Why can't I download files from my Google Drive 1 Recommended Answer 9 Replies348 Upvotes
It shows me below message. How can I fix this issue?
The page isn’t redirecting properly.
An error occurred during a connection to doc-0k-24-docs.googleusercontent.com.
This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies.
I have logged in with only one account and the version of my Firefox is 75.
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It got fixed by its own. I did nothing and just noticed it is OK now. Strange!!!
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Nobody can help me? I have a serious problem.
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Unsure, though are you blocking any cookies? Have you tried from a private window or another browser?
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I did not block any cookie and I tried private window but the same problem happened.
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Did this issue just start?
A couple more ideas to try.
Which having tried with a private window would likely already eliminate the following ideas as a cause, but...
- If you have more than one google account and are signed into them at the same time, log out from the accounts and try downloading while signed into just one google account.
- Extensions. If you allow extensions to run while using a private window, then check/disable extensions. I have seen that the Ghostery Extension has caused problems for some folks.
Then not related to a private window, just restart the browser and/or computer. Clear cookies, cache.
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This is excellent news!!! Very glad it started working, so Thank You for the follow-up message that it is working now. Definitely strange....
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