Download .gem file

Download .gem file

download .gem file

After installing Bundler, you can generate a Gemfile for the current RubyMine downloads gems from a remote machine to a local cache to be. With this configuration completed, you can create a Gemfile and run bundle install as usual and any downloads of gem files will be using the gem repository group. RubyGems is a package manager for the Ruby programming language that provides a The gem command is used to build, upload, download, and install gem command may also be used to build and maintain.gemspec and.gem files.

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As with most programming languages, Ruby leverages a wide set of third-party libraries.

Nearly all of these libraries are released in the form of a gem, a packaged library or application that can be installed with a tool called RubyGems.

RubyGems is a Ruby packaging system designed to facilitate the creation, sharing and installation of libraries (in some ways, it is a distribution packaging system similar to, say, , but targeted at Ruby software). Ruby comes with RubyGems by default since version 1.9, previous Ruby versions require RubyGems to be installed by hand.

Some other libraries are released as archived (.zip or .tar.gz) directories of source code. Installation processes may vary, typically a or file is available with instructions.

Let’s take a look at finding libraries and installing them for your own use.

Finding libraries

The main place where libraries are hosted is, a public repository of gems that can be searched and installed onto your machine. You may browse and search for gems using the RubyGems website, or use the command.

Using , you can search RubyGems’ repository. For instance, will return a list of Rails-related gems. With the () option, you would perform a local search through your installed gems. To install a gem, use . Browsing installed gems is done with . For more information about the command, see below or head to RubyGems’ docs.

There are other sources of libraries though. GitHub is the main Ruby-related content repository. Most often a gem source code will be hosted on GitHub while being published as a fully-fledged gem to

The Ruby Toolbox is a project that makes it easy to explore open source Ruby projects. It has categories for various common development tasks, collects a lot of information about the projects like release and commit activity or dependencies and rates projects based on their popularity on and GitHub. This makes it easy to find a gem which solves a particular problem such as web frameworks, documentation tools and code quality libraries.

A few more words about RubyGems

Here is a quick review of the command for your daily use. More detailed documentation is available, covering all aspects of this packaging system.

Searching among available gems

The search command can be used to look for gems, based on a string. Gems which names start with the specified string will be listed in return. For instance, to search for the “html”-related gems:

The / flag indicates that we want to inspect the official repository (default behaviour). With the / flag you would perform a local search among your installed gems.

Installing a gem

Once you know which gem you would like to install, for instance the popular Ruby on Rails framework:

You can even install just a specific version of the library, using the / flag:

Listing all gems

For a list of all locally installed gems:

To obtain a (very long) list of all gems available on


Documentation is available inside your terminal:

For instance, is very useful as it outputs a list of all ’s commands.

Crafting your own gems has several guides about this topic. You may also want to investigate Bundler, a generic tool which helps you manage an application’s dependencies and may be used along RubyGems.

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