on their character levels,
Most monsters have average ability scores, though Hit Dice, and templates. (For example, several villains
some use higher values. See Chapter 3: Improving get the elite template as a bonus that does not increase
Monsters for more information. their CR, simply because they need the extra hit points
to survive against epic-level heroes.)
A monster’s Challenge Rating also determines how
Monsters have skills, just as heroes do. When a many experience points (XP) it provides to heroes who
monster gains a bonus to a skill check for some reason, defeat it. See Chapter 6: Awarding Experience Points for
an asterisk (*) denotes this. more information.
Feats See the Monster Charts in Appendix 2 for a list of
monsters in this book organized by Challenge Rating.
A monster gets one feat automatically, plus an
additional feat at its 3rd Hit Die and again for every three
Hit Dice thereafter. Some monsters have bonus feats; a
superscript “B” denotes bonus feats (such as “TrackB”).
Treasure Descriptive Text
This entry describes how much wealth a creature Italicized text below the monster’s statistics is meant
typically owns. See “Treasure” in Chapter 5: Monster to be read aloud or paraphrased to players to give them
Types, Subtypes, and Abilities for more information. an idea of the monster’s appearance.
Alignment Description
This entry provides the monster’s alignment. The The text in this section provides general information
alignment is listed as either “always,” “usually,” or “often” about the monster for the GM, such as what it does,
(such as “always neutral” or “usually chaotic evil”). where it lives, what motivates it, its history, its mentality,
its ecology, how tall it is, how much it weighs, what
Always: All monsters of this sort have the indicated languages it speaks, and so forth.
alignment. Exceptions, if they exist, comprise less than
1% of the monster’s population and apply to isolated Combat
This entry opens with a discussion of what the
Usually: 80–90% of these sorts of monster have the monster generally does in combat: i.e., its standard
indicated alignment. Exceptions are thus rare and may tactics. Following this explanation are descriptions of
be ostracized by the monster’s society. the monster’s special attacks and special qualities, in the
same order in which they appear in its statistics above.
Often: 40–80% of these sorts of monsters have the If a special attack or special quality doesn’t appear here,
indicated alignment. Exceptions are uncommon, but it is common to so many monsters that reprinting it in
not unknown. each description would be impractical: See Chapter 5:
Monster Types, Subtypes, and Abilities for details about
Advancement special qualities and special attacks that do not appear
The monster description provides the statistics for the
weakest specimen of its kind. Some monsters achieve In all cases, a special attack or quality is defined as
far greater power; the Advancement entry gives you the being extraordinary (Ex), supernatural (Su), or spell-
guidelines to determine just how much more powerful like (Sp). These three descriptors are defined in Chapter
such a creature can become. Monsters usually advance by 5: Monster Types, Subtypes, and Abilities, “Special
increasing in Hit Dice, which tends to make them larger. Abilities,” and in WoW RPG, Chapter 13: Abilities and
Some monsters advance by taking character classes, and Conditions, “Special Abilities.”
some cannot improve at all (the latter indicated by a
dash in this entry). Also at the end of this entry is a description of the
monster’s racial bonus on skill checks, if it has any.
See Chapter 3: Improving Monsters for more
information. Monsters as Characters
Level Adjustment Some monsters have a “Monsters as Characters” entry.
These monsters are usually humanoids and are especially
Some monsters are suitable to become player appropriate to become intelligent heroes (and/or villains).
characters; these monsters often have level adjustments. This entry explains what sort of character classes these
A monster has one of the following three descriptions in creatures tend to take, what different kinds exist, and
this entry: what role they play in society. It also suggests why such
a creature might become an adventurer. Following this
—: The monster is unsuitable as a player character. explanation is a list of the creature’s racial traits (much
+#: The monster has the indicated # as a level like those provided for the standard races in WoW RPG)
adjustment (see Chapter 4: Monsters as Characters, for and, often, a racial class. See WoW RPG, Chapter 2:
more information). A value of +0 means the monster Races, for more information about racial levels.
has no level adjustment and is suitable for play from
level 1. The standard races presented in WoW RPG Templates
(humans, Ironforge dwarves, orcs, and the like) all have
level adjustments of +0. A level adjustment of +1 or Some monster descriptions, such as crypt fiend and
higher means the monster is more powerful than the ghost, are not actually monsters, but templates used
standard races and needs a level adjustment as a way to create new monsters from other creatures. (See
to balance its increased power with that of other player Chapter 3: Improving Monsters for more information.)
characters. An example of a monster with that template is provided
Use Racial Levels: Though the monster is more powerful with the template (or, in some cases, appears in Chapter
than standard races, it uses racial levels to represent this 2: Villains).
fact (much like tauren, Forsaken, night elves, and other
player character races with racial levels). The monster’s Villains
racial levels are provided in its description; in this
case, the monster whose statistics are presented as the The villains found in Chapter 2 use a slightly modified
standard is usually a 1st-level member of the race with version of the standard monster description.
just 1 racial level. Monsters of this sort are thus suitable
for play from level 1.
Class and Level Background
Following the villain’s name (and title) is a list of This entry is similar to a monster’s Description entry,
his or her class levels and, if appropriate, Hit Dice in a but focuses on the villain’s history and current plans.
monster type. (Monster Hit Dice work much the same
way as character levels; see Chapters 3, 4, and 5 for more Combat
This entry does not include those special abilities
Hit Points that appear elsewhere (in applicable class, monster, or
template descriptions, for example); it includes only
Each villain has received maximum hit points at 1st abilities that are unique to that villain.
level (or for its first monstrous Hit Die, as appropriate).
Villain Points
Villains often possess items of dark and terrible power
As described in WoW RPG (see Chapter 13: Warcraft with which to make heroes’ lives miserable. This entry
Campaigns, “Hero Points”), some especially nasty indicates such items; new items are described in Chapter
villains also have villain points. All the villains worthy of 4: Monsters as Characters (other magic items appear in
inclusion in this book are especially nasty… More Magic & Mayhem).
Alignment Keep in mind that the villains in this chapter have
great power and standing, and that they possess or can
A villain’s alignment does not include an always/ gain access to just about any item of less than artifact
usually/often descriptor, for a villain is an individual who power; the Possessions entry simply indicates which items
necessarily possesses a distinct alignment. are unique to the villain that he or she is rarely without.
A good rule of thumb is that a villain has any item worth
Advancement 1,000 gp per Hit Die lying around somewhere and can
procure just about any other item (worth up to 10,000
Most villain’s advance by character class, but a few gp per Hit Die) in not more than a few days.
advance by adding Hit Dice instead.
Large Construct (Mechanical) enemies of Gnomeregan. Based off of the original
12d10+30 (96 hp) crowd pummeler, arcane nullifiers are ingenious works
Hit Dice: –2 of steam technology combined with alchemical prowess
and unreal science. Not only are they larger and much
Initiative: 40 ft. (8 squares) stronger than crowd pummelers, but these constructs
are also built with a strange contraption that nullifies
Speed: 17 (–1 size, –2 Agy, +10 natural), touch 7, flat- and reflects spells cast upon them. Rare and expensive as
footed 17 the constructs may be, leper gnomes quickly send these
Armor Class: constructs out when obvious magical presences intrude
into their halls.
