How to prevent files from downloading

How to prevent files from downloading

how to prevent files from downloading

In the bottom right, click Advanced. Check the box next to ". Once you disable those features, documents, spreadsheets and presentations will notify you that export options have been disabled in the File. how to prevent files from downloading

How to prevent files from downloading - consider

Moodle for mobile

Is it possible to prevent downloading of audio / video

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Is it possible to prevent downloading of audio / video

by Birgit Scott -
Number of replies: 21

Dear Friends,

I'm a new, quite inexperienced admin for a library site featuring audios (.mp3) and videos (.flv). The files are from the Moodle repository on the server, linked to (not copied into Moodle) and displayed embedded.

I've managed to prevent downloading of them by disabling the right-click feature for the entire site.

Now it turns out that mobile phones give the user the download option instead of streaming them. Is there some way that I can block that?

Thank you

In reply to Birgit Scott

Re: Is it possible to prevent downloading of audio / video

by Juan Leyva -

Hi Birgit,

that's an interesting question, there is a workaround to solve this but first of all I'd like to let you know that disabling the right-click feature is not secure at all (there are tons of extensions in the browser or ways to be able to download the complete list of resources linked in a page).

If you are embedding the resources, what you can do is instead embedding local files in your Moodle is embed files using a direct link.

The app only download resources embedded if they are served by Moodle, so, if you embed a file using an absolute URL the file won't be downloaded.

This will work only if you are embedding the files in pages, labels, books or in any activity in the description.


In reply to Juan Leyva

Re: Is it possible to prevent downloading of audio / video

by Birgit Scott -

Hi Juan,

Thank you for alerting me about the right-click!

I'm not sure I understand the "direct link" or "absolute URL". I have the files in a repository folder in my Moodle folder on a private server, so (to my knowledge) I cannot link to them directly, or?

If I upload them to a Youtube account for example, I would share private files via email. Do you mean that I could assign an email-id for the moodle site?

In reply to Birgit Scott

Re: Is it possible to prevent downloading of audio / video

by Birgit Scott -

Hi Juan,

I tried now to link to a file directly on the server. I have copied the path from Moodle's automated backups, which I know works.

Linking in the description box, though, seems to work a little different. It adds the normal "http://etc.etc./(path)" in front of the "path" and I therefore get the following error code in the flowplayer:

200, Stream not found, NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound, clip: '[Clip] 'http://etc..

Could you give me an example of how it should look or to work around this? 

Thank you! 

In reply to Birgit Scott

Re: Is it possible to prevent downloading of audio / video

by Juan Leyva -

Hi Birgit,

can you create a course in your site and grant me access as an editing teacher to that course so I can create an example for you?

If that's possible, please send me the credentials to


In reply to Juan Leyva

Re: Is it possible to prevent downloading of audio / video

by Birgit Scott -

Hi Juan,

Yes! Thank you for sharing.

To be able to post questions in a developer's forum and connect to your knowledge is really helpful.

I've sent you credentials to the above email. Please let me know if I need to do something more.


In reply to Juan Leyva

Re: Is it possible to prevent downloading of audio / video

by Dana Damoc -

Hi Juan, I have the same problem as Birgit.

My courses are formed of mainly video lessons and anyway I try to upload them (by uploading a File, by embedding the link in a Label or by using an external url) they can be downloaded with the right click. Can you advise.

Even if it's not the most effective way I would want to disable the right click also. Where can I paste the JavaScript for this?

I use Moodle 3 and the uploaded files are in MP4 format.

Thanks, Dana

In reply to Dana Damoc

Re: Is it possible to prevent downloading of audio / video

by Birgit Scott -

Hi Dana,

I'm so happy we are 2 people now requesting an option to prevent this

Here's the disabling of the right-click:

In Site Administration / Appearance / Additional HTML you paste:

<script language=JavaScript>


//Disable right mouse click Script

//By Maximus ( w/ mods by DynamicDrive

//For full source code, visit

var message="This function has been disabled!";


function clickIE4(){

if (event.button==2){


return false;



function clickNS4(e){

if (document.layers||document.getElementById&&!document.all){

if (e.which==2||e.which==3){


return false;




if (document.layers){




else if (document.all&&!document.getElementById){



document.oncontextmenu=new Function("alert(message);return false")

// --> 


Moodle is great,


In reply to Birgit Scott

Re: Is it possible to prevent downloading of audio / video

by Dana Damoc -

Hi Birgit,

Thanks a lot for the reply

Disabling the right click works fine. As for preventing the download in other ways was there any progress?

Cheers, Dana

In reply to Dana Damoc

Re: Is it possible to prevent downloading of audio / video

by Juan Leyva -


if you want this functionality supported in the Mobile app you should open a new issue (New feature) in the Moodle Tracker (in the MOBILE PROJECT) and vote for it.

Alternatively, you can ask (and pay) a Moodle Partner to implement this, they can contact with us and we can suggest them how to implement it.

Regards, Juan

In reply to Juan Leyva

Re: Is it possible to prevent downloading of audio / video

by Birgit Scott -

Hi Juan,

My login for the link

doesn't work. Shouldn't it be the same as for

I would very much like to post the functionality of mobiles preventing downloads of audio and video files.

Thank you so much for your advice.


In reply to Birgit Scott

Re: Is it possible to prevent downloading of audio / video

by Dave Perry -

Tracker is a different login to the / forums site. Which is a shame, but I assume it's a time thing of hacking the tracker software to handle moodle logins.

Something for HQ to answer on why that's not been done as I do find it a nuisance needing a separate login.

In reply to Dana Damoc

Re: Is it possible to prevent downloading of audio / video

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How to prevent files from downloading

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