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Book of sex d&d pdf download |
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Susan "Lupa" Celuardi
r])igital t...9!rfists Kathleen Craig Elizabeth GaLlg€r Susan "Lupa" 'Geluardi NOM Kinderknecht Charles Robin Osborn A-Chi Tseng Joe Wigfield
Clothi1t;J 0esign
Luke Matthews Juliet Kittelson
Qlusiness r..JUafltltler Anthony Valterra
Dale Donovan ,Gal/out rIJcsign Luke Matthews
!ipaphic &- Cover rJJcsiglt Susan "Lupa" Geluardi
P!J( &- ~rkctinll Jenny Bendel
War Logo rnesign
Shawna Adams, Al, Richard Albritton" Shamay Alix, Candy Androgyne, Elizabeth Baxley, Rowan Benum. Jo1m R. Booth, Douglas Carter, CJ Clark, Amanda Coffman, Theresa Collins.Mishka Davidov, Bria Davidson, Ann Marie Eaton, Jerry Fries, April Puller.Eliza Gauger, Richard Gauger, Holly Gibson, Mike Graves, Dean Henault, Aubrey 5. Hinkman, Erin Katehuk, Lori Jackson, .Nikita [ai, Jennifer Jansen, Sheri johnson, [oshy, Juliet Kittleson, Kim, Conrad Lindsay, Mary, Jessica Meyer "Reagen'', Shy Minx, AmIDeL Novak, Josie Nutter, Shawndelle O'Brian, Poae, Christina Preston, Rachael, Candy Redding, Lawrie Reynolds, Sh!lven Rogers, Daniel S. Schullery, Bailee Scott, Nicole Scott, Joey Smasne, HaeJey Stemen, Noel Tang, Melanie Turner, Anthony Val terra, Augustine Veiz, Amanda Weilnan, Shepherd Wyaj:t
. .... .' . Special 7kanks 10:. .
Artists & mstitutions: Louis Fleischauer owner of AMFKorsets (www.amfkorsets.comu Dale Wyn Roberts. owner .0£
Ald'li!my ArmQry. ( Shane Ralbovskyand Ryan Robinson of Ann.orby SkJl:1lmxo; Jason Seres Q'f G;llolyst SUldiQS (www.modtorium::com); Ring Lord (www.theringlord.comn Jess Roe and thefolk at PTQSe ar~d Steel, Aaron Anderson, owner of The Dn?ami1'lg; Burke Museum of Natural History, Gayle Nowichi, owner of Gargo.yJes Statuary (WI'II'W'.gargoy.l.estatuary .. CQm:); GenCon LLC and Staff, and The Crypt. Gencouboolh staff: Elise Barley,N@ah.Kiiicl'erkRernt; Doug Lily, Olga Collazo-Perez, and Maggie Vining (Greenbeen). Thanks also to: Lanny.Kittleson, Peter .A;:dktsOll, Cil.'lru Rice, Michael. Cortez, Jim Butler, Robert 'Thomson (Hunter), Br-ett Rodgers, Genevieve WillJams, Lupa's mQl1key~]over JQhn and their hUTY child Mooty, Luke's amazing and patient wife Christina, Anthony's stunning and supportive wife Mikru.,1lli1, and Mike seJinkel' for his careful reading' ef the text Gwendolyn P.M. Kestrel would like to thank her hus.bal'Ld, .. Andy Collins, for his understanding, support, and insights. To my wife, For more support and patience than I deserve; ttlany, many thanks and a bueketload ofbaekrubs - Lovingly, Sfwl Shan. In Ulep):OJ;"y of Rebecca P, yeu aramissed - RypNOX
Arthur Berko, Al Stegall, Jeremy Calton, Robert Mosel', [ason M. LaRue, Tyson Vanover, Patrick Devine, MoJly Hill, Robert Hockman, Tony, April Wiza, Philippe Daigneau]tMylene Dumais, Susan Patrick, Donovan Dufault, MarieFrance Matte, Markus Giannangelo, PaN Millirons, Molly Turner; Eicott Watetstone
Volar Prdject, lnc, -4509 Interlake Ave .. N, #266 -Seattle, WA 98Qi3-6782
www. bOQ koferoti cts nt c sy. com Open Game Conteflt & Copytisht Informatio:n
Book of ErofiG .Fqntas.y is pres-enteG:i under the Open Game License. 3'ee p(1lge 190 for the text elf the open .game license. All game m'€chanics and statis·tiC..s oFe to be c()nSidered Dpen 6bme Co'nteh'f. All significant cnaracters. cham.der names cndort IwhEither illus1'ralions or phOtographs) herein ere copyrighted by VGiIQr Project, Inc. The mentii3'i'\ (Jf. or refer.-ence to. any CGmpany, or preduc] in these p8@es is not a challenge tGi fhe tf(C1€1.emark@r copyright concerned.
