Eastern orthodox bible in english free pdf download

Eastern orthodox bible in english free pdf download

eastern orthodox bible in english free pdf download

12,505 Pages·2016·40.54 MB·4,653 Downloads·New! St. Athanasius Academy of Orthodox Theology's 'The Orthodox Study Bible (Ancient Christiani. ethiopian orthodox tewahedo church bible english pdf. Create a book Download as PDF Printable version.The Ethiopian Orthodox Church. The Bible has been translated into many languages from the biblical languages of Hebrew, 1484 (The Book of the Knight of the Tower), A French translation Text, Textus Receptus, Revision of the King James Bible, Eastern and Oriental Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Protestant Download as PDF · Printable version.

Eastern orthodox bible in english free pdf download - excited too

English Orthodox Bible

This is an English Orthodox Bible. The application is still under construction. Please support the developer.
I saw that there is no Orthodox Bible on Android, so I decided to start to build one.
Do not confound Orthodoxy with Coptics. This is a genuine Greek Orthodox Bible translated into English by authorized people.
The text of this Bible is a translation from Septuagint. It is the same text used by the American Orthodox Church and most Bible Studies.

For more study, take a look at Codex Sinaiticus.


The EOB is a complete Orthodox translation of The Holy Bible. Unlike other versions, the EOB provides over 200 pages of introductory material and appendices, including articles by the late Rev. Protopresbyter George Florovsky and Pr. Miltiades Konstantinou of the Aristotle University of Thessalonica. The main purpose of the EOB is to provide an accurate and easy-to-read English text of the Holy Scriptures that is suitable for use by Orthodox Christian communities and individuals, while providing an outstanding text for scholars.

The Old Testament (in progress) is based on the Greek text of the Old Testament (Septuagint / LXX) with all major Masoretic and Dead Sea Scroll variants documented in the footnotes. For reasons documented in the comprehensive introductory section, the EOB also provides the Hebrew / Masoretic versions (WEB) of Job, Jeremiah and Esther.

The New Testament (completed and available) is based on the official ecclesiastical text published in 1904 by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople (again documenting all significant variants to the Critical Text, Majority Text and Textus Receptus). It also provides extensive footnotes and Appendices dealing with significant verses such as Matthew 16:18; John 1:1,18; John 15:26. The Patriarchal text was selected on Mount Athos from among a large number of reliable ecclesiastical manuscripts and appears to be identical or similar to Minuscule 1495 (KR subgroup).
Scripture taken from the St. Athanasius Academy Septuagint™. Copyright © 2008 by
St. Athanasius Academy of Orthodox Theology. Used by permission. All rights

Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas
Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”


* This is a non-profit app. If you have any copyright claim, contact me at once.

Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]

Eastern orthodox bible in english free pdf download

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