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+19
Slam +14 melee (2d6+6) Arcane nullifiers recognize Common, but only an
Attack: 2 slams +14 melee (2d6+6) experienced tinker, shouting out the correct codes, may
command them. Some are automated to speak pre-
Full Attack: 10 ft./10 ft. programmed phrases under certain conditions, but their
limited intelligence does not make them the greatest
Space/Reach: Rechannel spell conversationalists.
Special Attacks: Darkvision 60 ft., hardness 5, malfunction, spell Combat
resistance 25, construct traits
Special Qualities: An arcane nullifier wades mindlessly into combat,
lashing out with its steel
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +4 fists. If any magic-
Str 23, Agy 7, Sta –, Int 1, Spt 10, Cha 1 users are present,
Abilities: Listen +9, Spot +10 it targets them first
unless ordered to do
Skills: Awesome Blow*, Bash, Cleave, Improved Bull otherwise.
Rush, Power Attack Rechannel Spell
Feats: (Su): If an arcane
nullifier’s spell
Environment: Any land and underground resistance protects
Area: Gnomeregan it from a spell, the
Solitary or attack squad (1 plus 2–4 crowd creature stores that
Organization: pummelers and one 5th-level tinker leper gnome) spell within
its body. On
Challenge Rating: 8 its next
None turn, it
Treasure: Always neutral
Alignment: 13–20 HD (Large)
Level Adjustment: —
* This feat appears in the Alliance Player’s Guide.
A technological mockery of a 10-foot-tall
gnome stands before you, clunking and whirling
with steam power. A faint glow comes from within
its chest, and massive steel fists clench in preparation
for battle.
The arcane nullifier (model X–21)
is a technological construct built
with the express purpose
of combating
automatically releases the same spell as a free action, commands; see the tricks in the Handle Animal skill for
usually targeting the creature that first cast the spell. some possibilities.
The spell occurs just as if the original caster had cast it.
Whenever the controller issues a new command, he
Skills: Arcane nullifiers gain a +2 racial bonus on must make a DC 25 Use Technological Device check
Listen and Spot checks. or the nullifier ignores him and continues performing its
current action.
The robot can operate continuously for 8 hours before
Arcane nullifiers are built with the technological device it must shut down to cool off for 1 full hour.
creation rules (see World of Warcraft RPG, Chapter 11:
Technological Devices, “Creating Technological Devices”). Fuel: The arcane nullifier X–21 requires two vials of
phlogiston every hour.
Operation: Starting up an inert arcane nullifier, which
involves cranking cranks, pushing buttons, turning little Malfunction: The robot attacks its master or his
knobs, and speaking into flared tubes, takes 1 minute allies.
and a DC 40 Use Technological Device check. The
nullifier obeys the voice commands of the creature that Tinker Component: Hardness 5; 65 hp, Size Large;
started it, attacking his enemies and doing anything Weight 1,200 lb.; MR 3; TS 30, Craft DC 70, Price
else he asks. The robot can understand only simple 186,400 gp.
* See Chapter 4: Monsters as Characters.
Large Magical Beast 6d10+12 (45 hp) Description
Hit Dice: +0 Basilisks — giant lizard-like animals — are possessed of
barely more than animal intelligence, but can put prey to
Initiative: 20 ft. (4 squares) sleep or even turn enemies to stone (if they aren’t hungry).
Speed: 19 (–1 size, +10 natural), touch 9, flat-footed While fierce fighters, basilisks do not exhibit cruel or
19 violent tendencies. They defend their territories and
Armor Class: hunt other creatures, even sentient ones, for food.
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+15 Basilisks’ hides range from dark chestnut shades of brown
Bite +10 melee (1d8+5) to mossy green and ocean blue. Males tend to be larger and
Attack: Bite +10 melee (1d8+5) and 2 claws +8 melee brighter than females. Immature basilisks usually stand as tall
(1d6+2) and wide as an adult boar. Full-grown basilisks grow to 10
Full Attack: feet in length and weigh up to 2,500 pounds. After mating, a
basilisk pair remains together for several months. The female
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft. buries her eggs in warm earth and rotting plant matter; she
Petrifying gaze (DC 15), sleep (DC 13) guards the eggs while her mate hunts and brings her food.
Special Attacks: After the young hatch, the male departs.
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision
Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +3
Saves: Str 20, Agy 10, Sta 15, Int 4, Spt 12, Cha 11
Abilities: Listen +6, Search +5, Spot +6
Skills: Ability Focus* (petrifying gaze), Multiattack,
Skilled (Listen and Spot)
Environment: Temperate forest
Area: The Blasted Lands, Desolace, Duskwood,
Maraudon, the South Seas, Stonetalon Mountains,
Stranglethorn Vale, Tanaris, Thousand Needles,
Solitary or colony (3–6)
Challenge Rating: 6
Treasure: Always neutral
Alignment: 7–12 HD
Level Adjustment: —
* This feat appears in Lands of Mystery.
This hulking reptilian beast has a thick-
plated hide, three-clawed feet, and a long
jaw studded with sharp teeth. Dozens of tiny,
glistening crystals are embedded in its hide.
Combat Petrifying Gaze (Su): Turn to stone permanently,
range 30 feet; Fortitude DC 15 negates. The save DC is
A basilisk stays at range and targets its enemies with Charisma-based.
sleep. Once its prey enters range, the basilisk switches
to its petrifying gaze attack. When the enemy reaches Sleep (Sp): This ability functions as the sleep spell
a distance of 15 feet or so from the basilisk, the basilisk (see the Alliance Player’s Guide), save that it has no
charges. Basilisks are ferocious fighters but not suicidal; HD limit. The save DC is Charisma-based.
they retreat when the odds turn against them.
Skills: Basilisks gain a +5 racial bonus on Search
Huge Ooze 12d10+72 (138 hp) the original black oozes, animating the contaminated
waste of mining operations and using it to enact
Hit Dice: –5 vengeance on the miners. Others postulate that some
miners, working far too deep in the ground, inadvertently
Initiative: 20 ft. (4 squares) operated in areas of powerful buried magic. Mystic energy
penetrated the miners’ slag pits and animated the sludgy
Speed: 3 (–2 size, –5 Agy), touch 3, flat-footed 3 runoff there. Whatever their origins, black oozes now
exist as monsters in their own right, requiring no outside
Armor Class: influence to live and reproduce (which they do by means
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+24 of asexual splitting).
Slam +14 melee (1d8+10 plus 2d6 acid)
Attack: Slam +14 melee (1d8+10 plus 2d6 acid) Black oozes prefer to remain underground, though a
few venture out onto surrounding mountainsides. They
Full Attack: 15 ft./10 ft. do not appear to have any sort of sentience, society, or
ambition beyond engulfing whatever they encounter.
