How to Get a Deep Voice – Review of The Charisma Matrix13 minute read
- Quick Note: As usual with these reviews, I am not being paid or given anything to write this review. I am doing this review because I have seen results with what Barron Cruz over on Charisma Matrix adviseson how to make my voice deeperand you’ll also learn how to make your voice deeper
- He has some great stuff centered around how to make your voice deeper.
- No more getting talked over or people walking away when you speak to them. No longer are people allowed to disrespect you or ignore you. It’s time to make your voice deep so that will make people snap to attention. I’ve seen results on how to make my voice deeper and so will you
- IMPORTANT LAST NOTE READ THIS: when we talk about how to get a deep voice in this article we are talking about unlocking what’s naturally there and how to strengthen your voice. Not how to make your voice deeper permanently (it’ll damage your vocal chords). Because chances are your natural voice is fine and that you’re actually speaking higher pitched than you should be (also damaging)
- That’s what we’re going to cover in this article; how to get a deeper voice naturally and how to strengthen your voice by unlocking what’s already there. We need to shake off some bad habits and get you speaking with confidence in a way that can command power and respect from men and attraction in the women you talk to
Have you ever walked up to someone, maybe at a store or even around your friends, and people seemed to ignore you whenever you spoke to them? They might not have been rude, but you could tell that they didn’t respect you. Or perhaps they were outright disrespectful to you? It might be because nobody ever taught you how to get a deep voice that commands respect. When you learn how to make your voice deeper you’ll realize allows you to come across confidently and charismatically to people.
Either way, as you gradually and slowly read through the article you’re going to learn how to get a deeper voice that commands respect thanks to Barron Cruz on the Charisma Matrix.
Page Headings/Contents
How to Get a Deeper Voice That People Instantly Respect
- Click the link in the title to go straight to the video
Everything in this article will come back to one thing: your tonality. Because nothing will command respect like a powerful voice speaking with confidence.
One thing I love about this video is how it starts. It starts with an old clip of Barron from years ago before he learned the very tips he goes over in the video that we will cover!
That way, you can see the differences of a few years and more knowledge in the same person on how to get a deeper voice.
In this video Barron covers the three different types of tonality:
- Rapport Seeking
- Then Rapport Neutral
- And Rapport Breaking
Rapport Seeking
This is the tone that most people use in today’s society without even knowing it (which was even the same of me!) This is the tone that people will use with someone that they think is higher status than they are.
- Think of how someone will talk to a king
- Or someone will talk to a boss
Here’s a short and fun example of King Joffrey and his grandfather (before moving on, care to guess who has more authority and power in this clip?):
Here’s a YouTube comment that absolutely nails it:
Joffrey’s actor did an amazing job showing Joffrey’s fear and anxiety towards Tywin. He fidgets with the handle of the Iron Throne and his manner of speaking gets more frantic. I love it.
Why Are We Talking About Joffrey The Tyrannical Twat?
Rapport Seeking tonality will make you feel and behave weaker and lower status than normal Tweet ThisSimple, because he exemplifies what happens when you assume a rapport seeking tonality:
- You feel lower in social status (even if you actually have higher status)
- This causes you to feel worse about yourself which becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy
- Leads to fidgeting, which makes you more anxious and corrupts your confidence even more
- Other people annoyingly assert themselves above you and treat you like dog shit
- Women will not be as attracted to you as they otherwise could be
Instead, adopt a combination of the next two tonalities that Barron will cover. We don’t have enough room to cover everything in his video, so check it out. He shows you some easy to follow examples on how to make your voice deeper. Here’s the link again so you don’t have to scroll up. Once you’ve gone over that video (only seven minutes long), you’ll be able to introduce yourself in a way that generates respect immediately:
How to Make Your Voice Deeper and Introduce Yourself in a Powerful Way
The first video of Barron’s is crucial because it covers the three different tonalities. The next, however, is how to introduce yourself in a way that allows you to honestly and utterly present yourself in a high status and dominant way. Because high-status people don’t get ignored.