1:ttblotf t7dflfBnfs
Introduction 4 Half-orc 26 Profession 44
Sidebar: Sexually Transmitted Diseases 44
Chapter!: Half-breeds and Pregnancy 26 Social Consequences 45
Love, Sex, & Roleplaying 5 Haliling 27 Types of Sexually
Why Include Sex in Your Human 27 Transmitted Diseases 45
Game? 5 Other Humanoids 27 Fetishes 47
Handling Sex in a Centaurs 27 Pregnancy and Childbirth 47
Mature Way 6 Doppelgangers 28 Birth Control 48
Sex and Roleplaying 6 Dryads 28 Conception 49
Romance, Seduction, • Sidebar: Crossbreeding 49
and Love 7 House of a Thousand Feats 50
Sex and Humor 7 Pleasures 28 Types of Feats 51
Sidebar: Felids 29
"Rating Sex inYour Came" 7 Giants 29 Chapter 3:
Consent and Sex 8 Giantbom 30 Base & Prestige Classes 55
Sexual Orientation 8 Gnol1s 30 Jmagist 55
Love and Sex Between Goblinoids 30 Kundala 59
Player Characters 8 Kobolds 31 Tantrist 62
Kinks and Fetishes 9 Lizardfolk 31 Prestige Classes 65
Prostitu tion: Merfolk and Tritons 32 Disciple of Aaluran 65
Sacred and Profane 9 Min ota urs 32 Divine Celibate 67
Pornography 10 Nymphs 32 Sidbar:
Consequences of Love and Sex 10 Orcs and Ogres 33 Divine Celibate's Mount 68
Maniage and Bonding 11 Satyrs 33 Dominator 69
Commitment and Infidelity 11 Serpentines 34 Fey Enticer 72
Pregnancy and Childbirth 11 Sprites 34 Frenzied Disciple 73
The Cons 12 Other Creature Types 35 Sample Frenzied Disciple 75
Chastity 12 Aberrations 35 Harem Protector 76
Sexual Taboos 13 Animals 36 Sample Harem Protector 78
Cultural Taboos 13 Constructs 36 Knot Binder of Kaladis 78
Universal Taboos 13 Dragons 36 Sample Knot Binder of
Rites of Passage 13 Elementals 37 Kaladis 80
. Marriage/Committed Oozes 37 Metaphysical Spellshaper 81
Union Customs 14 Outsiders 37 Sample Metaphysical
Fidelity /Olastity 14 Plants 37 Spellshaper 82
Duration 14 Undead 37 Pierced Mystic 84
Dissolution 15 Vermin 38 Sidebar:
Sex and the Alignments 15 Piercing Locations 84
Lawful Good 15 ChapterZ; Rake 86
Neutral Good 17 Rules, Skills, & Feats 39 Sacred Prostitute 88
Thunderhooves sidebar 17 Rules? For Sex? 39 Voyeuristic Seer 91
Chaotic Good 19 Ability Scores 39
Lawful Neutral 19 Appearance 39 Chapter 4:
Neutral 20 Average Appearance Scores 40 Magic 93
Chaotic Neutral 20 Appearance and Species 40 New Domains 93
Lawful Evil 21 Appearance and Sexual Body Domain 93
Neutral Evil 22 Organs 40 Denial Domain 93
Chaotic Evil 22 Size and Sex 41 Joining Domain 94
Sex and the Species 23 Sidebar: Perversion Domain 94
Player Character Races 23 Variant: Spells 41 Pleasure Domain 94
Dwarf 23 Sustaining Sex 42 Voyeur Domain 94
Elf 23 Skills 42 New Bard Spells 95
Gnome 24 Appraise 42 New Oerie Spells 95
Hali-elf 25 Bluff 42 New Druid Spells 96
Sidebar: Craft 43 New Imagist Spells 96
Intelligence and Sex 25 Perform 43 New Paladin Spells 97 New Ranger Spells 97 New Sorcerer/Wizard Spells 98
Spells 99
New Kinks for Old Spells 119
Sex, Spells; Law, and
Morality 120
Chapter 5:
Items 123
Sexual Goods 123
Aphrodisiacs 126
Birth-Control Devices 128
Sexual Services 129
Magic Items 131
Armor and Shield Special
Abilities 131
You're Not Wearing
That to Bed, Are You? 131
Specific Armors 132
Weapon Special Abilities 132 Sidebar:
Alternate Spaces for Magic
Items on the Body 133
Specific Weapons 134
POtiOl~ 134
Rings 134
Rods 135
Staffs 136
Wands 136
Wondrous Items 136
Special Materials 140
Cursed Items 140
Specific Cursed Items 140
Artifacts 140
Chapter 6:
Gods & Monsters
The Sexual Nature of Deities 141
Aaluran 142
Alilial 143
Cevelis 144
Kaladis 145
Vershnat 146
Zanbos 147
Creatures of Passion 147
Bliss Motes 147
Cherub, Celestial 149
Cherub, Fallen 151
Demon bred 153
Devilblooded 156
Felld 158
Feykissed 159
Cianfbom 160
Forever Changed sidebar 161 Half-demon 162
Giantbom and Changes
in Size 163
Half-devil 164
Golem, Pleasure 167
Serpentine 169
Succubus, Greater 170
Chapter 7:
Adventures & Organizations 173
Adventure Ideas 173
Organizations 176
Order of the Unseen Lovers 176 Damio's Companionship
Service 177
Sarnple Brothel:
The Velvet Room 179
Seekers of the Eternal
S€1~ation 181
Appendices 184
Appendix I:
Creature Appearance Scores 184 Appendix II:
Creatures by Challenge
Rating 187
Index 188
Open Game License 190
List of Numbered Tables Table 2-1: Perform (Sexual
Techniques) Result 43
Table 2-2: Sexually Transmitted
Diseases 45
Table 2-3: Species Conception
and Pregnancy 49
Table 2-4: Interspecies
Crossbreeding 50
Table 3-1: The Imagist 56
Table 3-2: Imagist Spells
Known 57
Table 3-3: The Klmdala 61
Table 3-4: The Tantrist 63
Table 3-5: The Disciple of
Aaluran 66
Table 3-6: The Divine
Celibate 69
Table 3-7: The Dominator 70
Table 3-8: The Fey Enticer 70
Table 3-9: The Frenzied
Disciple 74
Table 3-10:. The Harem
Protector 76
Table 3-11: The Knot Binder
of Kaladis 79
Table 3-12: The Metaphysical
Spellshaper 82
Table 3-13: TIle Pierced
Mystic 85
Table 3·14: TIle Rake 88
Table 3-15: TIle Sacred
Prostitute 89
Table 3-16: The Voyeuristic
S€er 91
Table 5-1: Items 124
Table 5-2: Aphrodisiacs 127
Table 5-3: Birth-Control
Devices 128
Table 5-4: Sexual Services 130
Table 5-6:. Wands 137
In the Book of Erotic Fantasy, we have made every effort to provide something entertaining and useful for every taste. Knowing that one person's like is another's dislike, we understand that not everything in the book will appeal to every person who reads it. TI1is is the beauty of this project; you Call use this book any way you like.
