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The Procgen Mansion Generator produces large three-dee dwellings to toy with your imagination, offering various architectural styles and other options. Each mansion even comes with floorplans:

Oooooh! Saving this

That’s fun

Hey, but don’t fall asleep on this Medieval Fantasy City Generator   

If you want the next step up from cities, check out this world map generator!

A random example:

It can also show you the heights of regions of the maps, what kind of biomes you might expect, generate border shifting, upload base maps from images, assign areas where specific cultures or religions are practiced, you can add, move and name every single town in a country, add provinces within the country, generate place names from language databases, shift rivers, change the direction of global wind patterns and see how that effects the climate… There’s a bunch of stuff you can do with it!





i’ve been doing my homework on how to break into a writing career and honestly. there’s a Lot that i didn’t know about thats critical to a writing career in this day and age, and on the one hand, its understandable because we’re experiencing a massive cultural shift, but on the other hand, writers who do not have formal training in school or don’t have the connections to learn more via social osmosis end up extremely out of loop and working at a disadvantage. 

like, i didnt know about twitter pitch parties!! i didnt know about literary agents and publishers tweeting their manuscript wishlist, in hopes that some poor soul out there has written the book they really want to read and publish!! this isnt some shit you learn about in school! you really need to know the ins and outs of the writing community to be successful! 

for anyone interested, here’s what i’ve learned so far in my quest for more writing knowledge:

1. Writer’s Market is a great place to start– it gives you a list of magazines and journals that you can send your work to depending on the genre as well as lists a shit ton of literary agents that specify what genres they represent, how you can get in contact with them and how they accept query letters. this is a book that updates every year and tbh i only bought it this year so i dont know how critical it is to have an updated version  

2. do your research. mostly on literary agents because if you listed on your site that you like to represent fluffy YA novels and some asshole sends you a 80k manuscript about like…gritty viking culture, you will be severely pissed off. always go in finding someone who you know will actually like your work because they’re the ones who will try to advocate for you in getting published.

3. learn how to write a query letter. there are slightly varying formulas to how you can write an effective query letter. you’re also going to want to get feedback on your query letter because its the first thing the literary agent will read and based on how well you do it, it could be the difference between them rejecting you outright and giving your manuscript a quick read

4. unfortunately, you’re gonna want to get a twitter. Twitter is where a lot of literary agents are nowadays, and they host things like twitter pitch parties, where you pitch your manuscript in a few sentences and hashtag it with #Pitmad #Pitdark, some version of pit. a lot of literary agents and publishers will ALSO post their manuscript wishlists, which is just the kind of books they’d like to represent/publish, and they hashtag this with #MSWL (it is NOT for writers to use, only for agents/publishers)

5. connect with other writers, literary agents, publishers at book events. you will absolutely need the connections if you want to get ahead as a writer. thats just kind of the state of the world.


online library so far:


everything here is in pdf format so you should be able to download and read it on any device. it’s slow going because i have a lot of epubs that i have to convert before uploading and the folders i’ve listed here are neither complete nor comprehensive, but it’s a start! 


Hello, lovelies! I’ve gotten a couple of asks about studying so I decided to condense them into one post for you guys! I’m trying to hit a bunch of different topics so if you need an even more specific post you can send an ask! Without any further ado, have some tips! My studyblr is @spacey-scholar&#;


  • First, you always need a good base for your day! Especially if you’re studying a lot.
  • Make a good full breakfast! Ex. Eggs and Toast, Smoothie and fruit, Pancakes and a cup of juice. 
  • How’s your hygiene? Do you need to shower, brush your teeth, wash your face, condition your hair? Do it! You’ll be distracted if you feel messy!
  • Get dressed like it’s a normal day. Staying in PJ’s is okay! But being ready for the day seriously helps focus!
  • Likewise, your space should be clean. A clean space is a clean mind! Remove dishes, trash, scrap paper, and extra items. Wide down your desk, organize your pens and books. Your space should feel like your space!
  • Now make a list of what you need to get done! What needs to be done Now, what needs to be done Soon, and what needs to be done Later
  • Order your list how you want your day to go, and don’t put super-tough subjects back to back, or subjects that are similar exercises i.e. reading thirty pages of two different books back to back is no fun.

