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COVID 19 | Temporary Open & Free Resources
This is a list of newly opened content during the COVID-19 closure period. Please visit often as this list is subject to change.
In order to support institutions and students moving to remote instruction & learning, many publishers are offering some or all of their e-resources freely for a period of few months. Below is a list of publishers/resources that have been made freely available during this period of COVID-19 (Date format: dd/mm/yyyy).
The International Coalition of Library Consortia (ICOLC) community has issued a “Statement on the Global COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Impact on Library Services and Resources.” ICOLC is also maintaining a running tally of all adjustments that vendors are making to the accessibility of their content due to COVID-19. The public-facing list is available here.
OCLC is also maintaining a growing list of this freely available content at oc.lc/covid19-partner-content.
Please note that for some resources you will be prompted to login via EZproxy in order to access the open content.
collections.library [at] mcgill.ca (subject: COVID-19%20Temporary%20Open%20Resources%20page%20error) (Report an error on this page.)
American Institute of Physics (AIP)
AIP Publishing has identified a collection of research articles relevant to infectious diseases, epidemics, computational epidemiology, and pandemics, and made them free to read.
Available until: 31-03-2021
American Mathematical Society (AMS)
Extending grace access for content hosted on our platforms (including MathSciNet). As courses transition to online, we can provide complimentary electronic “reserve” copies of our textbooks for students who do not have access to our print books. Please contact us through the “request desk copy” link on the specific textbook page
Available until: 31-08-2020
American Medical Association (AMA)
JAMA Network COVID-19 collection
The ANSI portal, Freely Available ISO and IEC Standards to Help Address COVID-19 Crisis, now includes 36 international standards covering medical equipment and devices – including ventilators and respiratory equipment; protective clothing used in health care settings; and business continuity management, security, and resilience.
The standards are accessible in read-only format at no cost during the crisis; additional standards may be added in the future.
To access the portal, users must accept the license agreement and register.
Once registered, users can return to the portal via https://asc.ansi.org.
Association of University Presses
The UP Social Distancing Collaboration can be found online at https://covid19.up.hcommons.org/
This site collects and organizes for easy browsing and reference:
Get Informed: A reading list of more than 150 suggested books, articles, collections, and other resources that offer relevant information about public health, pandemics, epidemiology, and more to help understand our current global crisis.
Open UP: A compilation of information about book and journal content from AUPresses members that has been made available via free or open access, especially for educators and students now engaged in remote teaching and learning. This list cites availability, within given timeframes, of works from many publishers.
ASTM International is providing no-cost public access to important ASTM standards used in the production and testing of personal protective equipment - including face masks, medical gowns, gloves, and hand sanitizers - to support manufacturers, test labs, health care professionals, and the general public as they respond to the global COVID-19 public health emergency.
You will need to create an account before accessing the free standards.
Australian National University (ANU) Press
ANU Press has over 880 peer-reviewed publications freely available. Speciality topics include Asia and Pacific studies, gender politics, Indigenous studies, public policy, defence and the environment.
Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL)
Over 250,000 e-books through their digital library portal
Thematic collections
Over 160,000 nature images
Biodiversity Heritage Library
Peer-review research to inform the coronavirus crisis
“Booklist is a book-review magazine that has been published by the American Library Association for more than 100 years, and is widely viewed as offering the most reliable reviews to help libraries decide what to buy and to help library patrons and students decide what to read, view, or listen to.”
Available until: until further notice
Brill has opened up books and articles on topics such as public health, distance learning, crisis research. If any new related content is published with us, it will be added to this collection.
Available until: 30-04-2021
CEN (European Committee for Standardization)
Making available a number of European standards for certain medical devices and personal protective equipment.
List of standards is available at this site (bottom of the page):
Cortellis Drug Discovery Intelligence. You need to request access.
CNKI OA platform for all literatures published regarding COVID-19
Chinese version- http://cajn.cnki.net/gzbd/brief/Default.aspx
English version- http://en.gzbd.cnki.net/GZBT/brief/Default.aspx
They also gathered some e-books and audio resources focused on COVID-19 for free: https://oversea.cnki.net/index/marketing/CNKIebook/en/homepage.html
Available until: 31/12/2020
Movies. Over 1000 videos from Fox Studios.
Off-campus access will continue to be granted for your users through IP-authentication using the Proxy IP address currently being authenticated on your Criterion on Demand account.
Users will still see a restriction message in the title description stating that the title is only for use on-campus. This message will not disappear, but the user WILL NOT be prevented from accessing and playing the film.