Believing it acceptable to expose our audience to a variety of lifestyle choices, we did our best to include the broadest possible array of sexual choices,including celibacy, in the book. At times, we found it a challenge to keep our own preconceived ideas from creeping in. This is a constant endeavor in any creative venture, and we hope that we have come close to accomplishing it. As you delve into the book, we urge you to keep in mind that it is only a game, meant to balance playfulness with all open mind,
We tried to give you the material. to open up a universe of new possibilities in your game. Our fabulous play testers took the material even further, dreaming up wildly creative storylines, scenarios, and adventures. They made great use of these rules in . ways that we did not think at and we imagine that you wilt too.
So we conclude with this-have fun .. After you've used this book to create a great character or adventure, please stop by our website ( to let us know about it. We would love to hear from you.
-Anthony Valterra and The VaIar Project
rwarnifIfJ!~ult CUIt/m!!
The Book of Erotic Fantasy is a sourcebook that deals with the topics of sex in the world of fantasy roleplaying games, written with the adult player in mind. It deals with mature adult subjects and is not meant for immature players. Valar Project assumes no responsibility for any consequences that arise from use of this book.
Come on, 7allC a Peek
The seven chapters of this book examine sex, sexuality, love, lust, and passion in all its forms in relation to fantasy roleplaying and the OGL system.
Chapter 1: Love, Sex, & Roleplaying. In this chapter, the topic of sex and roleplaying is discussed; topics include love, seduction, and humor, as well as how sex applies to race and alignment.
Chapter 2: Rules, Skills, & Feats.
Pulling back the curtain to reveal new rules including different uses of skills, magical techniques, and the "mechanics" of sex in the game, this chapter offers several new feats that focus on sex, sexual techniques, and sexual magic.
Chapter 3: Base & Prestige Classes.
This chapter includes new base classes, as well as several sexually oriented prestige classes. Some classes are designed for use by the players, while others are designed with NPCs in mind.
Chapter 4: Magic. This chapter has a new spell descriptor, as well as new spells, domains, and new, sexual uses for commonly used spells.
Chapter 5: Items. Mundane, quasimagical, and magical sexual equipment, including sex toys, bondage gear, lubrications, and alchemical items that are meant to stimulate the mind as well as the body are detailed here.
Chapter 6: Gods & Monsters. Deities and creatures that focus on sex, lust, and passion are defined in this chapter.
Chapter 7: Adventures & Organizations.
One-hundred adventure ideas, plus sample groups and organizations that embrace sexuality with a gusto are presented in this chapter.
The information from these chapters is designed to add a mature}, adult-oriented aspect of sexuality to your game. No longer need this be a taboo subject around the gaming table. Take this book and make it yours; use it to enhance your game in ways never before possible.
Rule 0: The DM has the final say over what feats, prestige classes, and aspects of roleplaying are included in her game. She may customize the content of Chapter 1: Love, Sex, & ROleplaying to suit her vision of the campaign or her players' sensibilities.
~c5'tddJ ~,it qotU~
Fantasy roleplaying has existed for several decades now, focusing on sword-and-sorcery thrills and adventures. All manner of magic, action, and adventure have been covered throughout this time, but sex, beyond courtly love, vague references, or euphemisms, has been curiously absent from most games. The question begs to be asked-why, should such a huge portion of existence be left out of our games?
Sex is a major driving force in our world, in myth, and in literature. Classically, it has occurred "off stage," with the hero of the story
bedding his or her love with few or no details. The Book of Erotic Fantasy allows for that type of off-stage event. Until now, there really haven't been rules or guidelines for Ineorporating one of the most important classical story drivers of adventure and intrigue--sex.
Society has progressed to the point where it is more tolerant of these issues and their exploration. The last time RPGs hit a peak of popularity, the gay taboo on TV had not yet been broken, and the idea of a major character involved in a relationship with an undead creature (or twol) was not mainstream TV fare. The whole BDSM underground was just that. Now it's a fashion statement and many major cities have fetish nights at clubs. Piercing and tattooing and other bod y modifications were once considered the province of the truly fringe.
The world has changed and it is time for fantasy roleplaying to change and to mature. The topics and rules described in this book are
designed to add dimension to a character and to give DMs more options for story and adventure. They are meant to be a serious and mature look at the subjects in an upfront manner, leaving the tongue-in-cheek or snide comments at the door.
H should be noted that many of the rules provided in this book are not designed with the "combat monster" in mind. A player who wants to portray a hardened fighter who slays dozens in a few rounds may actually find himself hindered in combat by taking some of the skills and feats found here. ("Why didn't I pick up Power Attack at 4th level instead of Pleasing Physique?")
However, in sexual situations where roleplaying dominates, these rules enhance the experience not only for the player, but for the character as welL C'I only lasted 10 minutes? Why didn't I take Sexual Training instead of Power Attack?")
~ ~intIclfatum CWtW
You decide to "let sex into your game." Once the topic of sex comes up in a game, it can quickly, if left unchecked, turn into a sophomoric joke, with bawdy humor, crude references, and otherwise inappropriate behavior resulting.
There's nothing wrong with this.
Human beings tend to push sexuality into the sphere of humor, as a way of overcoming our own unease, our feelings of inadequacies. By letting the jokes come out naturally, the mood loosens, allowing everyone involved in the game to feel more relaxed about the subject and get on with the game. A mature DM begins by letting his players know what he plans ml.d at what level he is considering doing it. Before allowing sexual situations and explicit descriptions into your game, you, as the DM, need to consider several things ahead of time.
Will sex be one element in a single NPC, or is sex part of a continuing storyline in an overarching adventure? Will you allow the characters to incorporate the rules described in this book, or will they be only the province of NPCs? How are you going to deal with sex scenes? Will they be off stage or will there be description? How far can these descriptions go?
Players need to communicate with the DM as welL If a player feels uncomfortable with the tone, action, or dialogue used during a game, it is his responsibility to let the DM know. It is the DM's responsibility to handle the situation.