Space/Reach: Acid, constrict (1d8+10 plus 2d6 acid), improved
grab Combat
Special Attacks:
Slag beats, being non-intelligent, possess little in the
Special Qualities: Blindsight 60 ft., damage reduction 5/–, split, way of tactics. They flow toward the nearest target, wrap
ooze traits around it until it completely dissolves, and then move on
Fort +10, Ref –1, Will –1 to the next target. Black oozes do not appear concerned
Saves: Str 24, Agy 1, Sta 22, Int –, Spt 1, Cha 1 with self-preservation, and some theorize they cannot
feel pain. Thus they rarely retreat, even when obviously
Abilities: —
Skills: — Acid (Ex): A black ooze
secretes a digestive
Feats: Any mountains and underground acid that
Environment: organic material
Area: Venture Company mines and metal
Solitary quickly, but
Organization: does not affect
Challenge Rating: 8 stone. Any melee
None hit or constrict
Treasure: Always neutral attack deals acid
damage; worse,
Alignment: 13–15 HD (Huge); 16–30 HD (Gargantuan) the opponent’s
armor and clothing
Advancement: dissolve and become
Level Adjustment: — useless unless he
makes a DC
This mass of black, viscous liquid flows
along the ground in utter silence. Its surface
bears an oily sheen. Swirls of glistening copper
and silver rise to the surface and then sink back
into the black depths.
Black oozes form in the foul slag pits of mining
operations, given animation by mystic forces
and freed to roam and consume. Black oozes
possess a corrosive touch that dissolves
metal; while their anatomy remains
a mystery, they clearly seek to
consume flesh as well.
Some theorize that
angry natural forces
22 Reflex save. A metal or wooden weapon that strikes Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a black ooze
a black ooze also dissolves immediately unless it makes a must hit with its slam attack. It can then try to start
DC 22 Reflex save. The save DCs are Stamina-based. a grapple as a free action without provoking attacks of
opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a
The black ooze’s acidic touch deals 22 points of hold and can constrict.
damage per round to wooden or metal objects, but the
ooze must remain in contact with the object for 1 full Split (Ex): Slashing and piercing weapons deal no
round to deal this damage. damage to a black ooze. Instead, when struck by such
attacks, the creature splits into two identical black oozes,
Constrict (Ex): A black ooze deals automatic slam each with half of the original’s current hit points (round
and acid damage with a successful grapple check. A down for the newly created beast). A black ooze with
grappled opponent takes a –4 penalty on Reflex saves 10 hit points or fewer cannot be further split and dies if
to avoid having his clothing and armor dissolved by the reduced to 0 hit points.
ooze’s acid.
Hit Dice: Bloodpetal Bloodpetal Flayer
Speed: Medium Plant Medium Plant
Armor Class: 12d8+36 (90 hp) 14d8+56 (119 hp)
Base Attack/Grapple: +2 +2
Attack: 30 ft. (6 squares), climb 20 ft. 30 ft. (6 squares), climb 20 ft.
Full Attack: 20 (+2 Agy, +8 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 18 22 (+2 Agy, +10 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 20
Space/Reach: +9/+12 +10/+14
Special Attacks: Slam +13 melee (1d6+3 plus poison) Slam +15 melee (1d8+4/19–20/x3 plus poison)
Special Qualities: 2 slams +13 melee (1d6+3 plus poison) 2 slams +15 melee (1d8+4/19–20/x3 plus poison)
Saves: 5 ft./5 ft. 5 ft./5 ft.
Abilities: Piercing thorns (DC 19), poison (DC 19) Piercing thorns (DC 21), poison (DC 21), serrated thorns, whirlwind strike
Skills: Darkvision 60 ft., thorn shield, plant traits Darkvision 60 ft., thorn shield, plant traits
Feats: Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +4 Fort +13, Ref +6, Will +4
Environment: Str 16, Agy 14, Sta 17, Int 2, Spt 10, Cha 10 Str 19, Agy 15, Sta 19, Int 2, Spt 11, Cha 10
Area: Listen +15 Listen +17
Organization: Cleave, Dodge, Mobility, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (slam) Cleave, Dodge, Improved Critical (slam), Power Attack, Weapon Focus (slam)
Challenge Rating: Warm forest Warm forest
Treasure: Un’Goro Crater Un’Goro Crater
Alignment: Solitary, clump (2–9), or patch (10–30) Solitary, clump (2–9), or patch (10–30)
Advancement: 7 8
Level Adjustment: None None
Always neutral Always neutral
13–16 HD (Medium); 17–20 HD (Large) 15–21 HD (Large); 22–25 HD (Huge)
— —
The plant has a huge blood-red flower and a thick stem area carefully while new bloodpetal sprouts grow. A
extending five feet to the ground. The creature ambles along sprout remains immobile for several months before its
on many wiry roots, which act like legs; , its thorn-covered legs fully develop.
arms wave back and forth menacingly.
Once a bloodpetal patch grows too large for nearby
Description resources to support it, the creatures send out scouts.
These scouts range far and wide, and thus are usually
Bloodpetals are ambulatory plants that dwell in the the first bloodpetals a visitor to Un’Goro encounters;
steamy jungles of the Un’Goro Crater. They are covered interestingly, a scout avoids conflict and fights only to
in nasty thorns that exude a crippling toxin; although not defend itself, giving the illusion that bloodpetals aren’t
terribly dangerous alone, they tend to use swarm tactics. terribly aggressive ¯ a fact that leads many explorers into
Otherwise, not much is known about these curious trouble when they encounter an actual patch.
creatures, although the Explorers’ League produces a
few reports. Bloodpetals typically stand about 5 feet high and
weigh about 100 pounds. They speak no languages as
Colonies of bloodpetals, apparently always less than 30 far as anyone knows, although they do seem capable
in number, stake out a territory typically in some remote of communicating with each other in some unknown
area where threats are at a minimum. They defend this manner.
Combat Poison: A
bloodpetal flayer’s
A bloodpetal attacks by striking out with its poison is the same as a normal
thorny arms, attempting to poison its foes. Once bloodpetal’s, except the Fortitude save is DC
a creature no longer seems a threat, the bloodpetal 21.
moves to the next target or, if combat is over, departs. Serrated Thorns (Ex): A bloodpetal flayer’s slam
Bloodpetals don’t consume animal matter, although they attacks are particularly vicious, dealing three times
might bury a corpse for use as convenient fertilizer. normal damage on a critical hit.
Whirlwind Strike (Ex): Once every 1d4+1 rounds,
Piercing Thorns (Ex): If a bloodpetal hits an a bloodpetal flayer can lash out in all directions with
opponent with both slam attacks in a round, its thorns thorny vines, tearing any opponent within range. Doing
gouge the foe for an additional 2d6 points of piercing so is a full round action. When doing this, a flayer makes
damage. This additional damage does not carry poison. a single attack against every opponent within 10 feet.
If a bloodpetal grapples an opponent or is itself grappled, This attack makes the flayer somewhat more vulnerable,
it automatically deals this damage every round on its as it has extended itself as far as it possibly can; it is flat-
turn for as long as the grapple persists, in addition to any footed until its next action (of course, plants are immune
damage dealt by the thorn shield (below). to sneak attack damage, so this isn’t as great a weakness
as it might otherwise seem).
Poison: Slam; Fort DC 19 negates; initial 1d4 Agy,
secondary 1d4 Sta. The save DC is Stamina-based.