But, in order to introduce yourself dominantly and confidently, you need to have control over your tonalities.
How to Speak With Confidence: The High-Status Introduction
- Click the title to go to the video
In this short, 5 minute clip Barron goes into how to speak with confidence and introduce yourself in a way that people will respect. Coming back to the three tonalities again:
- Seeking
- Neutral
- Breaking
There are good and bad things about all three tonalities.
The first, rapport seeking, will help you seem more friendly, though weak. The breaking tonality generates respect, but you risk coming off like a dick that nobody likes. Meanwhile, the neutral tonality is more in the middle. It doesn’t hurt you too much but it doesn’t help you a ton either. This is key to know before going into Barron’s next video because we’re going to mix all three tonalities together to get the best possible bang for our buck.
How to Strengthen Your Voice With All Three Tonalities:
Whenever you introduce yourself, the actual words you use don’t matter much. As long as it’s not way out of left field like “Fuck you! My name’s Alexander” (I saw somebody do this to prove that words do matter, like that wasn’t obvious in the first place). Like all advice in all the world; please exercise common sense.
Anyway, that short common-sense disclaimer out of the way here’s what to do:
“Hey there, my name is Alexander Pendragon”
Those are the actual words, but let’s break down the tonalities we mix together.
Hey there
Said in a rapport seeking tonality, a step above neutral tonality. Then, you immediately downshift into neutral tonality with:
My name
Before finally ending in a rapport breaking tonality with:
is Alexander Pendragon
Why is That Speaking With Confidence?
In this introduction, we are doing a few different things. We start off with a wondrously warm rapport seeking voice. Because it’s an easy way to automatically and sincerely come across as charismatic and friendly because that’s going to help you expand your abilities in getting what you want authentically.
After the rapport seeking tonality, we immediately go into neutral tonality before hitting rapport breaking. The reason we need rapport neutral is so that the shift isn’t so abrupt that you scare people off. It’ll sound weird if you go rapport seeking into rapport breaking. You’ll come off as autistic, or even as a clown because it’s too big of a jump. It’s not normal. Yet, we need to end with rapport breaking because that’s the one that will come across as higher status and gains respect and attraction.
The Effect We Want
Putting it together subconsciously, the effect we are going for is this:
‘Friendly’ into ‘the transition’ and ending with ‘strong and almost prideful’.
That’s because people aren’t going to introduce themselves this way unless they respect themselves, hence ‘speaking with confidence’.
Robert Greene's 34th Law of Power: Be royal in your own fashion, act like a king to be treated like one Tweet ThisIn other words; speaking with confidence like this conveys social power. Men and women alike respect and admirepower. Men will follow your lead and will want to be your friend when you convey higher status. You’ll be invited out and people will be more likely to stand with you if shit hits the fan.
That’s because society protects its high-status members because those high-status people are valuable (and they hope to get some of that high status for themselves). Women, on the other hand, will become attracted to you because you showcase all of the attractive traits of a man of supreme confidence.
But those are the videos about how to get your tonality handled as well as a fun way to introduce yourself. Next up, is how to strengthen your voice and how to speak with confidence.
Because you can have great tonality while still having a weak voice (and if you’ve ever asked ‘how to make my voice deeper then this is the video for your):
How to Strengthen Your Voice and Sound Like a Man
- Click the title to go to the video
This video covers your body language behind your voice (called ‘honest signals’). Even if you have a great voice you can still come across as weak if you don’t stand behind your words. For more tips on posture than we’ll cover here, check out either of these articles:
But back to the video breakdown:
The first tip in this video is to STOP SLOUCHING. For one, it murders the force and power that you can put into your words and voice. That’s because it keeps you from breathing in as deeply as you should be able to (breath is to the voice what a skeleton is to the body, it’s the foundation). For two, it comes across as unconfident and almost conniving. It comes off in a way where somebody wants something from you but is too scared to come out and tell you what they want.
