Ps4 download add ons

Ps4 download add ons

ps4 download add ons

Safe & Secure % secure and 24h support. Super Fast instant digital download. Toggle Nav. Search. Search: Currency. $ USD. Most popular currencies; €. Select Game Library from your Games home. You can turn the alternative looks on and off. On the game main menu select '​Downloadable Content'. On the downloadable content menu select 'Options'. ps4 download add ons

Ps4 download add ons - same

Purchasing/Downloading Content

Gestures and chat stickers you purchase or download from PlayStation™Store can be used in the game. Add-ons may also include content that must be purchased.

To purchase or download add-ons, you must connect your PlayStation®4 console to the internet, then sign in to PlayStation™Network.

Redeeming Promotional Codes

Gestures and chat stickers you purchase or download from the Xbox Store can be used in the game. Add-ons may also include content that must be purchased.

To purchase or download add-ons, you must connect your Xbox One console to the internet, then sign in to Xbox Live.

Redeeming Promotional Codes

Purchasing Add-ons

You can access PlayStation™Store while playing the game to download or purchase add-ons in the following ways:

- Title Screen Menu > PlayStation™Store
- Start Menu > System > PlayStation™Store

Reflecting Add-ons In-game

Add-ons that you purchase or download may come in two types: content that is automatically added upon acquisition, and content that needs to be manually retrieved in the game.

You can obtain your downloadable content by speaking to the Housekeeper in your room and selecting "Claim Add-Ons and Bonuses".

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Ps4 download add ons

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