VamTam Help Desk
How to add a target _blank on a WordPress menu item
The new features of WordPress 3.x are great and allow us to customize the websites and manage the content flexibly.
The Menus module is one of those wonderful features, but by default, it doesn’t allow to specify some attributes of the menu items, like the “target”.
In my opinion, the WordPress administration area design is not usable (and not 508 compliant) and some buttons and options are difficult to find because they are normally in gray letters over light gray backgrounds. After seeking for around half an hour, I finally found the way to specify the target attribute of a link on the Menus module. I decided to share this because I think it’s something difficult to find but also something very easy to activate:
Step 1: Screen Options.
Go to the “Menus module” , under “Appearance”. Then, click on the “Screen Options” button, located on the top right corner.
On the Menus option, click on Select Options button
Step 2: Enable Link Target option.
Then, under “Show advanced menu properties”, check the “Link Target” option.
Check the Link Target option
Step 3: Specify the target attribute on the WordPress menu.
On the Menu items options, a new field will be displayed – Link Target – to specify the target of the link.
How to make portfolio "link" items launch in another tab or window in your browser
Get a child theme from and then copy templates/portfolio/loop/item.php from the main theme to the child (remember to create the missing directories). In the newly copied file, edit line 83 so that it looks like this:
<a class="button button-border accent1 hover-accent1 <?php echo $lightbox?> <?php echo $type?>" <?php if ( 'link' === $type ) echo 'target="_blank"' ?> href="<?php echo esc_url( $href ) ?>" <?php echo $rel.$width.$height.$iframe?>>
How to make the Team Member element's "link" field launches in another tab or window in your browser
Get a child theme from and copy templates/shortcode/team_member.php to the child theme (remember to create the missing directories). In the newly copied file, replace both lines 22 and 33 with the following:
<a href="<?php echo $url ?>" title="<?php echo $name?>" target="_blank">
Please note that you can only do this for all such shortcodes on the site.
How to add a target _blank on social icons of the Footer Widget
Get a child theme from and copy templates/widgets/front/icon-link.php from the main theme to the child (remember to create the missing directories). In the newly copied file add target="_blank" to line 19.
How to add a target _blank on icons of the Service Box element
Get a child theme from and copy templates/shortcodes/services.php from the main theme to the child (remember to create the missing directories). In the newly copied file add target="_blank" to lines 21, 42, 62 and 73. Please note that you can only do this for all such shortcodes on the site.