This book should be used to add flavor or spice to a campaign. Not every rule will be used in a given campaign. Indeed, even sexual acts may be boiled down to a mere comment, or a die roll if it is used for a specific purpose (such as magic).
Ultimately, it is up to the DM to make sure that her players are capable of handling the subject with appropriate aplomb and humor while keeping the flow of the adventure in mind.
~tW tmd ~1op/api11§
The lusty wench. beckons you upstairs to her room. What do you. do?
At their essence, roleplaying games are nothing more than telling stories, using rules, dice, and paper to help the story move along. Part of the appeal of these sorts of games is describing exactly what your character does, and indeed, portraying someone other than yourself. Spelling out what your character says and does, both on the battlefield and in the bedroom, helps give him three-dimensions ... and makes the character one YOll remember.
Because of this emphasis on roleplaying, the Book of Erotic Fantasy strays slightly from the traditional violence and bloodshed of traditional gaming-although there is still plenty here to add to any good hack-andslash campaign .. A gaming group that takes these rules and suggestions to heart agrees that the telling of the story is the most important part. Emotions, feelings, and the description of acts of love (both emotional and physical) ate par for the course.
Does this mean that every sexual encounter should be described in intimate, graphic detail? Of course not. Generally, there is no need to describe a sex act in detail anymore then there is a need to describe the swing of the sword and the angle at which it strikes the opponent and the exact manner in which it cuts through the body. Sometimes a very poor or good roll cries out for editorial
("And the ore's head flies from his body and rolls down the stairs!"). The same might be true for a sexual encounter. CIThe next morning she looks up at you with a look of pure worship. II)
Sex in the game is a means for advancing a plot, rounding out a character, creating memorable NPCs, and now as a means for increasing the power of your character. If you and your players have decided that spelling out sexual acts in the game is cool, then do so with as much or as little description as you want.
!1iOJnatlce, Seduction, and £ove
While sex may be entirely absent in most games, love abounds. Love is one of the primary motivators in life, as well as in fantasy roleplaying. Books, myths, and legends are replete with epic adventures that were started because of the love between two people.
Portraying romance and love can be a fantastic roleplaying opportunity, giving those players who wish to display their love a chance to shine. NPCs that may otherwise be two-dimensional or have little impact on the plotline may in fact blossom into a fullfledged lover} and thus} an integral part of your campaign.
With sex comes seduction. In games where sex is a lactor, seduction will be common, with characters trying to woo NPCs (or other player characters) into bed. Characters with a flair for words (especially those with a high
Charisma) may see seduction as simply another weapon that can be used to get ahead in life. The converse is true, of course, with NPCs using the suggestion of sex to bend the adventurers to their will.
Of course love does come with a price. The character's loved ones may become targets of the adventurer IS enemies-harassed, kidnapped, or, tragically, even killed. Characters that find their loved ones in such a situation will be motivated to defend them or seek revenge. Also, characters that fall in love may have to make tough decisions and think long about the consequences of their actions. Being an adventurer can be tough on any relationship, as characters depart for unseen lands, unsure if they will even return.
If you choose to incorporate aspects of the Book a/Erotic Fantasy in your game, allow your players to express their character's love a welL By falling in love, they give you, the DM, a tremendous wealth of plot devices, hooks, and motivations from which adventures can derive.
Sex and 2iuJnor
Is that a rod of wonder i11. your pants or are yau. just happy to see me?
Let's face it, sex is funny. There's a reason why we laugh when We hear a dirty joke. A hea1thy portion of most gaming sessions involves laughing at jokes, the foibles of characters, and the hilarious circumstances that players find their characters in ..
As stated earlier, letting players joke
''!Rating'' Sex in gOllr game .
One of the ways that you can decide how sex is portrayed in your game is to look at it in terms of the ratings applied to movies. By figuring out ahead of time what "rating" your game will have, you can let YOlIT players know how prominent sex is going to be in it.
G- This is the level that 1,110st fantasy mleplaying games take place at, with. sexual activity entirely absent.
At most, there will only be vague or oblique sexual references. Nudity is completely absent. Characters who use their charm to' get what they want come across as flirtatious, but nothing more.
PG-This type of game deals with more mature subjects, and includes sex, but still without explicit scenes or descriptions. Love, relationships, flirting, and seduction are all fair game, but any sex will occur off stage.
R-This "baseline rating" incorporates the rules described in this book. Nudity and sexual situations are common, although the level of detail may stop at a certain point.
NC-17-In this type of game, nothing is taboo. Sex scenes are described in depth and characters commonly encounter sexual content. Creatures and characters that use sex as their primary motivation or tactic are C011Ullon,
XXX-Sex is thesubject of this campaign. Adventurers spend as much time (or more) having sex with the people and monsters they encounter as they do battling them. Sexual scenes are described in detail and characters who are chaste find themselves at a serious disadvantage (or at least seriously frustrated) while their , companions rut in hedonistic abandon around them,
around when dealing with sex should be allowed and encouraged. Keeping everyone relaxed only enhances the gaming experience and no one feels good when they are told that laughing is not appropriate.
On the other hand, if the point of introducing sex into your game is to explore the realm of eroticism, then excessive humor can seem out of place. If a player disrupts an erotic scene with inappropriate humor, remind him about the tone of the game. If he persists, then perhaps the campaign is not for him and he should wait it out until another, non-sexual game begins.
So remember, the whole point of gaming is to have fun ... so do it!
Consent ami Sa Sam}, not right now.
As most fantasy roleplaying games deal with moral and ethical dilemmas, the topic of consent and sex may come up. The Book of Erotic Fantasy only deals with consensual sex, in which both partners (or all partners) agree to the sexual act.
Just as in real life, no means no. During the course of a ga,me, characters will try to seduce, woo, cajole, or even force themselves on NPCs. If the other character agrees to the act, it is considered consensual, and thus acceptable (although there could still be .plenty of fallout from it). If a character says no, and acts accordingly, then it is 110nconsensual. This sort of behavior is almost always relegated to the actions of evil NPCs, and you, the DM, should be extremely wary about allowing it into your game.