Thorn Shield (Su): The thorny body of a
bloodpetal injures enemies who get too close. Any
creature striking a bloodpetal with handheld
weapons or natural weapons takes
1d6+1 points of piercing and
slashing damage from the
creature’s thorns. (This damage
does not carry poison.) However,
weapons with exceptional reach, such as longspears, do
not endanger their users in this way.
Bloodpetal Flayer
A bloodpetal flayer appears no different than a
standard bloodpetal until it enters combat, at which
point it becomes apparent that it is quicker and stronger.
A flayer’s vines and thorns swell up with internal fluids,
giving it enhanced abilities in combat. Bloodpetal flayers
are almost never encountered alone; they are the primary
defenders of a bloodpetal patch and fight to the death if
their colony comes under attack.
A bloodpetal flayer viciously attacks any foe that
approaches its colony, using its whirlwind strike as often
as available.
Medium Magical Beast 16d10+176+3 (267 hp) Special Attacks: Acid spray (DC 29), acidic slime, death throes (DC
+1 29), spit acid
Hit Dice: 20 ft. (4 squares), burrow 5 ft. Special Qualities: Blindsense 120 ft., darkvision 60 ft., low-light
Initiative: 20 (+1 Agy, +9 natural), touch 11, flat-footed vision, immunity to acid, maggot body
Speed: 19 Saves: Fort +21, Ref +11, Will +5
Abilities: Str 19, Agy 13, Sta 32, Int 1, Spt 10, Cha 10
Armor Class: Skills: Survival +19
Feats: Dodge, Great Fortitude, Improved Overrun, Power
Base Attack/Grapple: +16/+20 Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus (bite)
Bite +21 melee (1d8+6 plus 2d6 acid) or spit +17 Environment: Temperate forest and plains
Attack: ranged touch (2d6 acid) Area: Eastern Plaguelands
Organization: Solitary, cluster (2–7), or swarm (8–27)
Full Attack: Bite +21 melee (1d8+6 plus 2d6 acid) or spit +17
ranged touch (2d6 acid)
5 ft./5 ft.
Challenge Rating: 10 become preferred targets. If a large enough source of
Treasure: None food is available (such as a corpse), a grub stops attacking
Alignment: Always neutral while it dissolves and digests the offering. However, if
Advancement: 17–18 HD (Medium); 19–25 HD (Large); 26–32 attacked while feeding, it defends itself.
HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: — If possible, a carrion grub charges and overruns a foe if
the size difference between them is not too great. If the
A fat, sickly, human-sized yellow worm undulates its way grub successfully overruns, the target is automatically
along the ground, a trail of sizzling slime in its wake. Smallish subjected to an acidic slime attack (see below).
pincer-like mandibles, dripping with green ichor, extend and
retract from a tiny sucker-like mouth. Acid Spray (Ex): Once every 2d4 rounds, a carrion
grub can, as a standard action, open up pores in its
Description slimy surface and exude a tremendous spray of acid. All
creatures within 30 feet of the carrion grub take 6d6
Carrion grubs are disgusting worms that roam the points of acid damage. A DC 29 Reflex save halves this
Plaguelands searching for corpses to consume. They damage. The save DC is Stamina-based.
devour prey by gripping it in acid-coated mandibles,
dissolving it, and sucking it up through their relatively Acidic Slime (Ex): Carrion grubs exude an acidic
tiny mouths. If they cannot find dead or dying creatures slime that coats every inch of their bloated bodies. Any
to feed upon, any living flesh will do. Carrion grubs creature that contacts their skin (such as when making
prefer mammals, but will dine on reptiles or fish — they an unarmed or grapple attack, or if the grub successfully
are voracious eaters that can consume close to half their overruns an opponent) takes 2d6 points of acid damage
body weight in a day. They cannot digest vegetable (no save). Weapons hitting a carrion grub take 1d6
matter. points of acid damage per blow. If the weapon is metal,
this acid damage ignores its hardness.
Carrion grubs roam only, and have appeared the
Plaguelands there only in recent years. It is unclear if Death Throes (Ex): When slain, a carrion grub bursts
they are the result of horrible experiments by overzealous apart, releasing a shower of acid similar to the acid spray
necromancers, or simply a mutation created by the (above), except that the death throes deal 8d6 points of
Scourge. Since they pursue undead flesh as readily as acid damage in a 45-foot radius.
the living, it seems unlikely anyone created them on
purpose. Spit Acid (Ex): A carrion grub can spit gobs of acid.
This is a normal ranged attack with a range increment
Carrion grubs move about haphazardly, constantly of 20 feet and a maximum range of 10 range increments
seeking food. If they detect suitable prey with their (200 feet).
blindsense, they move to investigate, attacking
rapaciously if the prey proves edible. If the food source Maggot Body (Ex): A carrion grub has a slick worm-
moves out of blindsense range, the grub continues like body with nothing to grab onto, so an opponent
moving in the same direction until it catches up, comes attempting to grapple it takes a –4 penalty (assuming
to an obstacle, or detects another food source. anything would want to grapple something coated in
acid). As they have no discernable body parts to flank
Although grubs are stupid, their blindsense is quite or attack, carrion grubs cannot be flanked and are not
acute and they will not, for example, pursue prey subject to critical hits.
over the edge of a cliff. If confronted by a
foe that cannot be attacked, such as
flying archers, the grub escapes
by burrowing. A carrion grub
can wriggle its way only
into soft earth, sand, or
materials of a similar
Most carrion
grubs are 6
to 8 feet long
and weigh 300
to 500 pounds, although
much larger specimens exist.
Carrion grubs attack the nearest source
of food, although particularly juicy targets
draw more attention. Thus, a grub goes after a
human before a gnome, and a tauren before a night elf.
Particularly large or overweight individuals might also
Medium Magical Beast 5d10+5 (32 hp) Combat
Hit Dice: +5 Unlike wind serpents, cloud serpents hide among
the clouds or in areas where their blue plumage
Initiative: 20 ft. (4 squares), climb 20 ft,. fly 60 ft. (good), matches the sky; on rare occasions, they hide in
swim 40 ft. the waters of an oasis, ambushing unwary travelers.
Speed: Preferring to avoid combat, cloud serpents spit balls
of lightning from afar.
Armor Class: 17 (+5 Agy, +2 natural), touch 15, flat-footed
12 Cloud serpents may be constrictors rather than
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+5 vipers, with changes as noted under “Wind Serpent”
Bite +10 melee (1d4 plus poison) in the web extras (this does not change its CR).
Attack: Bite +10 melee (1d4 plus poison)
Lightning Breath (Su): As a standard action, a
Full Attack: 5 ft./5 ft. cloud serpent may spit a ball of lightning at a target.
This is a ranged touch attack (+10 bonus); the
Space/Reach: Lightning breath, poison (DC 13) lightning breath has a maximum range of 60 feet and
no range increment. A successful hit deals 1d6 points
Special Attacks: of electricity damage (no save).
Special Qualities: Scent
Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +3 Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude DC 13; 1d6 Sta/1d6
Saves: Str 10, Agy 21, Sta 13, Int 1, Spt 14, Cha 2 Sta. The save DC is Stamina-based.
