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Steve Jobs
Christensen, Julie Sophie; Nielsen, Jonas; Mørk, Maj Keum Ji Helweg; Mammen, Diana; Kristiansen, Mikkel Vestergaard; Welch, Nadia Guldbæk
Apple is perhaps today one of the most successful technological brands on the market. This company has introduced various products to the consumers, which in a relatively short time has managed to establish a world wide trend based on a functional and aesthetic design. In this project, the primary interest lies in how Apple has achieved this kind of success revolved around the late founder Steve Jobs, who undoubtedly appears as one of the central figures in creating the status that Apple has ...
Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)
Antonio Pedone
Full Text Available The article builds on the Proceedings of a 1962 Italian Parliamentary enquiry commission on competition, to examine the current Italian situation and the prospects for reform. The author focuses in particular on the testimony by Sergio Steve. Text of the speech given at the conference "Mercato e Concorrenza", 18 November 2015, organised the Accademia dei Lincei with Economia civileJEL codes: B30, L40, H20
Interview with Steve Parks
Science.gov (United States)
Hitchcock, Jennifer
Jennifer Hitchcock interviews community activist and director of Syracuse University's Composition and Cultural Rhetoric doctoral program, Steve Parks. They discuss Parks's working-class background, career path, influences, and activism. Parks also considers the direction of the field of composition and rhetoric and expresses optimism for the…
Steve Jobs: Nobel Laureate
Garry Jacobs
The remarkable achievements of one of the world's greatest entrepreneurs offer profound insights into the fundamental nature of economy and essential missing links in prevailing economic theory. The career of Steve Jobs dramatically illustrates the central importance of human capital in modern economy and the almost incalculable contribution that a single individual can make to technological advancement, social innovation and wealth creation, while enhancing the lifestyle of hundreds of milli...
Award for Steve Myers
CERN Multimedia
Last Thursday Steve Myers, Leader of the Accelerator and Beams Division, received one of the UK Institute of Physics awards. He is the recipient of the 2003 Duddel Medal and Prize for his contributions to the development of major charged-particle accelerator projects at CERN. As head of the commissioning group for the Large Electron Positron (LEP) collider, says the citation, his contributions have had «a direct impact on the results from LEP, which have reached a precision and extent far beyond expectation and are key in defining the Standard Model of particle physics».
When steve becomes Stephanie.
Science.gov (United States)
Gary, Loren; Elliot, Brian
Henrietta Mercer, the senior vice president for human resources at LaSalle Chemical, is facing a challenge unprecedented in her career: Steve Ambler, recently appointed the company's group sales director, has decided to change his gender identity. Before Henrietta can finish crafting a corporate response, someone slips a copy of her confidential memo to the executive committee to one of Steve's colleagues, whose outraged reaction suggests the difficulties that may lie ahead. How can she help him transition in a workplace where not everyone is on board with the plan? Linda E. Taylor, the director of work life, equity, and inclusion at Raytheon Missile Systems, advises Henrietta to offer lots of gender identity training. When Raytheon employees question the morality of condoning transgender choices, she replies that the company doesn't pass judgment on its employees' private lives and that working for Raytheon means adhering to its policy of inclusion. Ronald K. Andrews, a vice president and head of human resources at Prudential, says it is crucial to work very closely with the person transitioning and points out that the individual's courage may be what most strikes colleagues. Prudential held a meeting to educate account executives and provide them with talking points before they spoke directly to key clients - not one of whom was lost. Stasha Goliaszewski, a scientist and engineer at Boeing, started her gender transition after four years with the company. HR support helped with other employees, and her professional expertise helped when she called on customers. She advises large companies to prepare their gender-identity policies and not be caught off guard, as Henrietta was. Statistics show that, sooner or later, they are bound to encounter the issue.
Steve Jobs: Nobel Laureate
Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)
Garry Jacobs
Full Text Available The remarkable achievements of one of the world's greatest entrepreneurs offer profound insights into the fundamental nature of economy and essential missing links in prevailing economic theory. The career of Steve Jobs dramatically illustrates the central importance of human capital in modern economy and the almost incalculable contribution that a single individual can make to technological advancement, social innovation and wealth creation, while enhancing the lifestyle of hundreds of millions of people. Jobs demonstrated that the real basis of economic value is providing valuable products and services that fulfill human needs and aspirations, not unregulated markets and financial speculation. His apparent failures point to the dual nature of uncertainty that presides over all human activity - both the ever present threat of error and the untold opportunities hidden behind the veil. Widely regarded as a genius for inventing better products, his greatest commercial achievement has been in recognizing the central importance of services in modern society and fashioning integrated social service systems within which products act as an enabling technology.