The Book of Erotic Fantasy does not condone non-consensual sex in any manner.
Sexual Orientation
What is itwHll you and barmaids? Say~ check out that bartender ....
Sexual orientation is one of the most commonly overlooked aspects of many campaigns. This is to be expected, however, as the vast majority of people, both in real life and within a campaign, are heterosexuaL Sexual congress between a male and female is normal, routine, and expected, both socially and biologically. However, as in the real world, there are alternate expressions of sexual preference that exist in a fantasy setting.
Homosexuality is the physical, psychological, or sexual attraction between members of the same gender. A bisexual person has sexual attraction to both genders. Regardless of species or society, a percentage of the 'populace is gay, lesbian, or bisexual, although how it is expressed depends on the social mores, legal issues, and openness of that society .. So, what does it mean to have a character who is gay, bi, or a lesbian?
For the most part, nothing.
Sexual orientation has no impact whatsoever on a character's ability scores, fighting prowess, spellcasting, class abilities (with the exception of prestige classes that might require a character to be one sexual preference or another), or other mechanics of the garne. A gay character lives, eats, and breathes like anyone else and can be kind, just, cruel, selfish, loving, haughty, or amusing ... just like anyone else. In general, the only impacts that a homosexual
iJove ami Sex q]aween Pingel' Omrad£rs
Sometimes players allow love to blossom between their characters. TIns is understandable, as the characters are not only companions, but also spend all their time together, light unspeakable danger, and otherwise stick together through thick and thin. However, this sort of behavior can have some serious consequences in your game. Characters may get married and have children, or they could fall prey to jealousy, envy, and other dark emotions.
On the plus side, allowing love between player characters provides a wealth of adventure hooks and motivations. In an ideal situation, the characters look out for each other and do their best to keep each other safe. The lovers can become a true team, complementing each other IS strengths and weaknesses more so than mere comrades.
However, just as with any relationship, love has its problems. Players may spend mote time having their characters bicker over issues of the relationship or spend more time worrying about their love than the adventure. In extreme cases, play can get bogged down or sidetracked by the character's problems.
1£ you choose to allow characters to express their love for each other (or engage in sex), remember that your group's dynamics will change' drastically. Players may spend more time worried about their relationships or getting one another in bed, than focusing onl:he adventure,
character may experience are strictly on a social level. In a society where such lifestyles are accepted, a homosexual has the same legal and social rights as any other person, including the right to legally binding unions. In other places, homosexuality is a crime or at least socially distasteful, with punishment ranging from social snubbing to imprisorunent, and even death.
Some societies may even embrace homosexuality and bisexuality, weaving these expressions of sexuality into their culture to such a degree that no one notices. For example, a large patriarchal society may mandate that young men be sponsored and II tutored II by older, established men. Alternatively, an Amazonian style matriarchy may exist where women play the dominant role in society and lesbian relationships are the norm, with men used only for procreation.
In many games, there are already prebuilt prejudices, mostly along racial lines. Dwarves, for example, are classically depicted as being the enemies, or at least antagonistic, toward elves. How would a gay dwarf fit into his own society? Would he be shunned, tolerated, or revered as someone special?
It should be noted that having a sexual preference outside the societal norm is not the same as promiscuity. A homosexual character can be chaste, moralistic, prudish, intolerant, or rampant with his or her sexuality, just as a heterosexual person can be. Also, remember that yOill' fantasy world is not the same as our own. By avoiding (or embracing) the stereotypes of gays and lesbians as they are seen in the real world, you and your players can create something unique and interesting.
2<inks and :fetishes
One man's kink 'is another man's vanilla.
Every person has sexual likes and dislikes, but some push the envelope for what may be considered normal. Fetishes and kinks might be nothing more than a sexual preference for an item that is outside the societal norm.
A kink is simply something out of the ordinary thai a charade!" likes during sexbondage, tickling, leather, or domination, for example. Not every sexual act requires the kink, but he definitely enjoys it when it happens. Kinks have no effect on a character's sexual performance.
Someone with a fetish requires the act, item, or situation to achieve sexual enjoyment, For example, a character with a fetish for elves gets no particular enjoyment (or even arousal) with any other race. See Chapter 2: Rules, Skills, & Feats for rules on dealing with fetishes.
In a fantasy world, fetishes and kinks can be astoundingly broad-exotic creatures or sex mixed with magic. Mru1Y fetishes revolve around materials, such as the look and feel of leather, rubber, 01' metal. In a fantasy world, more unusual substances may turn someone on, such as the pulsing magical feel of mithral, or the cold hardness of scales. Other fetishes involve clothing, such as the macho image of uniforms or armor, or the sensuous nature of female clothing.
In a world where fantasy is the norm, sexual desires may run into the fantastic as well.
Prostitution: Sacred and Profane Hey there. Looking for a good time?
The oldest profession is thoroughly enmeshed in the visceral, physical world of fantasy roleplaying. In all but the smallest of communities, those who give sexual favors in exchange for money or other compensation exist. For adventurers with an itch that they can't scratch, going to prostitutes for sex may be a routine part of a game.
Prostitution has the main advantage of providing sexual relief for those willing to pay for it. A character with no desire for emotional ties may get his entire sexual appetite filled from prostitutes alone. In societies where prostitution is legal, or even considered a sacred position (see the Sacred Prostitute, Chapter 3: Base & Prestige Classes), characters may enjoy the benefit of sex without legal consequences.
However, in many societies, particularly lawful communities, prostitution is illegal and considered morally reprehensible. Someone caught with a prostitute (or even pandering one), may be fined, publicly humiliated, or jailed. In these places, bordellos are secret (or semisecret) affairs that are commonly found in the seediest portions of town.
