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5 Simple Tips to Stay Healthy During Autumn
by Sue Crites | Oct 31, 2018 | Autumn, Blog, Breath, Change, Deep Breathing, Fall, Five Elements, For the Soul, Healing, Health Tips, Metal Element, Qigong, Qigong Exercise, Recipes, Uncategorized
According to the Five Elements of Chinese Medicine, in the Northern Hemisphere, we are in the Metal Element of Autumn. This is the season of cleansing and harvest–harvesting crops, garden produce, and ideas. Now we evaluate the seeds we planted in the spring to...
Let’s talk Asparagus!
by Sue | Jun 4, 2018 | Blog, Featured, New, Recipes, Uncategorized
I am an advocate for eating foods that naturally grow in the current season. I am also an advocate of eating locally grown foods where possible. This can limit one’s diet, though, living in the boreal forest! So. . . while aspen bark and rose hips may be very...
[Almost] Killer Kale Salad
by Sue | May 7, 2018 | Blog, New, Recipes
This post is from a few year’s back, but it’s worth recycling! Especially in this season of spring when our liver energy is high and green foods such as kale are good support. Consider this recipe a special gift from me to you! I first tried this salad...
Two exercises (and a drink) to support your lovely liver
by Sue | Feb 27, 2015 | Blog, Featured, New, Recipes, Uncategorized
As June draws near, can you feel the energetic shift in the atmosphere? Those of us in the Northern hemisphere point our faces in the direction of the sun as we step outside. We pause. We smile as we feel warmth and light bathe our skin. As we unbutton our coats and...
A retreat with Butternut Squash Soup
by Sue | Dec 9, 2014 | Blog, Featured, New, Recipes
I haven’t been writing lately. I am not sure why. My last post in June was about a retreat I attended at Hollyhock. Here I am in November, and I find myself in another retreat. This one is different. As I mentioned in June, according to Wikipedia, a retreat is...
Pumpkin pie for reals!
by Sue | Oct 11, 2013 | Featured, New, Recipes
Pumpkin Pies Warning! This is not some holistic nutritionist’s attempt at making pumpkin pie healthy by substituting the fat for apple sauce and the sugar for stevia; this is the real deal! This is a rare treat in my house, but oh-so-savoured! Enjoy! This recipe is...