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iLit 2019 is LIVE!
Hello iLit family. We are excited to launch our newest version of iLit! Please read the 2019 Back to School Announcement HERE.
If your students are still using iLit for summer school, no problem. Please continue to use the summer school sites that start with SS (see previous post).
Summer School 2019 URL Change
Apps and URLs -
For students and teachers using teachilit.com, learnilit.com and projectilit.com, these URL will continue to access the 2018 environment until June 10th.
After June 10th, Summer School customers will need to use the URLs, ss.teachilit.com, ss.learnilit.com and ss.projectilit.com to access the 2018 environment. Apps used throughout this past school year will continue to work.
There is no difference in the user experience and access to data through the use of the new URL remains intact. We provide new URL in order to continue to access the 2018 database while the iLit technology team prepares the 2019 version of iLit.
Rostering -
Districts can be rostered for Summer School through EasyBridge, like always, except if the EasyBridge Pause Period has started. EasyBridge customers will use the same apps they used throughout the year but change their URL to ss.teachilit.com, ss.learnilit.com and ss.projectilit.com.
Districts can be manually rostered, as normal, through Classview for summer school. There is not a defined summer school product or class designated for summer school use. Admins can simply log into Classview, set up the class with new or existing students/teachers and provide students/teachers their usernames and passwords through VIEW ROSTER > EXPORT ROSTER. On June 10th, the URL for Classview will change to ss.classview.co.
If you have any questions concerning this change, please contact iLit support, 800-234-5832 or https://pearsonnacommunity.force.com/support/s/k12-curriculum-support-form.
Join the Conversation!
iLit is excited to "Show and Tell" our incredible 2018 Release. Please view the recorded Facebook Live event from September 19th, 2018. Feel free to leave comments and join the discussion on the post.
iLit's Live Event
Summer Access
Great news! Classview is accessible throughout the summer. Teachers and students can access their 2017 iLit and myELD-Companion classes. Please see the URL change that will occur on July 2nd.
- teachilit.com TO ss.teachilit.com
- learnilit.com TO ss.learnilit.com
- projectilit.com TO ss.projectilit.com
- teachmyeld.com TO ss.teachmyeld.com
- learnmyeld.com TO ss.learnmyeld.com
- projectmyeld.com to ss.projectmyeld.com
- classview.co or classview.net TO ss.classview.co or ss.classview.net
Redesigned Printable Workbooks
Thank you for your patience while we redesigned our workbooks! Please find the myPerspectives, ELD Companion Workbooks here and the iLitELL Workbooks here.
Need Help with Mapping iLit and ACCESS?
We just posted new resources. Please check them out on our Language Page or click HERE.
New iLit Whitepaper
The iLit team is proud to announce a new whitepaper presented by one of iLit's distinguished authors, Jim Cummins. Please click here to view the article and ask questions.
New Feature! Selective Broadcast for iLit 90/ELL/45
Discuss and ask questions here
2017 iPad Announcement
Please click the link here to see our announcement about iPads and iLit in 2017.
When do you send out the MOY GRADE?
Everyone is asking! Please join the conversation here.
Nominate Your Favorite ELL Teacher
We're Just Getting Started!
We Missed You!
iLit U - Summer Edition
Thank you Teachers!
In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, iLit wants to say THANK YOU to our outstanding teachers.
"Once children learn how to learn, nothing is going to narrow their mind. The essence of teaching is to make learning contagious, to have one idea spark another." - Marva Collins
Thank you for being that SPARK!
iLit PLC reaches 1000!
We now have 1000 members enrolled in the iLit Professional Learning Community! Thank you to our teachers, administrators and support staff who joined in the site's first year.
Visit often to stay informed about iLit with updates on new releases, teaching content, and of course professional learning!
New Reporting Tools for Administrators
iLit Success Stories
Student success is what drives the iLit team. Please see the latest success stories curated by our iLit team. Feel free to send your success story to joseph.bartlett@pearson.com
From Milissa in Indiana -
"Okay so I didn't think I could get prouder of my kids or iLit but it just happened! We have always kept our technology at the school but this year they have had Chomebooks and we allowed them to take them home last night. Now mind you these are 6th graders that have free Chromebooks on a Friday!!! Instead of goofing around MY KIDS came home and worked on iLit assignments, emailed me questions, and are ASKING for more writing assignments!!!! Thank you iLit!!! "
iLit App Release
Download the latest iLit Apps from PearsonAppStore.com
This release is iLit 5.2.4. You can also launch iLit in your browser through the Pearson App Store to ensure you're viewing the latest version. Remember to clear your browser cache or history on a regular basis!
Have you cleared your browser lately?
We recommend periodically clearing your browsing history by clearing the browser's cache and cookies. Learn how on our Support page here.
iLit wins the 2015 Tech & Learning magazine Award of Excellence
The winning products will be featured in the December 2015 issue of “Tech & Learning” magazine, as well as on its website.
Honored for the third consecutive year, theiLit mobile app is a comprehensive digital literacy solution designed to produce two or more years of reading growth in an academic year for students in grades 4-10. The intervention program offers personalized learning support based on students’ instructional needs, with engaging interactivities and built-in reward systems that motivate and track progress.
Developed to accelerate English language development, iLit ELL’s proven, research-based, digital intervention is enhanced with explicit, point-of-use scaffolding and content to support English language development so English learners can build academic language through word study; develop prosody with the English language; engage in academic discourse by improving English language production; and become independent readers who are successful working at grade level.
Engaging Adolescent Readers
Read this month's Inspired Blog post by iLit author, William G. Brozo, on engaging adolescent readers by relating what students are reading in school to what is going on in their own world.
iLit teachers and administrators,
Thank you for all that you do every day to help your students overcome challenges and develop into strong readers and communicators. We are here to partner with you and support you in every way possible to help you succeed.
To help support you, we launched this Professional Learning Community just over a month ago. We have been excited to see more and more teachers and administrators from across the country—and the globe—joining the community each week.
Here we will post new articles from our authors, provide suggested activities, announce new features, add teaching resources (including many printable resources), and offer professional development support. Please let us know what else we can do to support you.
Two recently added features that you may want to check out: the Poll and Buzz features. Found in the lower right-hand corner of the Teacher App under the label “Connect,” these features allow you to create your own whole-class polls and assessments on the fly, send individual students or the whole class messages, and reward students with stars for strong performance. To send comments and stars to students, select the students from the list, either type in comments or select the ones that are pre-populated, add stars as appropriate, then hit “Buzz.” At the end of the week, you can project the top stars for the class by tapping or clicking “Project Top Stars.”
Last week we released the latest version of iLit: 5.2.3.
You can check that you are using this version by clicking on the three dots (...) in the toolbar at the bottom right of the Teacher or Student App.
Visit PearsonAppStore.com to download the updated apps or to launch the newest version in your browser. It is a good idea to periodically clear your browsing history to be sure you are launching the newest version.