Download ark ragnarok dedicated server files

Download ark ragnarok dedicated server files

download ark ragnarok dedicated server files

Creating a dedicated ARK server is more difficult than buying hosting, but it's also much cheaper. If you're new to Linux, we recommend downloading Ubuntu. If you have an ARK server on a separate PC, only the files in it will be accessible in case of a breach. For example “TheIsland”, “TheCenter”, and “Ragnarok”. When you download a game from the Epic Games Store that contains downloadable content (DLC) all of the content is usually downloaded during. Step 1: Fetching Game Server files from SteamCMD Right-click SteamCMD.bat and Run as Administrator; Your game server files should be completely downloaded by now Step 2: Setting up an ARK: Survival Evolved Dedicated Server Ragnarok - Ragnarok - Journey through an expansive 144 sq.

How to Create an ARK: Survival Evolved Dedicated Server Guide

Creating an ARK: Survival Evolved game server is an easy process that can be done from either a dedicated server or your home computer.

This method works for Steam and Epic game servers in crossplay.

Server Requirements

Windows 7+ (Windows 10 preferred) or Windows Server 2012+ (Windows Server 2019 preferred)

Quad Core processor (requires up to 2 full cores) - single thread performance preferred

8 GB memory (currently uses around 6 GB memory for 100 players filled)

5 GB disk space (install folder)

Renting an ARK server (see example control panel below!)

Step 1: Fetching Game Server files from SteamCMD

It is possible to fetch the steam files programmatically from Steam using SteamCMD.

  1. Create a folder where you wish to store your ARK: Survival Evolved game server hosting files
  2. Inside of the folder, place the newly downloading SteamCMD.exe file
  3. Create a batch file named SteamCMD.bat
  4. Place the following code in this batch file:
@echo off
start "" steamcmd.exe +login USER PASS +force_install_dir "C:\Some\Path\Where\You\Want\Game\Server\Files\To\Go" +app_update 346110 validate +quit
  1. Right-click SteamCMD.bat and Run as Administrator
  2. Your game server files should be completely downloaded by now

Step 1 (alternate method): Locating Game Server Files on Hard Drive

You can host ARK directly from your Steam common folder. To locate your common folder:

  1. Right-click ARK: Survival Evolved from Steam, select Properties
  2. Click Local Files tab
  3. Click 'Browse Local Files button

Step 2: Setting up an ARK: Survival Evolved Dedicated Server

  1. Create a batch file named ARK.bat in your newly created SteamCMD folder (Step 1) or your Steam common folder (Step 1: (alternate method)).
  2. Place the following code in this batch file:
start ShooterGameServer.exe "TheIsland?Port=27015?QueryPort=27016?SessionName=SURVIVALSERVERS?MaxPlayers=127?listen?ServerPassword=MYPASSWORD?ServerAdminPassword=MYPASSWORD" -nosteamclient -game -server -log
  1. If you want to allow Epic Games clients to connect, add the -crossplay toggle
  2. If you want to changemaps, change "TheIsland" with any other ARK map or DLC:
    1. TheIsland - The Island - Consists of multiple climatic and geological regions. There are five larger mountains in the north and plains in the south. Three large Obelisks form a triangle on the Island.
    2. ScorchedEarth_P - Scorched Earth - Stranded naked, dehydrated, and starving on a fiery, draught-ridden desert world, survivors must seek water, hunt for food, harvest new fiora, craft new items, and built shelter to protect from the deadly heat and new creatures that rule this scorched earth.
    3. TheCenter - The Center - Another spin on the Island variety map. Features a floating island, giant waterfalls, a vast underground world with its own ecosystem/sun, a lava biome similiar to Mordor, ancient ruins, and unique level design.
    4. Ragnarok - Ragnarok - Journey through an expansive 144 sq. kilometer environment where elements from The Island, Scorched Earth, and all new biomes are combined to bring the ultimate survivor experience.
    5. Aberration_P - Aberration - A derelict, malfunctioning ARK with an elaborate underground biome system, survivors face exotic new challenges unlike anything before: extreme radioactive sunlight and environmental hazards, ziplines, wingsuits, climbing gear, cave dwellings, charge-batteries, and far more, along with a stable of extraordinary new creatures await within the mysterious depths.
    6. Extinction - Finish your journey through the worlds of ARK in ‘Extinction’, where the story began and ends: on Earth itself! An Element-infested, ravaged planet filled with fantastical creatures both organic & technological, Earth holds both the secrets of the past and the keys to its salvation.
    7. Valguero_P - Explore new heights and hidden depths; whether it’s creating your foundations in the White Cliffs or unearthing the secrets of the Aberration Trench, Valguero offers a new experience in the ARK universe. With new biomes, challenging dungeon bosses, and mysterious ruins to discover, there’s always something exciting — and dangerous — on Valguero.
    8. CrystalIsles - Crystal Isles is 150 square kilometers of colorful scenery and awe-inspiring biomes teeming with life. This map's supernatural beauty has won the hearts of the ARK community since its debut as a mod in 2016, and we've polished it to bring out its shine.
  3. Run ARK.bat to start up the server

Step 3: Port Forwarding

Add an incoming rule to your Windows Firewall to allow UDP port 27015 as well as 27016 (or whichever port you are using).

You may additionally need to add a forwarding rule to your network router. You can use to read how to do this.

How to Join Your Server

Epic Games

Use the in-game server browser with the Join button.


STEP 1: Update your server to the newest ARK version, then click the green update button at the bottom of the panel. * If you are not a Survival Servers customer ask your game server host about this.

STEP 2: Right click Steam in the task bar icons of your PC and select servers as pictured below.

STEP 3: Select ARK as your game at the bottom. Join your server!

Configuring your ARK Game Server!

Now comes the fun part, setting up your ARK game server to your liking.

To modify game server settings you can open the ShooterGame/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/GameUserSettings.ini

You can modify settings in here (in addition to the launch line) - these settings overwrite your launch line settings:

* Password=genesis * ServerPassword=genesis * MaxPlayers=10

Location of World Save Data



Coming soon.
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Download ark ragnarok dedicated server files

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