Congratulate: Pdfviewer wont read file from storage downloads react native
Pdfviewer wont read file from storage downloads react native | |
Pdfviewer wont read file from storage downloads react native | |
Pdfviewer wont read file from storage downloads react native |
provides access to a file system stored locally on the device. Within the Expo client, each app has a separate file system and has no access to the file system of other Expo apps. However, it can save content shared by other apps to local filesystem, as well as share local files to other apps. It is also capable of uploading and downloading files from network URLs.

Platform Compatibility
Android Device | Android Emulator | iOS Device | iOS Simulator | Web |
On Android, this module requires permissions to interact with the filesystem and create resumable downloads. The , and permissions are automatically added.
The API takes URIs pointing to local files on the device to identify files. Each app only has read and write access to locations under the following directories:
URI pointing to the directory where user documents for this app will be stored. Files stored here will remain until explicitly deleted by the app. Ends with a trailing . Example uses are for files the user saves that they expect to see again.
URI pointing to the directory where temporary files used by this app will be stored. Files stored here may be automatically deleted by the system when low on storage. Example uses are for downloaded or generated files that the app just needs for one-time usage.
So, for example, the URI to a file named under in the app's user documents directory would be .
Expo APIs that create files generally operate within these directories. This includes recordings, photos, results, databases and results. This allows their use with the API.
Some functions are able to read from (but not write to) other locations. Currently and are able to read from URIs returned by from React Native.
These values can be used to define how data is read / written.
- FileSystem.EncodingType.UTF8 -- Standard readable format.
- FileSystem.EncodingType.Base64 -- Binary, radix-64 representation.
These values can be used to define how sessions work on iOS.
- FileSystem.FileSystemSessionType.BACKGROUND -- Using this mode means that the downloading/uploading session on the native side will work even if the application is moved to background. If the task completes while the application is in background, the Promise will be either resolved immediately or (if the application execution has already been stopped) once the app is moved to foreground again.Note: The background session doesn't fail if the server or your connection is down. Rather, it continues retrying until the task succeeds or is canceled manually.
- FileSystem.FileSystemSessionType.FOREGROUND -- Using this mode means that downloading/uploading session on the native side will be terminated once the application becomes inactive (e.g. when it goes to background). Bringing the application to foreground again would trigger Promise rejection.
- FileSystem.FileSystemUploadOptions.BINARY_CONTENT -- The file will be sent as a request's body. The request can't contain additional data.
- FileSystem.FileSystemUploadOptions.MULTIPART -- An RFC 2387-compliant request body. The provided file will be encoded into HTTP request. This request can contain additional data.
The simple server in Node.js, which can save uploaded images to disk:
Get metadata information about a file, directory or external content/asset.
- options (object) -- A map of options:
- md5 (boolean) -- Whether to return the MD5 hash of the file. by default.
- size (boolean) -- Whether to include the size of the file if operating on a source from (skipping this can prevent downloading the file if it's stored in iCloud, for example). The size is always returned for locations.
If no item exists at this URI, returns a Promise that resolves to . Else returns a Promise that resolves to an object with the following fields:
- exists (boolean) -- .
- isDirectory (boolean) -- if this is a directory, if it is a file
- modificationTime (number) -- The last modification time of the file expressed in seconds since epoch.
- size (number) -- The size of the file in bytes. If operating on a source from , only present if the option was truthy.
- uri (string) -- A URI pointing to the file. This is the same as the input parameter.
- md5 (string) -- Present if the option was truthy. Contains the MD5 hash of the file.
Read the entire contents of a file as a string. Binary will be returned in raw format, you will need to append to use it as Base64.
- fileUri (string) -- URI to the file or directory.
- options (object) -- Optional props that define how a file must be read.
- encoding (EncodingType) -- The encoding format to use when reading the file. Options: , . Default is .
- length (number) -- Optional number of bytes to read. This option is only used when and is defined.
- position (number) -- Optional number of bytes to skip. This option is only used when and is defined.
A Promise that resolves to a string containing the entire contents of the file.
Write the entire contents of a file as a string.
- fileUri (string) -- URI to the file or directory.
- contents (string) -- The string to replace the contents of the file with.
- options (object) -- Optional props that define how a file must be written.
- encoding (string) -- The encoding format to use when writing the file. Options: , . Default is
Delete a file or directory. If the URI points to a directory, the directory and all its contents are recursively deleted.
- fileUri (string) -- URI to the file or directory.
- options (object) -- A map of options:
- idempotent (boolean) -- If , don't throw an error if there is no file or directory at this URI. by default.
Move a file or directory to a new location.
- options (object) -- A map of options:
- from (string) -- URI to the file or directory at its original location.
- to (string) -- URI to the file or directory at what should be its new location.
Create a copy of a file or directory. Directories are recursively copied with all of their contents. It can be also used to copy content shared by other apps to local filesystem.
- options (object) -- A map of options:
Create a new empty directory.
- fileUri (string) -- URI to the new directory to create.
- options (object) -- A map of options:
- intermediates (boolean) -- If , create any non-existent parent directories when creating the directory at . If , raises an error if any of the intermediate parent directories does not exist or if the child directory already exists. by default.
Enumerate the contents of a directory.
- fileUri (string) -- URI to the directory.
A Promise that resolves to an array of strings, each containing the name of a file or directory contained in the directory at .
Download the contents at a remote URI to a file in the app's file system. The directory for a local file uri must exist prior to calling this function.
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