Available until: 31/12/2020
Dealhack Canada Guide to Free Online Resources
This is a compilation of online courses, software, academic journals, and apps that you can access for free during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The file contains the details of (and links to) all relevant publications, data sets and clinical trials. The content has been exported from Dimensions using a query in the openly accessible Dimensions application, which you can access at https://covid-19.dimensions.ai
As a Google Sheet: https://bit.ly/2TDDobv
As an Excel file hosted on figshare: https://bit.ly/38DHyEE
Providing all relevant content on COVID-19 in Dimensions as a single export file, updated daily, to make sharing and distributing this research information easier.
Faculty Select
- Faculty Select provides course materials for adoption that are no cost to students
- Faculty Select streamlines access to relevant Open Educational Resources (OER)
- Faculty Select enables faculty to search and request access to high quality eBooks to support course material
- Faculty Select improves access to course content for students
- Faculty Select drives usage and value of your library materials and directly support course curricula
Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IUIk0nX8n0&feature=youtu.be
Available until: until further notice
Novel Coronavirus Information Center. Elsevier’s free health and medical research on novel coronavirus (COVID-19)
Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) Information Center for nursing and healthcare educators.
Equinox Publishing is making all journal issues published in the last 12 months and all new issues freely accessible until the Covid-19 crisis abates.
In response to COVID-19, HathiTrust Digital Library has made over two million books from McGill University Library’s print collection available online for all McGill students, faculty, and staff. The Emergency Temporary Access Service (ETAS) includes in-copyright material. The new service provides remote access to over half of McGill’s print collection.
HathiTrust Digital Library : you need to login with your McGill credentials.
While full downloads are not permitted, you may download individual pages.
Available until: until the end of the corona virus situation
Making available the entire content of our journals free of charge during this period.
Medical fields.
E-journals. JSTOR Archive and Primary Source collections (https://about.jstor.org/covid19/).
Plus 26 archive journals in Public Health
6,000 free selected articles related to COVID-19
Available until: 30/06/2021
Coronavirus / COVID-19 articles freely available.
Available: 31-12-2020
Library Journal is offering temporary free access to the digitized edition of LJ, as well as all the content on our website.
Please enter with the following credentials for full online access:
Login: access [at] libraryjournal.com
Password: LJfullaccess1
We are also providing free access to the digitized editions of our entire magazine archive, including the latest issue. To access, go to the LJ homepage and click on "Access Digitized Edition" in the upper left-hand corner. For return visits, click on "Bookshelf" in the upper right-hand corner of the Bookshelf-MSI landing page.
Free articles on Coronavirus.
AccessEngineering (ACE). ACE webinar.
Available: 31/12/2020
Ohio State University Press
Monographs and the linguistics textbook language files from the Ohio State University Libraries’ Institutional Repository.
Available until: To the end of the crisis
Online Resources for Science Laboratories (POD)
Simulations/virtual labs, case studies, data sets, other media - videos/podcasts/images/photos
Over 2,500 research articles on Coronavirus.
Qinsight. Free access to Qinsight for individual academic and non-profit researchers working on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. Quertle is offering access to the full capabilities of its AI-powered literature discovery application Qinsight. To get access please write to:
fight-covid-19 [at] quertle.com
Video-on-demand service featuring jazz and eclectic music.
Available until: 30-09-2021
Over 150 free medical, social, and behavioral science articles related to the virus and more broadly on managing pandemic.
The SIAM Epidemiology Collection, focused on disease modeling, pandemics, and vaccines, is freely available to all for one year: https://epubs.siam.org/page/EpidemiologyCollection
SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science(https://epubs.siam.org/journal/sjmdaq ) continues to be freely available this year during its introductory launch period.
Coronavirus research and news items.
Nature collection: https://www.nature.com/collections/hajgidghjb
Springer collection: https://www.springernature.com/gp/researchers/campaigns/coronavirus
Coronavirus & COVID-19 research articles
Cochrane Library will be temporarily unrestricted for everyone in every country of the world.
Complimentary access to over 5,000 COVID-19 related articles
Access to a free, real-time feed of the latest research and news on COVID-19, powered by Scitrus, Atypon's AI-driven personalized discovery application.
Free resources from Wiley for those interested in exploring historical perspectives on epidemics, methods used to control their spread, and associated health policies, see: Europe, 1817 or UK, 1854 or Hastings, 1873 or Sydney, 1895
COVID Resource page. Health Clarity website.
Ovid's COVID-19 Toolkit for Clinicians.
Coronavirus Resources & Tools (COVID-19) – Legislation, Laws, etc.