Possible: State of decay pc free download full version
State of decay pc free download full version - something
State of Decay
It is pretty amazing to think that as of this point the first State of Decay game was released over half a decade ago. This is a game that is all about surviving in a world that has been ripped apart by zombies. Survive from the undead as well as the other humans in this exciting zombie game.
The Story
The original State of Decay was released at a time when many games were forcing multiplayer on people. So, in that regard, it is great to see a game that is designed with the single player in mind. This is fairly story focused and that is something I do really like about this game. The story starts off by having you play as a guy called Marcus. The whole world is decimated due to the zombie apocalypse, but there is also the army and other humans you have to watch out for. There is a nice framework for the story in State of Decay, but it never gets too deep into it which I feel was a missed opportunity. I say this because I do like the story that is here.
The Presentation
If I had to say that there was a weak point to State of Decay it is for sure those ugly visuals. Now you may be thinking that this is just because it is an older game. That is not the case, this was even ugly back when it was first released. There is just a lack of fine detail and polish all around.
I would not say that this spoils the game and you do certainly get used to it. However, State of Decay is never going to win any awards for the way that it looks that is for sure!
The Gameplay
Thankfully State of Decay more than makes up for those ugly visuals in the gameplay department. I really, really like what they have done here. While you start off playing as Marcus, you do play as many other characters in the game as you progress. Survival is the main aim of the game, but how you do this is up to you. You have to build your base and this is way more in depth than you would think. Setting up bases along with outposts and homes for your survivors to live in are all key ingredients to having a “happier” group of survivors.
Speaking of your group of survivors I thought it was pretty cool how when you do come across people you can bring them back to join your community. Of course, doing this has both plusses and minuses so you always have to think before opening your doors to more people. I found the combat in State of Decay to be a lot of fun. The way the game does zombies is actually really cool. These are not all slow and dumb zombies, if they hear you, they will come running. You have a nice selection of different weapon types at your disposal and they can be upgraded and enhanced as you play.
Final Thoughts On State of Decay
I think that State of Decay is still a fun zombie survival game. It is rather slow paced, but that is intentional as survival is what this game is all about. It is cool the way that you can play the game to your own strengths. It is easy to look at the less than amazing graphics and pass on this one, but I do feel that it is worth playing.
Final Score: 8/10
- The game has a fairly large world to explore
- Many different characters to play as and deal with
- Lots of choice in how you play
- I enjoyed what little story was here
- The combat is super fun
- Even the enhanced PC version is not that good looking
- Some technical issues can cause the game to stutter on occasion
