Google analytics- average pdf downloads - be
Additional kinds of measurement
The following kinds of measurement are commonly used on websites:
In this article:Downloadable files
Clicks on links to downloadable files (e.g. PDF, AVI, WMV) can be measured as Events or virtual pageviews. When you set up an Event to capture clicks on a link, Analytics counts the clicks as event hits. When you set up a virtual pageview to measure clicks on a link, Analytics counts the clicks as page hits.
To measure clicks as Events:
To measure clicks as pageviews:
If you want to measure data activity on your Flash elements or Flash-based website, see Analytics for Adobe Flash on Analytics Developers.
To set up Ecommerce measurement:
With Events, you can measure interactions with elements embedded in your pages and screens, like buttons, links, videos, and gadgets.
To measure Events:
Custom dimensions
Custom dimensions let you collect and analyze data that Analytics doesn't automatically measure. You can, for example, use custom dimensions to define user types, like member and non-member.
User timings
Analytics automatically measures page and screen load times, but you can also set up customized tags to measure how long it takes for Ajax-based operations and resources to load.
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