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Sample ipa file download - think, that
Quick Start
IPA provides an ipatests package which contains all of the tests and tools needed to run the unit and IPA integration tests.
Requirements for 100% test passing:
- --setup-dns option must be passed to ipa-server-install (or run ipa-dns-install afterward)
- freeipa-server-trust-ad must be installed (AD trust is not necessary)
The tests allow customization through the use of a required, local configuration directory, ~/.ipa. This can be created with:
$ mkdir ~/.ipa $ ln -s /etc/ipa/default.conf ~/.ipa/default.conf $ ln -s /etc/ipa/ca.crt ~/.ipa/ca.crtNote: you can instead copy those files but you'll need to update them again if re-install IPA.
To run the whole integration test suite, run the following:
$ kinit admin $ ipa-run-testsFor additional options or to run the integration tests see below.
The certificate test test_0027_sizelimit_zero will fail after the first execution of ipa-run-tests. It makes assumptions about the number of certificates issued. New certificates are issued as part of test execution which it is not expecting.
For Developers
Fast test
Often during development phase one needs to quickly check whether Python code is OK and whether basic tests (which don't require access to IPA API) are working. To do so, freeIPA 4.6.2 introduces 'fasttest' target:
$ make fasttestThe 'fastlint' target allows to quickly check pylint of modified Python files and pycodestyle checks of code diff. The target automatically determinates difference between current working tree and the origin branch (e.g. master or ipa-4-6):
$ make fastlintFor convenience the 'fastcheck' runs 'fasttest' and 'fastlint' with Python 2 and 3 in one go. A fastcheck takes about half a minute to a minute to execute:
$ make fastcheckNote: in order to install all the dependencies for fastcheck, you can run
$ sudo dnf builddep -b -D "with_python3 1" -D "with_wheels 1" -D "with_lint 1" --spec --allowerasing $ ./ $ make fastcheckFull test run
You can run the full tests from inside a source tree, but some template files must be generated first.
$ make version-updateYou also need to run tests with admin ticket:
$ kinit adminRun the test script:
./make-testThis command executes all the tests in ipatests folder.
You can also use this to run specific tests. Here is how you would test the user plugin:
./make-test ipatests/test_xmlrpc/test_user_plugin.pyOr you can run only tests from specific test class...
./make-test ipatests/test_xmlrpc/ or even one particular test case (applies for non-declarative tests only):
./make-test ipatests/test_xmlrpc/ that some of the tests make certain assumptions about the data on the server. Some tests, for example, pull all entries and expect a certain number to be returned and may raise an error.
In-tree testing
It is possible to execute the tests inside the tree rather than from the packaged files. This can make it faster to develop tests or test changes without having to do a full rebuild, install cycle.
You need to have already executed ipa-server-install. This provides the Kerberos and LDAP servers needed for IPA testing.
You also need to configure IPA for your local installation.
When running the server in-tree we will use ~/.ipa/ instead of /etc/ipa to look for configuration files. You need to create ~/.ipa/default.conf. You can copy this from /etc/ipa/default.conf.
$ mkdir -p ~/.ipa $ cp /etc/ipa/default.conf ~/.ipa/ $ cp /etc/ipa/ca.crt ~/.ipa/Run the tests
$ kinit admin $ PYTHONPATH=. python3 ipatests/ipa-run-testsOptional tests
- In order for the certificate tests to pass you'll also need to copy the Dogtag agent certificate and private key from /var/lib/ipa/. Be sure to change ownership of these files too. That should do it.
- To test the ldap updater you need to store password for Directory Managed to ~/.ipa/.dmpw file.
Lite server
The lite-server is a lightweight WSGI server that can be used to simplify web framework debugging in the source tree. Lite server info can be found here.
Remote testing
You can also test against an IPA installation on another machine, it just requires a bit more configuration.
You first need to update ~/.ipa/default.conf to point to the remote machine. My test machine is, here is my configuration:
[global] realm=EXAMPLE.COM basedn=dc=example,dc=com enable_ra=True xmlrpc_uri= you don't want your development machine to be enrolled as a client of the remote IPA master you can grab the remote krb5.conf and use that:
$ scp lion-krb5.conf $ export KRB5_CONFIG=`pwd`/lion-krb5.conf $ kinit adminFinally you need to retrieve the CA from the IPA master and put it into ~/.ipa/ca.crt
$ wget -O ~/.ipa/ca.crt. you should be good-to-go to run the XML-RPC tests against a remote server.
Web UI testing
Web UI testing is covered by unit tests and integration tests.
Integration tests
Integration tests test IPA installations in multiple configurations across potentially multiple virtual machines.
To run the integration tests you need to have the pythonX-ipatests package installed.
# dnf install python2-ipatestsor (preferred):
# dnf install python3-ipatestsAll the files containing actual test implementations are located in the $PYTHON_SITELIB/ipatests/test_integration/ directory and start with a test_ prefix.
To properly configure the environment, see integration testing configuration page.
Particularly, the configuration of your environment used for the testing can be done in two ways:
Run tests
To run the whole integration test suite, run the following:
$ ipa-run-testsTo run only tests from a specific file, run the following:
$ ipa-run-tests test_integration/test_simple_replication.pyTo run tests from specific class, run:
$ ipa-run-tests test_integration/ run only one specific test, run:
$ ipa-run-tests test_integration/ note that you need to specify a whole path relative to the python's site-packages/ipatests/ directory.
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