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Kumarasthavam lyrics in tamil pdf files
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He was a devotee of the Tamil god Murugan and composed and wrote poems in his praise. His samadhi is located at TiruvanmiyurChennai. Pamban Swamigal was born sometime between and to a Saivite family in the town of Rameswaramwhich then was part of the Ramnad District. His wife's name was Kalimuthami; they had one son and two daughters.
Even after marriage Pamban Swami lived like a saint, mostly doing pujas and prayers.
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He won many legal cases related to his business by the grace of Lord Murugan. After sometime Pamban Swami saw the child was not crying and found her fast asleep. From that moment on the child was cured. He felt that Lord Murugan himself came and helped him at their request. One day a friend of Pamban Swami informed him that he was going to Palani, the sacred hill temple.
Pamban Swami also wanted to go to Palani and left his family life without informing them. When his friend asked if he had permission from his god, Pamban Swami said 'Yes' and lied to his friend. On the same day Lord Palani Murugan appeared before him with a frowning face and said Did I asked you to come there? There is no reason for you to lie. I will call you when the time comes. You may remain there without any attachments. To keep his word Pamban Swami never went to Palani till his last days.
Pamban Swami also gave up the taste of lime, salt, and hot spices.
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He used to take plain rice with green dal and ghee. He used to take food only once a day before noon; if he missed the time he would take food the next day only. In Pamban Swami wrote Shanmuga Kavacham, a powerful hymn of 30 verses composed for the benefit of Lord Murugan's devotees to protect them from illness of body and mind as well as from foes, wild beasts, poisonous creatures, demons, devils and biting insects.
Several instances prove that this Shanmuga Kavacham verses effective in this respect.
If you recite it with heart and soul to Lord Murugan, the results will be swift and miraculous. Also in Pamban Swami composed Panchamrita Varnam. Lord Murugan Himself has said to an old lady in Tiruchendur that "I will be present physically wherever the song is sung on a pleasant note.
One time Pamban Swami was walking on a rough track and a thorn pricked and pierced into his foot. The terrible pain made Pamban Swami to shed tears and pray to God. On the same night Lord Murugan came in the dream of a cobbler in the next village and informed him to make and give a pair of slippers to Pamban Swami. When Pamban Swami was traveling to the village the next day the shoemaker came with the pair of slippers to Pamban Swami saying that in his dreams Lord Murugan came and had given instructions to make a pair of slippers for him.
Pamban Swami was very much pleased and thanked Lord Murugan for his kindness to His devotees. Pamban Swami was once very ill due to diarrhea.
Due to this he fainted and fell down and upon seeing this his wife fainted too. Lord Murugan came to their house just then and tapped with a stick, made Pamban Swami's wife get up and said "Don't worry. He will be alright.
Just smear vibhuti on his body and say 'I will never leave you'. Lord Bala Murugan said to her, "There is no prohibition during emergency.
Immediately Pamban Swami was cured. One day someone told Pamban Swami that a poet was writing a song of verses that was incomplete for the last two months. Upon hearing this Pamban Swami decided that he would compose a song similar to that. So he started and finished verses within an hour. To this day no poet or saint has duplicated such a feat. The poem is called Tiruvorumalai Komagan.
The first verse of four lines consists of 64 words to each line with total words. Pamban Swami composed the remaining verses without adding any other words. He said with the divine guidance anything is possible. On his way back Lord Murugan appeared before him in the form of a year-old man with a turban and asked if he had visited Kumarakottam where Kanda Puranam was composed by the temple priest Kanchiappa Sivachariyar.
He took Pamban Swami near to the temple and vanished. After the pujas, Pamban Swami was very much delighted by the grace of Lord Kumaran. In the railway station the train was delayed due to some fault as though it was only waiting for Swami and then the train proceeded without delay. Before starting meditation he asked his followers to have faith in God.
