I have a video in a .EXE File format and need to be able to convert it to a Video format.
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14 Replies
No... you don't have a video in .exe format. .exe is an executable file or a "program", it is not a video. Now if you just have a video file that was at some point renamed to have a .exe file extension instead of an .avi extension, you can simply rename the file again. But if you run the .exe and it plays a video, that isn't actually a video file. It's a launcher that is loading and playing the video.
The only way to get that into a video format is to somehow extract it from the program or to get something that will record the video on your screen and record your screen while you run that prgram then just trim off either end of your video and viola!
Yes what Dean said. :) not a video format
How to convert .exe movie files to avi video format(original video)
Dumb video....
You can try 7zip to open the inside of a EXE. Sometimes the EXE is just a fancy ZIP file with extra bits to tell it to run a program inside the zip file. I've been struggling myself to convert a Saba webinar in delivered as a EXE and make it into a MP4.
Perfect for me the Mad Dad's program (ExetoAvi). Thanks.
I know this is a really old post but we came across this today. I'm going to post what we did since I dont see it for anyone who has this question in the future.
I got a ticket today saying a video that was needing to be uploaded to a site would not upload because it was .exe. I thought she was crazy. lol. anyways I saw when it was run it opened the video in a launcher that was proprietary to the security system it came off of. ( kinda like what Dean (AKA - The Awkward Gamer) wrote). All I needed to do is click File>Save As and it saved to a .avi.
Simple enough no conversion needed.
how to extract the vedio from the launcher?
Obviously, you all are clueless. Back in the days in the early 90s, the video software was producing EXE files, not just AVI files. So the first thread was correct. This is an old version. Obviously you would need an old plugin Windows 3.1 or windows 95.
Let's see, there are programs like "Pictures to EXE" that takes several photos and manufactures video files (a presentation with background music) in various output formats, one of them the EXE format. The question therefore is: if I have an EXE, that runs and a video of photos appears with background music, how do I pass that EXE file to AVI? It's possible? Thank you.
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