Koherensi Dalam Pidato Steve Jobs
This study entitled ‘Coherence in Steve Jobs Speech' Coherence is a study about relation of meaning between sentence in the text, and coherence is one of the seven norms in discourse analysis. This study is attempt to identify, classify, and analyze the relation of meaning of coherence contained in the speech. The data collected, the writer reads the speech of Steve Jobs for several times deep understanding. The writer used the theory of Alba-Juez and supported the theory by Van Dijk the theo...
Meet AAPT's new President, Steve Iona
Science.gov (United States)
Willis, Courtney
I first met Steve Iona 40 years ago at a Denver Area Physics Teachers meeting. Steve had recently completed bachelor's and master's degrees in mathematics from the University of Chicago. Being a Colorado native, he was interested in returning to Colorado to teach. Steve had some rather high-powered recommendations, including one from a Nobel laureate. As Steve is fond of saying, because the recommendations were secret, he never knew if they were positive or not, but at least they were good enough for him to get a job teaching junior high school! Within a couple of years Steve had moved to the high school and was teaching Project Physics, astronomy, and general science. Steve continued to teach high school for over 25 years.
Steve Jobs And Modern Leadership
Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)
Sorin-George Toma
Full Text Available During the time, especially in the last fifty years, leadership has increasingly become a major subject in the management literature, a subject of much thought, writing and teaching. While the importance of leadership is generally accepted all over the world, there are as many definitions of it as there are organizations. In spite of the fact that the business literature on leadership is so voluminous, there is not an agreed-upon definition of the concept of leadership. Leadership is not only intensely studied, but also practiced in different organizations. How to lead effectively an organization depends on many factors such as the organizational culture, the behavior of the followers, and the personal traits of the leader. The vast majority of successful leaders are multi-dimensional individuals. The aims of our paper are to present a short biography of Steve Jobs and to highlight his contribution to modern leadership. Our research is based on a literature review. The S. Jobs example illustrates how a transformational leader as him can be a key factor in successfully turning round the fortunes of a company as Apple. The paper facilitates a better understanding of modern leadership, emphasizing the case of S. Jobs, and provides a platform on which to build further studies on the same subject.
Summary of Steve Jobs, Walter Isaacson
CERN Document Server
Reader, Capitol
This ebook consists of a summary of the ideas, viewpoints and facts presented by Walter Isaacson in his book "Steve Jobs". This summary offers a concise overview of the entire book in less than 30 minutes reading time. However this work does not replace in any case Walter Isaacson's book.Isaacson reveals the story of Steve Jobs career, which is a tale filled with lessons about innovation, character, leadership and being true to one's own values.
Steve Forbes näeb Eestit rikkaimate riikide hulgas / Steve Forbes ; interv. Kertu Ruus
Index Scriptorium Estoniae
Forbes, Steve, 1947-
Meediamagnaat Steve Forbes ütleb intervjuus Äripäevale, et Eesti jõuab rikkaimate riikide hulka, kuid peab edu jätkumiseks äärmiselt oluliseks haridust ning Eesti vajab tema hinnangul selles osas pikaajalist plaani. Vt. samas: Steve Forbes; Ansip: Forbes tõstab Eesti tuntust maailmas
Steve O'Neale 1948-2003
CERN Multimedia
Charlton, D; Watkins, P
ATLAS was shocked and saddened to hear of the sudden death of Steve O'Neale on 25 November 2003. Steve was a valued, even inimitable, member of the Birmingham particle physics group from the early 1970's. In his early career, he worked on a number of bubble chamber experiments, mainly using neutrino beams, and he was computing co-ordinator of the OPAL experiment for many years. For more than ten years Steve was also a member of the core ATLAS computing team at CERN, from where he made an unforgettable impact on the Collaboration. And what an impact, as a personality and colleague, as well as a highly esteemed professional, and not least for many as a dear friend. As a professional he brought to the project his deep knowledge and irreplaceable experience in particle physics software and computing. The computing landscape has changed radically over the period of Steve's activities in this field, and even over his time in ATLAS. It is remarkable how naturally Steve kept pace with these changes. It needed hi...
Hea vaistuga miljardiliigutaja Steve Jurvetson / Lauri Levo
Index Scriptorium Estoniae
Levo, Lauri
Ilmunud ka: Life in Estonia 2005/06, Winter, lk. 24-27. Riskiinvesteerimisfirma Draper, Fisher, Jurvetson (DFJ) üks omanikke Steve Jurvetson tutvustab oma tüüpilist tööpäeva, haridusteed ja hobisid. Kommenteerib AS-i IT Grupp asutaja ja tuumikinvestor Jaak Ennuste
Steve Jobs and the User Psyche
Denning, Peter J.
