Bvh file download - phrase
Motion capture data BVH tools and files
For everybody who is interest in using motion capture data, here is a list of services which could be useful to you. Most of them are free or are very affordable.
Free Motion Capture Data Files:
Over 2500 files at CG Speed:
This site features a large data base of motion capture files from the Carnegie Mellon University Motion Capture Database
The original site can be found here http://mocap.cs.cmu.edu/.
Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design:
Commercial online Motion Capture Rig/Animate tool with Motion request option:
Mixamo is an online system where you can either buy models or upload your own and apply pre-recorded motions.
It follows a 2 step approach, after uploading your character, have to you rig it, and then inside the motion mixer apply one or add various motion poses into an animation.
When you download the mesh, the mixed poses will be exported as one BVH file.
It is not free however the system runs very well and you can also request the team to record a special motion for you.
Free Kinect based Motion Capture System: Brekel Kinect
This software can export the motion capture live into AutoDesk Motion Builder - or save it as BVH to import into Blender.
Affordable Commercial Motion Capture System: iPi Desktop Motion Capture
If you need to do motion capturing on a budget this might be a good option it ranges from 400 to 1000 US $. It supports a multiple camera setup as well as support for Microsofts Kinect. The software comes with automatic Post-Processing and manual Clean-Up tools. Best of all it seems to deliver good results without using markers as the video demonstrates.
Free BVH File editor and previewer: Bvhacker 1.6.1-
* Now possible to associate bvh files with bvhacker, so bvhacker can be the default editor for bvh files
* Now possible to open bvh files by dragging them onto bvhacker (drag and drop opening)
* Ability to undo last operation
* Simple resampling (downsamples to half number of frames)
* Split and enhanced SLify function into to separate functions (Attempt SL bone renaming, Attempt retarget to SL). Joint sizing function now uses quaternion magic for a far smoother conversion of arms axis alignment and joint rotation order
* Added support for bvh files with position and scale motion data values
* Separated display of joint offset and motion translation data. Joint offsets now displayed in joint properties and translation data values are displayed on dynamic sliders.
* Added support to allow the typing in of values for slider X,Y and Z values
* Added support to allow the typing in of values for slider range
* Added support to allow the typing in of values for joint offsets in joint properties (X,Y,Z)
* Added support to allow the typing in of values for frame time
* Center function: centres the first frame of the animation in X and Z
* Added 26 new keyboard shortcuts (see below)
* Tidied menu and removed experimental functions
* Made file open and save dialogs re-sizable
* Global hips rotation is now possible ('standard' ZXY rotation order hips only)
* Added figure head to display
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