Abilities: Balance +13, Climb +13, Listen +8, Spot +12, Skills: Cloud serpents gain a +4 racial bonus
Stealth +13, Swim +8 on Listen, Spot, and Stealth checks and a +8
Skills: racial bonus on Balance checks. They use either
their Strength modifier or Agility modifier for
Feats: Skilled (Listen and Spot), Weapon Finesse Climb checks, whichever is higher.
Warm desert
Area: Thousand Needles
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: Always neutral
Alignment: 6–8 HD (Medium); 9–14 HD
Level Adjustment: —
This sky blue winged serpent has dark blue
plumage. Its fangs no
doubt bear poison,
but they are also
by tiny
crackles of
Cloud serpents are magical wind
serpents (see the web extras) with the
ability to breathe lightning. Larger on
average than normal wind serpents
by at least half a foot, they also vary
in color from sky blue to deep purple, with
blue and/or green plumage. They are more
aggressive, at least in part due to the fact
that their larger size requires more food.
Cloud serpents prefer to make their nests
in the high cracks or infrequent oases of
Thousand Needles, feeding on anything that
wanders into their territory. Many live near
the coasts of the area, feeding off fish and
Huge Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar, Fire) flaming breath takes hold of a victim before using its
18d8+108 (189 hp) flaming breath, thus preventing the victim from escaping
Hit Dice: +3 the effect.
Initiative: 40 ft. (8 squares) Constrict (Ex): A core hound deals automatic bite
damage (including fire damage) with a successful grapple
Speed: 16 (–2 size, –1 Agy, +9 natural), touch 7, flat- check.
footed 16
Armor Class: Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a core hound
must hit a creature of up to one size larger than itself with
Base Attack/Grapple: +18/+34 its bite attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a
Bite +25 melee (3d8+9 plus 2d8 fire) free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.
Attack: 2 bites +25 melee (3d8+9 plus 2d8 fire) If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can
15 ft./10 ft. constrict.
Full Attack: Constrict 3d8+9 plus 2d8 fire, improved grab,
Space/Reach: savage bite Savage Bite (Ex): Each head of a core hound adds
Special Attacks: 1-1/2 times the core hound’s Strength bonus to damage
with its bite attack.
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., damage reduction 15/magic,
fire subtype, regeneration 10, scent Regeneration (Ex): Cold attacks and good and/or
Fort +17, Ref +10, Will +13 truesilver (described in More Magic & Mayhem)
Saves: Str 27, Agy 9, Sta 22, Int 6, Spt 10, Cha 11 weapons deal lethal damage to core hounds.
Abilities: Climb +29, Jump +29, Listen +23, Spot +23,
Survival +21, Swim +29
Feats: Improved Bull Rush, Improved Initiative, Iron Will,
Power Attack, Skilled (Listen and Spot), Track,
Weapon Focus (bite)
Warm land and underground
Area: Firelands (The Elemental Plane), Molten Core
Solitary, pair, or pack (3–5)
Challenge Rating: 14
Treasure: Always chaotic evil
Alignment: 19–27 HD (Huge); 28–54 HD (Gargantuan)
Level Adjustment: —
The beast appears to be a massive bulldog with two
heads. Each mouth is filled with rows of flaming teeth. Its
body is covered with armored hide and small boney
spikes. A streak of flames runs down its spine
from head to stubby tail.
Core hounds are
the vicious but faithful
servants of Ragnaros
and his minions. The oldest and
most powerful of the core hounds is
Magmadar, the alpha male and sire of
the entire current pack.
Core hounds understand Kalimag but
cannot speak.
Core hounds use simple tactics. They
attack the most obviously threatening target
first, attempting an improved grab or bull rush
to push the victim into lava. A core hound with
Advancing Core Hounds
Core hounds grow and gain power throughout their lives. the target’s space. This sphere builds up internal pressure
A core hound gains one special attack or quality from the and finally explodes after 1d4 rounds. The explosion
following list of core hound powers every time it advances deals 10d8 points of fire damage to everything in a 30-
3 Hit Dice beyond 18. These special attacks and qualities foot burst (Reflex half). A creature touching the lava
are listed below. bomb before it explodes takes 2d8 points of fire damage.
The save is Stamina-based.
Core hounds with 21 to 27 Hit Dice are sometimes
called core ragers; those with 28 or more Hit Dice are often SA — Magma Spit (Ex): The core hound may spit
called ancient core hounds, for they are among the oldest in globs of magma as a ranged attack with a range increment
the pack and have many dangerous abilities. Magmadar is of 20 feet (maximum range 100 feet). Each glob deals
the oldest and largest of the core hounds. 3d6 points of bludgeoning damage plus 2d8 points of
fire damage. The target must also make a Reflex save or
Core Hound Powers be coated in magma, which burns for an additional 2d4
rounds and deals 2d8 points of fire damage each round.
All saving throws are DC 10 + 1/2 the core hound’s HD A victim may spend a full-round action scraping off the
+ the core hound’s appropriate ability modifier (as listed). magma to end the effect. The save is Stamina-based.
Each ability is described as a special attack (SA) or special
quality (SQ). SA — Mangle (Ex): A core hound with the serrated
bite special attack may acquire the mangle special
SA — Ancient Despair (Ex): A core hound with attack. The core hound is adept at tearing vital tissues
frightful presence may acquire this special attack. The core and tendons. Victims of the core hound’s bite must make
hound’s frightful presence takes on the added quality that a Fortitude save or take 1d4 points of both Strength
creatures failing their Will save are affected as though by a and Agility damage. Mangle does not affect creatures
slow spell for the duration of the frightful presence. immune to critical hits. The save is Agility-based.
SA — Ancient Dread (Ex): A core hound with SA — Serrated Bite (Ex): The core hound’s teeth
frightful presence may acquire this special attack. The core are incredibly sharp, giving it Improved Critical (bite)
hound’s frightful presence takes on the added quality that as a bonus feat.
creatures failing their Will save become confused for twice
the duration of the frightful presence. SA — Thrash (Ex): The core hound shakes its head
after a successful improved grab; this motion wrenches
SA — Ancient Hysteria (Su): The core hound may its victim like a rag doll and deals an additional 2d8
howl as a standard action. Creatures within 100 feet must points of damage each round that it deals constriction
make a Will save or take 2d4 points of Intellect and Spirit damage.
damage. This is a sonic effect. The save DC is Charisma-
based. SA — Vicious Bite (Ex): A core hound with the
mangle and serrated bite special attacks may acquire
SA — Breath Weapon (Ex): The core hound has a the vicious bite special attack. The core hound is
cone-shaped breath weapon 40 feet long. Those caught experienced at tearing vital organs, veins, and arteries.
in the area take 10d8 points of fire damage (Reflex half). Victims of the core hound’s bite attack must make a
Victims trapped in the core hound’s mouth after an Fortitude save or take 1d4 points of Stamina damage.
improved grab automatically fail this save. The save DC is Vicious bite does not affect creatures immune to critical
Stamina-based. hits. The save is Agility-based.
