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What's New in Folio 4. Joe My Name Is Joe Rar. 9. How To Install Keynote Themes more. 147.0 Key new items or enhancements in this release include: • Added text wrapping options to text boxes and the ability to set the default state of checkboxes to query templates built with the QTE • Added support for Microsoft Word 2013 documents • Improved export of infobases containing PDF to FFF to allow for automated markup of PDF content • Updated Workbench to allow for adding folders to Workbench projects • Bind utility improvements to support automation • Documentation improvements and corrections • Customer reported bug fixes. What's New in Folio Key new items or enhancements in this release include: • Added support for Windows 8/Pro/Enterprise • Increased speed when deleting and pasting records. • Improved stability when printing and when working with indexable objects.
• Improved formatting when importing multiple Word documents • Custom Heading (CH) tags are now retained when extracting to multiple FFF files in WorkBench. • Improved printing of headers and footers, indexable objects, and large table cells. • Improved Custom Installs: • The default value for the directory where File/Open starts can now be changed as in versions prior to 4.8. • Added the ability to prevent auto-addition of certain menu commands during custom installs • See DoNotAutoAdd in FolioHlp.nfo for more information. • Folio Views now shows the correct error messages when trying to open infobases with expired licenses by means of a parameter file. What's New in Folio Key new items or enhancements in this release include: • Folio Views now correctly prints infobases with page breaks • The correct error message now appears when opening an Infobase with an expired license using the -c command line parameter • Updated Portuguese help manuals • Fixed the Folio Integrator Visual Studio 2010 sample projects • Upgraded the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Shared Runtime Libraries to SP1 Note: This was necessary to correct installation errors due to Microsoft's updates on certain versions of Windows.
Please update your installs to utilize the new version of the shared runtime libraries. This installation will update the redistributable files in Folio Publisher's 'Prerequisites' directory to the correct version.
• Various crash fixes related to indexable objects (see table below). What's New in Folio 4.8 • Import and display PDF documents in their native format, in-line with the rest of your Infobase content. • Integrate hierarchy defined within PDF documents into your Folio's Table of Contents, including the ability to restrict searches to specific branches within a PDF. • Control whether or not PDF documents are searched by default.
• Search across all imported PDF documents using the newly added '[Object:]' search syntax. • Improved compatibility with Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008 • Improved RTF Import/Export Filter • Added support for Microsoft Word 2010 documents • Improved search results, stability, and UI. System Requirements Supported Operating Systems Ensure that your operating system is up-to-date with the most current patches and service packs.
Issue # Description FFO-287 Views 4.7.2 hangs when printing NFO with table cells larger than paper print size. This left-over from 4.8.229 is finally fixed. Known Issues • Folio 4.9 can open and edit any Folio 4.x infobase. However, due to the changes in Indexable Objects' storage scheme, previous versions of Folio cannot open newer Folio 4.9 Infobases. In addition, Folio 4.9, when opening 4.8's infobases with inserted or added Indexable Objects, must convert them to 4.9 format. • Multiuser editing of Folio Infobases using mixed versions of the Folio Views client is known to cause instability.
Please ensure that all clients are updated to the latest version of Folio. • The Undo function has been temporarily disabled when viewing only Checked Branches in order to improve usability. © Rocket Software, Inc. Or its affiliates 1990-2017.
All rights reserved.
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