The Studying

  • It’s important to buckle down with No Distractions! If you find yourself distracted put your phone away! If you need your phone, put it on Do Not Disturb until you’re done. I also do this at night for better sleep. 
  • Pick the best technique for you, Pomodoro, reward-based, group studying, etc.
  • Play music but only if it will not distract you! If you sing along or daydream it’s the wrong music! Classical, Lo-fi, and White noise are all good! My Spotify Here has some good ones.
  • Use a nice journal (I don’t mean expensive!) and pens/pencils you enjoy using. I like to have a specific journal and color dedicated to each subject. 
  • Take notes on recorded lectures and classes, if you’re doing online classes right now try to screen record or record the audio! That way if you space out you can play it later and take notes, and you can absorb the lesson better instead of being distracted.
  • Don’t worry about your notes, stationary, pictures, being beautiful and your grades being perfect. Life doesn’t always look the way it does on Instagram. And the people who spend hours trying to get a good photo of their coffee are not studying! 
  • Use flashcards! Quizlet is good if you need premade ones! If you can save up and buy them, Barrons AP Flash Cards are the best in my opinion. Very clean, not too long, very durable, and cover all subjects.

Feeling Distracted 

  • If you catch yourself drifting off and getting into your head, get up and take a quick walk, stretch, or energizer. 
  • It’s okay if this happens, don’t guilt yourself! practice affirmation. The best and smartest still get distracted. 
  • If you are drifting, why? Are you hungry? Tired? Thirsty? Bored? Get a snack and some water, take a break and rest, find a way to make your studying more enjoyable. 
  • Remember that Motivation and Discipline are different things. Sometimes we just won’t be motivated, we won’t want to do it and it will be rather frustrating. But the cure to this is not shaming its discipline. Remind yourself “This may be hard, and I may not want to do this, but I want to reach my goals and If this is what It takes I will make it happen. 
  • Always do just one more page of you’re tired. One at a time and oh you did it! Maybe just one more? One more? Eh, one more just to finish the train of thought, Oh just- I’m done? Nice!
  • If you really can’t focus just move on and come back to this subject, you can always ask for help.

Supplementary Things

  • There are so many apps you can use to study, for free! My favorites are Tide, Quizlet, Focus Keeper, Forest, Flora, Egenda, SpanishDict, Photomath, and Kahn Academy. 
  • You can also join a study group! You may know one, but if you don’t, there are a lot of online ones! I’m in a study Discord and have been for a while! it helps a lot and motivates me to finish my work!
  • You can make a studyblr, but don’t do it just for the aesthetics! It’s about studying, and sometimes that gets messy! Sometimes we fail a test, we spill our tea on our notes, we cry because we don’t understand the formula. That’s the part you don’t see!
  • Having cute stationery can really help, as well as nice organizers and decorations for your space! I don’t have much money so I get a lot of stuff on Amazon or FB Marketplace.


  • Remember that no matter what you are good enough. It’s okay if you fail, it’s okay if you struggle.
  • It’s also okay if your path doesn’t go the way you expected! Maybe you go to a different school than expected! Or choose a trade instead! Maybe you take a gap year! Maybe your passion changes! Maybe it changes six times!
  • Your health is always more important than your school. If you are in pain, mentally or physically, if you are anxious, exhausted, burnt out, talk to your teachers about it! You matter more than a grade.
  • Your best is good enough! And your best doesn’t look the same as someone else’s best! Don’t compare!
  • Now go get out there and study!





I said recovering from illness to explain the 7 year depression gap in my CV and they were just like ok u healthy now? cool. and moved on. It’s that easy

OP I’m so glad it went that well for you!

But it’s not always that easy. Sometimes you’re not completely recovered, just recovered enough that you can start working / going to school (uni, vocational, trade, etc) again (full time, even!). So you say, “I’m feeling good, and I’m being treated by a great team so I won’t relapse”. You’re vague on purpose because it’s none of their business what exactly is going on. They still ask if it’s mental or physical health issue. You tell them because you don’t know if you’re obligated to answer and you worry that not wanting to answer is an answer of itself. They make a note and you don’t know if this will be a factor when they consider whether or not to take you. You think it probably will. You know you’ll never know if this was The Thing that got you the “no”. You know you’d never be able to prove to anyone that it was.

It isn’t easy. I wish it were.