SA — Brutal Flames (Ex): The core hound’s body burns SA — Withering Heat (Su): The unnatural heat
with intense heat. Its bite and constrict deal an additional of the core hound acts almost like an anti-magic field
2d8 points of fire damage beyond the usual amount. against fire resistance. The resistance to fire (if any)
of all creatures within 60 feet is lowered by 10 points.
SA — Frightful Presence (Ex): The core hound has Resistance to fire within 30 feet is lowered by 20 points.
the frightful presence ability (see Chapter 5). For example, if a creature within 30 feet of a core hound
has resistance to fire 30, that ability is reduced by 20
SA — Ground Stomp (Ex): The core hound may points to resistance to fire 10. Withering heat does not
use a standard action to stomp on the ground, causing a affect creatures having immunity to fire.
shockwave to emanate from the point of impact in a 30-foot
burst. All creatures in the area take 1d8 points of damage SQ — Blindsense (Ex): The core hound has
and are stunned for 1 round. A successful Fortitude save blindsense out to 60 feet.
prevents the stun effect. The save DC is Strength-based.
SQ — True Seeing (Su): A core hound with the
SA — Lava Bomb (Ex): A core hound with the blindsense special quality may acquire the true seeing
magma spit special attack may acquire the lava bomb special quality. The core hound is continually affected
as though by a true seeing spell.
special attack. Whenever the core hound uses its
magma spit special attack, a 2-foot-diameter
sphere of sticky magma is left behind in
The fel energies of the Twisting Nether warp and
defile all things about them. Arising through fonts Hit Dice DC Modifier
Up to 1 +2
such as corrupted moonwells or the radiation flooding 2–3 +4
4–7 +6
Gnomeregan, these energies are powerful enough to twist 8–15 +8
16 or more +10
and mutate even living beings into horrible mockeries
of nature. Corrupted creatures are in perpetual pain;
lumps of flesh fall off them periodically as the fel energies
destroy their bodies.
Corrupted creatures appear much like their former
selves, but more primal and savage. Fel energies run
through their veins, augmenting their strength and
endurance and empowering their attacks as well.
They attack anything that moves, their corrupted
nature deriving pleasure from
Occasionally, a corrupted
creature is called by some other
moniker, such as “cursed” or “fel.”
Creating a Corrupted
“Corrupted” is an acquired template
that can be added to any living corporeal
creature (referred to hereafter as the
base creature).
A corrupted creature uses all the
base creature’s statistics and special
abilities except as noted here. Do not
recalculate the creature’s Hit Dice,
base attack bonus, saves, or skill points
if its type changes.
Size and Type: Animals or vermin
with this template become magical
beasts; a creature that changes type
also gains the augmented subtype.
Size is unchanged.
Special Attacks: A corrupted
retains all the special attacks of the
base creature and gains fel strike as well.
Creatures with poison treat their poison as fel
Fel Strike (Su): Creatures with this ability deal
+1d6 points of fel damage on melee attacks with both
natural and manufactured weapons, plus an additional
1d6 points of fel damage against creatures of good
alignment. Their attacks are treated as chaotic, evil,
good, and lawful for the purposes of bypassing damage
Fel Poison (Su): The infernal energies within the
creature strengthen its poison, providing a bonus on its
save DC based on the creature’s Hit Dice, as shown
Sample Corrupted Creature: Fel Orc
Male Orc, 4th-Level Barbarian The creature seems a massive orc wielding a horrible
axe. Upon closer examination, you notice its blood-red
Medium Humanoid (Orc) skin, its glowing eyes, and the feral snarl upon its lips.
4d12+12 (38 hp)
Hit Dice: +1 Description
Initiative: 40 ft. (8 squares) Fel orcs, also known as chaos orcs, are the creation
of Mannoroth, who “blessed” the orc race by
Speed: 14 (+1 Agy, +3 studded leather), touch 11, infusing within them fel energies and binding their
will to the Burning Legion. While Grom’s sacrifice
Armor Class: flat-footed 13 (see the timeline in the introduction in WoW
RPG) freed most of his race, many orcs remain loyal
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+9 to Mannoroth and worship the demons, gaining
Greataxe +9 melee (1d12+7/x3 plus 1d6 tremendous strength in exchange for their service.
Attack: fel) While not all demon-worshiping orcs are fel orcs,
more than enough still partake of demon blood for
Full Attack: Greataxe +9 melee (1d12+7/x3 plus 1d6 the strength it grants them.
5 ft./5 ft. This creature uses the elite ability score array (see
Space/Reach: +1 to hit humans Chapter 3: Improving Monsters).
Special Attacks: Low-light vision, fast movement, ferocity, rage
Special Qualities: 3/day, trap sense +1, uncanny dodge, orc Combat
Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +1 A fel orc dives into battle with reckless abandon,
Saves: Str 20, Agy 13, Sta 16, Int 6, Spt 10, Cha 6 swinging his axe with an unnatural bloodlust,
Abilities: Intimidate +3, Listen +7, Spot +7 attacking the largest and most dangerous foes first.
Skills: Power Attack, Skill Focus (Intimidate)
Feats: Any land Rage (Ex): The fel orc’s rage lasts for 7 rounds.
Environment: Lordaeron, Outland, Stormwind When raging, the fel orc has the following statistics:
Area: Standard 46 hp; AC 12, touch 9, flat-footed 11; Atk greataxe
Treasure: Always chaotic evil +11 melee (1d12+10/x3 plus 1d6 fel); Fort +9,
Alignment: Solitary, pair, hunting party (2–6), or warband Will +3; Str 24, Sta 20.
Organization: (4–12, plus one 8th-level fel orc warlock)
Challenge Rating: 5
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +1
Special Qualities: A corrupted creature retains all the special Abilities: Modify from the base creature as follows:
qualities of the base creature and gains the ferocity quality. +4 Str, –2 Int, –2 Spt, –2 Cha.
Ferocity (Ex): A corrupted creature is such a tenacious Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +1.
combatant that it continues to take actions and to fight Alignment: Always chaotic evil.
without penalty even while disabled or dying. Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature +1.
Medium Construct (Mechanical) Feats: Bash, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack
7d10+20 (58 hp) Environment: Any land or underground
Hit Dice: –1 Area: Gnomeregan
Organization: Solitary, pair, or squad (4–8 plus one 5th-level
Initiative: 20 ft. (4 squares) tinker leper gnome)
Challenge Rating: 4
Speed: 17 (–1 Agy, +8 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 17 Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Armor Class: Advancement: 8–15 HD (Medium)
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+7 Level Adjustment: —
Slam +7 melee (1d6+3)
Attack: Slam +7 melee (1d6+3)
Full Attack: 5 ft./5 ft.
Space/Reach: —
Special Attacks: Darkvision 60 ft., hardness 5, malfunction,
construct traits
Special Qualities: A squat construct stands at attention before you, its one
green robotic eye watching the area around it. The being
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +2 is made of red pipes and pistons, and its massive fists look
Str 15, Agy 9, Sta –, Int 1, Spt 10, Cha 1 lethal.