Regardless of whether prostitution is legal, sexually transmitted diseases are common with prostitutes, which is a prime motivator for lawmakers to make prostitution illegal. A
randy adventurer should strive to protect himself to avoid catching something from one night of passion.
Have you ever seen the orgtJ frescoes on the temple of Karan Zar? Breathtaking, if I might say so myself ...
Pornography, the depiction of men and women engaged in sexual acts, may not seem a natural part of a game. After ail, pornography is a visual or written medium that may be difficult to portray during the course of a typical gaming session. Still, people have been creating pornography as soon as they were able to draw, although they probably didn't consider it as such.
Various societies have dramatically different attitudes towards what is considered pornography, just as they do art. For some, depicting melt and women in the throes of passion is not only considered beautiful, but also sacred and divine-the portrayal of basic urges and desires .. In other places, especiaily those with a nudity taboo, the idea of looking at pictures, carvings, and the like of sexual acts can be considered both immoral and abhorrent. In general, a society's attitude towards pornography is similar to how they view sexuality. If a society is open with their sexuality, then images of such are considered both .normal and aesthetically pleasing. Repressed cultures or those with a strict moral code about sex have tough laws with those that create, display, or possess pornographic images. Of course, what one person may consider perfectly acceptable, another may find repulsive.
Introducing pornography in a game can be a precursor to a sexual campaign. For example! the adventurers stumble across an ancient building deep in a rain forest. The lichen encrusted walls are etched with erotic imagery from a culture long forgotten. Was the building a temple to sexually positive gods? Was it a brothel? Perhaps the images themselves reveal secrets of sexual techniques hitherto unknown in the adventurer's society. And finally, are the characters intrigued or repulsed by the images? Either way, it's a good way to gauge how your players (and their characters) may react to further sexual situations within your campaign.
Within the character's home society, pornography can be found anywhere, as long as they know where to look. In sexually open places, there could be pornographers hawking their wares on the streets, enticing passersby with arousing books full of graphic sex. Within conservative societies, a character wishing to find pornography may have to go to the same places where other illegal items are found-the seediest and most dangerous places in the city.
Each race has their own attitudes about pornography. Although, it's easy to fall into stereotypes, it doesn't take much to believe that dwarves may reject most public displays of pornography, while elves would blend the lines between sex and art so that the two would be indistinguishable. Gnomes are noted for creating pornography that is both extremely humorous and arousing in the same image. Among the monstrous humanoids, pornography is probably absent, at least as humans perceive it. However! as most monstrous humanoids have little in the way of modesty, it's easy to conceive tribes adorning their walls with crude, bawdy images of sexual acts.
In fantasy roleplaying, where magic is both common and powerful, pornography can go far beyond the two-dimensional. illusionists may specialize in creating vivid, erotic images for their clients, while scribes could fill tomes full of sexual images that actually move and writhe on the page .. There could be an entire cottage industry for spellcasters that fulfill the fantasies of their clients through magic. Just as video captures the image of a person, pornographic illusionists could exist who are on the hunt for sexually alluring "subjects" on which to base their work. Spellbooks themselves may be erotic in nature, complete with lifelike images of sex intermingled with the arcane writing. Those who find such work distasteful may even overlook the fact that power lies between the pictures that they refuse to gaze upon.
In short, where there is sex, pornography is SUIe to be right behind.
Love and sex can add incredible depth to your roleplaying experience. However, in a gan1.e
that involves sex, many things could result that the character may not have been prepared for.
J11arringe and rJ]{lfuiitlff
May love, like sweet nectar, bless this holy union.
Often considered one of the most noble and highly regarded elements of a society, committing to a marriage or legal union is an important part of any person's life. Through marriage, the bonds of society are strengthened. Through children, a common result of marriage, family lineages are kept strong.
However, the life of an adventurer is often ill suited to marriage, considering the dangerous tasks that such a person undertakes. By taking to the road in search of wealth, excitement, or promotion of a cause or deed, adventurers rarely spend that much time at home, fostering a family life. Still, forming a union with another person (or multiple people) and having children can be just as fulfilling, frustrating, and interesting as any normal adventure.
A married character has a partner (or partners) she can rely on, as someone who provides emotional, social, and financial support. Married people live longer lives in our world, have better finances, and are less suspect in social situations-this may also apply in a fantasy setting. Married men and women show lowers signs of stress and have better immune systems .. In addition, they have someone who can take care of them in their old age, increasing their sense of security.
If both members of a married couple are adventurers, each has all ally who watches out for the other. Through their love, great and epic adventures await.
Commitment and JnfolelifJ/
Of course I've never dishonored you!
In a game that involves sexual aspects, the topics of commitmerrt and infidelity come up, causing both joy and woe for the person involved.
Commitments and fidelity are culturally defined. A wide variety of norms are possible. Some define them narrowly, some broadly. Fidelity for some is partnership with one (or a few) people with whom one has sacred vows prohibiting sexual sharing outside the relationship. Others have broader commitments
that prohibit sexual selectiveness.
Example 1: In one country, it may be that you must only have one partner. Infidelity in a society with such norms can result in many negative, social, and even magical. A character who makes a vow to be true to his partner (particularly a worshiper of Kaladis), may find his powers waning and doors shut in his face after his sexual liaison with another partner. In most societies, having sex outside one's muon may result in grounds for divorce or even legal punishment.
Example 2: In a very different society, the emphasis may be on procreation and the expansion of population. Here, you must create a child for the good of the community, Celibacy or having only one partner goes against society. Until the person has contributed an offspring to the community, he or she may have to take multiple partners and endeavor to become a parent.
The life of an adventurer often takes them far from home, away from the familiar comforts and often sexual gratification from their chosen mate. Temptation lies around every corner, III the form of prostitutes, seductive creatures, or even grateful townsfolk willing to show their appreciation ... in whatever way the adventurer would like.
