Emergency department resuscitation of the critically ill .pdf download - not joke!
EMCrit Project
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General Emergency Medicine

Rosen's Emergency Medicine-The first and in my opinion the best. I think this book is quite readable and probably the most authoritative of the texts. While it offers a historical perspective, it is actually not as comprehensive as Tintinalli on certain topics (for instance compare the sickle cell anemia sections).

Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine-Billed as a review book for the boards, this book is actually one of the more complete textbooks. Though it’s only one volume, the paper grade is much cheaper and the print smaller, so it actually contains more words than Rosen’s. This is the one I would go to if I need to look something up during a shift. We have copies in the ED at both sites.

Emergency Department Resusitation of the Critically Ill-Emergency Department Resuscitation of the Critically Ill-Mike Winters gathered some fantastic ED crit care folk to create a definitive guide to ED resuscitation. And I'm not just saying that b/c I wrote the first chapter : )

Emergency Medicine Procedures, Second Edition-I thought no book would surpass Roberts and Hedges, but this one has done it. Diagrams instead of photos are a far more effective teaching tools. Absolutely complete. So expensive, but so good; this is my recommended procedure text.

Manual of Emergency Airway Management-The definitive monograph on EM airway management. Get through this one during your orientation month. You'll want to know the basics of intubation before your first ed shift. It is one of the few procedures we do where you can't really take your time.

Essential Emergency Trauma-Edited by my friend and colleague, Kaushal Shah. This is a perfect introductory text for residents. Covers Trauma from A to Z in a easy to read format.
Trauma, Seventh Edition-The be-all end-all of trauma management. Geared towards the surgeon so be prepared to skim.

Common Hand Injuries by Carter-20 years old and still the best hand book out there. You need to know the hand; this book is the way to learn. It even has cartoons. Out of print forever, it has just been released in a 2nd edition as an ebook. ACEP put out a new book on the hand; I read it, but I was not impressed. Carter still has them beat.

Sapira's Art and Science of Bedside Diagnosis-this is your medical school physical diagnosis class taken to the next level. All the skills and tricks of the old time docs who could diagnose without the benefit of labs and x-rays (of course they did not have the benefit of any useful treatment one they diagnosed, sort of reminds me of the neuro folks.) I keep going back to this one to learn new skills as I get more comfortable with the old ones.

Board Review

EM Practice-And of course, I can recommend the publications of EB Medicine (in my opinion, the best evidence-based EM publications out there–-note I am biased as I am on the editorial board of their general EM journal). I especially recommend EM Practice as the best general EM EBM publication out there, and if I treated kids, I'd be reading Pediatric EM Practice.
Still need more to read?
These are the ones:
- Annals of Emergency Medicine
- Emergency Medicine Journal
- Journal of Emergency Medicine
- Academic Emergency Medicine
(Listed in order of descending relevance to a resident)
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