Abilities: Listen +7, Spot +7
Description The construct can operate continuously for 8 hours
before it must shut down to cool off, which takes 1
Crowd Pummelers (Model 9–60) are cheap and easy- hour.
to-maintain devices made for sentry duty. Patrolling the
streets of Gnomeregan, Crowd Pummelers bash anything Fuel: The Crowd Pummeler 9–60 requires one vial of
they notice that violates the laws programmed into them. phlogiston every hour.
Since Gnomeregan’s fall, most are programmed to attack
anything that is not a leper gnome. Malfunction: The construct attacks its master or her
Crowd Pummelers recognize Common, but only an
experienced tinker, using the correct technological Hardness 5; 58 hp; Size Medium;
codes, may command them. In the past, a Pummeler Weight 650 lb.; MR 2; TS 30, Craft
warned nearby violators aloud, giving them a short time DC 70, Price 48,400 gp.
to halt their offences, but now all they say is “Intruder!”
before charging.
Crowd Pummelers lack finesse, simply charging into
combat and smashing any enemy in sight. If multiple
crowd pummelers are commanded to capture a target,
one uses the Bash feat and the others deal nonlethal
damage (taking –4 penalties on their attack rolls to do
Skills: Crowd pummelers gain a +2 racial bonus on
Listen and Spot checks.
are built
with the
device creation rules (see World
of Warcraft RPG, Chapter
11: Technological Devices,
“Creating Technological
Operation: Starting an inert Crowd
Pummeler (which involves turning cranks, pushing
buttons, twisting little knobs, and speaking into flared
tubes) takes 1 minute and requires a DC 40 Use
Technological Device check. The construct obeys the
voice commands of the creature that started it. The
construct can understand only simple commands;
see the tricks in the Handle Animal skill for some
Whenever the controller issues a new command, he
must make a DC 25 Use Technological Device check or
the construct ignores him and continues performing its
current action.
Mummified spider creatures, crypt fiends are the Particularly ambitious nerubian spiderlords seek
enslaved undead of the once-powerful nerubian out the Lich King’s transformation. Nerubians despise
race. these turncoats, branding them traitors of Azjol-
Nerub, but these same traitors appear the most likely
For ages after the ancient qiraji Empire fell to to rise to positions of leadership in the Scourge.
the trolls, the nerubians lived a quiet existence in
Northrend, rebuilding their shattered power and Crypt fiends appear somewhat as they did in life
replenishing their forces. Then came the Lich King, — spiderish creatures with six spindly, claw-tipped
whose rise the nerubians of Azjol-Nerub watched legs. They also possess humanoid torsos with two
with dismay, for they feared that such a powerful arms (for a total of eight limbs). They are obviously
enemy would thwart their own bid for dominance. undead, with withered flesh bound in linen bandages
The ruler of Azjol-Nerub, a nerubian spiderlord and skeletally gaunt faces. A crypt lord’s carapace
named Anub’arak, led its forces in an offensive looks dull and worn, and its eyes burn with an unholy
against Icecrown. light.
A bitter war raged across the frozen glacier and Creating a Crypt Fiend
beneath it, in the subterranean city of Azjol-Nerub.
Despite the nerubians’ natural immunities, the “Crypt fiend” is an acquired template that can be
Lich King had the power of the dreadlords and his added to any nerubian, including a spiderlord (referred
undead armies at his command. In the end, undead to hereafter as the base creature). Nerubian spiderlords
legions swarmed the tunnels of Azjol-Nerub and the with this template are termed “crypt lords.” See Lands
nerubian empire fell for a second time. The Lich of Mystery for more information on nerubians and Dark
King animated fallen nerubians as crypt fiends. Their Factions for nerubian spiderlords.
leaders, including the powerful Anub’arak, found
a second life as crypt lords under the Lich King’s A crypt fiend uses all the base creature’s
control. statistics and special abilities except as
noted here. Crypt lords have all the
Now the crypt fiends find themselves bound in statistics and special abilities
unwilling slavery to the Scourge. Most despise their of crypt fiends, plus a few
condition but lack the power to break free of the Lich more.
King’s domination. Some crypt fiends are tortured,
maddened creatures, raging constantly at their
shameful condition and taking out their frustration
on their enemies. Crypt lords suffer even more; their
transformation allows them greater intelligence
and power, so they feel more
keenly the limitations
their masters impose.
However, undeath also
brings might, and
many crypt fiends
and crypt lords
alike revel in
their power.
Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to undead. lives. If a crypt lord dies, all its carrion beetles become
Do not recalculate base attack bonus, saves, or skill uncontrolled.
points. Size is unchanged.
A corpse that produces a carrion beetle is despoiled
Hit Dice: Increase all current and future Hit Dice for the purposes of raise dead and similar spells.
to d12s.
Impale (Su): As a standard action, a crypt lord
Speed: Same as base creature, and the crypt fiend slams the ground with its claws. Spiked tendrils shoot
gains a burrow speed of 10 feet. outward in a straight line from the point of impact,
and enemies in the line’s path are knocked prone and
Armor Class: The base creature’s natural armor bonus take damage as noted below. A creature that makes
increases by +4. If the base creature was a spiderlord, its a successful Reflex save takes only half damage and
natural armor bonus increases by +6 instead. does not fall prone. A target that fails its Reflex save
must also make a Fortitude save or be stunned for 1
Attack: A crypt fiend retains all the attacks of the round.
base creature and also gains a slam attack.
Size Line Length* Damage
Full Attack: A crypt fiend uses either its single Large 30 ft. 6d6
slam attack or its natural weapons. Huge 40 ft. 10d6
Gargantuan 60 ft. 14d6
Damage: Slam attack damage varies with the crypt Colossal 100 ft. 20d6
fiend’s size. The base creature’s natural attacks retain * A line effect is 5 feet high and 5 feet wide.
their old damage values or use the appropriate value
from the table below, whichever is better. Slam attacks
deal the damage listed below plus 1-1/2 times the crypt
fiend’s Strength bonus.
Size Slam Damage Locust Swarm (Sp): At will, as a standard action, a
Large 1d8 crypt lord can summon a locust swarm. This functions
Huge 2d6 as the carrion swarm spell with a caster level equal to the
Gargantuan 2d8 crypt lord’s Hit Dice. A crypt lord gains temporary hit
Colossal 4d6 points equal to half the damage the locust swarm deals.
Special Attacks: A crypt fiend retains all the Special Qualities: A crypt fiend retains all the special
special attacks of the base creature and gains those qualities of the base creature and gains those described
described below. Saves have a DC of 10 + 1/2 the below.
crypt fiend’s racial HD + the crypt fiend’s Charisma
modifier unless noted otherwise. Fast Healing (Su): While buried in the ground
(burrowing), the crypt fiend gains fast healing 5.
Poison (Su): While nerubians generate poison
naturally, as spiders do, crypt fiends and crypt lords Special Qualities — Crypt Lord only: A crypt lord
produce poison magically. This supernatural ability is retains all the special qualities of the base creature and
a function of the Lich King’s animating magic. This gains those of a crypt fiend, as well as those described
attack functions just as the base nerubian’s poison below.
attack, but its DC is based on Charisma instead of
Stamina. Spiked Carapace (Ex): The spiked shell of a crypt lord
not only affords it greater armor, but injures enemies
Web (Su): This attack functions just as the base who get too close. Any creature striking a crypt lord
creature’s web attack, but is supernatural in nature, with handheld or natural weapons takes 2d6 points of
like the crypt fiend’s poison attack. (Crypt lords do piercing and slashing damage from the creature’s spikes.
not gain this ability.) Reach weapons such as longspears do not endanger their
users in this way.