Bro I’m not recovered. Legally they cant ask about your illness and you dont have to tell them.

op’s initial point is meant exactly for the people who are having the issues the second person said. you do not say anything about “so that i don’t relapse,” ever, for any reason. you say simply “i was recovering from a health issue/illness/injury” and you leave it at that. you do not talk at all about what kind of illness, you do not say anything about where you are in the process, you do not get specific at all, you say that you spent that time recovering from an illness.

if they try to weasel answers out of you by asking whether you’re able to perform the job duties, you drag it back round to interviewspeak - “absolutely, i am so excited to be here and apply for this opportunity. [literally job duty from the description] is one of my passions/talents/areas of expertise, and i think this would be a great place for me to learn even more.”

if they really press, you just say, “i’m sorry, that’s a bit personal, but i’m really glad i’m able to work now, and i’m excited to see how i can provide/sharpen/hone xyz talent at this company” or whatever.“ you stay as nonspecific as you can, and you do not fall for any friendly questions, EVEN IF THEY USE WOKE SPEAK and make you think they’re Not Like Other Employers.


video essays i love and think about a lot (mainly in relation to pop culture):



This masterlist is a masterlist of words that you may use alongside the word very, very being one of the most common words that are used when writing. I hope this helps you as much as it helps me in our writing seem more sophisticated and unique. 


Very accurate - exact
Very afraid - fearful
Very angry - furious
Very annoying - exasperating


Very bad - atrocious
Very beautiful - exquisite
Very big - immense
Very boring - dull
Very bright - luminous
Very busy - swamped


Very calm - serene
Very careful - cautious
Very cheap - stingy
Very clean - spotless
Very clear - obvious
Very clever - intelligent
Very cold - freezing
Very colourful - vibrant
Very competitive - cutthroat
Very complete - comprehensive
Very confused - perplexed
Very conventional - conservative
Very creative - innovative
Very crowded - bustling
Very cute - adorable


Very dangerous - perilous
Very dear - cherished
Very deep - profound
Very depressed - despondent
Very detailed - meticulous
Very different - disparate
Very difficult - arduous
Very dirty - filthy
Very dry - arid
Very dull - tedious


Very eager - keen
Very easy - effortless
Very empty - desolate
Very excited - thrilled
Very exciting - exhilarating
Very expensive - costly


Very fancy - lavish
Very fast - swift
Very fat - obese
Very friendly - amiable
Very frightened - alarmed
Very frightening - terrifying
Very funny - hilarious


Very glad - overjoyed
Very good - excellent
Very great - terrific


Very happy - ecstatic
Very hard - difficult
Very hard-to-find - rare
Very heavy - leaden
Very high - soaring
Very hot - sweltering
Very huge - colossal
Very hungry - ravenous
Very hurt - battered


Very important - crucial
Very intelligent - brilliant
Very interesting - captivating




Very large - huge
Very lazy - indolent
Very little - tiny
Very lively - vivacious
Very long - extensive
Very long-term - enduring
Very loose - slack
Very loud - thunderous
Very loved - adored


Very mean - cruel
Very messy - slovenly


Very neat - immaculate
Very necessary - essential
Very nervous - apprehensive
Very nice - kind
Very noisy - deafening


Very often - frequently
Very old - ancient
Very old-fashioned - archaic
Very open - transparent


Very painful - excruciating
Very pale - ashen
Very perfect - flawless
Very poor - destitute
Very powerful - compelling
Very pretty - beautiful


Very quick - rapid
Very quiet - hushed


Very rainy - pouring
Very rich - wealthy


Very sad - sorrowful
Very scared - petrified
Very scary - chilling
Very serious - grave
Very sharp - keen
Very shiny - gleaming
Very short - brief
Very shy - timid
Very simple - basic
Very skinny - skeletal
Very slow - sluggish
Very small - petite
Very smart - intelligent
Very smelly - pungent
Very smooth - sleek
Very soft - downy
Very sorry - apologetic
Very special - exceptional
Very strong - forceful
Very stupid - idiotic
Very sure - certain
Very sweet - thoughtful


Very talented - gifted
Very tall - towering
Very tasty - delicious
Very thirsty - parched
Very tight - constricting
Very tiny -minuscule
Very tired - exhausted


Very ugly - hideous
Very unhappy - miserable
Very upset - distraught



Very warm - hot
Very weak - frail
Very well-to-do - wealthy
Very wet - soaked
Very wide - expansive
Very willing - eager
Very windy - blustery
Very wise - sage
Very worried - distressed




A/N: If you know of anymore words I can add please message me.