In the game, alignment is a good indication as to how a character deals with the issue of infidelity. Lawful characters are the least likely to stray from a committed relationship, while chaotic characters are inclined. to engage in sex outside the commitment. A good character feels guilt and regret about his behavior, while an evil character may go out of his way to have sex with as many people as he can. However, a character's alignment is not the only indication of how a character deals with issues of fidelity. A chaotic evil character may actually be a devoted (if violent and scary) wife, who wouldn't think to bed down with someone other than her mate. In contrast, a lawful good character may be righteous in all endeavors, but possess a wandering eye.
Preg11ane!} and Child6irth
Remember that night during the Midsummer festival? I think we need to talk ...
At its core, sex is about procreation .. The act of sex is done to ensure the survival of the
species, for without it, there would be no life. In a typical game, sex is absent, and thus, children are rarely heard or seen, unless they are involved in the plot in some way. CIA barbarian horde has captured all the children of the village and plans to sell them into slavery.") With games that include sex, the chance of pregnancy is a possible outcome, regardless of the wishes of the couple involved.
In the pseudomedieval world of fantasy roleplaying, siring children is an important aspect of any person's existence. For commoners and other peasant folk, having children (often many) ensures that there are enough hands to help raise the crops, work the fields, mill the wheat, cobble the shoes, or a thousand other tasks that require the hands-on approach. For nobles, children means continuation of the bloodline, along with the rights, titles, lTlOney, and power that go along with it. In most societies, producing an heir is of the utmost importance, so that the family, along with titles, status, and positions of power, may be maintained.
So how do adventurers handle pregnancy? If it is planned, it should be a joyous event, with the proud parents putting time, money, and energy toward the welfare of the child. If it's unplanned and occurs outside marriage, the couple must deal with the .same issues that occur in real life-should
they get married? Who will be responsible for the child's welfare? Will the child be accepted into the family or be considered a bastard?
As she comes to term, however, a female adventurer might find herself less inclined to head into dangerous situations, as her body and natural instincts curtail such ambitions. Conversely, the adventurers may have a greater passion and will to adventure, so to provide for their offspring's future.
In a world filled with magic, unusual births may OCClU. The child might be born in nine weeks rather then nine months and grow to adolescence in the blink of an eye. One of the parents may be a dragon, a celestial, a devil, or some other exotic beast, with the resulting child being a half-breed with unusual powers. In such cases, the parents must not only contend with a squalling newborn, but one that spontaneously
breathes fire!
In all cases, you should talk to your players ahead of time about the chance of pregnancy and everything it entails. No player should be forced to deal with these consequences if they object and you should be sensitive to the will of your players.
7ltc Cons
Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time.
Balancing out the benefits of sex are many pitfalls. Disease, unwanted pregnancy, emotional heartbreak, and jealousy go handin-hand with the act of physical love.
One of the unfortunate side effects of sexual contact is the spread of sexually transmitred diseases. In the real world, STDs account for some of the most devastating losses among communities .. In the gritty, dirty world of most fantasy settings, diseases (some more horrible than can be imagined) run rampant, By adding a sexual component to your game, you may also bring along the specter of sexually transmitted diseases. For more information all. sexually transmitted diseases, see Chapter 2: Rules, Skills, & Feats.
All manner ofemotions go along with sex, from passion and lust to jealousy and hatred. A casual fling may result in obsession by the other person,. or a jealous husband may find out that his wife has been sneaking behind the tavern with one of the adventurers. Lawful societies also have strict codes about sexual behavior, and a randy character may find himself behind bars if he lets his lams do his thinking for him.
"1 sald no. "
In a game without sex, all characters can be considered chaste. Such characters in adventures that include sex, however, may miss out on everything from enticing social encounters to powerful magic that stems from sex. They might find themselves on the fringe of the otherwise sexually active group, which considers him prudish or uptight.
A chaste character in a sexual game may also find himself in awkward cultural dilemmas.For example, Batiri, a proud and virtuous paladin has chosen to lead a life of chastity. As a sign of hospitality and appreci-
ation for her assistance in repelling a horde of goblins, the Grand Vizier offers her one of his concubines for the night. Although she politely refuses, the lord is furious at such a breach of social etiquette. Or, Batiri accepts the request, but lets it be known in the morning that the sexual encounter was not to her liking. To save face, the Grand Vizier proudly states that he will have the concubine put to death for her lack. of skill. Now Batiri must deal with the knowledge that-the life of an innocent has been put in jeopardy because of her]
However, being chaste in a game with rampant sexuality has its own advantages and makes for a wonderful and intriguing roleplaying experience. By not having sex, the character avoids the problems inherent with sex-disease, pregnancy, and unwanted liaisons. They also stand a better chance of avoiding the predations of particularly seductive NPCs and creatures such as succubi.
Some things are just not done.
Despite the diversity of sexuality that exists, some activities are nearly universally banned. Conunon taboos exist across cultures and species.
CultlJpallg . q)ependcnt 706005
Each society forms its own set of expectations, Including those regarding sex. Depending upon various cultural influences including religion, aligrunent, species, education, geography, and politics, a people often adopt specific norms. They decide what is and what is not acceptable sexual behavior. The more rigid, suppressive! and narrow-minded a society, the more taboos it has .. Often, these serve merely to set the members of one society apart and different from a rival society.
The repression sometimes takes the form of law, making these aspects of sexuality illegaL Other times, it manifests though social prejudice. In addition to the activity being societally prohibited, open discussion, tolerance, or even the mere mention of the taboo topic can be socially stigmatizing .. Common taboos include the following.
Common Cultural Taboos Anal sex
Birth control Bondage
Breeding outside social caste Breeding with other species Circumcision Domination-submission Fetishes
Gender equality Homosexuality
Incest (with extended family) Interspecies breeding Interspecies sex Masturbation
Multiple partners
Oral sex
Recreational sex (nonprocreation) Sadomasochism
Sex outside social caste Sex outside specific culture Sex toys
Sex while shapechanged, polymorphed. reverse gendered or otherwise altered in form Transvestitism
Uninitiated Adults (see Rites of Passage, below) Unmarried sex
Various sexual positions
7lniversal 7iJ6oos
All but the most chaotic and evil of societies view 'the following activities as reprehensible.
