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“Buku ini membuka jalan untuk semakin mencakupkan pemikiran Nietzsche ke dalam gerakan-gerakan protes. Ia membawa Nietzsche keluar dari dunia akademik menuju ke jalanan” — Jurnal Ephemera Mengaitkan filsafat Nietzsche dengan anarkisme barangkali terdengar mengejutkan, terutama karena Nietzsche sendiri mengutuk amat keras pandangan politik sama rata sama rasa baik yang dianut “Buku ini membuka jalan untuk semakin mencakupkan pemikiran Nietzsche ke dalam gerakan-gerakan protes. Ia membawa Nietzsche keluar dari dunia akademik menuju ke jalanan” — Jurnal Ephemera Mengaitkan filsafat Nietzsche dengan anarkisme barangkali terdengar mengejutkan, terutama karena Nietzsche sendiri mengutuk amat keras pandangan politik sama rata sama rasa baik yang dianut oleh anarkisme maupun sosialisme. Namun demikian, ada pokok-pokok kesesuaian tertentu antara filsafat Nietzsche dan anarkisme, terutama karena keduanya sama-sama antisistem dan mengusung visi transformasi sosial radikal. Ide berfilsafat dengan godam dan transvaluasi segala nilai yang diusung Nietzsche jelas merupakan komponen integral dari proyek politik anarkisme, yakni penghapusan segala bentuk kuasa, kontrol, dan paksaan. Kumpulan esai ini berusaha mengkaji kaitan historis, politik, dan filosofis antara pemikiran transgresif Nietzsche dan visi politik anarkisme. I would really like to give this book a higher rating, both because of my affinity with its stated intentions, and also because John Moore (who died prior to its completion) is wonderful and this could have been a perfect concluding note to his contributions to anarchist thought.
That being said, a lot of the essays were extremely dry and overly academic. For those pieces, the task of reconciling Nietzsche with the anarchist tradition amounted to a ideological pursuit of making a venn diagram of I would really like to give this book a higher rating, both because of my affinity with its stated intentions, and also because John Moore (who died prior to its completion) is wonderful and this could have been a perfect concluding note to his contributions to anarchist thought.
That being said, a lot of the essays were extremely dry and overly academic. For those pieces, the task of reconciling Nietzsche with the anarchist tradition amounted to a ideological pursuit of making a venn diagram of ideas. In that way, those essays have more in common with the other academic appropriations of Nietzsche that they would purport to oppose. Of the more academic pieces, the one Leigh Starcross was worthwhile because its goal, to attempt to reconstruct the pieces of Emma Goldman's long lost Nietzsche lectures, is relevant to my interests.
Besides that, all of the stars are earned by the pieces by Max Cafard, Peter Lamborn Wilson and John Moore, who approach Nietzsche's working as a provocation and a jumping off point into questions of life and death, the materiality of the spirit, entheogens, and art as life. I also appreciated the tribute to John Moore at the beginning, as I think he is a writer who deserves a lot more recognition and uptake among contemporary readers. If the book had consisted only of these four or five bits, it would be a 5 star book. 'In Turin in 1889 Nietzsche saw a coachman flogging a horse, rushed forward, and threw his arms around the beast to protect it -- then fainted. When eh awoke he wrote the Last Insane Letters. These absurd images have the crude surrealistic power of a messianic moment -- suitable for post-millennial stained glass, or a 'shrine of the book'. Nietzsche's recurrent modernity reveals him as prophet, saint.
And as a modern scripture Nietzsche's Last Letters must of course be crazy.' - Peter Lamborn Wilson, 'Crazy Nietzsche'. This book is a mix of downright terrible essays and great pieces of writing. Bhakta Prahlada Story In Telugu Pdf. As for the poorly-done, I want to believe some of it is the fault of translators. In particular, the 'Death of God' essay is almost unreadable, patched together by sentence fragments and practically undecipherable concepts. A couple other pieces weren't terrible, but a little boring or uninteresting.
I really appreciated some of the final essays, especially the pieces by Saul Newman and John Moore. Both of these highlight This book is a mix of downright terrible essays and great pieces of writing. Icom Serial Number Check here. As for the poorly-done, I want to believe some of it is the fault of translators. In particular, the 'Death of God' essay is almost unreadable, patched together by sentence fragments and practically undecipherable concepts.
