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I like that you see this, not many do, google is attaching itself with octopus like tenticles to a lotHarborFront said:
I'm moving away from Google.
Click to expand...
of the places and services that are trending or generate relevent traffic. I see it too. Earlier this week I
posted in my profile I had now got rid of all contacts in Gmail (It took 3mos to complete) seeing I use encrypted
Email. I could have done it quicker by closing the acct and creating a new one but I wanted to maintain my contacts
and be respectful, but I digress. Now that Google acct is for android devices only. I am also moving away from all services and sites that "Primarialy" rely on google services or its platform. Sadly, VT is one of them. And not just google, this goes for all the Big Data collecters.
But I agree Harbor with your decision to do this. I am planning ahead for the innovations and aggression that is on its way
where data collection is concerned.
Allowing the ISP's is just "one" step, there is a battle coming and data collectors that hone their skills
and evolve are going to be vastly rewarded. There are a few Big names that are Pro's where data collection is concerned, and they
now have the freedom to flex their muscles here in the US, call me what you want but remember I said this, the average joe does not see this coming and that I have no doubt about.
Right now is a good time, if you haven't already to start learning about your data, where it goes, who wants it, how to
limit collection. From here on out it will only get worse, taking positive steps and educating yourself right now is very smart.
Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
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