Universal Taboos Bestiality
Child molestation
Incest (with immediate family)
Necrophilia (sex with the dead or nonsentient undead)
@(jlt1f tf ~d!fe
Societies have benchmarks by which they determine whether an individual is an adult or a child. Some use the onset of a girlls menses 01' another biological change as the indicator. A few choose an arbitrary date by which they indicate adulthood. Often a ritual or ceremony marks the transition from childhood to maturity. Depending upon the
culture and its attitudes toward the individual, some passages are determined by the actions of the soon-to-be ad ul t and others are determined or done by society. In almost al1 cultures, the child welcomes the transition to adulthood. Common rites of passage for both males and females include the following.
Common Rites of Passage Attaining a certain €lge Circumcision
Distended or reshaped body part (such as lips, ears, necks, genitals)
Elders/Council decree
First child conceived
First sexual encounter
First use of spell-like ability Flesh inserts
Hunting or slaying a particular creature Marriage
Menstruation (females only) Personal journey
Religious ritual/ recognition by deity Scarification
olfania-go/6>dI1IJI1iI/d rzhtidn 61ddms
Society, culture, and religion are the primary forces that determine relationship bonds and commitment norms. At the core of the .custorn are some basic purposes for the union.
Many societies use marriage (and marriagelike ties) to clarify property rights, simplify inheritances, delineate parentage, transfer titles and lineage rights from parent to child, and establish clear succession among royals or rulers.
Common marriage or committed union customs include the following.
Category Conventional
Group Marriage
# and Gender of .Participants One male and one female
Two partners of any gender
One male and more than one female
One female and more than one male
One or more males and one or more females Mortal/deity relationship
3iJe1itg/ C/rastitg
What it means to be married in one society may mean something completely different in another. Even two communities that both worship Kaladis, the deity of marriage and commitment, may interpret the deity's holy tenants very differently.
One place may hold that Kaladis created commitment and marriage as a means of joining of two individuals of opposite gender for a life-long commitment that does not permit sex outside marriage. Another place may have as its norm that Kaladis created commitment and if one person gives his or her word, that word must be followed. In this society, marriage may last only until the next new moon and only forbids extramarital sex if the participants specify a vow to that effect.
Sex is permitted only within the bonds of the committed relationship
Males may seek sexual gratification outside the relationship
Females may seek sexual gratification out side the relationship
The highest social caste member may seek sexual gratification outside the relationship Sex outside the relationship is permitted if the partner(s) approve of the lover Formalized lesser relationships, such as con cubines, are expected
Formalized lesser relationships are permitted Open, casual sexual relationships are expected Open, casual sexual relationships are permitted
Discrete, long-term sexual relationships are expected
Discreet, long-term sexual relationships are permitted
An outside sexual relationship is permitted only if it does not create d child
Some marriages include the vow "Until death do us part." A simple handfasting might only commit the participants for a year. Regardless, each culture, even within the same race, may have wilclly clifferent rules as to what is considered a union.
Common lengths of bond include the following ..
DUration Lifelong One year
Until the first snowfall
Until the thirteenth new moon
Until a special wedding vase breaks (may be broken easily by either partner, another person, Of by a chance event such as an earthquake)
Until the village elders dissolve it A year and a day
Until a child is conceived Until the next new moon Until the next full moon
Until a new monorchis crowned
Societies vary greatly in their rules of who can terrnina te a marriage and how it can be ended. The dissolution of a marriage can be either simple or complex. In a society where the rules for marriage dearly defined, dissolution has little extraneous fallout, although there can still be bruised emotions, concerns about children, and the like. In the pseudomedieval setting of fantasy roleplaying, the consequences of separation have far more reaching possibilities than in real life. Commoners that are tied to a particular lord or plot of land may find themselves completely cut off from their livelihood, their extended family, and any rights that they might have.
In more cosmopolitan or liberal societies, marriage itself may be a casual affair, resulting in equally casual dissolutions. A chara~ter from a place with strict guidelines for marnage and divorce may be amazed (or appalled) at the nonchalant attitude about such things when visiting a foreign society,
With dissolution, property is commonly divided and custody of children is determined. However, many cultures may have rules that dictate that only one or the other divorcee receives any form of compensation. For example, in a highly patriarchal society, males may have the right not only to divorce their wife, but also retain all possessions and children.
There's nothing stopping you from coming up with unique, .even bizarre, outcomes for dissolution of a marriage or union. For example, it could be law that if dissolution occurs, all their property, assets, and even children are spread out among the rest of the village.
Possible Means of Dissolution/Divorce None
Church edict
Civil court dissolution Mutual agreement Public announcement Public denundation Returning dowry
One member makes a symbolic gesture such as breaking a vase or returning a ring The village wise one declares it so
05tWtmdthB ~mOltts
Below is described the typical approach to sex of a character of one of the nine alignments from Core Rulebook LEach alignment includes heterosexual, homosexual, and bisexual folk. Alignment influences other aspects of sexuality such as the approach taken toward monogamy or promiscuity. The entries below are general philosophical guidelines only.
Be ViltuoUS in All Endeavors
A lawful good character acts with thought, looking ahead to the implications of his actions. He earnestly endeavors to be honest and respectful with any potential partner. Some choose to be celibate or chaste. Others wait for sex until a permanent relationship, such as a marriage, is formalized.
A lawful good alignment does not prohibit sex outside marriage. It just means that the character must clearly communicate What he is offering and what he expects from his partner. Are they intending to spend just one night of passion together with no obli~ation~? Are they beginning an ongoing relationship with commitments excluding other partners? What happens if a partner conceives? Even paladins can have robust, varied sex lives, but they need to corne to clear terms with their lovers in advance.
The bard's dulcet tones slowly faded and were replaced by the inn patrons' applause and cheers. Cries of "Cheoell" and "Encore!" accompanied her from, the improvised stage. Coins clinked into her cap as her audience showed their appreciation ..