Not only do they come across as if they want to take from you, but they also come across as pathetic and weak.
How to Get a Deep Voice: Project Your Voice to Be Heard
Barron has such a great example from his video I have to use it here:
You could have the voice of James Earl Jones, but if you are afraid to be heard, you will NOT have a great voice. Tweet ThisBut because he speaks to be heard, exactly what you should be doing, he has become THE MAN of men when it comes to voices. Another great example of this is Morgan Freeman. There are some hilarious comments I’ve heard that go something like this:
“Morgan Freeman could tell me that he was about to murder my entire family and I would feel completely relaxed”
Now, I hope it’s obvious that it’s an exaggeration, but it’s not that far from the truth. Another comment that people with a great voice will get:
That man could read the dictionary to me and I would listen all the way to the end
But NONE of that will happen unless you speak to be heard. When reading that, it sounds like one of those “well, duh” statements. But this is something that I myself used to be guilty of. And every day I see people who are afraid to be heard when they talk. Like they are too afraid to be heard, which then sub-communicates to people that what they have to say isn’t important and can safely be ignored. That the person themselves can safely be ignored. And I’d be willing to bet that this is the problem that 90+ out of 100 guys have when they talk about getting ignored when they speak.
Other Tips in The Video on How to Make Your Voice Deeper
Barron has some other tips in this video (linked here again for easy access) that are gold.
This article is already getting long, so we won’t cover them here so definitely make sure to check it out. It’s only about six minutes long and there’s still one final video of his we need to go over:
How to Get a Deep Voice That Attracts Women and Intimidates Men
- Click the title to go straight to the video
This video is on the longer side, clocking in at around 14 minutes. However, the reason that we are ending on this one is because it takes the tips we’ve already gone over and gives more examples. Though I have to be honest: the girl in the video was distracting in the first part of the video until she started participating towards the end.
How to Speak With Confidence
In the beginning, he talks about what stress does to your voice and how to notice and then ferociously fight it. But before you can fight it, you have to notice it. One way to notice stress and tension in your body is to think about your shoulders. More specifically, are they raised up or are they nice and loose?
Because when you raise your shoulders up you tell the world that you’re stressed and out of control. And this cripples the confidence you feel and the confidence you project out into the world.
Whenever you do notice that your shoulders are tensed up; shake them loose. Try to relax them and go about your day. That way, you can release some of the tension in your body. Repeat this exercise for any part of the body that you carry stress in.
Your Neck and Throat
But another common one is your throat and is the one that crushes your voice. Whenever you carry stress in your neck and throat, you will speak in a higher-pitched tone (rapport seeking at best and possibly going so far as to sound nasally and annoying at worst).
In addition, if you’re like me, you’ll notice that you’re speaking faster. Almost struggling to get the words out, which is different than when you’re excited and passionate. When you’re passionate you naturally breathe more and can easily put power into your words. But when you’re struggling to get the words out due to stress, however, you’ll naturally try to do it in a single breath.
When this happens; take a moment to take a breath and Slow. It. Down. It takes some getting used to at first, but slow it down and speak in a more controlled, deliberate manner.
Other Tips on How to Speak With Confidence:
I don’t want to spoil everything in the video that Barron has, so make sure to check it out.
Here are a few more things that he covers in it:
- What to do whenever someone is actively disrespecting you or being rude to you
- Some body language tips to throw into the mix so that you don’t scare people off or come across as too weak and afraid
- More tips on how to come across as someone who demands respect
My Experience With Barron’s Tips on How Make My Voice Deeper
Congratulations! You’ve reached the end of the article! And as you read the words on your screen you’re probably wondering about my own experience with some of Barron’s tips. I created an entire article about the story that goes into how to stand up for yourself using your voice because you’ll realize that standing up for yourself is an invaluable life skill you’ll want to check it out to learn more!
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