Because this was a burial ground there were a lot of disturbing events that took place. Once a big demon tried to seize Pamban Swami, but by hurling his dandam the demon vanished. On the seventh night a voice commanded Pamban Swami to get up. Pamban Swami replied that unless Lord Palani Andi Himself comes he would not get up, even if he had to die. Once again the voice said, "Your Lord has come to see you.
Open your eyes. Pamban Swami was delighted to see Lord Murugan in the form of Palani Andi with a dandam in one hand and the other hand in chin mudra accompanied by two rishis.
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With a smiling countenance Palani Andi came forward and gave a "single utterance" oru mozhi upadesam in Pamban Swami's right ear. After that they turned back, walked towards the west and vanished. Without getting up on hearing that one word Pamban Swami was very much pleased and continued his meditation for 28 days without food, water or sleep. On the 35th day once again a voice was heard and commanded him to "Come out of the pit.
The voice said "Yes it's me. Later his followers requested him to wear two pieces of white cloth one around the waist and the other over his shoulder. Pamban Swami was content to remain in silence but others wanted him to speak of his experience.
Much more than documents.
Even today the oil lamp that Pamban Swami used in the pit is preserved in Ramanad town by Pamban Swami's followers. In Pamban Swami took sannyasa and left Pamban village. One day Lord Murugan appeared in his dream and asked him to proceed to Madras. But he accepted the command of his Lord and proceeded to Madras by train.
On his arrival at Egmore railway station in Madras a cartman came to Pamban Swami and requested Pamban Swami to sit in his cart.
Kumarasthavam Lyrics in Tamil PDF
Without saying anything Pamban Swami sat in the jatka. The cartman took Pamban Swami to St. George Town to house number 41 Vaithiyanath Mudali Street. Pamban Swami got down from the jatka and in front of him an old lady Mrs. Bangaru Ammal came to Pamban Swami and told him that in a dream the previous night Lord Murugan had said that a saint would come to her house and that she should provide him with food and accommodation.
And Pamban Swami accepted her invitation and stayed there for some time. In the year Pamban Swami went to Chidambaram and wrote an upanishad known as Thagaralaya Rahasiyam. Lord Guha lives in every heart in a tiny light form. Pamban Swami gives examples from the Vedas, agamas, upanishads, Tevaram, Tiruppukazh and other scriptural sources. In this book, Pamban Swami provides quotations from all the upanishads. Pamban Swami is the only saint who has composed 50 poems on Lord Murugan in pure Tamil without any words from other language due to his love on Tamil.
Pamban Swami once said that any one who speaks ill of Sanskrit or Tamil is his enemy. The two sacred language are like two eyes. You cannot have one and despise the other if you want full knowledge of the spiritual world. Pamban Swami wrote that he was very happy to stay at this famous mutt.
The head of the mutt once offered kavi cloth by taking away his white dress and requested Pamban Swami to wear it. Pamban Swami at first hesitated but upon reflection Pamban Swami took it as God's wish from that day to wear two-piece kavi dress.
But the one rice pot kept giving rice enough to feed nearly people. So much was the demand that the other foods like vegetables, sambar and rasam had to be prepared three times, but the cooked rice never got emptied.
Such miracles were commonplace in the life of Pamban Swami. While in Madras, Pamban Swami had a premonition of his mother's death and his elder son's death. Once at Pinathor near Chidambaram the Vainavas wanted to kill Pamban Swami and tried via black magic. When a demon approached him, Pamban Swami said to him "I have not done any wrong.
Kumarasthavam - Seergazhi Govindarajan - Lyrics by Pamban swamigal (குமாரஸ்தவம்)
Return to the person who has done the wrong". Next day he heard that one Vinita was dead suddenly. Swamiji also filed cases for more than seven years against persons who had published ill of Siva and Saivites and won every case.
Pamban Swamigal
Pamban Swami was run over by a jatka and his left ankle was broken. He was admitted to the General Hospital. The doctors who attended upon Pamban Swami's leg said it would have to be amputated. Pamban Swami was only praying and said "Let them do what they want do.