This is very important ;)


i see a lot of the same (sometimes unhelpful) tips being thrown around, so here’s my two cents:

1. write shopping lists/to do lists in your target language - often you don’t learn this vocab but it’s conversational & v useful! also writing yourself notes (lil pep talks on the bathroom mirror, for example) can work.

2. buy a small whiteboard and practice verb conjugation (esp. romantic languages) or script writing 

3. talk to pets in target language if possible!

4. look for quotes in your target language - often the turns of phrase are  more colloquial, and is a good opportunity to see how things are translated from your native language 

5. find a fairly easy news headline (in target lang) and try to re-write it w/ vocab you already have. you’ll quickly find gaps - this is a good thing! (if you’re feeling extra spicy, try writing a small subheading or description about the article).

6. create an imaginary friend who you speak with on the shower, or on the train, doing the laundry etc. talk w/ them in your target lang (in your head, obvs) about your day, future plans, etc etc.

~for more advanced learners~

7. when you’re more advanced, and have some grasp of past/future tenses, buy a children’s/tween’s/YA book that you’ve already read. highlight and annotate the shit out of it. you’ll know the general gist already, which makes context clues easier to find.

8. change wikipedia settings into target language - same goes for any social media site. this can be a mega challenge, but is so good for vocab, plus you’re more likely to remember the info since you worked so hard for it.

9. write a review for a book/film/record/whatever you’ve most recently consumed. maybe start a diary of them, or just have an ongoing word doc.

find a bilingual edition of poetry/literature if possible. you might find you can spot translation differences, but you’re sure to find some new vocab.






How much longer until the utopic Solarpunk future where Capitalism is dead and we all live in ecologically sustainable high-tech forest cities? Asking for a friend.

Until we make those ecologically sustainable high-tech forest cities ourselves. It’s going to take a lot of us to do it though, so best to spread the word (and gather native tree seeds).

And, like, get started now. Then our “weirdo houses” will be the only thing functioning when everything falls apart!

The only reason why we don’t live in a solarpunk world right now is because no one has bothered to make it yet. 

We’ll have to make it ourselves, and we’ll have to help each other make it. That’s why it is solarpunk

Some resources to consider creating or joining or doing:

Grow food in 5 gallon buckets

  • Learn how to repair a hole in the sole of a shoe
  • Learn some basics on passive solar design - clever use of the sun can create extremely energy efficient homes and buildings. You can use these principles to save on energy bills, even if you’re renting.
  • Free USDA Complete Guide to Home Canning, revision - cut down on personal food waste! Learn how to safely preserve food. Very useful if you suddenly harvest / purchase for crazy cheap in season / dumpster dive a ton of perishable food.
  • Donate to One Acre Fund, which provides training and capital to farmers (making them more productive and pulling them out of poverty) in various east African countries
  • Donate to Bridges to Prosperity, which provides technical expertise, money, and volunteers, to help local people build and maintain their own footbridges in extremely isolated rural areas 
  • joining r/solarpunk, and sharing links/ideas/art/music with the community. Also, upvoting stuff for greater visibility. There’s over members!

Adding a few!












the fact that people actually pay for all these different shitty streaming services and i keep hearing shit like “oh they’re gonna have [movie from like ] on Disney+ so guess I’ll suck some capitalist dick!” …… is RIGHT THERE either use a pirate site or stop complaining about how expensive it is to give money to 15 different leeches so you can watch all your favourite movies (if you’re lucky and they have them which they often don’t) when you could just hit up fucking Google and watch it for free

i literally never paid to watch a movie or show in my life and here’s how

  • gowatchseries (i prefer this one)
  • hdmo
  • kimcartoon
  • primewire - not a hosting site but instead a site that collects every available link so if you can’t find something on other sites, this will almost certainly have a link

you can find basically everything on the first two, on the off chance you can’t, try primewire. kimcartoon only has cartoons (duh) but it has literally every cartoon as far as i can tell. the last thing you need is thirty different greedy awful streaming sites who think password sharing is theft when these sites are right here for free also has EVERYTHING and with subtitles in many languages!

and for spanish-speakers, is also good, although you’re probably going to need a good pop-up blocker (ublock origin) for films released within the last 6 months and tv episodes within the last 3 months, no ads and p. u can watch netflix shows the same day they come out

movies is also a good host site but search up the title bc they’re constantly moving and have like 20 serves/copycats rn.

Also the Pirate Bay is back

Showbox and moviebox are pretty decent too

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Ascension mp4 free download pixabay

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