The article of record as published may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2043155.2043157 Peter J. Denning reflects on a meeting he had with Steve Jobs in 1988. Published in ACM Ubiquity.Ubiquity Commentary
Steve O'Neale 1948 - 2003
CERN Multimedia
Colleagues and friends in CERN and beyond regret the sudden death of Steve O'Neale. Steve had a wide-ranging career, which started with studies of neutrino interactions in bubble chambers, where he participated in the CERN and Fermilab programmes. He worked on many aspects of the geometrical reconstruction and fitting software. He also took part in an experiment using a tagged photon beam in a SLAC bubble chamber. A major part of his career was spent in OPAL, where his contributions were exceptional, both in quantity and in quality. He served as an Offline Coordinator for many years, and his mark can be found throughout OPAL's software environment. Hundreds of young scientists owe their starting careers to the care and dedication that Steve spent in the provision of a fully-working computing platform for OPAL. In parallel to his OPAL work, he contributed to Babar, to CERN's central software services, and to ATLAS. On ATLAS, Steve was initially responsible for the SLUG framework, but made his most significa...
Steve Jürvetson muudab maailma / Jaanika Heinsoo
Index Scriptorium Estoniae
Heinsoo, Jaanika
Ameerikas elavast eestlasest riskiinvestorist, tema tegevusest infotehnoloogia alal, Eesti rollist infotehnoloogia maailmas, lähituleviku arengutest, iidolitest. Vt. samas intervjuud Steve Jürvetsoniga. Lisa: Steve Jürvetson
The real leadership lessons of Steve Jobs.
Science.gov (United States)
Isaacson, Walter
The author, whose biography of Steve Jobs was an instant best seller after the Apple CEO's death in October 2011, sets out here to correct what he perceives as an undue fixation by many commentators on the rough edges of Jobs's personality. That personality was integral to his way of doing business, Isaacson writes, but the real lessons from Steve Jobs come from what he actually accomplished. He built the world's most valuable company, and along the way he helped to transform a number of industries: personal computing, animated movies, music, phones, tablet computing, retail stores, and digital publishing. In this essay Isaacson describes the 14 imperatives behind Jobs's approach: focus; simplify; take responsibility end to end; when behind, leapfrog; put products before profits; don't be a slave to focus groups; bend reality; impute; push for perfection; know both the big picture and the details; tolerate only "A" players; engage face-to-face; combine the humanities with the sciences; and "stay hungry, stay foolish."
SR-71 Pilot Stephen (Steve) D. Ishmael
Science.gov (United States)
sideslip, which are normally obtained with small tubes and vanes extending into the airstream. One of Dryden's SR-71s was used for the Linear Aerospike Rocket Engine, or LASRE Experiment. Another earlier project consisted of a series of flights using the SR-71 as a science camera platform for NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. An upward-looking ultraviolet video camera placed in the SR-71's nosebay studied a variety of celestial objects in wavelengths that are blocked to ground-based astronomers. Earlier in its history, Dryden had a decade of past experience at sustained speeds above Mach 3. Two YF-12A aircraft and an SR-71 designated as a YF-12C were flown at the center between December 1969 and November 1979 in a joint NASA/USAF program to learn more about the capabilities and limitations of high-speed, high-altitude flight. The YF-12As were prototypes of a planned interceptor aircraft based on a design that later evolved into the SR-71 reconnaissance aircraft. Dave Lux was the NASA SR-71 project manger for much of the decade of the 1990s, followed by Steve Schmidt. Developed for the USAF as reconnaissance aircraft more than 30 years ago, SR-71s are still the world's fastest and highest-flying production aircraft. The aircraft can fly at speeds of more than 2,200 miles per hour (Mach 3+, or more than three times the speed of sound) and at altitudes of over 85,000 feet. The Lockheed Skunk Works (now Lockheed Martin) built the original SR-71 aircraft. Each aircraft is 107.4 feet long, has a wingspan of 55.6 feet, and is 18.5 feet high (from the ground to the top of the rudders, when parked). Gross takeoff weight is about 140,000 pounds, including a possible fuel weight of 80,280 pounds. The airframes are built almost entirely of titanium and titanium alloys to withstand heat generated by sustained Mach 3 flight. Aerodynamic control surfaces consist of all-moving vertical tail surfaces, ailerons on the outer wings, and elevators on the trailing edges
Steve Jobs, Ameerika Hans H. Luik / Kertu Ruus
Index Scriptorium Estoniae
Ruus, Kertu, 1977-
Autor võrdleb Apple'i asutajat ja juhti Steve Jobsi Eesti meediaärimehe Hans H. Luigega. Vt. samas: Jobs: ärge raisake aega teiste elu elamisele; Forbes: iPhone'ist saab Apple'i suur hitt; CV: Steven Paul Jobs. Diagramm: Apple'i aktsia