Special Attacks — Crypt Lord only: A crypt lord
retains all the special attacks of the base creature and Abilities: Change from the base creature as follows:
gains those described below. Saves have a DC of 10 Str +4, Agy –2. As an undead creature, a crypt fiend has
+ 1/2 the crypt lord’s racial HD + the crypt lord’s no Stamina score.
Charisma modifier unless noted otherwise.
A crypt lord also receives a +2 bonus to Intellect and
Generate Carrion Beetle (Su): As a standard action, Charisma.
a crypt lord can generate 1 carrion beetle from a
corpse to serve it; the corpse can be no more than Skills: Crypt fiends and crypt lords gain a +4 racial
1 day old and must be within 30 feet of the crypt bonus on Stealth checks. In addition, crypt lords gain a
lord. The crypt lord can telepathically control up +2 racial bonus on Bluff and Sense Motive checks.
to 5 carrion beetles at a time. Commanding any or
all of the carrion beetles is a move action. If a crypt Environment: Any.
lord creates more than 5 carrion beetles, it chooses Organization: Solitary, pair, or swarm (3–12).
which five to command each round on its turn. Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +2
Uncontrolled carrion beetles attack the closest living (crypt fiends) or +3 (crypt lords).
creature or trundle off to live normal carrion beetle Treasure: Standard.
Alignment: Always evil (any).
Advancement: As base creature.
Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature +1
(crypt fiends) or +2 (crypt lords).
Example Crypt Fiend:
Nerubian Worker Crypt Fiend
Large Undead 4d12 (26 hp) Description
Hit Dice: +7 Crypt fiends are some of the Lich King’s most feared
Initiative: 40 ft. (8 squares), burrow 10 ft., climb 20 ft.
Speed: 17 (–1 size, +2 Agy, +6 natural), touch 11,
flat-footed 11 Crypt fiends do not know fear, and they retain their
Armor Class: former cunning. They follow orders absolutely.
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+11 Poison (Su): Bite, Fortitude DC 14, 1d6 Strength/
Spear +6 melee (2d6+5) or bite +6 melee 1d6 Strength. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Attack: (1d8+4 and poison) or javelin +5 ranged
Web (Su): This crypt fiend can throw a web 8
(1d8+4) times per day as a standard action. This is similar to
Spear +6 melee (2d6+5) and 2 claws +1 melee an attack with a net, but has a maximum range of 50
Full Attack: (1d4+2); or bite +6 melee (1d8+4 and poison) feet with a range increment of 10 feet and is effective
against targets up to one size category larger than the
and 2 claws +1 melee (1d4+2); or slam +6 nerubian. An entangled creature can escape with a
melee (1d8+5); or javelin +5 ranged (1d8+4) successful Escape Artist check, or it may burst the
10 ft./5 ft. web with a Strength check. In either case, the DC is
Space/Reach: Poison (DC 14), web (DC 16) 10 + 1/2 the crypt fiend’s HD + 2 racial bonus.
Special Attacks: Darkvision 60 ft., fast healing, resistance to cold In addition to using webbing as an attack, a crypt
5, undead traits fiend can spin a single strand to ascend or descend
Special Qualities: at its climb speed. The strand can hold the weight of
the crypt fiend and one creature of Medium or smaller
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +4 size.
Str 19, Agy 15, Sta –, Int 12, Spt 10, Cha 10
Abilities: Climb +15, Craft or Knowledge (any one) +4, Some crypt fiends can instead create sheets of
Jump +7, Listen +3, Spot +3, Stealth +12 (+8 webbing; all crypt fiends and nerubians can move
Skills: across crypt fiend and nerubian webbing at their climb
Ability Focus* (poison), Improved Initiative Fast Healing (Su): While buried in the ground
Feats: Cold and temperate forest, hills, plains, and (burrowing), the crypt fiend has fast healing 5.
Environment: Skills: Nerubians have a +4 racial bonus on
Spot checks and on Stealth checks made to hide. A
Area: Northrend nerubian also has a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks
Solitary, pair, or swarm (3–12) and can always choose to take 10 on a Climb check,
Organization: even if rushed or threatened. Crypt fiends have a +4
Challenge Rating: 6 racial bonus on Stealth checks.
Treasure: Usually lawful evil
Alignment: 5–10 HD (Large); 11–16 HD (Huge); or by
character class
Level Adjustment: +5
* This feat appears in Lands of Mystery.
This creature has the lower body of a spider and the torso
of a humanoid with a spiderlike head. It looks mummified
— bandages wrap its arms and six legs, and its flesh is
Small Outsider (Chaotic, Demon, Evil, Extraplanar) Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., resistance to fire 5, scent,
3d8+6 (19 hp) demon traits
Hit Dice: +3 Saves: Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +4
Abilities: Str 13, Agy 17, Sta 15, Int 3, Spt 12, Cha 6
Initiative: 40 ft. (8 squares) Skills: Jump +9, Listen +8, Spot +8, Stealth +8 (+12
hiding), Survival +6*
Speed: 15 (+1 size, +3 Agy, +1 natural), touch 14, flat- Feats: Bloodletter, Skilled (Listen and Spot), TrackB
footed 12 Environment: Temperate Forest
Armor Class: Area: Tirisfal Glades
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (3–12)
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+0 Challenge Rating: 1
Bite +5 melee (1d6+1)
Attack: Bite +5 melee (1d6+1)
Full Attack: 5 ft./5 ft.
Space/Reach: —
Special Attacks:
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Advancement: 4–5 HD (Small); 6–8 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: —
This creature resembles a purple hunting hound with a dart out,
shaggy black mane and a horrible set of fangs. Two horns attempting
sprout out of its forehead, and another pair emerges from its to bring down
shoulders. their victim with
Description numbers and
sharp teeth.
Darkhounds are demonic dogs. These creatures Skills: Darkhounds gain a +4
frequent forests, traveling either by themselves or in racial bonus on Jump checks.
small packs, hunting and killing any living creature as *Darkhounds gain a +4
they find it. Unlike normal dogs, darkhounds kill for the racial bonus on Survival
sheer joy of the kill; they rarely eat what they hunt. checks when tracking by
No one really knows where darkhounds came from.
They appeared shortly after the Third War, terrorizing
the wildlife of the former elven kingdoms. While the
Forsaken hunting and living in Tirisfal Glades consider
them only a minor nuisance, occasionally a large
enough pack poses a threat to alchemists exploring the
woods for components. Many warlocks instead keep
the monsters as pets, training them to be even more
lethal than normal.
Darkhounds understand basic Eredun, but, being little
better than beasts, they cannot speak.
Darkhounds stalk their prey, shadowing it for hours
until a suitable ambush spot presents itself. They then
